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Transcend Page 20

by Sandra R Neeley

  Kron, Kol and Buchanan moved quickly out of Kol’s quarters. He paused at the door to look at Ba Re’. “Do not leave Elisher unguarded. Diskastes would certainly try to hurt him because he’s helped us amass evidence against him.” Then he closed the door and their footsteps could be heard echoing down the hallway as they ran.

  Elisher’s system flashed one hundred percent. “I’m done! One hundred percent,” she said, getting to her feet.

  “I’m at ninety-seven percent,” Ba Re’ answered, still manually typing in the commands to accept each line of cleaned data as it hit his system.

  “One hundred percent yet?” Elisher asked, watching from over Ba Re’s shoulder.

  “Almost…” Ba Re’ answered, still typing.

  Then Ba Re’ jumped to his feet. “One hundred percent!” he said.

  “Yes!” Elisher said, throwing herself against Ba Re’ and hugging him.

  Ba Re’ hugged Elisher back, then almost immediately his face fell, and he pushed Elisher away with a scowl on his face.

  Ba Re’ didn’t look at Elisher again, he simply retook his seat and began pulling up the spread sheets that they’d migrated from Elisher’s infected system to Ba Re’s laptop, which was connected to Missy, along with all the supporting documents and entries.

  Elisher recovered from being pushed away by Ba Re’ and readily took responsibility for the awkward situation on herself. Some people, aliens included, just didn't like being touched, and Ba Re’ didn’t like her when she wasn’t touching him — she should have known better than to hug him, even on impulse. She walked over and stood behind Ba Re’, watching as he assembled the already built spread sheets into one report to forward to Chairman Bartholomew. Elisher stood there, one hand on the back of the chair that Ba Re’ sat on, as she leaned close to him and watched the screen as he worked.

  Ba Re’ ground his teeth and did his best not to react to Elisher, but it was hard to do. He was right there, just inches from his face. Elisher’s scent permeated Ba Re’s space and Ba Re’ could feel the warmth coming from Elisher with his body so near.

  “Move away from me,” Ba Re’ snarled.

  Elisher jerked back like she’d been slapped. “I’m sorry. I’m just interested in the work. This is my work. I’ve done nothing but assemble this data since Kol arrived.”

  “Move. Away,” Ba Re’ growled, more deeply and threateningly than he had since he’d arrived.

  Elisher moved away from Ba Re’. “You’re a jerk. I’ve done nothing to you and you treat me like I’m an enemy. You don’t even have the balls to explain what the hell your problem is,” Elisher snapped, walking toward her bedroom to get away from the edgy male.

  Suddenly Elisher was airborne, but not out of control. Strong arms held her securely as her body was spun and pressed to the wall beside her bedroom door. Ba Re’ pressed the length of his body against Elisher’s, allowing her to feel every taut muscle, the pulse of his heartbeat at his throat, and the steel like hardness of his swollen shaft as it pressed into Elisher’s belly.

  Ba Re’ didn’t speak. He pressed his hand against Elisher’s throat and forced her chin up so he could glare down into her face, merely centimeters away from her.

  Elisher was scared, as she should be.

  Ba Re’ scented his fear but he couldn’t help it. He was nearly to the point of losing control. Elisher slipped his tongue out and licked his lips nervously and that was all it took.

  Ba Re’ descended on her. Grabbing Elisher’s short hair in the fist of one hand while he held Elisher’s body still with the other pressed against her throat. Ba Re’s mouth covered Elisher’s, his tongue forcing its way in as he slammed her head against the wall at the same time he drove his hips into her. Ba Re’ plundered her mouth until she was actually dizzy from the contact.

  Then just as suddenly, she was alone, her feet on the floor, leaning against the wall, trying to maintain her balance and Ba Re’ was across the room watching her with a look that had it been possible, would have struck her dead.

  “That’s the fucking problem,” he snapped. “Cruestaci warriors don’t take males as life mates. And I sure as fuck won’t be the first. You cannot be my Ehlealah! It is not possible!” he snarled, before stalking into Kol’s bedroom and slamming the door behind himself.

  Elisher stood where she’d been when Be Re’ had released her and moved away. Her eyes were wide, her breath coming in short pants, and her mind whirling. Ba Re’ thought she was his Ehlealah. And he thought she was a male. Elisher turned from where she leaned against the wall and went through the door of her bedroom, which was directly beside her. She quietly closed and locked the door, then went straight to her bathroom and locked that door behind herself as well.

  Her hands shook as she turned on the water and waited until it warmed so she could wash her face. She looked up at her reflection in the mirror. Her heart was racing at the thought of this powerful male identifying her as his life mate. She was attracted to him, and had he not been so damned grouchy, she may have had a hard time staying away from him herself, but her mind kept screaming of all she’d sacrificed to get to this point. She couldn’t tell him. If she did, her cover would be blown — all her plans shot to hell.

  Her entire body jumped as she reacted to a roar coming from just across the common space she shared with Kol. Ba Re’, no doubt, was screaming his own frustration. She really hoped Kol came back soon. She didn’t have any idea of what to do if Ba Re’ burst into her bathroom in search of her. She wanted him — badly. But she could never have him. She’d laid out her life to be lived as a male. And as he’d so clearly stated, Cruestaci males did not take males as life mates.


  Ada Jane had just finished lunch when there was a knock at her door. Her heart jumped at the sound of the knock. It had to be Kol — she just knew it was. She’d refused to call him all night long, or this morning, and finally he’d come back to her to explain why he hadn’t returned her call.

  Ada walked over to her door and didn’t stop to peek out of the window because she was sure she knew who it was. She pulled her door opened and spoke at the same time. “It’s about time you decided to remember me.”

  “I wasn’t sure you wanted to be remembered considering how quickly you left the clinic,” Jason said, smiling brightly.

  Ada was surprised into silence. She’d not expected Jason to be here at all. She didn’t even know for sure that he knew where she was. “Jason,” she said, her unease evident.

  “You were expecting someone else,” he said, still smiling, though not as brightly.

  “I… well, yes. But, that’s not important. Come on in,” she invited, stepping back to allow him entrance into her home. “Why are you here?” she asked, closing the door behind him. “And how did you know where I was?” she asked.

  “I just wanted to check on you. To make sure that you were settled and acclimating well,” Jason explained. “And the credits from your band show an origination of these coordinates. The pastor advised me this cottage is yours,” he said, indicating Pastor Douglas’s cottage.

  “Oh. Well, yes. I’m acclimating quite well. I’ve got my own place, as you can see,” she said, looking around her living room. “And I’ve got a part-time job, helping Pastor Douglas keep the church and the grounds up. I’m doing well,” she said, sliding her hands into the back pockets of her jeans, as she smiled at him and waited to see what he’d ask next.

  “I’m glad to see that, Ada Jane. I was worried about you when you rushed off so quickly with the alien male that showed up at the clinic with no warning at all,” Jason said.

  “Warning?” she asked, as she moved into the living room from the front door and with a wave of her hand indicated that Jason should have a seat. “Would you like a glass of tea or water or something?” she asked.

  Jason sat down and nodded. “Tea would be nice. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” Ada said, going into her kitchen. She came back into the l
iving room and handed Jason his glass of tea before she continued her question. “What warning should he have given?” Ada Jane asked.

  “It’s more a statement of my own perception than anything else. I wasn’t aware that you had friends here, so I was caught off guard when he showed up and whisked you away. Do you know him well?” Jason asked.

  “I see. Because I didn’t confide in you about Kol, you felt slighted?” Ada Jane asked.

  “Well, no. It’s not that. I just…” Jason stopped speaking, not knowing quite how to explain himself. Finally he just decided to go for a small amount of honesty. “I like you, Ada Jane. I had hoped that we’d have an opportunity to get to know one another and you would see that you can depend on me. I’d hoped that we could be more than friends.”

  Ada Jane nodded slowly as she let Jason speak until he felt he’d said all he had to say. “I like you, Jason. And I hope we can be friends. But, Kol and I are married — I think.”

  “You think?” Jason asked.

  “He is mine. And he says that I’m his Ehlealah, I’m his mate. So, I think according to his people, we’re married.”

  “Just to his people?” Jason asked.

  “Well, to me too. It’s just, right after we made it official, he was called away on business and I haven’t been able to get in touch with him,” she admitted, unable to keep the irritation from showing on her face.

  Jason was not thrilled at the idea of the woman he’d set his sights on being committed to another. The idea that Kol had not been in touch with Ada Jane since they’d ‘made it official’ as she called it, put him in mind of men who would spout claims of love until they’d gotten what they wanted, then leave the woman high and dry while they moved on to greener pastures.

  He watched Ada Jane and decided she wasn’t so sure herself. The way her eyes focused on a spot across the room and she seemed to get lost in her own head after admitting to him that she’d not heard from him since he’d been called away.

  “Ada, as your friend, I can take you to him if you like,” Jason offered, hedging his bets that they’d find the male with another woman on the side, then he’d be able to soothe Ada Jane and guide her right into a relationship with him just as he’d originally planned.

  Ada snapped out of her inner reflection thinking of her irritation at Kol not returning her call. “You know… let me try to call him again,” she said, getting to her feet and going into her bedroom.

  “Call him? We haven’t called anyone in years,” Jason said, chuckling.

  “Call, com, you know what I mean,” she answered as she lifted her communicator and smoothed her thumb over it like Kol had shown her. It came to life and she smiled when it greeted her. “Hello, Ehlealah Ada Jane Ra’ Don Tol. How may I help you?”

  “Hello, Missy. Can you com Kol for me?” she asked.

  “Of course. Just one moment,” Missy answered.

  Jason sat in the living room, listening to the interaction between Ada Jane and whatever device she was using to com the alien she believed she was married to.

  Moments later Missy was back. “Ehlealah Ada Jane Ra’ Don Tol?” Missy asked.

  “Yes, I’m here,” Ada Jane answered.

  “He is not answering his com. I took the liberty of coming his assistant, Elisher, but Elisher is not answering his com either. All communications are temporarily blocked. Shall I leave a message for them.”

  “Yes, please, Missy. For Kol, anyway. Please do not leave one for Elisher,” Ada Jane responded.

  “As you requested, a message is being left for Ambassador Kol. I will not leave a message for Elisher. Is there anything else I can help you with?” Missy asked.

  “No, thank you, Missy,” Ada Jane said, the disappointment clear in her voice.

  She went back into the living room with the communicator in her hand and sat down. “He’s not answering. He must be busy.”

  “Perhaps,” Jason said.

  Ada nodded and tried to hide her insecurities. “Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat?” she asked.

  “No, thank you. I’m more concerned that you look a little upset. Does your husband have an assistant you can call?” Jason asked.

  “I tried. She isn’t answering either. I’m sure they’re busy, they were working on a big project together,” Ada Jane said.

  “I’m sure you’re right. I’m sure it’s nothing but business. Where are they?” Jason asked.

  “Base 28. In Texas,” Ada replied.

  “Why don’t you let me take you there. Put your mind at ease, then I’ll bring you back once you know he’s okay,” Jason offered.

  “Really? You’d do that for me?” Ada Jane asked.

  “Ada Jane,” Jason said, getting to his feet and walking over to her. He clasped her hand between his. “There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  Ada gently pulled her hand free from his and offered a tenuous smile. “I suppose it couldn’t do any harm,” Ada Jane said. She got to her feet and slipped her communicator into her front left pocket, since her weapon was in her right front pocket. “Okay, well, I guess I’d appreciate that ride then. I’ll just let Pastor Douglas know that I’ll be gone for a little while. How long do you think I’ll be away?”

  “You’ll be back by this evening, I’m sure,” Jason assured her.

  Jason followed her out of her home, pretty sure that he’d be bringing her back to his own home after she unexpectedly dropped in on her husband and his assistant, who were no doubt in the midst of activities other than business as were most aliens stationed here on Earth. It sickened Jason that so many human females were taken advantage of by the aliens that had invaded the planet. He took great pride in his status as a Purist, and had no doubt that Ada Jane would as well once she’d realized that the aliens were known far and wide for sexual escapades with human women. She’d soon see that fortunately for her, he’d intervened just in time to prevent her fully being taken advantage of by them again.

  He smiled as he followed her out to his transport. She was about to have her heart broken, but that was okay. He’d be there to pick up the pieces and from this day on, she’d be a Purist just like him.

  Chapter 24

  Kol, Kron, and Buchanan were met by Zhuxi and the combined security forces of his own and Buchanan’s, as they stepped into the corridor leading to Diskastes’s official offices.

  “We’ve been ordered to take Diskastes into custody,” Kol said, a growl in his voice since his Psi had been engaged, knowing they were going into battle.

  “Is all complete? We are ready?” Zhuxi asked.

  “Yes. All data uploads should have been uploaded to Chairman Bartholomew as of now. Elisher is safe in my quarters, being protected by Ba Re’, and all is a go.”

  “How do you wish to proceed?” Zhuxi asked.

  Kol quickly engineered a plan that had several males proceeding down the corridor and forcing their way into the offices with himself and Buchanan. Kron took a third of their combined force outside to take out the electricity and to watch for anyone attempting to escape the base, and the rest of their force was sent on general patrol of the base and to take into custody any who’d been in Diskastes’s employ and seemed to be loyal to him — better safe than sorry at this point. No one that had previously been associated with Diskastes would be allowed to go free.

  Kol and those who were waiting with him and Buchanan stayed where they were, remaining quiet and undetected so Kron could have a chance to get into place outside the base.

  Kol had heeded Bart’s advice to activate the live feed on his com and clipped it to the strap over his left shoulder. Having slipped his ear piece in as he first left his quarters, he tapped it activating it as well. “Power’s out. We’re a go in five, four, three, two, one,” Kol said, before raising his hand in the air, index finger extended as he pointed forward twice, signaling to the men behind him that it was time to move in. They began down the darkened corridor, crouching low, with weapons drawn.

n feet from Diskastes’s office, they encountered the first of Diskastes’s forces. “You are being taken into custody by order of the Unified Consortium Defense!” Kol shouted.

  His announcement was ignored as the forces gave immediate resistance, completely ignoring, or not caring about, Kol’s announcement that the Consortium had ordered their apprehension. A few short minutes and hand-to-hand combat moves later and the four males who’d been left to defend the exterior of the office were under control and in custody. Two males were left behind to oversee them as the remainder entered the offices.

  They tried the knob and found it locked. Unperturbed, Kol kicked the door in and entered, his weapon drawn, shouting that Diskastes was to be taken into custody on charges to be determined by the Unified Consortium Defense. As the door was kicked in, more of Diskastes’s males attacked. Shots were exchanged this time, and several on both sides of the confrontation were injured, but thankfully, the only two that fell lifeless were members of Diskastes’s security forces.

  Buchanan was having more fun than he should have been. He carried an antique shot gun, and was personally responsible for the death of both of the casualties on Diskastes’s forces. Kol glanced toward Buchanan after the first shot with a surprised look on his face, and Buchanan grinned at him. “I prefer doing things the old fashioned way.”

  Kol returned his attention to the large office and the small skirmishes that were quickly controlled since most of the opposing security force in the office quickly realized it would be in their best interest to lay down their weapons and surrender. He realized as the remaining members of Diskastes’s males were taken into custody, that Diskastes himself was missing.

  “He’s not here,” Kol growled.

  “Where is he?” Buchanan shouted, nudging one of the males from Diskastes’s home planet with the barrel end of his rifle.

  The male lifted his chin in the air, his mouth closed tightly, refusing to answer.

  “Where the fuck is he?” Buchanan demanded, leveling the rifle at the male’s head.


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