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Transcend Page 25

by Sandra R Neeley

  Ada Jane collapsed to her knees screaming her pain to the winds, sobbing and pounding the ground with her closed fists. She had no idea how long she lay there, sobbing until Pastor Douglas found her and helped her back to her cottage. He got her settled on her sofa and made her a cup of coffee. “Do you want to talk about it, Ada Jane?” he asked.

  Ada shook her head as she stared out of the front windows.

  “Do you want company? I can stay with you if you need me to,” he offered.

  “You knew,” she said softly.

  Pastor Douglas nodded. “He asked me to watch over you until he comes back, if he’s able to come back.”

  Ada’s tears began to silently slide down her cheeks again as she kept staring out of the windows.

  “You want to be alone for a while?” he asked.

  Ada nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll be back in a little while to check on you. I’ll be working close by today. If you need me, just call out,” Pastor Douglas said.

  Ada nodded, but never said another word as Pastor Douglas left her home.

  Ada sat there, nothing making sense to her, as she continued to look out through the windows. Then she noticed something she hadn’t before. She got up and walked over to the small table they kept near the front door and picked up a folded piece of paper that had been left there. When she saw what it was, she started to cry again as she made her way back to the sofa to sit and read it.

  My Dearest Ehlealah,

  It is my understanding that it was an Earth custom of your time to write love letters to your female when you go away. So, this is my love letter to you. Know that I am yours, Ada Jane. Know that until you, I was an empty male, wanting endlessly things I barely had any knowledge of. Once I found you, my true purpose was revealed — to love you, to cherish you until time ends. And that I will do no matter where I am.

  I am sorry that I’ve been forced to leave you. Had I my way, I would never leave your side. But in my world, honor is valued, and I cannot become less than honorable. I have always acted with honor, even in battle. I trust that all will be well and I will return to you soon. But if I cannot, do not think for one moment that it is my choice. You are the only thing that will ever bring me peace. You, your smile, your scent, your taste, your heart. You are my life, Ada Jane.

  Kron is staying behind at Earth Base 28 to oversee its operations. He will be checking in with you. Do not hesitate to ask for anything at all you may need or want. Do not be surprised if Buchanan and Zhuxi make themselves available as well. It is my understand that Ba Re’ and Elisha will be returning to Command Warship 1, but I’m not exactly sure at what time.

  I’ve left my weapons here with you, and I’ve left my cruiser with you as well. Missy has been instructed to give you access to all things you may want or need, but she will not show you the legal proceedings of my trial. I have forbidden her from doing so. Because the cruiser is there, you may access it at anytime. It is stronger than most things on Earth and will shelter you from anything I can think of. It will open for you and only you. None other can access it. If you wish to activate the weapons I’ve left with you, Missy will help you assign them to your DNA. You will remember how to fire them from the days we practiced, I’m sure.

  I love you, Ada Jane. I am proud to be your male and will carry you in my heart always.

  Be strong for me, my love.

  Your mate, Kol Ra’ Don Tol

  Ada Jane fell apart again, sobbing and crying as she clutched the letter Kol had left her. She fell over on the sofa and stayed that way for the rest of the day, alternating reading his letter, crying, then sleeping before waking and beginning the process all over again.


  “We are arriving now, Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol,” one of his escorts advised.

  Kol nodded.

  “We are supposed to restrain you for arrival, but I believe that if you are allowed to willingly present yourself for processing, you will be better received by all who watch.”

  “Are there many who will be watching?” Kol asked, not really concerned with who watched, he was still seeing Ada Jane as she begged him to stay with her.

  “Yes. Make no mistake, every move you make, every word you say will be recorded as evidence. It can work against you, or in your favor.”

  Kol nodded again. “I understand. Thank you,” he said to the male, rising from his seat as his escorts did as well.

  “No thanks necessary. I’ve seen the vids. I do not believe this is necessary, but I have my orders.”

  “Understood,” Kol answered. He stepped up behind the two Consortium escorts who waited to lead him out of their ship and heard the other two step up behind him.

  “We’ll escort you in. We will be met by another escort and everything will be viewed and recorded. You have not much to fear, though. Chairman Bartholomew has made it known to each of us that is personable with him that you are a friend of his. Even those who are not particularly considered his friends respect him, and no one is willing to risk his anger. He has demanded that you be treated with respect.”

  “Thank you,” Kol replied as they began to exit the ship. Kol looked around the landing pad and the docking spaces and realized they were about to walk up a catwalk toward the landing Bart awaited them on. He managed a bit of a smirk when he realized that Bart had mimicked much of the way Quin greeted visitors to Command Warship 1 in the set up of the docking bay, and the walkways leading to the astromegastructure the Consortium called home base. The large metal sphere was planet shaped, with different docking bays for shipping and receiving personnel, as well as dignitaries and goods.

  It was basically a self-sufficient man made planet that orbited on the outer edges of Earth’s solar system. It housed at any given time a minimum of three thousand people and all interstellar trials and legal proceedings took place there. It housed holding cells for the accused, their own military, the trappings of its own imitation of a small town with several various stores that offered a small selection of goods for purchase, medical facilities, offices for all dignitaries assigned to it, as well as accomodations and a few extra offices for those who may be visiting temporarily. But, it was for the most part the headquarters for the Consortium and was, therefore, a military based facility.

  Bart stood above the docking floor, looking down over those who arrived with authority. Quin did the same thing, and it worked very well as an intimidation tactic. Kol approached Bart and several others who sat on the board of the Consortium under his own power, walking freely and keeping his eyes pinned to Bart as he approached.

  “Elite Commander Kol Ra’ Don Tol, we thank you for your willingness to remand yourself into our custody. We hope these proceedings will move forward expediently with the utmost accuracy so that we may all return to our previous assignments,” Bart said officially.

  “As do I,” Kol answered.

  “Please follow your escorts to your assigned holding cell. Your legal representation will arrive shortly to meet with you and lay out in detail all findings of the court so far.”

  “I haven’t requested legal representation. Who have you assigned?” Kol asked, becoming concerned that it was someone other than a Cruestaci.

  Bart smiled at Kol. “Me. I am your legal representation.”

  Kol realized immediately what it meant for Bart to be willing to represent him. It meant he was risking his entire career. Kol inclined his head one single time, and though he looked Bart directly in the eye, he offered no words. None were needed.

  “I will see you shortly, Elite Commander,” Bart called after him as he followed his escort to what was essentially his jail cell.

  Chapter 30

  Kol sat on his bunk and waited for whatever was to happen next. They’d brought him food and water, but he wasn’t interested. They’d brought him blankets, bedding, and toiletries, and they still sat in a small stack on the floor. He just wasn’t interested in anything, but getting this over with and ge
tting back to Ada Jane. Kol’s mind registered footsteps echoing down the corridor toward him, but again, he gave no indication that he even cared.

  Moments later a male came to a stop in front of his cell, and he gradually turned his gaze toward him.

  “Kol, how are you?” Bart asked.

  Kol shrugged. “Want to go home,” he answered.

  “I know, but we can’t release you to Command Warship 1 until we clear your name. Once that’s done, we’ll get you back to the ship as soon as possible, and send Ada Jane to you as well,” Bart promised.

  Kol’s forehead creased as he processed Bart’s words. Then he shook his head. “No. I want to go back to Earth. Earth is my home. Besides, Ada Jane and my friends are there. I don’t want to go back to Command Warship 1. I fought to make something honorable out of Base 28, and I’ve fought to help Ada Jane find her place and heal her soul. She wants to live on Earth on her parents’ land, and I want to live beside her,” Kol said passionately.

  “I don’t know if that can be achieved, Kol. I may not be able to secure your place back on Earth. It’ll be tough enough to prove your state of mind and gain your innocence for release back to Command Warship 1,” Bart said.

  “I understand. Do what you can,” Kol conceded.

  “I’m really sorry it’s all come to this. But I have faith that we can at the very least get you released. From there we’ll just have to see if they’ll allow you back on Earth or not.”

  “Thank you, Bart. Have you any news of Ada Jane?” Kol asked.

  “No, not yet. But, I’ll ask, alright? I’ll find out how she is for you.”

  “It’s been what, two days since I left her?” Kol asked.

  “About that, yes,” Bart confirmed.

  “Kron would have checked on her by now. He should have some news. If she asks of me, tell her I am positive and anxious to get back to her. Send my love,” Kol said.

  “I will, Kol.”

  Kol nodded, then seemed to lose any desire to talk, allowing his gaze to float away from Bart.

  “You’ve not asked for me to contact Quin or anyone from Cruestace,” Bart said.

  Kol shook his head. “I’ve done nothing wrong. And if by some small chance, I’m unfairly found guilty of whatever they assume I’ve done wrong, I do not wish for it to reflect on my Sire or our people. I will be solely responsible. Not them,” Kol answered.

  “You know I’ve spoken to him. He’s not going to just step away from you,” Bart said.

  Kol didn’t reply, he simply stared straight ahead.

  Bart sighed, then began to speak. “Tomorrow we’re going to start going through the evidence. I’ll send an escort to bring you to one of my meeting rooms. Our schedule will be the same each and every day. Breakfast, evidence, lunch, evidence, dinner, prepare a defense. We will do this each and every day until your trial, and if necessary, we will do it all over again.”

  “How long will this take?” Kol asked.

  “You know how long it takes to have anything done in any world dealing with their government’s bureaucracy?”

  “Yes,” Kol said dejectedly.

  “Imagine having to go through all the bureaucracy of each of the governing members of the Consortium. This will not be a quickly moving trial. And I like it that way. It provides us time to slowly and methodically build your case, all the while preparing one against Diskastes post mortem.”

  “What do you think the chances of me going home are?” Kol asked.

  “I’m not sure. But with the evidence we’re gathering on Diskastes, I feel sure we can completely justify your actions, and have you freed. Where you end up calling home has yet to be seen,” Bart said truthfully.

  Kol nodded. “I will be right here waiting,” he said, looking at Bart once more.

  The next morning Kol wasn’t brought breakfast. Instead, he was delivered to a conference room where Bart awaited him with an entire buffet of breakfast foods laid out for just the two of them and Bart’s assistants. There were several computers and tablets lying about as well as a holovid podium for the viewing of any information that may need a closer look, and stacks of documents and photographs scattered across the large conference table.

  “Good morning, Kol. Help yourself to any food you may like, and have a seat. I’ll bring you up to speed on what we’ve found so far.”

  Kol glanced over at the food then at all the computers, and stacks of evidence. “I’m not really hungry,” he answered.

  “Eat. You’ll need your strength,” Bart answered.

  Kol thought about it and decided that Bart was right. No matter what happened, he’d need his strength, and he’d need to be in shape to be able to be ready for whatever was required of him. He walked over to the buffet and served himself a plate, then took the seat Bart indicated.

  “So, we’ve found that for every one human that disappeared without a trace, there are six more within Base 28’s sector that have gone missing over the last ten Earth years.”

  “You believe he was involved in the disappearance of young females?” Kol asked.

  “And males. I believe that he’s been involved for a very long time. Especially since he’s on tape assaulting Vivian,” Bart said as he watched the images projected onto the white board. “Forgive the rudimentary slide projector, not all the documentation is adapted for holographic projection via the holovid podium.”

  Kol shook his head as he absentmindedly ate his breakfast and listened to Bart speak in detail on every single piece of evidence that he projected on the board at the opposite end of the conference room. By the time lunch rolled around, Kol found himself fully immersed in the evidence and actually feeling motivated to dig deeper. He looked over at Bart. “Thank you for all your help, Bart,” Kol said sincerely.

  “Don’t give it a second thought, Kol. I have no doubt that this is all just bullshit. You’ve done nothing to be sitting here, but because the charges were filed formally, I have to recognize them and justify your actions. We’ll beat this. Part of this is because of the stigma that follows the Cruestaci people as well.”

  “I am aware of the consequences for your career should we not win,” Kol answered.

  “Don’t care, Kol. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. This is wrong. Besides, I carry quite a lot of weight behind my name and my office. They will only push so far before they risk provoking me. Me representing you is the best option we have. I will see you free.”

  As their lunches were served, Kol worked up the courage to ask about Ada Jane again. “Have you heard anything of Ada Jane?”

  “I spoke to Quin. They are monitoring Missy for any attempt at access by Ada Jane, but there has been none. I am in contact with Kron and the others at Base 28. They are still outraged that you are on trial for war crimes. Kron has been to visit Ada Jane several times, but she tries to send him away each time.”

  “She is suffering,” Kol said softly, looking down at his plate.

  “She’s missing her mate. But Kron is not giving up. He stays there and forces her to interact,” Bart said.

  Kol nodded. “Kron can be very persistent when he chooses to be. He can also be quite irritating.”

  “That’s good. Get her blood boiling, get her to focus on something other than you being here.”

  Kol smiled and nodded again. He knew that Ada Jane was at least not alone. His friends were looking after her.

  The days went by in much the same way. Some days there was no new evidence to process, so they worked on their defense and support of Kol’s actions in killing Diskastes. And in their extra time they simply talked or sat quietly in each other’s company. Bart did this in order to keep Kol out of his cell for as long as possible, and Kol knew it. He was well aware that his time there could have been much worse than it was.

  On the morning of the last day of the second week of his stay in the holding cells of the Unified Consortium Defense, Kol arrived at the conference room and found a very excited Bart.

  “Morning, Kol. I
have good news for you!” Bart said, already eating his own breakfast.

  Kol stood beside the table and waited. “Tell me, what is it?” Kol asked.

  “Get your breakfast and then I’ll tell you,” Bart said.

  “Tell me now,” Kol insisted.

  “Ada Jane’s land… I got word late last night. It’s being returned to her. My motion to have the storage facilities moved from it and it returned to her was defeated, but it has been returned to her. “Basically, Earth’s government said, ‘We’re not paying to clean it up, but you can have it as is if you want it. I told them we did and transferred payment this morning.”

  “You used the funds I gave you in preparation for this day?” Kol asked, being sure that Bart didn’t put himself out any more than he already had.

  “I did. And I even owe you a small amount back,” Bart said smiling.

  “Put it in my account. Ada Jane has been added to the account so she can access all that is in it.”

  “I’ll take care of it. The land’s Ada Jane’s, though. It’s a done deal.”

  “That is great news! She will be so happy!” Kol said, truly smiling for the first time since he’d left Ada Jane.

  “It is. And I’ve spoken to Kron. They’re going to clean it up for her. I told them if they needed any help to let me know, and to ask for anything they come across that they may need. You never know what’s stored in those old metal buildings.”

  “Of course, anything they want in exchange for helping my Ehlealah clean her land is more than fair. I hope they find something of value to them.” Kol filled his plate with food and sat down at the table with Bart. “I miss her sweet face. I would give anything to see her, to hold her.”


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