Guarding Light

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Guarding Light Page 3

by Mckoy, Cate

  Jack suddenly released J.T., who sat up and struggled for breath. He coughed and spit onto the floor. As Jack turned to the door J.T. began to weakly laugh. "So our virgin nigger has given it up to the super hero quarterback with the ten inch pole." J.T. rubbed at his sore throat as he continued to rasp his poison. "So how was Catlyn's pussy? Tight, hot, wet? Did you make her bleed and come all over your cock?

  Jack turned back and looked at J.T. in pity. "You're sicker than I thought."

  "Right, like you haven't wanted to see and suck those black tits and fuck that nigger pussy since the day she walked into our honor's class." J.T. spat.

  Horrified Jack stepped toward the bed. "Do you fucking hear yourself? Catlyn was a little kid when she came to our class. Twelve years old for Christ's sake!!"

  "If the bitch bleeds then she can be plucked, sucked and fucked!" J.T. tossed the sheet aside and began to dress as he continued. "You come in here with your Hero bullshit, spouting dire warnings when in reality you just came from doing what I've been trying to do since the bitch got here." J.T. sat down as he put on his sneakers. "Who knew she preferred brown hair to blonde, green eyes to blue and a ten inch cock to a six inch one?"

  Jack sadly shook his head at J.T. "I don't know what the hell is wrong with your brain but I strongly suggest you seek psychiatric help and fast!" Jack went to the door and opened it, looking over his shoulder, he gave one last warning. "This is the last time I am going to talk to you. Stay away from me and mine or I am going do more than talk."

  Jack quietly left the bedroom once again missing a look thrown in his direction. This one was laced with hatred, meanness and something not quite sane.


  Chapter 1

  Catlyn paced the circular track on the school field, waiting and wondering why Sara had asked her to meet her here so late. Sara had sounded so happily excited. If she had to guess Catlyn would say that Sara and Jack had finally gotten together, officially. Catlyn smiled at the thought. Jack was the perfect guy for Sara. He was smart, even tempered and GORGEOUS. His six-two, sexily muscled, brown hair, green eyed frame stirred all the girls' hearts. Catlyn's included. And he had a Hero-Complex a mile wide. He was always protecting those weaker and smaller than him. She had never understood the friendship between J.T. and Jack. They were so vastly different. One kind and one mean. One considerate and one thoughtless. They were complete polar opposites.

  Catlyn liked Jack a lot, even had a crush on him (her first crush), but knew that he viewed her as too young for him. Besides her best friend was crazy over him and had been talking about Jack ever since they had become friends. If she couldn't have Jack for herself then she was glad someone as wonderful as Sara was going to be his girl. Jack Gard was one hell of a guy. People often teased that he took his last name too seriously. Either way Catlyn knew he was her protector and because he decided to defend her, her senior year had been awesome so far.

  The Monday after she'd been punched by J.T. Jack had pulled her aside near the lockers. He had told her that he had taken care of J.T. Jack made sure that J.T. would no longer bother her and said that if J.T. did approach her she was to come get him right away. He had ended that good piece of news with a peck on the cheek.

  From that day on J.T. had kept his distance, never so much as giving her a look. At first it seemed too good to be true. But as the weeks and months passed Catlyn became more carefree. She attended more parties, left campus for lunch; an honor for the senior class that she had never exercised until Jack had stepped in to make her life better. She spent even more time with Sara after school but the very best plus was that everyday she spent more time with Jack. He sat next to her at lunch or took her and Sara out to lunch at the local deli. He drove her home a lot now and spent time with her waiting until her mom came home.

  It was during these times that she and Jack really got to know one another. She told him about her dreams to become a journalist and he told her of his to be in law enforcement. He teased her about her obsession with chocolate. And she teased him about being a jock. A really, smart jock.

  He had started calling her Kitten. When Catlyn had asked why he kept calling her that when everyone called her Catlyn or Cat, he had simply answered, 'You're not quite a Cat yet. You're a little Kitten, a baby.' Catlyn didn't mind. It made her feel special. He was the only one who called her Kitten.

  Sometimes when her mom wouldn't be back until midnight, Jack would come by with dinner and a rented video to watch in the VCR. The first time he showed at night when her mother wasn't home it had been to return her keys which had been left in his car after he had given her a ride home. When he realized she was alone he said he'd keep her company. Catlyn had told him it wasn't necessary that she was alone three nights a week and she was used to it and if she was really scared or worried she could go upstairs to hang with Tasha. Jack ignored her and stayed. And then, he proceeded to show up on all the nights her mom was out until midnight. He came bearing dinner and a movie.

  Jack was a horror movie buff and Catlyn liked romantic comedies. Jack had sighed a deep put upon sigh as he graciously said, "We'll take turns with my horror and action films and your chick-flicks." Catlyn had laughed as she agreed to put up with his yucky movies if he was willing to sit through her tear-jerkers and happily-ever-afters.

  It was one of their movie nights that had forever changed their dynamics. They were watching one of Jack's horror films. 'Friday the 13th' and Catlyn couldn't stop jumping. Jack had laughed and put his arms around her as they relaxed back against the sofa. He held her through the remainder of the movie, soothingly caressing her arm, as she laid her head against his chest. Catlyn had been so scared by the movie she had grabbed Jack's t-shirt, twisting it and pulling it against her eyes whenever something gruesome came on the screen. Not realizing this put her face in his chest, stomach and abdominal area each time she 'closed' her eyes.

  The movie was at an end when she became aware of the bulge in Jack's jeans. At first she thought it was his normal bulge, after all, his bulge was bigger than most boys on the team. Sara had laughingly pointed that out to her one day when they were at cheerleading practice and looking on at the football team as they worked out in their gym shorts and t-shirts. Sara had smacked her lips and said 'And he isn't even hard yet'. Catlyn had had only a vague idea of Sara's meaning. But it was brought to the forefront of her thoughts as the movie ended and his bulge seemed to have doubled in size. Catlyn gave Jack a quick glance beneath her lashes. He was watching her watch his bulge. Catlyn didn't know what to say or do so she just sat there. Jack seemed to be waiting for something from her.

  He let out a relieved breath when she only remained sitting within the loose hold of his arms. "I am sorry, Kitten."

  "Why?" Catlyn looked into his intense green gaze which had gone bright green with some unfathomable emotion.

  "Christ, I am no better than Dark." Jack shook his head and gently removed his arms from around her and stood and adjusted the inseam on his jeans, making room for his considerable growth since the movie started. He began a frustrated pacing in front of the TV.

  Catlyn didn't know what had caused him to think such a thing but she repelled it to her very core. "No, Jack! You could never be like him." Catlyn spat the word him as though it were a four-letter expletive.

  "Kitten, I shouldn't want you like I do. I shouldn't get hard and sexually excited when I look at you, smell you!" His pacing became faster as he ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance. "You're a kid for crying out loud!"

  Catlyn considered his words. "Is it alright for you to want Sara's?"

  Jack stopped his pacing and gave her an embarrassed glanced. "I can't believe we're having this conversation."

  "Well, is it ok for you to want Sara?" Catlyn needed an answer.

  "Y-yes. We are peers, equals."

  Catlyn smiled. "Jack, Sara is five-five and a half. I am fivesix and a half. Sara weighs 108 lbs. I weigh 112lbs. Sara's bra size is 36B and mine is a 36D. We
both wear size 3 jeans. Sara can wear small sized tops. I can wear some small tops. But because of the style some I have to wear a medium.

  Jack's eyes widen with her list of Sara's and her attributes. He'd known the girls were about the same size and that Catlyn's breasts were bigger but he never thought of their size as being equal, Catlyn's curves were a bit more substantial.

  With heat climbing up his neck into his cheeks Jack explained further. "Kitten, just because your bodies are close in size doesn't make it right. Sara is more mature naturally."

  "I'm mature!" Catlyn blushed at how immature that sounded. She was hurt and not wholly sure what the reason for the tears springing to her eyes. She blinked them back.

  "Aww, Kitten, you're misunderstanding me on purpose." He went to her, kneeling in front of her, taking her hand in his.

  "You want Sara more than me. I understand."

  His eyes flashed a deep emerald. "Now you're trying to make me angry."

  Catlyn looked deeply into his eyes. "I don't want you to be mad at me."

  He sat back on the sofa and took her in his arms again, putting his chin on top of her head as her arms encircled his waist. "Kitten, you are too young for me." His kissed her temple. "That doesn't mean I don't find you attractive. God, I do, even when I shouldn't!"

  "I find y-you attractive too." Catlyn shyly admitted.

  Jack smiled and tilted her chin up to gaze at her adoringly. "Yeah?"

  Catlyn smiled and nodded. Jack couldn't stop himself. He slowly lowered his mouth to hers, gently brushing her lips with his, a sweet rubbing back and forth until the heat between them ignited.

  Jack groaned, pulling Catlyn into his lap a second before taking her mouth fully in a scorching kiss. His tongue sought entrance to the heat of her mouth. With an aroused gasp, Catlyn gave Jack the entrance he sought. His tongue tutored hers in love making with their mouths. He tasted her thoroughly before teasingly inviting her tongue into his mouth. As always Catlyn was a good student and learned quickly. She tasted his mouth as he had done hers, swiping her tongue along his, across his teeth, roof of his mouth and sexily swirling hers around his before slowly withdrawing and giving his lips another hot glide.

  Jack pulled back, breathing heavily. "Damn Kitten, you're gonna have me exploding in my pants."

  Catlyn gave a questioning quirk of her eyebrows. Jack put hair that had escaped her French braid behind her ear as he explained. "See, you are too young and innocent to know what I am talking about, even after all that crap that Dark did to you." J.T. shook his head in anger. Still pissed that he hadn't know anything was going on with his so called best friend.

  Catlyn knew Jack partially blamed himself for not intervening sooner. "Jack, you couldn't have known. It's not your fault." She caressed his strong chin.

  Jack connected their gazes and asked. "He hasn't touched you or bothered you in anyway has he?"

  Catlyn shook her head wanting to assure him, not liking the intense look that came into his eyes whenever he mentioned his former friend. "No, he has left me alone since you did whatever it is you did."

  Jack touched their foreheads together, whispering, "Good! I think I would kill him if he ever came near you again."

  Wanting to change the subject and relieve some of the tension that went through Jack's body, Catlyn demurely revealed. "I-I know what you meant about exploding in your pants."

  "Oh, really?" Jack asked with narrowed eyes.

  "Yes, we girls had the hygiene talk in the fifth grade and my mom is studying to be a nurse so she also gave me 'the talk' too. You were talking about coming or the medical term ejaculating."

  Jack smiled. "Uh, huh, so you don't know about 'ejaculating' from first-hand knowledge?"

  Catlyn blushed furiously and shook her head. "N-no."

  Jack gave her a quick kiss. "Good. Let's keep it that way. It's not something you need to know about first-hand right now."

  Catlyn gave him one of her trademark looks from beneath her lashes, asking, "What if I want to know about it from y-you, please?"

  Jack gave her a fierce gaze. "Kitten, don't even say that. I can't resist you as it is."

  Catlyn wanted Jack to teach her all he knew. She wanted to erase all the disgusting stuff J.T. had planted in her mind, giving her nightmares. J.T. made her body tighten up in anxiety and stress, and tremble in fear. Jack made her tremble but in a good way and he made her body tighten too but in specific areas.

  "Jack, I want to make you c-come, please." She quickly put a finger to Jack's lips as he started to interrupt. "J.T. made me scared and sick about the things that went on between boys and girls." His eyes went soft with understanding. "But, you make me want to know more. When you kiss me, I feel it here." Catlyn put her hands over her breasts and lowered them to her lap. "And down here, it feels warm and k-kinda moist and I feel achy but not in a painful way."

  Jack gave a masculine growl as he pulled her back into his lap and started kissing her on the mouth, on the cheek, along her jaw, down her neck all the while whispering hotly. "Jesus, baby, you telling me you are hot and wet for me is driving me nuts. And knowing your nipples are getting hard from my kisses is making my mouth water!"

  "S-so, y-you will let me see you come?"

  Jack pulled back and stared into her eyes. He studied her for several minutes and then nodded to himself as though he reached a decision. "Are you sure, Kitten?"

  Catlyn swallowed nervously and nodded.

  Jack acknowledged her consent. "Ok, so here are the rules." Jack's voice was serious and he lifted his chin in question and when Catlyn nodded her agreement he continued. "I will NOT take your virginity! We will make out and do some heavy petting until I say we stop, agreed?" Catlyn eagerly agreed with an enthusiastic nod, "And, the number one rule of a guy coming…"

  When he paused Catlyn frowned in confusion. "Which is what?"

  Jack gave her a sexy wink and lowered her gently to the sofa. "Ladies first!"

  Catlyn gasped in surprise and then again in arousal as Jack took her mouth in a hot kiss. As their tongues dueled and played, Jack skillfully undressed Catlyn. Catlyn was naked and panting before she realized. Jack slowly sat up taking his first look at her naked body at his leisure. His eyes took in her high, full globes, tipped with dark chocolate nipples that instantly responded to his gently flicking fingers by becoming hard and pebbling. "Oh, baby you're so responsive."

  Catlyn watched him with an awestruck gaze as his eyes and hands learned her body.

  Jack huskily rasped. "I can't wait any longer." Catlyn didn't know what he meant until she felt his hot wet tongue flicking her nipple. She moaned and arched off the sofa, gripping his head, holding it to her breast. Jack feasted on her breast. With each one of his tongue's licks on her nipple there was a corresponding pull low in her abdominals. Jack licked his way across to her other breast, taking the nipple in his mouth and drawing on it hard.

  Catlyn cried out as she felt more moisture pool between her legs and the coil in her stomach grew tighter. Catlyn's desire to open her legs wider came naturally as Jack continued to suck one breast and pluck the other with his thumb and forefinger.

  "That's right, Kitten, open for me." Jack huskily approved. He kissed his way from her breast to her belly button, leaving a wet trail with his tongue as he circled her navel, still plucking the one breast with one hand as his other hand cupped her mound.

  Jack rubbed the thick, crispy, jet-black curls. Raising his head to watch his hand please her, Jack grew impossibly hard. The sweet musk from her arousal was making his arousal stronger.

  He gripped her legs, bending her knees back, opening her wider. "Wider, sweetheart, mmm, you're so wet for me." Jack stared at her Hershey colored pussy lips and was surprised at how bright pink she was on the inside as he gently parted her nether lips." He slowly, gently put a finger to her pink wet entrance, putting just the tip of one finger insider her. At her silky heat Jack groaned. "Mmm, so soft and hot, I wish this was my cock entering you."

  Catlyn instinctively began to thrust her hips. The coil insider her grew tighter and tighter at Jack's slow entrance. She felt as if she were spiraling out of control, as though something devastating was about to occur. "J-jack, I-I… something is happening."

  Jack gave her all his finger and orchestrated his penetration and retreat with the wild thrusting of Catlyn's hips. "It's okay, baby. Give it to me. Mmm, just like that, Kitten."

  Suddenly Catlyn's world exploded in Technicolor. She shook fiercely, legs trembled uncontrollably as she felt a wetness spill from her entrance and Jack spread that wetness through her thick thatch and over her pussy lips.


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