Guarding Light

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Guarding Light Page 15

by Mckoy, Cate

  Catlyn nodded and quietly answered. "I didn't think I would ever be able to have sex." Jack hugged her tightly. "But, now, I think I will be able to w-with you." She shyly smiled. "Not tonight or tomorrow but, I think I will be able to perform. I don't think I will freeze or get sick as long as it's you."

  Jack kissed her lovingly. "Aww, Kitten, what you do to me."

  She smiled. "And, I want you to know I am safe. I get checked annually too and my last checkup was all good. My status never changed in 25 years. I never had any partners."

  "Well, get ready to have a partner, because if this works out we will be a couple."

  "I will make an appointment with an OB/Gyn to get myself on some form of contraceptive."

  "Until you get something more permanent in place, I will take care of it." He gave her a suggestive smile. "I so want to be ready when you lean over and whisper in my ear 'Fuck Me Jack'".

  Catlyn laughed. "So sure of yourself, and what makes you think I will say those words? I am much classier." She teased him.

  "Kitten, I don't care how you want to say it, Morse Code, sign language, in a note, grab me by my dick and say let's go, as long as I understand the gist of the message."

  Catlyn laughed. "Whatever you say, honey."

  She lay her head on his chest, yawning. "I am tired. Is it alright if I sleep here?" Here being in his arms against his chest. He squeezed her close, titling her chin for a kiss. "Absolutely, goodnight sweetheart."

  "Night, Jack."

  Jack watched her close her eyes and almost instantly drift off to sleep. He continued to watch her sleeping for a while. He felt so close with her, closer than when they were kids. He loved her and he wanted them to be together, a real couple.

  Catlyn had said she would give it a chance and she was being totally honest with him. He smiled recalling her honesty about liking his come. He can definitely live with that kind of total truth. His smile quickly faded as he realized he wasn't returning the favor fully with honesty. He knew he was making a judgment call regarding the information he was seeking, but he wanted to always protect her. And if that meant telling a few white lies or a few omissions then he could live with that. He had failed to protect her 25 years ago and it would not happen again. If someone got to Catlyn this time around it would be because he was dead. Giving her a kiss on her forehead he settled down to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  Catlyn was in a nice warm cocoon. She lazily stretched not wanting to wake fully and leave the wonderful haven she found in sleep. She never slept so well. Her sleep was usually restless, riddled with nightmares of one kind or another.

  She felt a tickle along her temple and then neck and then a light touch circling her nipple. She came fully awake and alert. She looked at her chest to find Jack's index finger making concentric circles around her areola and nipple. Looking into his eyes, she smiled, arching into his touch.

  Their gazes locked as he continued to tease her. "Morning Kitten." His voice was a deep husky timber.

  "Good morning, such a nice way to wake up." She whispered, caressing his stubble laced jaw.

  He gave a sound of agreement before replacing his finger with his mouth. After feasting at her breast for several pleasure-filled moments he began to inch down her body.

  "I need my fix of pink, open wide, baby." Lost in the world of intense euphoria Catlyn obeyed willingly. "Mmm, I love all this pink surrounded by chocolate." He positioned himself between her wide-spread legs and began to take her to heaven.

  Floating back down Catlyn became aware of Jack's weight. He was kissing her neck. "I really hate to get up. I slept the best I have in ages with you in my arms Kitten."

  "Mmm, me too. I've never slept that good before. I could get use to this."

  He looked into her eyes, kissing her nose he said. "You better 'cause now I am hooked."

  Hugging him she whispered into his ear. "Me too studmuffin!"

  He laughed out loud, looking down at her. "Stud-Muffin? Catlyn you cannot call me that!"

  She wagged her eyebrows. "What else would you call a man who kisses like Superman and is an ass-kicking Marine?" She reached down and cupped his shaft. "And has an erection that doesn't go down, a body that doesn't quit and the sexiest green eyes I have ever seen?"

  His smile died slowly as he stared deeply into her eyes and said with some hesitation. "You could call him…yours?"

  Catlyn heard the question in his voice and knew what he was asking. Ignoring all the doubts that she had she answered with her heart. "Yes, Jack."

  He took her mouth urgently, sucking her tongue into his mouth. They made love with their mouths, tongues dueling, sharing. Jack leaned up, going on his knees between her legs. Pinning her with his gaze he whispered. "Trust me, baby."

  Catlyn feeling a little out of her realm nodded. He put two fingers inside her, twisting and gliding his fingers, gathering up the juice from her earlier release, spreading it on her clit and labia. He then fit his large shaft along her slit. When Catlyn tensed in rejection, he soothed. "It's ok baby. No penetration." He slid his cock slowly at first. Griping her thighs he sped up his motion. Gliding smoothly with the aid of her pussy juice, he made sure to hit her clit on both his downward and upward slide. Her pussy's heat engulfed his shaft on the side of contact driving him crazy. He knew he wouldn't last long, especially not with the squirming Catlyn started and the sexy moans. He felt she was close too. Following the need crushing down on him, Jack sped up, pumping against her hard and fast. Not wanting to leave Catlyn behind, he reached out and pinched one of her nipples when he felt his balls tighten with the prelude to his own release.

  Catlyn screamed as she started to fiercely come a second before she felt Jack's hot creamy come hit her stomach and breasts. Not minding the wetness, Jack lay against her, devouring her mouth.

  When they parted, staying nose to nose, they said simultaneously, "Shower."

  They started out showering together, but Catlyn kicked Jack out after a few minutes, when he continued playing with her breasts and the cleft of her ass interfering with her ability to wash properly. He laughingly gave her ass a smack before getting out to shave at the sink, letting Catlyn finish up.

  Catlyn stepped out, pulling a towel from the towel bar fixing it sarong style. She grabbed another to start drying her hair before looking at Jack give the final stroke of his razor. He stood in front of the sink in his birthday suit, muscles flexing with each of his movements.

  Jack caught her eye in the mirror and winked. "See anything you like?"

  Catlyn laughed. "I see all of what I like."

  He cleaned the razor and set it on the side of the sink before turning and taking her in his arms. "Good. Because, I like all of you." He asked, still holding her, "What's on your schedule today?"

  "Besides the task force update meeting, I have to check in with Sanchez and the other team of agents and there are some more forensic reports due today that I want to go over."

  "Our day seems to be lining up pretty close together. Ride into the station with me so you can give your statement about last night and then I will sit in on the meeting with the agents if you don't mind?"

  "Of course not."

  "What time are you due at BJ's?"

  "Not until 6:30 tonight."

  "Then, Miss Lyte, may I have the pleasure of your company for an early dinner?"

  "Oh, most definitely, Mr. Gard." She smiled, leaning up to meet his mouth for a kiss.

  Jack took a quick shower while Catlyn flat-ironed her hair. As she was finishing up she noticed Jack's toothbrush, shaving kit and after shave. Then she thought about the black duffle bag next to hers in the bedroom and the garment bag next to those. Regardless of Jack saying he was being hopeful, Catlyn got the impression he was going to stay with her whether she had said no or yes to their trying to be a real couple. She shook her head at yet another one of his displays of alpha-male warp factor five. Oh well. She really didn't mind and she could sure use the backup as last night prove
d. Had it really only been last night? She felt like she had been with Jack for much longer. Perception was a tricky thing.

  As she was dressing in the bedroom, she heard Jack moving around in the kitchen. And she smelled coffee! Where did he get coffee? How did he make coffee? She didn't have any of the things needed to make coffee. Ah, but she remembered alpha-male warp factor five. Catlyn had no doubts that Jack could produce a string-quartet and trick dolphin on command if he wanted.

  Dressed, Catlyn finished up, clipping her badge, cell, cuffs and Glock 9 to her waist and slipping on her blazer, she buttoned it to hide her law official equipment.

  In the kitchen Jack was getting angry as he listened to the voice on his cell. "I don't give a damn about red flags and sealed records. I want that information and I want it today." He paused, listening, then through clenched teeth, ordered, "Make it happen!"

  Frustrated he slammed down his cell on the counter. "Careful, you'll break it."

  Jack turned at Catlyn's quiet voice. "Wow, from hot babe to sexy FBI agent in 20 minutes, pretty cool trick." He looked her up and down.

  "Thank you. You're not so bad yourself." She said indicating his dark charcoal suit and black tie with purple stripes. His suit jacket hung on one of the chairs of the small kitchen set.

  Glancing at his cell on the counter she asked, "Everything ok?"

  He waved it away with a hand. "Oh, that was nothing. Just some work I am having done at my place on a hot tub. Idiot workers messed up."

  Hairs on the back of Catlyn's neck stood on end and she noted his failure to meet her eyes. Jack was lying. Catlyn felt a knot start to form in her stomach. How could he lie to her after all they shared last night and this morning?

  Feeling shaky, she shrugged, seeking eye contact. "Well, as long as everything is ok."

  He looked at her then and crossed the room to take her in his arms. "Sweetheart, everything is fine." Finding comfort in his arms she allowed him to tilt her chin and kiss her.

  When they came apart she stared into his eyes, probing. "You would tell me if something were wrong, Jack?"

  His arms dropped and he turned to put on his jacket. "Of course I would. Now let's get going." He handed her a travel mug of coffee and picking up a second one he turned towards the door, passing her on the threshold. Catlyn noted that he didn't meet her eyes again.


  Catlyn's morning went fairly smooth. She gave her statement to the officer and picked her assailant out of a lineup, signed the papers.

  Jack remained with her the whole time, holding her hand. She had expected him to hide the fact that they were together when around colleagues or police officials but it didn't seem to bother him who knew. Not that anyone would have said anything. Jack was very protective of her and didn't allow anything or anyone which resembled a threat near her. He touched her subconsciously betraying his familiarity with her and her body.

  After they finished in the main police station they went across the street to Jack's office in the Tower Building. In the outer office they met up with Tasha, who started imparting a barrage of information to Jack as he continued to walk into his office just beyond Tasha's.

  Jack took off his suit jacket and started his computer as he answered Tasha. "Cancel my meeting with Bonnie Riddly. And reschedule my appointments an hour later. If anyone can't do the hour later let them know I will call them later in the week to reschedule with them. I will be in the conference room in a meeting with the FBI and the task force for the next hour or so."

  Tasha was writing and when Jack stopped talking she looked up and asked. "Did you eat breakfast?"

  Jack gave her a look. "Yes, Mom. I had the breakfast of champions. And I slept well too. Anything else Mommy?"

  "Don't you sass me boy." Tasha told him with a southern drawl.

  Tasha then smirked at Catlyn and said very unenthusiastically. "Mornin'"

  "Good Morning, Tasha."

  Tasha gave her a glare, walking out of Jack's office and closing the door.

  "Why'd you lie? You didn't eat anything for breakfast, and certainly not the breakfast of champions."

  Jack gave her a very big smile. "I most certainly did have a breakfast of champions and it was delicious."

  Catlyn frowned. "But you didn't eat anyth…" She abruptly stopped when she understood the direct look Jack was giving her. She blushed furiously, her cheeks heating fast.

  Jack laughed. "Baby, I love it when you blush." He crossed to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Besides, I shouldn't be the only one blushing to death."

  Catlyn accepted his kiss and gave him one of her own even though she was annoyed. "You can't even see my blushes. How do you know when I am doing it?"

  Jack thought but couldn't come up with anything more than, "I just do."

  Catlyn rolled her eyes, "Great. One of my defense mechanism doesn't work on Mr. Perfect."

  Jack laughed as he took her hand and led her to the murder room.

  They were not the first to arrive. Detective Anderson and his partner Detective Rider were already seated at the large conference table with other members of the task force. Catlyn didn't know any of them but she would be introduced in this meeting.

  Agents Washington and James approached Catlyn when they saw her come in with Jack. "Agent Lyte, Ma'am, are you ok? Agent Sanchez filled us in on your attack last night."

  Catlyn smiled at the probationary agent. "I am fine Agt. James. Thank you for asking."

  Jabaria James was an eager to please agent that tested very highly in all categories at the Bureau. Catlyn admired her drive, quick wit and what seem like an un-exhaustible reserve.

  Sharonda Washington was quiet almost a recluse when it came to joining in any kind of gathering that included her coworkers. But her work was steadfast and successful. She may not use the exuberance of Jabaria but she got the job done with just as much success. It was what made them a good team. Like Catlyn and Sanchez. There were things about them that were the same and even more that was different. It was how they got the bad guys more often than not, as a team. Catlyn knew it was the main reason the Director had paired them all together. They would get the job done or die trying.

  Agent Washington gave her a smile and a nod to show her support. Catlyn introduce them to Jack.

  "Chief Gard, thank you for understanding. There was no disrespect intended when we arrived in your jurisdiction." Sharonda extended her hand in apology.

  Jack shook her hand and smiled. "No offense taken. We are all on the same side and want the same thing, this guy in a body bag or behind bars for life." The sentiment seem to make its way around the room by way of approving nods and heartfelt affirmatives, someone even said, "Amen, chief."

  Sanchez nodded his good morning to both Catlyn and Jack, holding up the morning paper he practically growled, "Have you seen this crap?"

  All Jack had to do was read the headline and byline to guess the frustration Sanchez must be feeling. The headline screamed at Jack: Newburgh City Slasher Still at Large, Claims 5 Victim. As if that was not enough the byline made him pissed. By Sara Mint, Staff Reporter.

  Tasha had joined them and she said over Jack's shoulder. "Looks like your girlfriend is causing trouble again Jack."

  Catlyn did a double take. "Girlfriend?" She stared at the byline. "Sara Mint is Sara Dolson?" At Jack's nod she continued. "She married Daniel Mint? The Goldback's widereceiver?"

  Again Jack nodded. "So many things have changed. I bet Sam is married too." Catlyn smiled as she thought of one of her closest friends married and possibly with kids.

  Jack and Tasha frowned. "What's wrong?" Catlyn asked looking back and forth between the two who grew more pensive by the second.

  Jack squeezed her hand comfortingly. "Sam was murdered during a robbery 25 years ago. He was working the overnight shift at the gas station he used to work. It was such a senseless crime. Sam was the only one working, all they had to do was take the money and run. But, I guess, Sam must have resisted. He was beate
n to hell and his throat was slit. That was about four days before you left."

  "Oh, my God!" Catlyn was disheartened to think her friend never got any older. He was such a decent human being. He had helped her a lot once his sister Sara had taken Catlyn under her wing. Sam had protected both girls and treated Catlyn like his little sister.

  "Did they at least catch the guy?" Catlyn shook her head in astonishment, still -after all her years in law enforcement- not understanding the atrocities people committed against one another. She supposed the very second she did understand was the second she needed to resign.

  Jack shook his head. "It's a cold case."

  Tasha went to the head of the table, asking all the people present to take a seat so that they could get started with the meeting, passing around note pads.


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