Guarding Light

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Guarding Light Page 19

by Mckoy, Cate

  As she went to place the necklace back in the box she noticed the folded card in the lid of the box. She opened it and read Jack's strong script.

  My Kitten, You are the owner of my heart you might as well have the key. Your loving Stud-Muffin.

  She laughed as tears came to her eyes. How could any woman resist when they had Jack Anthony Gard in full pursuit? Well, they couldn't and she didn't want to resist any longer. She was going to do all that she could to make this work between them. She mistrusted him once and all that got her was 25 years of heartache. If she had talked with Jack and kept in touch would they have figured out the timeline screw up sooner? Well, she wasn't going to mess up another chance with the guy who made her feel all kinds of things from bad to good to awesome. He was her match.

  This decided Catlyn ate her meal with a lighter heart and a smile on her face.


  Jack paced the warehouse, anxious. His contact should have been here 20 minutes ago. Something was wrong. His contact was reliable and would have never stood him up. He didn't like bad feelings or bad premonitions. Jack turned to go outside and walk the perimeter when he heard the outer door.

  The door opened slowly. Jack reached for his gun, drawing and aiming at the door as its opening became wider at an agonizingly slow pace. Keeping to the shadows, Jack knew that he would not be visible to the newcomer right away.

  His contact fell through the opening, landing hard. Jack rushed to his side, pulling him all the way inside and shoving the door closed.


  "Yeah, it's me." Jack holstered his weapon, quickly examining his contact. Blood seeped from several wounds to his chest. His shirt was soaked. While holding on to his hand Jack used his cell to call it in.

  "Bob, did you see who did this?"

  "J-jack, n-no time, I was watching him, following him and th-then he was behind me. P-poof, magi-c-c." Bob panted, his breathing getting shallow.

  "Don't talk Bob. Help is on the way."

  "Made, r-roookieee mis-mistake." Bob's hand jerked and flailed.

  Jack held his hand against the wound that seemed to be bleeding the most but knew it wasn't much he could do for Bob now. His eyes had already started to glass over.

  Jack tried to control Bob's hand that seemed to be reaching for something. "Hang on Bob."

  Bob pulled his hand up. He held a bunch of keys. "J-jack, t-take it."

  More to appease Bob than an actual interest in his keys, Jack took them, stuffing them in his pocket as the first sounds of sirens could be heard.

  "Jack, watch out for…" Bob's words stopped as abruptly as his heartbeat. Jack put his fingers to Bob's neck, seeking a pulse he knew was no longer there.

  "Bob!" Jack shouted and shook his friend to no avail.

  Emergency vehicles came to a screeching halt outside the warehouse doors. Jack continued to press his hand against the most critical wound. The doors slid open and two paramedics rushed to Jack's side.


  Catlyn was having a reasonably easy night at the bar and grill. She laughed and flirted will all the customers, once again putting herself on display.

  Although she was having a mellow night, she could hardly wait to see Jack. She smiled to herself thinking about their walk home tonight. She found herself blushing thinking about Jack's kisses.

  Like the other night, each of Catlyn's backup made an appearance, either for a drink or a quick meal or just a walk around the pier. Sanchez made a show of flirting with her, this time choosing to dine alone.

  At the end of her shift Mr. Odly complimented her once again on a job well done. Catlyn thanked the strange man and left out the back door. It was a little later than her first night when she left. She had expected to see Jack waiting for her. But, a quick scan of the first parking lot gave no sign of Jack or his car.

  Deciding to wait, she strolled along the pier, watching the lights glitter off the Hudson. She had been strolling for only a minute when she heard her name called from across the lot.

  Catlyn turned to see Tasha jogging towards her. "Hey."

  Catlyn returned her simple greeting with questions. "What are you doing here? Where's Jack?"

  Tasha's face screwed up in distaste. "I am following my boss' orders to come down here and make sure you get home safely. As to where he is, that's a need to know basis."

  Catlyn furrowed her brow. "Really? What is your problem with me? You've been a pain in the ass since I got here."

  They automatically started to walk. Tasha imitated Catlyn's tone and diction, "Really?"

  Catlyn gave a sideways glower. "Mocking me isn't helping."

  "I will tell you what my problem is. You! You're my problem."

  "What did I do to you?"

  Tasha being several inches shorter than Catlyn was taking two steps to her one, breathing heavily, trying to keep up with Catlyn's brisk angry stride.

  "You're a cold hearted bitch. I went to that hospital with flowers and a book for you and I nearly had a heart attack when I went to your room and the bed was empty. I thought you had fucking died."

  Abruptly, Catlyn stopped and faced Tasha. "What are you talking about?"

  "When you were hurt by that animal I almost came apart thinking it was my fault for not telling anyone after you told me what he was doing. I mean I was older by 4 years. I should have done something!" Shockingly tears began to fall down Tasha's cheeks. "And you were my best friend. It was me and you sisters against the world. I should have done something."

  Feeling slightly uncomfortable with the other woman's tears, Catlyn hesitatingly put her arm around Tasha's shoulders. "Come on, Tash, I was 15 and you were 19. You were a kid yourself. You couldn't have known how crazy J.T. Dark was. He did horrible things to me and I still didn't have a clue what he was capable of. You listened to me and were there for me when I needed you. That counts for something."

  Tasha took a tissue from her purse, wiping her nose and tears. "I felt so helpless and useless watching you lay in the hospital bed so still, looking like you were dead."

  "You came to see me? I vaguely remember you talking to me while I was still out."

  "I went there every day. Jack too."

  "Why'd you stop after I woke up?"

  "We didn't. Jack just couldn't face you after you woke up. We'd make it as far as your room and then sit outside it for a couple of hours. One of the nurses told us we could go in and say hello. But when we didn't she said that you would feel us there in your heart."

  Touched Catlyn squeezed Tasha's shoulders. "I did feel you. I knew you were there for me even if I couldn't see you."

  "Jack too?" Tasha looked up questioningly.

  Catlyn gave a shaky laugh. "Well, now, Jack is a different story. We had a different kind of relationship. When he wasn't there I was picturing him with Sara and it hurt."

  "Aww, Kitty Cat, he did spend time with Sara but not a lot. In fact he was with me more than Sara."

  Catlyn looked into Tasha's eyes to see if she were telling the truth. Tasha gave her a smile and nodded. "It's true."

  Catlyn gave her a hug. "Thank you for telling me."

  In unison they turned to continue their walk. "I am parked in the last parking lot."

  "So what was the book?"

  Tasha raised a brow. "Huh?"

  "You said you bought me flowers and a book. What was the book?"

  Tasha laughed. "Nancy Drew. What else? You loved that series almost as much as you loved talking about writing. I am not totally surprised you went into crime fighting."

  Catlyn joined in the laughter. "I guess not. I really did want to be a writer, work in journalism. But, after J.T. got away with hurting me I became obsessed with the law."

  Tasha stopped walking to stare at Catlyn. "You really believe it was J.T. Dark who hurt you, don't you?"

  "Yes. Yes, I do." Catlyn's conviction was solid as always.

  Tasha sighed. "Well, if you believed it then I…"

  Catlyn put up a hand and shu
shed Tasha. The unknown noise was back. Slide bump, slide bump.

  "What is-"

  "Quiet!" Catlyn demanded as she ran towards the tree line. The closer she got to the trees the louder the noise. Slide, bump, slide bump.

  Catlyn jumped the short wall that separated the end of the parking lot and the beginning of a wooded area overlooking the steep hill that led to the water's edge. About 100 yards away on the stairs which ran parallel to the hill and also led to the water Catlyn could see a large figure. He was pulling something down the stairs. Something covered with a sheet or a tarp.

  Catlyn's reflexes had her reaching for a weapon she wasn't wearing. Swearing under her breath she started running towards the figure, keeping low and to the trees. When she reached the top of the stairs the figure was at the midway point between the top and bottom of the stairs.

  Catlyn swiftly and quietly took the stairs, catching up quickly. As she neared the figure she made out more detail. He was black and wore an army fatigue jacket with dark khaki pants. He held on tight to the large object, controlling its downward motion on the steps. The man took the next step, stopped and then pulled his load to the very edge of the step it was on and then let his burden fall to the step below. Slide, bump.

  Using the only weapon she had, the element of surprise, Catlyn got really close, just the other side of the object he was pulling down the stairs, and said in a loud voice, "Good evening. Can I help?"

  Startled the man jumped, lost his footing and his grip on the object. Catlyn's reflexes again worked without thought. She grabbed the object before it could fall, holding it in place. She looked over at the man who caught himself after falling two steps. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

  The man looked up at Catlyn. "Lordy, missy you damn near scared me to death, you did."

  As he continued to look at her, Catlyn realized she had seen him before. He was the vendor Jack bought the America flag from her first day of work at the bar and grill. The military veteran, who sold his wares on the waterfront to earn his keep. Catlyn had noticed many of the employees giving the man a tip when coming and going and on their breaks. Not just the ones she worked with but others all around.

  Realizing what she had a hold of must be the shopping cart he used when selling his wares, Catlyn felt a little guilty. She had a wealth of respect for the men and women who served. It was an amazing thing they did. She felt bad that after serving his country he was basically penniless. What was his story?

  "Sorry sir. I just saw you struggling and wondered if I could help."

  "Well, isn't that kind of you? Youth today is so rude." The man spoke with much disgust.

  He also spoke as though he was much older than she. But after studying him for a few moments, she knew he couldn't be no more than 4 or 5 years older than her. "Well, sir, I am not that young."

  She laughed as she waved him on to continue down the stairs as she took control of the cart. Although it had some heft to it, it wasn't that heavy. Catlyn noticed that the man also limped.

  As they made their way slowly down the stairs Catlyn smiled and introduced herself. "My name's Catlyn. I work over at BJ's."

  The man gave her a quick glance and a warm smile. "Hello there Catlyn, I am Gunnery Sgt. Delbert Jenks, United States Army, retired."

  "Pardon me sir, retired?" It seemed to her as though he would be career military and he wasn't that old to be retired.

  "Oh, yes. The government didn't like the fact that I lost some toes over there in Afghanistan." Delbert indicated his right foot with a nodding head. "I wanted to continue to serve and apparently it's not totally unheard of for a man missing parts to continue to serve, just not on the frontline. But I couldn't do the desk job thing. It drove me damn near batty. So I took early retirement."

  They were at the bottom now and Catlyn set his cart down in front of him. "If you don't mind my asking, how old are you, sir?"

  "I'll be 66 next month."

  Catlyn's eyes widen in surprise. Although 65 wasn't considered old, she had put him at 45 or 49 at the oldest. She had been almost 20 years off. She was usually much better at guessing someone's age.

  Delbert gave a hearty laugh. "I can tell by the look on that pretty face of yours that you made the same mistake I did in guessing my age. I assumed you were in your early 20s but I can tell by the way you carry yourself and your respect for an old man, that you have most likely entered your 30s."

  Catlyn laughed. "Yes, sir, about to leave them too, I am 39."

  It was Delbert's turn to be surprised. "See, now? I guess that old saying about us colored folks is true." He gave another of his hearty laughs.

  His laugh was infectious. "Saying? Which saying is that, sir?"

  He winked and said in a conspiring whisper. "Black don't crack."

  Catlyn blinked, then threw her head back and laughed a laugh just as hearty as Delbert's, "Apparently, not."

  "Well, thank ya for your kindness. I am headed just over there." He pointed towards some abandoned factory buildings in the distance. He must live in one of them. Catlyn was reluctant to leave the older man by himself. But, she could see that he was a prideful man.

  "In that case, I will say goodnight, sir. Nice meeting you."

  "And, you Miss Catlyn." He offered his hand. She accepted the callous roughened hand. He lifted the tarp on the cart, dug around and came up with a small bundle of baby's breath, handing them to her.

  "Thank you." She took the flowers and smiled. Catlyn watched him make his slow way towards the old buildings, pushing his cart in front of him.

  Catlyn turned and ran back up the steps. As she neared the area where she jumped the wall she could hear Tasha's frantic voice. "I don't know, Jack. She just vaulted this frigging wall and took off. I tried to keep up with her. She was too fast. I lost sight of her almost right away-"

  Tasha's scream was short lived but loud. Catlyn's comforting hand she placed on Tasha's shoulder wasn't so comforting. "Hey, sorry I scared you. I seem to be doing that a lot tonight."

  "What the flippty-fuck were you doing?" Tasha shouted. "You just took off, left me alone in the damn dark. I can't handle this shit. I've seen this movie and the beautiful black chick always dies. I am too young to die."

  Catlyn tried to control her smile. Tasha was always afraid to watch horror movies too when they were younger. While Catlyn had outgrown her fear of a movie it was obvious Tasha had not. "Sorry, Tash."

  She indicated Tasha's cell phone clutched to her chest in a death grip. "Jack?"

  When Tasha nodded Catlyn reached for the phone. "May I?"

  "Hello, Jack."

  "Catlyn? Sweetheart, what happened? I couldn't make sense out of Tasha's ramblings."

  Catlyn quickly gave him a rundown of her little encounter.

  "Kitten, you went after a possible perp by yourself? Unarmed?" Jack sounded annoyed. "Don't do that again, is that clear?"

  Catlyn pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the cell. Jack had never used that tone of voice with her. She tried to control her rising anger. She had only wanted to talk to him to reassure him she was fine and to thank him for his wonderful gift.

  She put the phone back to her ear. "You know what? I don't answer to you. My boss is in Virginia right now, thank you very much. And, I am here to do a job. My job is to find the UNSUB and bring him down. You called us in Chief Gard. I can't help the fact that you have a problem with me being a woman. I will continue to do my job as I see fit because I am a Federal Agent of the FBI and I won't be talked to like some naughty school girl, especially not by someone I outrank all day long! Good night, Chief Gard." Shaking uncontrollably and close to tears, Catlyn clicked 'end' on the cell, handing it back to Tasha before turning and heading towards the last parking lot.

  Tasha ran a little to catch up. "Damn gurrrl, remind me not to really piss you off."

  Catlyn's tears started to fall. She ran the rest of the way to the parking lot, stopping at the entrance because she didn't know which car was Tasha
's out of the 3 that were left. A minute later Tasha came up alongside her, huffing and puffing.

  "Cat, some of us are not in that good of shape, you on steroids or what?"

  Catlyn wiped her tears, pointing. "Which is yours? Can you drop me off at the other agents' apartment? I need to go over some stuff with them."


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