Avoiding Responsibility

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Avoiding Responsibility Page 30

by craziebabe45

  If Lexi had been terrified before, it was nothing compared to how she was feeling now. With the sea of people that called her greatly dwindling, her fears intensified. Whatever else this list entailed, she was sure it wasn't a good thing.

  "Kersey, do you have a guess?" Maddie asked.

  "Um...I don't know. Her parents?"

  "Her parents really Kers?" Bekah asked rolling her eyes.

  "What? I don't know her," she said getting quieter and less confident as she went.

  "No Kers it's not her parents," Maddie replied sighing and turning her attention to Amber. "Your guess?"

  Amber eyed Lexi up and down. Her look was judgmental as if she was taking stock of her. Lexi didn't know her, but her eyes made her look almost deceptive. Not that any of them seemed unintelligent, but there was something about Amber that seemed more intuitive...like she just understood things and said things that others wouldn't.

  "My guess is Jack," she finally said to Maddie.

  Bekah looked up at Amber and glared. She certainly didn't like the idea of that. She thought that she had gotten rid of any lingering feelings between them. There shouldn't be a reason for Jack Howard to be calling Lexi only a few nights before he was to be married. Then again it didn't make sense for him to sleep with her before he proposed, to corner her behind the weeping willow, or to let her be present at his bachelor party. There were a lot of things Jack shouldn't do that he did anyway.

  But for her own sake, Lexi hoped it wasn't Jack. That wouldn't be an easy thing to explain away and Amber would get to call him. The girls didn't care that she hadn't agreed to any rules. They would go ahead and do it anyway.

  "Well Maddie, is it Jack?" Bekah asked a hitch in her voice.

  Maddie smiled as she stared at the room full of anticipation. "Is that your final answer?" she sing-songed.

  Amber smirked triumphantly. "Of course."

  "Well sorry, no Jack Howard tonight," she said unexpectedly.

  A collective sigh of relief echoed throughout the room. Only Amber looked perturbed that she hadn't been spot on. "Ok Lexi, you have the last shot. Tell me who called you."

  Lexi sighed hating not having control of the situation. The most obvious answers were out of the way. No Jack, Ramsey, Chyna or her parents. Who else had been calling her recently? She couldn't think of anyone else. Work would call, but she had been gone for nearly a month. She didn't really have any other close friends that she kept up with on a regular basis. She wracked her mind knowing this moment was really important. She had to get this right. She didn't want Bekah to know anything else about her life. Whoever was on that other line wasn't someone she wanted to share with anyone in this room.

  Just then she stopped thinking and let her mouth fall open. It could only be one person. She looked at Maddie who was eyeing her speculatively waiting for Lexi to giver her the wrong answer. Really for most people it could be anyone, but Lexi hated talking on the phone. She only did it with a select few people who she wanted to have more than a texting conversation with. They had already named all those possibilities...that left only one person.

  "Should I go ahead and make the call?" Maddie asked taking her shocked look to mean she hadn't figured it out. Lexi was even more terrified realizing she had.

  "No. I know who it is," she said weakly. She stretched her hand out to take the phone from Maddie.

  "Well?" she asked it holding back.

  Lexi sighed hating the admission already but knowing it was necessary. "It says...Mystery doesn't it?"

  It was Maddie's turn to look surprised. "Yeah...I really didn't think you would guess that."

  "Ohhhh...a Mystery?" Amber asked mischievously.

  "Like a Mystery date or something?" Kersey asked her mouth hanging open like she was on the tip of a juicy secret.

  "Does Ramsey know?" Bekah asked a slow evil smile appearing on her face.

  "You guys are overreacting," Lexi said hoping she sounded convincing. "It's nothing like that."

  "We'll see," Bekah said nodding her head at Maddie.

  Maddie handed back Lexi's phone. "Go ahead. Dial away."

  Lexi stared down at the chunk of metal and decided in that moment that she hated it more than anyone could possibly imagine. "I don't like talking in front of other people," Lexi began in an attempt to get out of it.

  "Oh come on," Amber cried.

  "Yeah," Kersey agreed.

  "We're all going to have to do embarrassing stuff tonight. You're getting out easy," Bekah said knowing full well that that was not true.

  "Yeah at least you won't have to do number four," Maddie said encouragingly. "Take a guys boxers off in the bathroom of a bar and claim them as your prize."

  Lexi paled at that comment. She was definitely not doing that one. It sounded more like something Chyna used to do on a pretty regular basis. Yet she didn't really want to have to be the one to cross number six off their list either. "I think I'll just take this outside."

  Maddie moved in front of the sliding glass doors while the other three girls stood before the exit. "You call or we do speaker honey," Amber drawled.

  Lexi sighed. She couldn't believe she was about to go through with this. She punched in the number praying it would go straight to voicemail. "Don't pick up. Don't pick up. Don't pick up," she quietly pleaded.

  "Lexi?" he said answering on the last ring.

  "Hey," she said weakly pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. The other girls squealed excitedly when they realized someone had picked up the other line. Lexi deftly turned the volume down so the other girls wouldn't be able to make out anything he said.

  "How have you been?" he asked making conversation.

  "Um...I've been better," she said biting on her bottom lip and switching the phone to the other ear.

  "Of that I'm certain," he responded.

  "What's he saying?" Kersey asked nearly jumping up and down with anticipation.

  Lexi shook her head at them to try and keep the smile from her face. She was in a dire situation and needed to play it cool. She had already appeared fearful and disturbed by the source of the caller. Not to mention that she had put him in as Mystery which only peeked their interest. It's original use had been to deter answering...

  "So when do I see you next?" he asked.

  "Uh...can we talk about this some other time?" Lexi pleaded.

  "I know you're probably busy, but we need to talk."

  "Uh huh," Lexi murmured.

  "About what happened...uh...in the bedroom," he added.

  Lexi cleared her throat as loud as possible praying to all things holy that no one was able to hear the other line. She couldn't possibly let that little tidbit fall into the wrong hands...in other words Bekah's hands. She would have a field day with the information.

  "Sorry." She heard him sigh heavily. "I didn't mean to bring that up. I know it's kind of awkward right now."

  "Yep...awkward is the right word," Lexi muttered staring around at the four girls deciphering every word and body movement she made. She did not want to be dealing with this right now. First, she needed to figure out her relationship with Ramsey. She would have never been with anyone else if she thought there would be another chance for them. That only came after getting through the rest of this week. After she figured those things out, then she could discuss Mystery Man. Until then, she knew she just had to leave him hanging.

  "Right right. So can I see you so we can talk about this stuff?" he pleaded.

  "I don't really have time this week. Maybe next week when I'm home?" she suggested just to get him off her back the rest of the week.

  "Maybe I could come to you," he countered.

  "Really not a good idea. One of my best friends is getting married so I'm not going to be available," she told him pointedly. Also, she was pretty pleased with herself. She had instinctively called Jack a friend and not stuttered over their awkward relationship. Clearly she was just a collector of awkward relationships.

  "Alright. We'll meet
on your time," he said backtracking quickly.

  Lexi cursed under her breath. She didn't mean to snap at him...or alienate him. She was just in a really bad place right now. "But hey thanks for calling," Lexi said her voice softening marginally. She caught the change in looks from Bekah and almost instantly regretted adding the last part. "I meant to call you back, but I've been really busy."

  "No problem, Lexi. I'll see you next week though."

  "Sure sure. Bye," she said hanging up the phone. She was really glad that torture was over.

  Planting a big smile on her face, Lexi held her phone up triumphantly. "Mark number six off your list," she cried as if making that call had been a piece of cake instead of like walking on a land mine.

  "Oh who was that?" Kersey asked unable to hold back her enthusiasm.

  "Yeah he sounded sexy," Maddie added eyeing her up and down.

  "I didn't think you had it in you," Amber drawled sitting deep into her right hip and looked at Lexi as if it was the first time she had seen her.

  "Well I did," Bekah said slinking forward. "You've told me a few things that make me think it's possible."

  "Great," Lexi said rolling her eyes. "Let's bring up how I slept with Jack...that sounds fun. I thought you got this out of your system a year ago."

  Bekah's cheeks burned at the admission. The rest of the girls seemed shocked, but not because they didn't know since it was clear that they did. Rather it was from Lexi bringing it up so casually. "I got it out of my system, but now you're talking about my brother and it's a different story," Bekah snapped.

  "Maybe you should take a step back. Ramsey and I broke up a month ago. So even if I had anything going on, which I don't, it would be none of your business," Lexi told her defending herself.

  "Anything having to do with my brother is my business. So who is this Mystery Man?" Bekah demanded narrowing her eyes.

  Lexi rolled her eyes dramatically. She really despised this type of situation. Bekah was used to getting everything she wanted, but Lexi wasn't going to give it to her. She was beyond tired of her little games. Why couldn't she just mind her own business like everyone else?

  "He is none of your business. So unless you want to ruin the remainder of your planned evening by focusing on something that has nothing to do with you or Ramsey or anyone else that you know, then I suggest you drop the subject."

  Maddie stepped around Lexi and sat on the foot of the bed. "That sounds like a good idea B," she said casually. Bekah's head snapped to her face. She was deliberating. The last thing she wanted to do was give this up, but it was becoming a deliberate argument. Bekah didn't do deliberate until she had all the pawns in her court. The Mystery caller hadn't been part of her plan, and she was overplaying her role.

  "Fine," Bekah finally muttered shrugging her shoulders. "Let's get out of here."

  What surprised Lexi the most about the town was that it was perpetually changing. The city was built around a three by four block radius of shops, restaurants, and bars. Though the overall layout had remained relatively the same since the late 1700's when the town was built, the bars constantly changed names. Every generation that flowed through the university would grow up with a different set of bars and pubs to frequent.

  Lexi could remember nearly all the names of the locations she had regularly visited and as they turned the corner, she could easily recall memories from each locale. Yet only a select few still held the same name. As they turned the corner, Lexi stopped and stared up at her once favorite hot spot, Chamber. It was now called Rage Bar. The girls moved to enter, but Lexi stopped them.

  "I'm sure this is still a dance club, and unless you know the bartenders it's not fun until midnight. This should be the last stop," she instructed them.

  They all looked at her speculatively. "Did you go here?" Kersey asked her mouth hanging open stupidly.

  "Uh...yeah. Four years of my life," she muttered.

  "I was told this place was great," Amber told her sticking out her hip.

  "It is," Lexi quickly corrected, "just not until late when everyone's drunk. We should get drunk first."

  "I second that," Maddie agreed pushing them away from the bar and down the street to a more low key venue to start out with.

  Lexi walked farther down the street suddenly realizing where she her feet were carrying her. Her heart was racing as they drew closer. She knew exactly where they were. None of the girls knew the significance of the destination they were approaching. She gulped hard and tucked a lock behind her ear. She could do this. She could face down her past. These next few steps would be easy. It didn't matter that it had been over three years since she had been here. It didn't matter that she had more memories from this stretch of campus then anywhere else. It didn't matter that she had always held them most dear. She could break away from that now.

  "What a cute coffee shop," Amber drawled staring into the glass-paned store front.

  Lexi's breath caught as she stared through the front window. The same wooden tables were spattered throughout the room. The old comfy chairs and sunken couches had been replaced and booths were erected along the back wall. The fireplace was all closed up patiently awaiting the winter months. Any green reading lamps, which had once adorned tables, were nowhere in sight. Instead, several standing lamps were distributed around the room. Despite these differences, it still looked the same...it looked like home.

  "Wow," Lexi breathed.

  "Yeah, I think Jack used to work at a coffee shop somewhere downtown during college," Bekah said looking around to see if there were any other cafes nearby.

  "How quaint," Kersey responded inching away from the place. She was obviously more of a Starbucks type.

  "Jason's Coffee Shop," Amber muttered. "We'll have to see you in the morning."

  "Wait Jason's?" Lexi asked nearly falling over herself to look up at the sign.

  "Yeah why?" Amber questioned looking at Lexi strangely.

  "This isn't Jason's," she murmured.

  "It says so right here," Bekah pointed out.

  "But it's been Corner Cafe forever," she moaned. "How could it be Jason's?"

  "That's just business honey," Amber told her patting her on the arm tentatively.

  "Did you used to come here a lot?" Maddie asked interpreting her overreaction.

  Lexi stopped and looked at the four girls before her. How could she even begin to explain? It didn't even really make sense to her. A small part of her wanted Corner Cafe to still be there. It had to to still be there. It was the only part of the Jack she had once known that she had left. Without even this was he still out there?

  She knew it was irrational to even contemplate him in this manor. After everything he had done to her, she shouldn't care for him with one bone in her body. But she knew him better, no, unlike anyone else in the world. She knew what he had been to begin with. She knew how sweet, kind, and caring he had once been. She knew him before he had hardened to the outside world, and before Bekah had used that hardness to her advantage and turned him cold.

  But now even Corner was gone. The place they met. The place they spent hours together. The place it all started.

  Without this place, she would have been someone else. She would have never met Jack Howard. She would have never led the life that she had lived. So on one hand, she was terribly sad to see the place go. Jack had meant so much to her for so long and it had all started right here...at that table.

  But still she was happy. Perhaps this was just another way to close a chapter. If even their beginning together no longer existed, then as much as she had been pushing away from him...maybe this was good. The Jack that worked at this coffee shop no longer existed. It was only fitting that it also be closed...renamed...changed.

  "Lexi?" Maddie asked waving her hands in front of her face.

  "Uh yeah?" she asked snapping out of it.

  "I asked if you used to come here a lot," Maddie told her.

  "Right. Yeah sometimes," she said eyeing her study table
through the glass.

  "Is this where Jack worked?" Bekah asked pursing her lips. Her expression showed she was judging the establishment.

  "No another friend of mine did," she stated wearily. "He moved away though and now is a really different person..."

  * * *

  Feel free to check me out on facebook here: www . facebook pages/KA-Linde/212796458753281

  I hope you do! We have a nice little community on facebook. It helps writers push to write more and faster as well as show support for the authors in a way that isn't possible from fictionpress.

  Thanks for my reviewers. You guys are incredible: Cupid's Psyche, its . mine, butterfly-kisses92, ChemicalHazzard, Mariposa-12, amanda, Fierce . Imagination, taurus09grrl, Bkimmer, SpunkyOrange, helena33139, Kelly Rogala, cosmopolitan, sora kinomoto, WyldeLoneStar, Arohanui, ssolomon08, jennalizing, helplessromantic285, Ms. Vengeance, crissy19, buffyeesummers, musicalfishieXD, xamazingliesx, and AndSoItBegins.

  K.A. Linde

  Surprise, Surprise

  When you want it the most there's no easy way out

  When you're ready to go and your heart's left in doubt

  Don't give up on your faith

  Love comes to those who believe it

  And that's the way it is

  -Celine Dion "That's The Way It Is"

  * * *

  Chapter 16:May Three Months Earlier

  "Yes I'm sure I'm making the right decision," Lexi said into the cell phone just as the taxi pulled over onto the curb. "You've tried to convince me not to leave New York since I got the summer associate position."

  "Why would I want my best friend to leave me when she's finally out of school?" Chyna pouted.

  "I don't expect you to want me to leave, but I would like you to be happy for me," Lexi said opening her purse and pulling out cash. "Keep the change," she said to the cabbie as she popped open the door and stepped out.

  "I'm happy for you darling. You're going to make a fortune which will be a nice change to you making nothing. I'm just going to miss my bestie. Perhaps I'm a little selfish," Chyna said adding a giggle in for good effect.


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