Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)

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Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) Page 19

by K. T Fisher

  “They came with the knife, I’d say it’s some sort of warning.” My dad answers quietly. “I love these girls son. I don’t want anything happening to them.”

  “Nothing will.” I answer very determined.

  Anger bubbles inside me and I turn to kick the nearest object. It’s a chair and I send it flying into the wall. My blood is burning and I need to hurt and cause some pain. Hurting my enemies soothes my anger and it’s just what I need right now.

  “You told Brace?” I ask him because Elise is also in these pictures.

  “No, I don’t think he needs to know.” He shakes his head, cursing at the photos now on the floor. I reach for them, tipping them into the metal bin by my dad’s desk and burn them all. Nobody needs to see them and I won’t tell Lauren anything. She doesn’t need to know about this.

  On the way out of the office, I see a prospect. “Shaky!” I shout him over.

  “VP,” He greets me.

  “I need you to take another prospect and quietly get over to West’s place while I go to church. He might be hurt, but it could be a trap.” He nods in answer. “You try and have a look around. I need to know what’s going on.”

  “No problem, I know what to do.” He smirks.

  I bet he does too, he’s been on a lot of scouts with me and he’s very promising. I’m surprised he hasn’t been patched in yet.

  I slap him on the back. “Don’t get caught and remove your vest, if they spot anyone to do with us they’re in danger.”

  With a final nod, he quickly leaves to do what he’s told.

  Chapter 50

  “This could be a trap and I can’t afford to risk any of you.” My dad roars over everyone.

  We’ve been talking for ten minutes now and for all we know West could still be hanging on. I admire my dad and think he’s an amazing President, but with this he’s wrong.

  My phone vibrates and I quickly open the message.

  “VP! No phones in church,” My dad orders.

  “I know, but I thought seeing as I sent out some spies for us I would need to hear back from them.” I answer as I read the text Shaky has just sent me. “And it looks like I was right.”

  “You sent out spies?” He asks sounding pissed.

  “Before you start shouting, I did it for West.” I wait for his nod to carry on. “I just got news back, and they say he’s all alone. No company anywhere, Boss.”

  “You trust them?” He asks me.

  “Yes.” I answer immediately.

  “Devlin, Brace, Duke, Scrappy and Menace.” He points. “You go with Grim, the rest of you stay here with me as look out. West might be alone, but that doesn’t mean we are.”

  With our orders we all get our shit and head out. My dad gives me a slap on the back when I pass him and it’s a hard one. I give him a nod, understanding his warning for what I did. I get it, but I did what I thought I had to do and I was right, at least he can see that. If I hadn’t we would probably still be in there while our brother was dying.

  “Baby!” My dad shouts. “Ring the doctor in!”

  Menace and Brace get in the car as the rest of us climb over our bikes.


  We arrive at West’s house quickly and I find the Prospects by their bikes as they watch over West. I thank them and tell them to keep watch while we get West into the back of the car.

  When I approach West though, I have to stop myself from flipping the fuck out. West lays naked in the middle of the road with a huge gash in his stomach. You can almost see his fucking insides it’s that bad. Brace places a shirt over his injuries and we all carefully carry him into the back of the car.

  “What about the girl?” Duke suddenly asks when West is safely in the back of the car.

  “The girl he was fucking?” Brace asks.

  “West is fucking naked, do you think they walked in on them?” Devlin asks.

  I turn to Brace. “You and Menace get West back, he needs looking at as soon as possible.”

  “Be careful.” He warns as he gets into the car.

  As they drive away, the rest of us slowly enter West’s house to look for the girl. We enter quietly, not wanting to disturb anything or if she’s still here, I don’t want some hysterical woman running out on me.

  I’m about to tell the guys to split up, when I hear a strange noise from the living room. I silently motion for them all to follow. When we enter the living room, I halt in my tracks staring down at the young girl lying on the floor.

  “Shit.” Devlin curses from beside me.

  A choking noise comes from her and I quickly crouch down to her. I feel for a pulse but its so faint I doubt she will live long enough for us to get her back to the clubhouse. There’s a deep slash across her cheek and across the top of her right breast, but it’s the bullet wound to her chest that’s killing her.

  “Shh.” Scrappy tries to settle her.

  More choking sounds come from her. “Up.”

  “What?” Devlin asks.

  “She said ‘up’.” I answer.

  “Up?” Scrappy asks her and with a huge amount of effort she points up.

  “Bomb.” As soon as she says those words Scrappy lays down her head and stands.

  “We gotta get out of here.” He demands.

  “This was a trap.” Duke points out.

  I look down to the girl, gasping for life in so much pain. I should put an end to it, but I can’t. I’d still be killing an innocent woman, and that’s not me.

  “Run!” I shout and we all speed towards the front door.

  Just as I make it out, behind my brothers an ear piercing sound explodes and throws me across the road.

  I land with a hard thud but I’m alive and unhurt. I can’t say the same for Duke though. He’s not had a great landing and won’t wake up.

  “Shit!” I shout getting my phone out.

  “Yeah?” My dad answers on the first ring.

  “I need a truck.” I sigh with defeat. He was right.

  “I’m on it, son.” He hangs up and I’m grateful he won’t rub it in.


  “Prospect!” I hear Franky shout loudly from the other side of the room. “Get the biggest truck we have right now and get it out to West’s place!”

  He orders members to get on their bikes and get out there. He looks on edge and I don’t like it. Brandon is out there and he’s ordering more men to follow. Something has gone wrong.

  Within an hour, my gut feeling is proved right when Duke is wheeled in much like how West was. He doesn’t look as bloody, but he still doesn’t look healthy. I look around, trying to find Brandon and then I spot him quickly storming in. He has dirt and blood all over him and I don’t think, I just run. He opens his arms and I run into them, not caring how dirty he is.


  I haven’t seen Brandon all night and most of today. He said he was busy with the club and to be honest, I haven’t seen much of the others either. Whatever happened last night was something serious and I just hope everyone’s ok.

  Drew sits beside me on a bench outside. “Have you heard any news?” I ask her.

  “Duke has woken up but I don’t know about West.” She looks down at her fingers and I then see the tattoo I spotted the other day.

  “New tattoos?” I thought it was a simple question but Drew quickly makes sure to cover her arms.

  “Can you see?” She panics.

  “Well yeah, why are you so worried?” I laugh.

  “Because my mum would kill me, that’s why. She never allows me to have any so I have them where she can’t see, but this one turned out bigger than I expected.” She heavily sighs and looks up to the sky.

  “Wow.” I laugh. “You have got to tell her, you’re a twenty-three year old woman, Drew.”

  “I know.” She cringes. “Anyway, I have some news for you.”

  “What?” I become very interested.

  “Has anyone told you about the fight club here?” She asks.



  Tonight is my fucking night!

  I walk through the club house, all ready and pumped. My adrenaline is kicking in and I can’t wait to get in there and knock the fuck out of someone. The past couple of days, no make that weeks, have been fucking hard and I need this. I don’t know why I haven’t come here sooner.

  Before I met Lauren I would come here every weekend, maybe more. My body is itching for it!

  I push through the doors, not looking around at anyone in the room. My main focus is the ring in the middle. I spot Blaze, my opponent for the night and zone in on him. He’s my only focus right now. Nobody else is on my mind.

  I go to my corner, pulling my hoody over my head and jump up and down to warm my body for the fight to come. I have only my baggy shorts on, no shirt or shoes. It’s one of the few rules we have around here.

  Wear only shorts and no weapons. It’s pretty fucking simple.

  Blaze is a big guy. I’m not going to lie, and he’s my favourite to fight. He gives me as good as I give back and I will admit I’ve lost against him a few times. That’s why I love fighting him, it’s not a predictable outcome, but after the tension I’m feeling lately, I’m feeling pretty fucking confident.

  My dad steps inside the ring, it’s about to go down!

  “Alright boys, you know the rules!” He indicates for us to get in and join him. “Blaze and Grim are on an equal score so far, it’s six points each! Whoever wins this fight is in the lead.”

  There’s no competition or prize for this. We fight and we keep score, it just so happens that I’ve fought Blaze twelve times so far.

  Dad walks out indicating that the fight has begun and I jump into the middle. I’m so fucking eager for this to start, I’ve been craving this! Blaze joins me, his frame just a little wider and bulkier than mine. He swings first and I dodge out of the way, but I don’t miss the second he hits me square on the jaw and it hurts like a motherfucker. I quickly swing back, landing punches on his stomach and Blaze backs away. I swing my leg up, kicking him down to the floor and everyone cheers, but I don’t bother looking around. I’m not here for them, I’m here for me.

  As the fight continues, I get kicked and hit as hard as I’m giving them out. Blood is everywhere, even in my vision, but Blaze is looking worse than me. As he stumbles towards me, I bring my fist to his face as hard as I can and Blaze lands on the floor with a thud. Everyone cheers loud for their victor but one particular shout gets my attention and I spin quickly to find her.

  Well fuck me, Lauren’s here. I see her standing with Drew as they clap for me and wouldn’t you know? I’ve now got the biggest fucking hard on for her, my adrenaline is pumping and I’m covered in sweat, but I need her. I have to fuck her, right now!


  When Drew told me all about the fight club I didn’t think it would be like this. It’s crazy in here and everyone wants to see blood. It’s their club brothers in that ring, but as soon as someone enters it they’re just fresh meat, that fight each other until one can’t take anymore.

  I must admit when I saw Brandon walk past me, I almost didn’t recognize him because it was clear to see, he was Grim. I didn’t want to approach him and screw up his focus because he looked deadly serious. I was almost scared of the look in his eyes.

  I didn’t like the thought of him fighting Blaze because he’s a big guy, but when Franky got up and said that they were on the same level, I was relieved. However, as soon as the punches began, I was back to being scared. I didn’t like it at all. If it was any other man in there with Blaze, I think I’d enjoy the fight, but I don’t like watching Brandon at all. That being said, I can’t seem to take my eyes off him. The way his body moves and how he takes the hits Blaze gives him, I’m impressed Brandon is a fighting machine!

  Brandon is a strong protector, you can’t miss that and that’s why I’m not scared. If this scene was at the Devil’s, it would be a whole other story. They would be killing each other. This is just a fight, and it’s a game to them. This violent side of Brandon was hidden from me, but now I can see him clearly. He’s not an evil man. No, he’s the complete opposite. He’s a good man, not perfect but he will do anything for those he cares about. He will use his strength to help, not dominate and hurt for no reason. Right now he is using his violence as a release, an exercise maybe but not in a bad way, that’s why I’m not scared of him at all.

  Sweat glistens on his chest and his muscles look ripped to fuck. I’m no longer concerned because all I can think about is a naked Brandon. Kind of fucked up if you think about it. In front of all these people, in the ring with another man and all I can now think of is Brandon naked. I can’t help it, and the longer I watch him dominate the fight the more turned on I become.

  I haven’t really seen Brandon like this. This is Grim without a doubt and he’s been hiding him from me. No wonder everyone always seems shocked when he carries me around, or dances with me and declares to everyone around that I’m his Old Lady. They’re not used to seeing him like that because the guy in the ring, the one who is knocking the fuck out of a man bigger than him, is the one they know and love.

  This is a whole other side of him that I am looking forward to getting to know. Brandon looks so primal up there, all blood and sweat makes me quiver for him.

  I watch as Blaze stumbles slightly towards Brandon, but he lands a hard punch to his face and Blaze drops down on his back. I can’t help it. I can feel myself wanting to cheer loudly for him. Everyone else is doing it, so why the hell not?

  “Wooooooo!” I cheer. “That’s it! Knock him out!” I scream.

  Drew looks to me in surprise and cheers along with me. “Go on, Grim!”

  Brandon quickly turns to look at me and I see the shock written all over his face. Shit! I’ve distracted him. Brandon stares at me and my body begins to shake with need. If he carries on looking at me like that I’m going to have to jump into the ring with him and give everyone here a whole different show.

  When I rethink about what just went through my mind, I have to laugh at myself. You have a fucked up mind Lauren.

  Blaze begins to get up behind him and everyone around me roars with excitement. I start to panic because Brandon is still looking at me.

  I point behind him with panic. “Turn around!”

  He does, and then quickly looks back to me. With one arrogant wink, he turns back to Blaze and lands another punch to his face, knocking him back down. Everyone goes crazy as Brandon wins the fight. Franky runs on with Brace as they help Blaze down while Brandon has other ideas. He’s not concerned about Blaze. No, he’s making his way towards me with an intense look.

  When I’m within his reach, he pulls me towards him and kisses me. I feel his sweaty body and I become very horny.

  “I want you.” He orders and lifts me up. My legs automatically wrap around him and everyone hollers as he carries me away.

  I become very excited. I’m about to have sex with Grim!

  Chapter 52

  We barge into Brandon’s room in a frenzy of kissing and grinding. He kicks the door shut with his foot, closing it with a loud bang and I can’t help but laugh. I feel so giddy

  Brandon pushes me back so I land on the bed with a bounce. He stands above me, lowering his shorts and my eyes widen when I see how hard he is. Oh no, this is a whole lot better than Christmas morning!

  My tongue licks my lower lip without a thought. I need a taste and now feels like the perfect time. I scoot to the edge of the bed, grabbing his long and thick length and lick his head. Brandon groans as he looks down at me. I continue to use only the tip of my tongue as I tease him. I keep eye contact as I wrap my mouth around the head, getting a proper taste. My tongue darts back out, licking the length of him. I want to explore him.

  When I’ve become accustomed to how big he is, I pump him with one hand as I take him as deep as I can. Trying to go deeper and deeper, as deep as I can go before gagging. I don’t want to gag. I don’t think that
’s sexy at all, but when I try to go just that little bit more I do and I’m so embarrassed. Tears stroll down my face and I feel like I could die. Well done idiot!

  I look up at Brandon, expecting him to be laughing down at me but I don’t. No, he’s looking down at me with so much intensity. I’m confused. Didn’t I just look like a total idiot?

  “God,” He groans and takes his cock in his hand. “That was so fucking sexy.”

  He liked that? At least he didn’t think I was a fool.

  Brandon rubs his cock along my mouth, the hint is clear. He wants me to carry on. With a slight smile, I grab his cock and guide him into my mouth again. His hand falls back down to his side and I watch him as his eyes close. I use his groans as a clue to what he likes and Brandon likes me playing with his balls. I suck his cock, pump with one hand and massage his balls with the other. It’s fucking hard to do, but hearing him moaning and watching his facial expressions spurs me on to do it even more. All of a sudden he pulls out of my mouth.

  “I don’t want to cum in your mouth.” He quickly explains.

  “Where do you want to cum?” I ask him.

  Without answering, he pulls me up from the bed and softly tucks a strand of hair behind my ear before kissing me with such passion. His lips travel down to my neck and then my shoulders which cause goose bumps to rise. I love it when Brandon kisses me there. He knows all my favourite spots already.

  I almost forget that tonight is my first night with Grim that is until he suddenly stops kissing me and rips open my top. My buttons ping everywhere but I don’t give a shit about the top. All I care about is having Brandon inside of me. I’m burning for it!

  When Brandon has me naked, he lifts me and pushes me up against the cool wall. We kiss again and I can feel his cock touching me, just begging to be inside. My pussy is so wet he would be able to quickly slip in, but Brandon is teasing me and won’t give me what I want just yet. When he lays me back down on the bed, he rolls on a condom and I smile in glee. He’s going to fuck me now!


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