Temporary Wife (Episode 1)

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Temporary Wife (Episode 1) Page 3

by St. James, Rossi

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  PS – If you haven’t yet read CRAVED by the ALPHA BILLIONAIRE, I’ve included a small sample. Page ahead!


  Entire series available now!



  None of what happened that night was my fault.

  I couldn’t help that hours earlier I’d walked in on my boyfriend of five years fucking the living daylights out of my stepsister. I couldn’t help it that I immediately proceeded to drive to the only bar in our one stoplight town that just so happened to be connected to the only hotel in town. And I couldn’t help that the hotel just so happened to be housing a man from New York City who looked an awful lot like Ryan Gosling.

  I also couldn’t help it that said Ryan Gosling twin was hitting on me something fierce. Or a least it felt like he was. I’d been drinking since the moment I sat down at the scratched wood bar.

  “I’m going to go ahead and stop you now,” I said, trying not to slur my words after my second double vodka. “You’re really hot and all, but I’m not in the market for whatever it is you’re peddling right now.”

  He inched closer to me, a slow smile simmering on his impossibly kissable lips. “You don’t have the slightest clue what I’m peddling.”

  “You just got done telling me that you’re some fancy pants businessman from New York City who got stranded in our itty bitty town because your private jet is having mechanical problems,” I said. “So you’re staying here for an indeterminate amount of time, and you’re bored. You want a hook up. I can read between the lines. I may be drunk, but I’m not stupid.”

  I slammed the rest of my drink and sat the glass down on the table, silently deliberating about whether or not I needed another. The room was slightly off kilter, but I fully intended to drink until I numbed the pain and forgot what it looked like to see my high school sweetheart’s pale white ass bobbing up and as my spread eagled stepsister screamed out his name in pleasure.

  And then he had the nerve to finish inside of her before I had a chance to bolt out of there. The vision of his clenched ass cheeks and strained neck as he moaned like a wild animal while simultaneously releasing himself inside her was forever burned into my mind.

  I shook my head, as if that could rattle the memory out of there. It seemed weird that I didn’t cry. Not once. I didn’t shed a single tear. Maybe I didn’t love him as much as I thought I did? It was being lied to. That’s what stung the most.

  “Louie, another vodka tonic, please!” I called out.

  He prepared another drink for me and slid it my way. “You going to stay the night, Maisie? You’re in no condition to drive home.”

  “Maisie,” the businessman said slowly. “That’s your name.”

  I’d refused to tell it to him earlier.

  “Thanks a lot, Louie,” I mumbled. I took a sip of my fresh drink and let it burn as it trickled down my throat. “So what’s your name? Since you know mine now and all.”

  “Sawyer,” he said. “Sawyer Thomas.”

  “Oh, wow, just like that now we’re on a second name basis,” I said, eyeing him up and down. “That’s smooth. Still not telling you mine though.”

  He raked his fingers through the side of his sandy brown hair, his hooded hazel eyes honing in on me like two sexy, concentrated lasers. Through my inebriated state, I couldn’t tell if he was amused, intrigued or annoyed with me. Maybe it was a little of everything.

  “I don’t want to have sex with you,” he said.

  I cocked my head to the side, my lips spreading into an amused grin. “Way to be blunt.”

  “You’re a little mouthy for my taste,” he said. He turned away from me, focusing on the T.V. above the bar that played highlights on some sports channel. The glint of his diamond cufflink caught the pale bar light above as he spun his drink with his fingers.

  “You probably like ‘em quiet so you don’t have to hear them complain about that poor excuse for a cock you’re packing,” I said. My cheeks reddened. I never spoke to strangers that way. It wasn’t my nature, and I was raised better than that. I was drunk. I was angry. I was taking everything about my shitty day out on this very attractive man who just so dared to make small talk with me at a hotel bar.

  Sawyer turned around slowly, an incredulous look on his face. “Wow.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, my hand rushing to his shoulder. “Really. I’m so sorry. That was completely uncalled for. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.”

  I wanted to leave. I wanted to pretend that I hadn’t been an annoying, drunk bitch to this poor stranger. I wanted to go home and forget I’d ever stepped foot inside the Moonlight Lounge connected to the local Best Western. But I couldn’t leave. I’d been drinking heavily all night, and Louie wouldn’t allow it.

  “Excuse me,” I said, grabbing my purse and stumbling out of the bar. I made a bee line for the hotel lobby where I promptly reserved a suite and headed to the elevator. I fully intended to take off all my clothes, soak in a hot bath, wrap myself in a fluffy, white robe and order a pizza. If I was still coherent after that, I’d probably raid the mini bar.

  I found my room and pulled the keycard from the paper envelope.

  “So we meet again.”

  I turned around to find Sawyer directly behind me, his own keycard in hand as he walked to a door just one down from mine. We were staying right next to each other.

  My cheeks flushed ten shades of crimson. I’d bolted out of the bar to get away from him. It was just my luck that we’d be staying in neighboring rooms.

  “What’s up with this shrinking violet act all of a sudden?” he said with a smirk. “You make one remark about my cock, never having the pleasure of seeing it I might add, and all of a sudden you run away blushing?”

  “Look, I said I was sorry. I’ve had a really horrible day. Can you just cut me a little slack, please? Maybe pretend we never met and go on your pathetic little way?”

  “And there she is again,” he mused. “Mouthy Maisie.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I’ll have you know, my cock is huge. And I know most guys say that, but mine really is. But you’ll never know that, Mouthy Maisie, because you’re all bark and no bite. I can tell.”

  “You don’t know a damn thing about me,” I said, crossing my arms and squaring my gaze with his. I pushed away any and all thoughts that crept into my mind about his cock and how big it was. Or wasn’t.

  “I know you talk too much,” he said. “You didn’t shut up at the bar for two seconds, rambling on and on to the bartender like he gave two shits. I know you walked in on your boyfriend plowing your stepsister. I know you came here because you’re trying to forget about what you saw, as if alcohol was the perfect solution.”

  He huffed like the arrogant asshole he seemed to be.

  “Okay, Sawyer, what’s the perfect solution then?” I asked. “What could possibly make me forget about everything I saw earlier today?”

  He walked up to me, steady like a freight train, until our mouths held in limbo mere inches apart. The faint musk of an expensive cologne permeated off his warm skin and into my lungs. I swallowed the lump in my throat but it came right back.

  “Me,” he said. He lifted his hand to my face, twirling a strand of blonde hair around his fingers. “I could make you forget he ever existed.”

  END OF SAMPLE – Book available here!




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