Fairy Unbroken

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Fairy Unbroken Page 2

by Anna Keraleigh

  The room was packed. The glass walls and ceilings did nothing to open the space when there were this many occupants. There was also one fairy missing.

  “Where’s Whisper?” If the moody fairy did not have to come, why should he?

  Thame turned to face him while his arm rested around Breena’s shoulders. “You know the blue freak. He does what he wants.” There was a small grin on his face at the quip.

  Though his lips parted, Keyn didn’t respond. He felt human eyes shift to look at him. His wings fluttered nervously and a quick look told him it was the queen herself. The floor was suddenly the most interesting thing on the planet and he was quite content to stare at it for the duration of the meeting.

  “Fairies and humans of my kingdom.” King Carrick stood and addressed them. He gripped Queen Brook’s hand. “I gather you here to share the most spectacular news in a very long time. The Goddess has blessed us.” A smile grew on his face. It was wide enough to show a line of even white teeth. “Brook is with child.”

  The entire room seemed to gasp at once. Keyn could hardly control the wave of nausea that swept him. That was it then. His time in the fairy kingdom was coming to an end. He couldn’t possibly stay here once the air began to fill with human-fairy offspring. A collection of cheers rang out and they moved as a giant wave to congratulate the king and queen. Keyn took that opportunity to back out of the room. He rushed down the corridor, cursing his wet wings, and stepped outside the palace.

  “Keyn.” A voice filtered from the darkness.

  It was the blue freak, Whisper.

  “What?” He stepped out into the rain. It began to batter his skin with harsh pecks of high velocity water.

  “It’s a child?” His usually raspy voice had a concerned undertone that stopped Keyn in his tracks.

  “Yeah. They found a cure for the population problem,” Keyn muttered, barely audible as lighting lit the sky then a sizzle of thunder. Whisper was quiet. The shadow that hid his form was still.

  “We have another problem.”

  Of course, and at the moment, he could give a fuck whatever the problem was. He remained silent, catching sight of black wings flickering in the darkness.

  “The trolls are on the move. They’re searching for something.” The words were followed by a burst of light and the gloomy sound of thunder.

  Chapter Three

  The world faded away. Keyn knew the trees that surrounded him were a dream but he couldn’t shake them. He was on his back, the cold seeping into his bare skin as the stars above twinkled. How could they watch this? How could they settle themselves in the sky and witness this?

  He tried so hard to wake up.

  The voices whispered in the darkness that surrounded his prison. Tears prickled at the corner of his eyes but he fought them. For how long he didn’t know. He would try as he always did to fight this recurring nightmare. Not that it mattered. His will was wasted. The men were coming closer. The familiar crush of leaves beneath heavy feet. Intense breathing accompanied a dark shadow approaching. Keyn couldn’t look. He turned his head away from the dream man and fisted his hands. He was unable to move, helpless as that warm masculine hand traveled along his forearm. Goose bumps rose, decorated his pale skin, and that unwanted touch moved lower.

  “Please.” He knew begging was a useless action but the words slipped from his parted lips. Will this torture never cease? “Stop this!” he yelled, but the words were merely a whisper as that hand groped between his legs.

  Keyn awoke with a jerk. He sat up and gasped. His lungs filled with oxygen as tears began to trickle down his cheeks. Keyn’s eye’s focused on the door as his heart leapt against his chest wall. Shudders racked his body something fierce. It took all his strength and what was left of his will to bring his breathing back to normal. His pulse soon followed and Keyn wiped away the evidence of tears that remained on his face. Disgusting, a grown fairy crying over a dream. He’d been overwhelmed with tears every single time the nightmare invaded and it seemed that would never change.

  Keyn shoved the thin blanket from around his hips. His black and red wings stretched to their full length and then he rushed out his balcony doors. The morning air was cool against his bare skin as he spiraled into the sky. The sun had risen hours ago and he stopped the upward takeoff as he reached the highest treetop. His gaze followed the slow ascent of the bright sun. Here, the world was right, a far-away planet below his feet and the endless sky before him.

  Here, he was safe.

  Keyn didn’t stare long. He inhaled the fresh air of Ireland and began to fly slowly to her house. He felt this need, a compulsion, to see her again. She helped settled his soul after the nightmares. It was risky with their last encounter but he’d hide better this time.

  The moment he saw the thatched roof a subtle breeze swept past his wings. With it came the distinct rotting smell of trolls and a layer of fresh blood. His heart quickened, as did his wings. What if they found her? What if they knew she was his mate? Dread sunk deep into his heart like claws as he flew faster toward her home. Keyn hovered over her backyard and scanned the ground. Her canvas was on the ground, knocked carelessly off its easel. Paint was splashed across brown grass and imprinted in the thick red substance were footprints. None of them were human. Anger tore across his features and he bared his teeth before swooping down. Keyn might not want her but there was no way he’d let the trolls take her.

  He inhaled deeply, catching the acrid sent of fear and the sweet scent of woman. He pulled both his daggers free as he rushed forward. Here, in the soft dirt of the woods, he could make out footprints. Small and human, they were deep as if she were running. The overly large marks of troll feet were right on her trail. Keyn growled. Anger boiled and the beast he hid so well scratched at the surface of his composure. He dodged between trees. Dead branches that had not survived a mild winter scratched at his skin. Noise broke through his rage. Clashing metal. Angry screams. A fight.

  He was gaining on them.


  Trillian didn’t even try to understand the fact that these things were attacking her. She didn’t know or care what they were. There was no way in fucking hell she was going to stop fighting. She has been and always would be a survivor. The one with scaly skin and pointy teeth snarled at her. Trillian snarled right back and swung the sword that she had stolen. The damn weapon weighed a ton and she completely missed. The thing’s huge bare foot stomped on the blade and the handle slid right from her fingers. “Fuck you,” she yelled and used her balled fist to punch it in the face. There was no nose, only two holes, so she couldn’t break it. She must have stunned the fucker because it stumbled back with wide eyes.

  With no time to waste, Trillian spun and took off. She would not die in some damn forest with fucked-up creatures chasing her. Not while her brother was still sick and the earth still rotated. Her eyes locked on a thick log. If she switched course slightly, she’d be able to grab it while running. She didn’t skip a beat and reached for the weapon. It was sturdy in her hands and not as heavy as the sword.

  A fucking sword! Really?

  Her lungs puffed air erratically through parted lips, but she knew if it came down to endurance, she was as good as safe. All her jogging would finally pay off. Something latched onto her right leg and oxygen rushed out of her lungs in a scream as the ground came speeding up toward her. Sharp teeth ripped into the skin of her leg. The screams were accompanied by two hard smacks of the log into thick skull. The thing released and she kicked it farther away.

  She scrambled to get her feet beneath her and more ground between them. All she managed was to stand. Then Trillian come face to face with a motherfucking man in a loincloth with huge red and black wings sticking out of his back. Shock didn’t begin to cover it. Her gasp was drowned out by the guy’s roar and the screeching of those things behind her. Wingman charged past her and she was not waiting around to find out what the fuck was going on. Or to fully appreciate the guy in the loincloth. Trillian p
ressed her soles into the soft dirt and took off. There was definitely something worse than the devil chasing her.

  Fresh morning air filled her lungs and birds chirped musically at her wild run, which soon became a controlled jog. The massive tree trunks were beginning to blend and their sprouting leaves blocked the sun. A breeze tickled the leaves and sent that bright sun winking between branches. Trillian had one very disturbing thought—where the hell was she? She spun in a tight circle and tried to gain a sense of direction. Nothing looked familiar.

  She fought that nasty thought and started running again. There was nothing but trees and a few scattered bushes that looked like critters of all sizes lived under them. A noise sounded behind her, the crunching of twigs or branches. Whatever. She wasn’t waiting around to find out. Sunlight filtered in and out of her path as she surged through the undergrowth. The trees around her seemed to thin out. She could see ahead more clearing and caught sight of a grass field with rolling hills decorating the horizon. Hope spurred her on. Her speed increased. She’d make it.

  She’d survive this bullshit.

  A hand wrapped around her arm. Her eyes widened and her lips parted to gasp as she was tugged around. Trillian was scared to her very core of her soul. It was wingman. He was real and hovering above the ground while his eyes seared into hers. Those were the same eyes that glared at her while she had her little tantrum in the shed. This freak of nature was her Peeping Tom. He was covered in splatters of blood and she could hardly breathe as he released her arm. The man wiped his hand against his loincloth. A fucking loincloth? Trillian fell to her knees. This couldn’t be happening. Was he going to kill her? Was he an angel of death? Why was the pulse between her legs as strong as the one in her chest?

  She stared up, unable to speak as the world around her dulled. The winged man reached for her just as her consciousness faded.

  For the first time in her entire life, Trillian fainted.

  Chapter Four

  Keyn wanted to scream. He had the woman, his mate, in his arms. She was light as a feather but even unconscious her face was hardened. Her lips pressed tightly together and were downturned. Was it a dream that plagued her or simply that she was unconscious? He did not know and there was no time to find out. The trolls were on the move. Keyn cradled the woman in his arms and took off into the sky as the clatter of feet sounded behind him. More trolls approached. They shot arrows into the sky and he weaved between them. He was nearly upon the fairy kingdom and his heart swelled. Home was within reach and then he could let go of this awful human. Surprisingly, his skin only crawled slightly. There was only the occasional shiver of discomfort at such close proximity. The giant willow tree was in sight. It was the landmark to the hidden world he called home.

  Keyn swooped down. He came close enough to land but did not. It was just enough to warn whoever was on guard. Keyn saw a flash of Whisper’s blue hair and knew the hardened fairy would destroy the trolls. Whisper was a badass, the scariest of all the warriors, and Keyn knew the trolls would not live to fight another day. He passed the fragile barrier that kept their kingdom invisible to the human eye. Well, most humans. There was this instinct to take the woman to his home, to keep her protected in his arms. He quickly squashed it. They had a king for a reason, a good righteous king, so Keyn headed for the palace. There were giant sunflowers, big enough to hold two full beings, along with high towers and colored dome roofs. The king and queen resided in the palace square in the center of their vast and magnificent city.

  He landed with a thud and the golden fairy charged out the palace doors. “What is...who the hell is that?”

  Keyn shrugged his question off. “Trolls. Whisper is dispatching them.” He went to hand the woman over, happy to be rid of the feel of her skin, but Keyn found he could not. He leaned over to dump her into Thame’s arms but stopped. A low growl forced its way from his lips and Keyn was shocked to hear the sound.

  Thame instantly stepped back and lifted a brow. “Did you just growl at me?” A slight grin played on his lips. “The only time a fairy growls...”

  Is when they find their mate. Keyn knew the saying and quickly shook his head. “I was in a fight. My brain must be injured.” The lie tasted foul on his tongue. He gathered the woman closer and strode inside.

  “I will help Whisper, not that he needs it. You take her to the king.”

  Keyn nodded and walked down the maze of corridors that led to the glass room. Here the sun was unfiltered through walls of pristine glass. The view was the most beautiful thing on earth. Keyn walked to the couch and placed the woman upon it. She had yet to stir, and once again, he found himself reluctant to let her go. He hovered, shifted a strand of dirty blonde hair from her face. She was rather pretty, her skin flawless, her cheeks flushed, and her body trembled as his fingertips made contact. Keyn stepped away, disturbed by these new feelings. It should not matter if she was mate or enemy. She was a human. The bane of his entire existence.

  “Warriors have been dispatched.” The voice was deep, regal. King Carrick of the fairy kingdom strode through the room. The man was not just a king. He was a warrior and a friend. Keyn bowed nonetheless and stepped farther away from the woman.

  “The troll’s will be eliminated by Whisper,” Keyn said. “I do not think there will be any alive by the time the others arrive.”

  Carrick grinned. “He is scary with that blade.” He walked to the couch and leaned over to stare at the woman.

  Keyn felt that growl rise up again, but this time he stopped it before it could pass his lips. “They were chasing her,” he said quietly.

  Thame entered the room, his golden wings spread wide. He gave the woman a once-over before collapsing on another chair. “No use. Whisper had all the fun.” He grinned.

  Wick entered as well, his green hair mussed and his green wings folded against his back. “Damn bastard. Besides making love to a generously bosomed female, the only other thing to do is fight. Whisper takes all the action from us.” His tone was in jest but he spotted a female matching his earlier description. “And who is this?”

  “Keyn says the trolls were chasing her.”

  Instantly, Wick perked up. “Is she someone’s mate?”

  Every fairy had a woman, a mate, to call their own. With their numbers so few, they now looked to humans for companionship and procreation. Keyn blocked the knowledge out. He wanted nothing to do with these filthy, disgusting humans.

  The queen entered. Her gorgeous frame had filled out slightly as a child was growing in her womb. She came through the door and went straight for Carrick, grasping his hand with a loving smile before going to the human woman.

  Keyn was revolted by her presence. She was a good woman and made the kingdom proud as their queen but Keyn could not deal with her human traits. His skin began to crawl. Since he only wore a loincloth, they all did, those bumps were rather obvious. A bead of sweat began to form and slowly slid down his back. Damn it, he wanted to flee, but something, maybe the woman’s progress, kept him still.

  “She must be someone’s mate. Otherwise, the trolls would have no reason to attack her. Where did this happen, Keyn? Perhaps they came across her by accident and decided to capture her.”

  “In the woods,” he stated flatly. Keyn wasn’t sure how much to tell. This was his king. He sighed. “In the woods by her home. Their attack makes sense as she is a mate.” Keyn frowned. “She’s my woman.”

  Chapter Five

  The room fell into a shocked silence. He did not even hear a single breath.

  “With our population dwindling and proof that it can be solved by human mates, you dare to leave your known woman out there unprotected?” the king asked. He stood to his full height as anger flashed in his eyes.

  “I do not mean to anger you.”

  Carrick frowned. “You do anger me. We’re trying to survive, Keyn. I thought you, all of you, understood the importance of mates.” He addressed the room with that.

  “The Goddess may have picked
her out for me, but I do not want this woman. She is a human.”

  “I am too.” Queen Brook stood with a frown on her face. “What does that have to do with love?”

  Carrick gently took her hand and shook his head. “Everyone leave us.” He glanced at Brook. “Please.”

  Brook looked pissed. She glanced angrily at Keyn before leaving the room.

  Great, now he was stuck with the king and his mate angry. At least he wasn’t shaking at the queen’s presence. Carrick spoke frankly, but softly. “Does the past still...hinder you?”

  Keyn would not answer. He did not plan to speak to anyone about his childhood. After he was discovered and rescued by Thame, he vowed to keep the events a secret. Though he was sure the others knew, Keyn would never admit to the horrible, foul night so long ago. “No. I simple do not want a mate. We are at war. A woman would complicate things.”

  Carrick lifted a brow. “A mate is not simply a woman. She is a gift sent from the Goddess. The other part of your heart, the contents of your soul, and a mate is a blessed union that any fairy should be grateful for. You know how I searched for Brook. We went through the dark times together. Even Thame had his wings hacked off to discover his mate. Yours is here Keyn, alive and unharmed. Do you plan to deny her?”

  Keyn shook his head. “There is nothing to deny. She is just a human and of no concern to me.” The king could order him but there was no way Keyn would willingly take this woman as his mate. “I do not want her.” With that, Keyn strode off. He couldn’t take the situation anymore. Both Carrick’s eyes and his mate’s presence. He walked down the hall, his head screaming and his heart hammering in his chest.


  Well, fuck him.

  Trillian didn’t want him either. She lay still on whatever they placed her upon. She woke the moment a rough finger touched her cheek but remained quiet. There was more than just her strange man with wings here. He spoke to several others but with her head aching, she could barely make out the words. She heard a good amount and was angry enough to reach out and strike the idiot. Did he think she would just roll over for him and spread her legs? Sure, he saved her from a bunch of animal-like things but there was no way she would just...


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