Welcome to Serenity Harbor

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Welcome to Serenity Harbor Page 15

by Multiple Authors

  She shrugged, thrilled at his approval, but at the same time not really understanding it. Baking was what she did. It seemed so ordinary to her that sometimes she forgot there were lots of people out there whose idea of baking was opening a package of premixed cookie dough and popping it into the oven. Nothing wrong with that, they obviously had more important or more interesting things to do.

  “Thank you. Now I usually take a close-up shot, to show more texture.”

  “Coming right up.” He hunkered down, focused the camera and snapped a few more pictures. “How’s that?” He held the camera for her to see the images as he scrolled through them.

  “I need to get one of those lights. The difference between these and my usual pictures is remarkable.”

  “You can borrow this one for as long as you need it.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn’t—”

  “Yes, you could. Who gets to finish the rest of this wedge?”

  She laughed. “Well, since you had the fork, I guess it’ll be you.”

  “I like how you think.” He winked and ate the rest in three big bites. “You’ve ruined me for anyone else’s baking. Don’t tell my mom, though.”

  She shook her head, overwhelmed by all the compliments. And by his presence. And his charm. And his evident interest in her lips. It was all too much, too soon. She retreated to the sink and started running hot water. Time to get the kitchen cleaned up. She needed to get more bowls and things from the bakery. She needed to start another dessert for Marcy’s shower. And because the large mixer wouldn’t be moved until morning, she had a few extra hours of mixing dough ahead.

  “Here, let me help.” He carried a handful of spatulas and spreaders to the sink.

  She pulled in a deep breath, but it didn’t remove the python from her chest. The long day had caught up with her. He knew about her ‘problem’. She should be honest and not try to push through her discomfort, or worry about how the other person would react, like usual.

  “Uh…actually…would you mind leaving now?” There, that wasn’t so hard.

  He studied her for a second. A warm smile that started in his eyes eased her tension. “I don’t mind. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  She nodded.

  He rested his hand on her shoulder and leaned in. He hesitated, like he was waiting for permission. He really did understand. She held her breath. This was going to be okay. She smiled. He kissed her lightly on the cheek and walked his sexy butt out the door.

  Chapter 7

  Wednesday, an hour after lunch…

  Mitch paused with his hand on the door handle of his truck. What the hell just happened? He glanced back at the quaint, old house. He’d had the best time in a long time, maybe in his whole life, hanging out with the painfully shy baker. And then he’d kissed her. He’d had to kiss her. He couldn’t imagine not kissing her. He’d wanted to kiss more than her cheek, but the deer-in-the-headlights look she’d shot him had warned him to take it slow.

  Take what slow, for heaven’s sake?

  Was this the start of a relationship? Sure, they were going on a picnic tomorrow, but he’d had plenty of first dates, and very few had led to second dates. This one would though. He somehow knew it would.

  With anyone else, this might be the start of a casual fling. A hook-up. But Lotta wasn’t the casual fling type. And it wasn’t only her shyness that told him that. When she became attached, she became attached. Like a barnacle on the keel of his boat. Look at her and Marcy, friends through thick and thin. And for some reason, he wasn’t threatened. He actually looked forward to being part of a couple.

  What the hell just happened?

  Chapter 8

  Meanwhile, back in the kitchen…

  Lotta stood at the kitchen sink, her hand covering her cheek where Mitch had kissed her. He’d actually kissed her. There was that tremor in her chest again, and a liquid feeling along her limbs. He must be one of those guys who kisses women. Like her mom who was a hugger. Didn’t matter if she saw you yesterday, you got a hug. A real hug.

  While mixing the rosemary ciabatta dough in her little mixer for the next day’s deli order, she thought about the fun she’d had hanging out with him. Once she forgot to be nervous, being alone with him didn’t bother her at all. Well, not much. He was a quick study at taking the pictures for her blog, and he’d done a fabulous job. He seemed to enjoy himself, too. He wasn’t pretending.

  Surely he must have better things to do? But with his leg in a cast, from a tumble Marcy had said, maybe his options were limited. Taking pictures had been a good way to fill time.

  And yet, she had to ask him to leave. And then he kissed her.

  She started another batch of ciabatta. Dang, this was going to take a while.

  Once the fifth batch was resting, she assembled the ingredients for triple chocolate chunk cookies. But then Bella trotted into the kitchen and stared pointedly at the door.

  “Okay, I get the message.” Lotta pinned a note to the bakery door, in case the insurance inspector showed up, and grabbed the leash. Time for their daily walk. School wouldn’t let out for another half hour, plenty of time before the sidewalks became mobbed with noisy kids wanting to pet the pretty doggy. She didn’t mind Bella getting the attention. She benefitted from meeting other people. But socializing slowed down their brisk pace, something just shy of a jog.

  Once Bella had done her business, bagged and left next to the sidewalk to be picked up on the return trip, Lotta’s mind again wandered to the sexy plumber, who was really a lobster fisherman. Hence those impressive biceps, and his tan even this early in the season. Where would he take her for their picnic? There were plenty of pretty spots around. Heck, the area was known for its natural beauty. The lighthouse? Macpherson’s Point with its sandy beach? The State Park with easy walking trails? She shook her head. There shouldn’t be lots of walking, not with his injured leg.

  She turned the corner for the homeward stretch. She’d bet a pound of chocolate Marcy would be stopping by after work to check on her, especially after getting a call from Mitch. She couldn’t wait to tell her. No, actually, she didn’t want to tell her. Not yet. She wanted to hold close and keep safe whatever was happening with Mitch. If it turned out to be nothing, there’d be less embarrassment.

  Chapter 9

  Thursday morning, bright and early…

  The inspector had arrived right after her walk the previous day. He’d agreed with Phil’s suggestions to fix the problem. Now, the real work could begin. The real mess would be made.

  Most of the day’s baking was cooling by the time Connor arrived with his friend, Buddy. The two young guys and Phil wrestled the large mixer into a corner of her tiny kitchen before starting the demolition. A few minutes later Mitch arrived, carrying two take-out coffees. “Good morning. Phil told me they can get to work today.”

  Lotta couldn’t keep the grin off her face if she tried. Freshly showered, and dressed in another rock-band t-shirt, he stole her breath. She accepted the coffee he offered and turned away. Speak, you ninny. Say something, anything. Comment on the weather.

  She met his gaze. The warmth in his smile almost brought tears to her eyes. He understood her so well. How was it possible, after knowing her for one day?

  “I told my mom about your blog. She checked it out and printed a couple of the recipes.”

  Warmth filled her chest at his thoughtfulness and gave her the courage to speak. “Thank you.” Phew, she hadn’t lost the power of speech.

  “She’s making your chocolate chip cookie bars today, for her knitting club meeting this evening. She’ll probably tell all of them about your blog, too. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, that’s great. The more visitors I get, the better my chances to write a cookbook.”

  He frowned. “I don’t follow.”

  She quickly explained about platform, and getting followers, needing a ready-built audience before a publisher would consider investing in a book.

  “Geez, the stuff
you learn. I’ll tell all my buddies about your blog, then.”

  “Do your friends like to cook?”

  He laughed. “No, but they do like to eat. They all have wives or girlfriends who can cook. I’m the only single guy.” His gaze got serious and intense for a few seconds.

  Her cheeks flamed with heat. They must be beet red. She couldn’t decide what to do or where to look. “Uh…I need to work on my blog.” She scurried into the dining room and blew out a breath. Oh my God, oh my God. He was still flirting with her. He hadn’t changed his mind. A good night’s sleep hadn’t brought him to his senses.

  “Anything I can do to help? The guys won’t need me for a couple hours.”

  Lotta jumped. Okay, she could do this. It wasn’t rocket science, or brain surgery, or creating something with spun sugar, all of which required concentration. Merely hanging out with a friend, like yesterday. No pressure. “Sure. I’d like to do a reshoot of the three layer bars. That is, if you don’t mind being the photographer again.”

  “My pleasure. Tell me what to do. I don’t mind taking orders from a pretty lady.” He winked.

  She fumbled with the cord, unplugged the camera from her laptop, and came close to dropping it. Her fingers refused to function normally. Stop being a ninny. He winked. Big deal. Consciously forcing herself to behave like a grown woman, and not a thirteen year old experiencing her first crush, she led the way to the kitchen.

  The process ran as smoothly as the previous day, and Mitch took great photos. If this kept up, she’d have enough blog content for the remainder of the month.

  Once the three-layer bars were documented, she made cupcakes for the bridal shower – triple vanilla cupcakes with almond butter-cream frosting. Mitch photographed the whole process, and then some.

  “You’re taking an awful lot of photos.” The cupcakes cooled on the rack, three dozen perfectly golden mounds of deliciousness perfuming the air.

  “I’m experimenting. Getting a feel for the camera.” He lifted the camera to his eye and aimed it straight at her.

  “Oh, geez, no.” She raised her hand to block the shot.

  “You don’t have pictures of yourself on the blog.”

  “Only on the ‘about me’ page.”

  “I think your public would like to see you in action.” He clicked the shutter some more.

  “I doubt that very much.” She ducked and turned. She needed to get that blasted camera away from him. She worked on the butter cream frosting, whipping an entire pound of butter before beating in the powdered sugar.

  “Hey, that looks really good.”

  “Thank you. You can be the official taster again.”

  “I was counting on it.”

  He stood next to her, watching her every move. She filled a pastry bag with the frosting and started piping simple swirls onto the cupcakes. Her hands, thankfully, didn’t start shaking. Strange, once she got working, concentrating on her job, her nervousness dried up, and her shyness lessened. Mitch made it easy to not be nervous. Then, he stood next to her. Filling the air with his scent. Filling the space with his body. Using up all the oxygen, again.

  She inhaled deeply without any trouble at all. Her hands weren’t sweating, and she didn’t feel sick. Not this time. She smiled.

  “Do you always immerse yourself fully in your work?”

  “What do you mean?” Only two cupcakes to go, and yes, she’d made enough frosting.

  He touched her cheek. “You’ve frosted yourself.”

  She turned, surprised at his touch. But not alarmed. She met his gaze and stared into his eyes. Dark, and warm, and filled with hunger. He slowly lowered his mouth to hers, taking several seconds to get there. Several long, long seconds. Plenty of time for her to turn away, or run from the room. She didn’t want to leave. And then his lips brushed hers, once, twice, before settling into a proper kiss.



  Oh, God, he’s kissing me.

  Oh, God…he’s…wow…

  She wanted this. She wanted to be normal, whatever the hell that meant. To be able to hang out with more than one or two people at a time. Go to the movies without taking an emergency paper bag in her purse. Have a boyfriend, in every sense of the word. Someone to talk to, someone to wake up next to.

  Lotta wrapped her free hand behind his neck and stepped closer. He tasted so good, like sweet coffee. He angled his head, wrapped both arms around her waist, and closed the space between them. He clearly liked what they were doing, if that firmness against her belly was any indication. Wow, he was a big man. And strong. Wonderfully strong.

  He held her too close, too tightly. No. Her breathing was fine. No extraneous sweating. Those delicate butterflies did a happy dance in her chest. This was good. She rose on tiptoe and dug her fingers into his hair, pressing against that tantalizing firmness.

  The front door slammed.

  He released her and stepped back.

  She covered her mouth and met his gaze again before spinning back to the cupcakes. Man, her heart was racing. Whoever the hell arrived had better be important.

  “Hey kids, how’s it going?” Marcy walked into the kitchen, her high heels clicking on the wooden floor.

  Mitch had retrieved the camera a split second before she entered the room and acted engrossed in his work. “Going good, Marcy. How’re you doing?”

  “Can’t complain. I see the guys have started the demolition. You goofing off?”

  He chuckled. “Yup, that’s my specialty.”

  “What do you think of these?” Lotta gave the final cupcake a last swirl and stood back, hoping her breathing sounded normal.

  “They’re perfect, sweetie. Hold on, you’ve got something on your cheek.” She used her brightly manicured nail to scrape off the frosting. “What’s so funny?”

  Lotta cleared her throat. “Nothing. It’s…funny…you know…”

  “I don’t get it.” Marcy looked at Mitch. “But you seem to get the joke.”

  He grinned. “I guess you had to be there.” He rested the camera on the table. “I’ll check on the guys. Back in a minute.”

  They both watched him walk his sexy butt out the door.

  “Hm…well, I can’t stay. I wanted to drop off these candied violets. I need to meet my future mother-in-law for an early lunch to discuss final arrangements. Weddings are amazingly complicated.” She left the way she came in, leaving Lotta holding a box of candied flowers and thoughts about the best kiss of her entire life.

  Chapter 10

  Thursday, a few seconds later…

  Mitch stopped on the other side of the doorway and checked his crotch. All evidence of arousal had subsided, but he hadn’t forgotten. No, sir. He could still taste her lips, still feel her body, curvy in all the right places, pressed against his. He exhaled sharply and stared at the ceiling. If he didn’t get his mind on something else, he’d be walking around at half-mast for the rest of the day. He checked his watch. Not long now before their picnic. He couldn’t wait to get her alone and repeat that kiss.

  “Hey, Phil, any surprises?” Mitch stepped into the bakery and studied the wall, now stripped of all plaster and insulation. The black mold was extensive, but fortunately contained to that one wall. No more demolition would be needed. It might not be such a big job after all.

  “No surprises here. But…”

  “I don’t like ‘buts’. Give it to my straight, doc.”

  “Well, the breaker box is overloaded. I’m surprised there isn’t evidence of overheating. Circuits were added at some point where they shouldn’t have been.” Phil shook his head. “I can’t leave it like this.”

  Shit, damn, double damn. “So you’re basically saying—what?”

  “I’ve gotta rewire a good portion of this extension.”

  “This isn’t the good news I was hoping to hear.”

  “Well, me neither, to be honest. More work for me. I was hoping to get up to camp this weekend.”

  “I hate to ask—”

  Phil held up his hand. “This is an emergency job, I get it. I’ll make sure the young fellers are available. Good thing the main house is on a separate circuit.”

  “Yeah, she’ll have power anyway.”

  “Not only that. If she was getting powered through that breaker box, I’d have to take a look at her wiring, too. I’m guessing there’s still knob and tube over there.” He shook his head. “Nasty stuff.”

  “Where are Connor and Buddy?” He wasn’t paying them to slack off. Wait, this wasn’t his project. Jake was in charge of paying the crew. But Lotta’s happiness was at stake, and so getting this done quickly had moved to the top of his personal importance list.

  “I sent them into Bangor to the electrical supply company. Better prices in there. Nothing for them to do here anyway until this wall dries.”

  “Are they working out? More help than hindrance?”

  “Yeah, they’re good kids, hard workers. No worries there.” He hitched up his trousers. “Well, I guess I’ll start figuring out which circuits go where. Nothing was labelled. Pain in the ass.” He stomped down to the cellar, muttering under his breath.

  Damn. Lotta wasn’t going to like this. They might have been able to get the bakery functional, though not pretty, in a few days if it was a matter of drying out the wall and repairing the leak. But electrical rewiring required more time. Other walls would have to be opened to pull wires unless they could work through the attic.

  Suddenly, making the picnic an enjoyable distraction became vital.

  Chapter 11

  Thursday, meanwhile…

  Lotta sat at her desk in the dining room, figuring out a timeline for the weekend. She’d been planning on baking the layers for The Cake and freezing them. But with her large freezer out of commission, and her large ovens, could she make the two largest layers in sections and glue them together with frosting? Ugh, that wouldn’t be ideal, but it might be her only solution.


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