Welcome to Serenity Harbor

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Welcome to Serenity Harbor Page 18

by Multiple Authors

  “Last I heard. Don’t worry, we’ll get it done.”

  “Okay, thanks for calling.”

  “And Lotta?”


  “I miss you.”

  She opened her mouth to say she missed him too, but he hung up. The day would stretch long and empty without him hanging around.

  Not that she’d have time for much of anything besides baking. More cupcakes, the deli order, and she had to make fudge for tomorrow’s party favors. But he’d be on her mind. Oh, yes he would.

  Dang, she absolutely had to call around and look for a big oven today. Why hadn’t she done it last evening? Then it’d be done, and she wouldn’t have this knot in her stomach. Of course, she might have struck out, and now be faced with no alternatives. This way, there was still hope. So, therefore, putting it off had been good. Yes.

  “Bella, your two-legged mom is a ninny.”

  Bella opened one eye and thumped her tail once. They were all agreed. She climbed from bed and started her day.

  Chapter 17

  Friday, a few hours later…

  Lotta dropped off the Kaiser rolls and wholegrain bread at the deli, then continued to Mitch’s house, the location of which she’d learned from Marcy after promising to share all the details of the picnic. She’d baked her favorite cookies, browned-butter chocolate chip. They were sure to make him feel better. They always cured her woes.

  She recognized his truck parked in the driveway of a cute little Cape Cod style house with white shingles and red shutters. The front garden was filled with lupines that were about to bloom. Thoroughly charming.

  She pulled in behind the truck, turned off the engine, and closed her eyes. She could do this. People dropped by to deliver food to friends all the time. Not a big deal. Certainly nothing to get nervous about. Or start to sweat and hyperventilate. She inhaled to a count of four and stepped out of the car, clutching the plate of cookies.

  The front door of the neighboring house opened and an older woman stepped out. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m—ah—visiting Mitch?”

  The woman strode over, looked at the cookies, looked at Lotta, and her face split in a grin. “You’re Lotta!”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please, call me Marion. I just know we’ll be seeing lots of you. I’ll open the door so Mitchell won’t have to get up.” Lotta followed in her wake, resisting the urge to flee. “Mitchell…you have company. Are you decent?” She winked at Lotta.

  Lotta’s face caught fire.

  “Though perhaps that doesn’t matter?”

  Lotta wanted to disappear in a puff of smoke. Coming here had been a colossal mistake. With some reluctance she followed Marion into the front room.

  “Hey, have a seat.” Mitch turned off the TV. “Thanks for letting her in, Mom,” he said, dismissal evident from his tone. Only a dense person, or a curious mother, wouldn’t have heard the hint.

  “Shall I fix tea?” Marion disappeared through the archway that no doubt led to the kitchen.

  “Sorry, I can’t…,” she began.

  “Sorry about…,” he said at the same time.

  They laughed. Lotta set the plate on the low table in front of the leather couch and glanced around the room. Definitely a man’s house, but nicely done. She loved the black and white photos on the walls, all of shore and ocean scenes.

  “I love your house.”

  “Thanks.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Please sit beside me before Mom gets back.”


  “The other chair isn’t very comfortable.”

  She grinned. “Don’t you want her to stay for a nice long visit?”

  “You’re a fiend. No, I want to be alone with you.”

  Her cheeks warmed. She’d like to be alone with him, too.

  Marion called from the kitchen. “Do you take milk and sugar, Lotta dear?”

  “Just milk, thank you.” She stared out the window, unable to meet his gaze. Lotta dear? Did she have them already married in her imagination?

  Marion bustled in, carrying a tray with only two mugs of tea. “There now. You have a nice long visit. Stay for as long as you like, Lotta dear. I’m sure Mitchell is glad of your company. I’ll let myself out.” She hurried to the door. “Lovely to have finally met you, I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” The front door closed with a loud click.

  The silence was deafening.

  “I really can’t stay.” She sidled toward the door.

  “Come on, have a cup of tea. It’d be a shame to waste it.”

  “I need to make some calls.”

  “Can I help?”

  Yes! Please! Take over, fix this disaster for me. I’ll be over here in the corner, twirling my hair and humming to myself. “I need to do this.”

  “I can help.”

  “No, actually, this is something I need to do. You’ve helped enough. And look where it got you.” She gestured to his bandaged ankle, propped up on cushions on the coffee table.

  “This? Barely a scratch. Who do you need to call?”

  She sighed, perched on the edge of the couch, and picked up her mug. “I can’t put off finding another place to bake The Cake, in case my bakery is still out of commission. Not if I want to do the job correctly.”

  “There must be a few restaurants in town with the equipment you need.”

  “Yes, I’m sure” She hated this. Having to explain why doing something as simple as asking for a favor was nothing short of agony. She sipped her tea. “It’s this problem I have.”

  “The panic disorder?”

  “I have the added bonus of being incredibly shy.”


  “So, doing something like talking to a stranger is difficult. Asking for help—” she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. “See? Merely thinking about it makes me queasy.”

  “I’ll call.”

  She straightened her shoulders and met his gaze. “No, I need to do this.”

  “But if it makes you sick—”

  “I can’t hide from uncomfortable situations. Letting other people fix things for me. Jake found you. You’re the one who found Phil and Connor. Marcy arranged the job when I needed a new roof.”

  “And now Marcy is leaving.”

  “It’s time I grew up.”

  He grasped her hand and squeezed. “How about a compromise?”


  “I know Jeff, the head chef at Amalfi Bistro. I’ll call him—”

  “No, don’t you understand?”

  “Wait, let me finish. I’ll lay the groundwork. Mention your situation at the bakery and let him know to expect a call from you – this afternoon?”


  “That’s all I’ll say. I can call him right now, with you here to witness. If I start to say too much, pinch me.”

  She smiled, and her heart did that flutter again. He really was the most amazing man. Kind, thoughtful, smart, cute. She could so easily fall in love with him. Or maybe she already had. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind…”

  “I offered. I want to help. Okay?”


  He picked up his phone from the armrest and pushed a couple buttons.

  Oh man, oh man! He was calling right now. She couldn’t back out. If she didn’t call the chef, Mitch would hear about it. And then what would he think? That she was a complete loser and not worth his time, that’s what he’d think. She grabbed his arm. “Is this a good time? I don’t want you to interrupt—”

  “Relax. I’m calling his cell. If he’s busy, it’ll go to voicemail.”

  Relax? How could she relax when there was so much at stake? She jumped to her feet and paced to the window and back. “Wait, I’ve changed my—”

  He held up his hand. “Hey Jeff, it’s Mitch…not too shabby. How’s business?...that’s great. And Sally?...you need to make an honest woman of her…I’m working on that.” He winked. “Hey, I’ve g
ot a favor to ask…you know Lotta from The Trellis Bakery…I think so too.” He winked again. Crumbs, she wanted to hear the other side of the conversation. “She has some water damage in her shop…yeah. She’s making Marcy and Doug’s wedding cake…precisely. Can she give you a call…no, I’ll leave that up to her…great…I’ll tell her. Thanks. Call me on your next night off and we’ll catch up…Later.” He pressed a button and dropped the phone on the cushion. “Was that okay?”

  “What did he say?”

  “Call him any time and he’ll make it work. I’ll give you his cell number.”

  Her hands started to shake. She crossed her arms over her chest and clutched her shirt. “All right.”

  “Have a seat, you’re making me nervous.”

  “I can do this.” She paced to the window and back a few more times.

  “Yes, you can.” He frowned. “Tell me to butt out if you want, but does medication help?”

  “I’m one of the unlucky few who doesn’t react well to the more common meds. Breathing exercises and meditation help a bit.”

  “Do you want to do some now?”

  “In front of you?” Sure, and she’ll strip naked while she’s at it.

  He shrugged. “Why not? If it’ll help…”

  Could this be any more embarrassing? Well, maybe having him present during a gyno exam.

  “Lotta, please sit.”

  She sat, then slouched back, closed her eyes, and breathed. She pictured the air expanding her lungs, her diaphragm pulling in oxygen and pushing out carbon dioxide laced with negative thoughts. In with air, out with doubts. She peeked at him. He was looking at his phone and not at her, thank God. She closed her eyes again. In with air, out with worries. She let her muscles relax one by one, starting with her jaw, then her neck, shoulders, hands. Peace and happiness descended over her body like a veil.

  Chapter 18

  Friday, about ten minutes later…

  After about ten minutes, Mitch noticed a change in Lotta’s breathing. He put down his phone where he’d been checking hockey scores, met her gaze, and smiled. Her color was better, and her eyes were back to being the calm deep pools of chocolate. “Better?”

  “Yes, thank you. How are you?”

  “Sitting here, nowhere to go.”

  “I’m sorry about your ankle. And inflicting my issues on you. Thanks for calling Chef Jeff.”

  “Glad to help.” He puffed out his chest and flexed an arm to display his bicep. “Makes me feel like a knight in shining armor, vanquishing a dragon to win the love of his lady.”

  She sat up and grabbed her tea. Must be cold by now, but she took a long drink anyway. Seconds passed and she seemed engrossed in whatever was in her cup. A bug doing the backstroke maybe? He felt like he’d done the hundred-meter backstroke, his heart was beating so hard.

  “Have I won your love?”


  “Okay, profound like? Can you at least tolerate me?”

  Still staring into the depths of her cup, she shook her head. His heart sank. He was sure his heart literally sank, fell out of his chest to land in his stomach. He felt sick. “It’s okay…” It was great while it lasted. Who was he kidding? It had been fucking fabulous.

  She set her cup down and slid along the couch. “I think, since I’ve known you for only a few days, I can only say I love you this much.” She held up her hand with her thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. “Give me a few more days and I’ll love you this much.” She spread her arms wide, a huge smile on her lips.

  His heart bounced into his chest. Thank you, Universe. He couldn’t wait another second. He leaned close and kissed those smiling lips. “And a few days after that?”

  “After that, the sky’s the limit.” She pushed him onto his back and she kissed him.

  Chapter 19

  Friday, an exciting, toe-curling, breathless half hour later…

  Lotta sat up and pulled her shirt into place. “Wait…” Time to slow this down. But, wow, she wanted to continue. Mitch was the best kisser in the world. And the best toucher, stroker, tickler. Heck, he made her want more of everything, and then some.

  Mitch grinned. “Not what a guy wants to hear after proclaiming his undying love.”

  She smiled and snuggled up close again, revelling in his solid warmth against her body. “We’ll get back to what we were doing, but I should call Jeff first.”

  “Get it over with.”

  “Yes.” She trailed her finger along his arm. “Would you mind—”

  “You can go to the kitchen, or up to my room, if you want privacy.”

  “Actually, I’d like to stay here, with you, if that’s okay?”

  “Absolutely.” He cupped her head and kissed her again. “Take your time.”

  “Thanks.” She pressed her cheek into his shoulder.

  “But my arm will fall asleep soon,” he said, laughing.

  “Oh—” She swatted his arm, chuckling. “You won’t give up, will you?”

  “I’m doing it for your own good.” He stroked her cheek. “We’re in this together.”

  “Even though I’m a little broken?”

  “Hey, look what you’re getting.” He gestured to his legs, one in a cast from toes to knee, and the other wrapped in a compression cast.

  She grinned, loving that he got her. Really understood her hang-ups. She grabbed her phone. “What’s his number?”

  He found the contact and read it off, then sat quietly while she punched it in. It required only three tries before she got the correct numbers entered. Come on, Lotta, this isn’t like baking macarons.

  The phone on the other end was answered on the second ring.

  Speak, you ninny.

  “Uh—this is—”

  She met Mitch’s gaze. Strong, supportive, loving. God, she loved this man. She cleared her throat. “Hi, this is Lotta Wilson from The Trellis Bakery, and I have a tremendous favor to ask.”

  Chapter 20

  Friday, about three minutes later…

  Lotta ended the call, dropped the phone, and burst into tears.

  “What gives?” Mitch pulled her close.

  “He said yes, anytime…”

  “That’s good news, right?”

  She nodded and sniffled. “The best news. I’m so relieved.”

  “And that’s why you’re crying?” He wiped tears from her cheek and rested his chin atop her head.


  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m so ha—happy.”

  No matter what she did, she couldn’t stop crying. All the tension of the last few days leaked out her eyes. Mitch held her close and let her cry.

  She’d done it. She’d had a problem, and she’d solved it. With lots of help, but she’d made that last call and spoken the words. The earth hadn’t stopped spinning. The oceans hadn’t dried up. And though it was too light right now, she’d bet there were still stars in the sky. Which meant she could do it again, if needed. But please don’t let it be necessary.

  If she did fall off the deep end, Mitch would be there to catch her and bring her back to safety. With him.

  The universe was a strange and wondrous place.

  When she finally stopped crying, they got back to doing what they had been doing before the phone call.

  Chapter 21

  Saturday, two weeks later…

  Marcy and Doug cut The Cake, fed each other a piece without mess or fuss, and the party started. Lotta turned to Mitch and grinned. “The Cake turned out pretty well, didn’t it?”

  He hugged her close. “Everyone is saying it’s the most beautiful wedding cake they’ve ever seen.”

  “A good thing you snapped all those pictures before the ceremony. I completely forgot.”

  “I take my photo assignments seriously.”

  Lotta laughed. She’d done a lot of laughing, and smiling, and other happy things during the last two weeks. Never in a million years would she have thought she’d be this happy. She
glanced down at her left hand and gave the ring a twirl. The sapphire and diamonds caught the light – the blue stone almost as beautiful as Mitch’s eyes. Even though she’d worn it for only one day, she couldn’t imagine it not being there.

  Marcy walked over with a strange man in tow. “Here she is, the creator of the masterpiece everyone is devouring.”

  Lotta went to step back, but Mitch tightened his hold. “We’re in this together,” he whispered in her ear.

  She stuck a smile on her face, breathed in strength, breathed out negativity, and nodded. Yes, together.

  Marcy clasped her hand and gave it a squeeze, pride shining in her eyes. “Lotta Wilson, of The Trellis Bakery right here in our small town, this gentleman wants to talk to you – about a cookbook.” She air-kissed Lotta’s cheek so no one’s makeup would get smudged and skipped away into the arms of her new husband.

  “A cookbook?” Lotta glanced at Mitch.

  He winked at her before holding out his hand to the other man. “Mitch Calhoun, Lotta’s fiancé.”

  “Madison Chalmers, editor at Sunset Publishing.” The dapper man presented a business card. “A pleasure to meet you, both of you. Ms. Wilson, the cake is stunning, and it is delicious. I took the liberty of checking your blog after discovering your name, and I must say I’m impressed. Quite impressed indeed. May I stop by your bakery tomorrow? I’d love to work with you.”

  “Yes—thank you—yes!”

  He gave them each a nod and walked back to the cake table to get another slice as the lights dimmed and the music began for the first dance. Lotta wrapped her arm around Mitch’s waist and they swayed in place to the music.

  “Happy?” He nuzzled her ear.

  She looked into his eyes, deep, blue pools of love. With a little teasing thrown in to keep her on her toes. “Springing a leak was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” She kissed him, on the lips, in front of anyone who might be looking at them and not at the happy couple on the dance floor. Strangely, the only flutter she felt was from joy.

  The End

  About Luanna Stewart

  Luanna Stewart has been creating adventures for her imaginary friends since childhood. As soon as she discovered her grandmother's stash of romance novels, all plots had to lead to a happily-ever-after.


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