Welcome to Serenity Harbor

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Welcome to Serenity Harbor Page 42

by Multiple Authors

  “Know what?” He racked his brain, trying to think of anything that he should have known but all he wanted to do was to pull Brandi into his arms.

  “Who was she, Travis? Who were you with at the mall?” She was still whispering, and there were tears falling down her face.

  And then it clicked. He hadn’t told Brandi that he was going shopping with his cousin. And she had seen Nadine when they were at the mall together. Travis looked around the waiting room of the hospital and saw countless people tired and barely holding it together. He knew he looked worse than they did. He didn’t even grab his cell phone before he came running into the hospital.

  “Maya, you’ve got to be kidding me. What you saw was my cousin Nadine giving me crap because I didn’t want to go shopping. That was what I was doing.”

  “You weren’t cheating on her?”

  “Never. Now what was I supposed to know?” He looked at her, but she turned away seeing something that he didn’t.

  He turned his head to the man in blue scrubs that came out from behind double doors with blood on his chest.

  “Family of Brandi Reynolds?” He called, looking around expectantly? “I’m Dr. Kahn, and I just wanted to let you know that Brandi is in the Intensive Care Unit following her surgery.”

  They stood, together, hand in hand while the doctor explained the extent of her injuries.

  “She has some abdominal bruising caused by the steering column. Her arm was broken in three places, but the surgery to repair it was successful. She also got the usual scrapes for someone who had an accident like hers. But she should make a full recovery. I can take you to her now.” He turned to leave, but Maya touched his arm.

  “Um, is there any way you can tell me about…” She looked at Travis, but then she shook her head, “I can wait. It’s okay, let’s go.”

  The doctor led them through the halls of the hospital and into the ICU where Brandi was being kept overnight before she would be moved into another room.

  Travis was dumbfounded when he saw her lying in the tiny hospital bed unconscious. Her hair was plastered to her head, the blonde hair looking lifeless against her skin, which was paler than he’d ever seen it. The skin not covered by a blanket or the hospital gown was already purple, her face was swollen, her arm encased with a cast. There was an IV hanging out of her other arm, and an oxygen mask over her nose. He was stuck in the doorway, unable to move, while Maya moved into the room and took her hand.

  “When will she wake up?” His voice broke on the words but he had to know.

  “We don’t know. That’s up to her. She wasn’t conscious when she was brought into the hospital, but the scans showed no sign of swelling on her brain.” The doctor’s words hung in the otherwise quiet room. The only other noise being the steady blip of the monitors attached to Brandi’s body.

  The guilt started to set in around the time that Maya looked at him and told him it was all his fault before she huffed and walked out to call Brian. Travis looked at her, really looked at her and then he broke down. He held her hand, and prayed that she would wake up.

  “You know; you should talk to her. She can hear everything you’re saying. Give her a reason to wake up.” A voice that could have been his own sounded from behind him, and without turning Travis knew that Tyler was at the door.

  “Why are you here?” The old anger was absent from his voice. Travis didn’t care anymore that his brother had taken his ex-wife. His future was lying in the bed in front of him and it had been ten years without having his brother in his life. He needed his other half right now. Otherwise he wouldn’t get through this.

  “I got offered a job heading up the neurosurgery department. Our head of general surgery just caught me in the hall and told me that someone who looked just like me was here. I put two and two together, and found out your girl was here. And I had to check on her, see if there was anything I could do.” Eyes that were the same as his were looking at him filled with trepidation and grief. Travis didn’t know what to say.

  “Why didn’t mom or dad give me a heads up that you were back?” He felt slighted that his brother and Jessica were back and no one had thought to mention it to him. “How long have you been here?”

  “I just got in last week. And I bet that ma didn’t want you to freak out and stop talking to them again. You’ve been a dick about everything that happened even though I’ve tried to make amends forever.”

  “I’m sorry, Ty. I’ve been over it for a long time.” And he really was. There wasn’t anything else that they needed to say.

  Tyler walked into the room, and Travis reached out to take his hand. “Did you- um. Did you find anything that they might have missed on her scans? Is there anything you could do to help her?” His brother might have been a tool when they were younger, but Travis had kept up with his success in medicine. He was amazing. And if there was something that the other doctors missed, he would be the one to pick up on it.

  “No. But between you and me, sometimes when they’re at this stage, the anesthesia takes a little bit of time to wear off. She should be waking up soon. They won’t let me examine her anyway, officially, of course. Conflict of interest to work on family and all that.” Tyler squeezed his hand, and then didn’t let go. Travis got more comfort from the touch than he would ever admit.

  They both stayed that way for a minute; watching her, waiting for her to open her eyes. When nothing happened, Travis looked at his brother again, and confusion was plain on his face. He knew that there were questions going through his head.

  “Why was she driving alone, Travis? Ma said you were at the mall too, with Nadine. Why did she leave on her own?”

  “I was shopping with Nadine; I didn’t even know that Brandi was at the mall. She told me this morning that she was going to do some last minute shopping but wouldn’t give me the details. And Brandi saw me with Nadine, but took off instead of saying anything to me.”

  “Well shit, did she know who Nadine was?” Tyler looked at him with raised eyebrows, so similar to his own.

  “No, I guess not. Not according to Maya. She made it seem like Brandi thought I was cheating on her.” Travis couldn’t help but fight back the surge of nausea that was pulling at him. This whole mess was his fault. He should have been clear with her who he was going shopping with.

  “I’m sorry, brother. You have to fix it though. Before a misunderstanding makes you miss the most important thing in your life.”

  “What are you talking about? What’s going on?” Travis looked at his brother and hoped that it wasn’t cancer, or something that would take her away from him. He didn’t know that when his brother opened his mouth again it would be to say something that would take the floor out from underneath him.

  “Well, she’s about thirteen weeks pregnant. Didn’t you know?” Travis couldn’t breathe. There was no oxygen left in the room. And now he knew why Brandi was being distant lately. There was something wrong and he had missed it. Now he might lose the woman he loved because of something stupid, and their baby. There was no doubt in his mind that it was his.

  “He didn’t know.” Her voice broke through the chaos, bringing him back to the present. She reached for his hand and he moved forward without thinking about it.

  Her fingers were so small in his hand. He squeezed her hand, and didn’t even care that she hadn’t told him she was pregnant.

  Chapter 9

  “I just found out this morning that I was pregnant. I hadn’t even gone to the doctor yet.” Brandi felt like someone was dragging sandpaper from her stomach up through her throat and into her mouth as she tried to speak. Her words were slurred from the pain medication they had undoubtedly given her.

  She looked at Travis, and knew that she was out of it when she saw two of him in the room. She closed her eyes and shook her head, attempting to clear her vision. That’s when she noticed that there were differences between the two men. Travis was wearing a black hoodie with a pair of jeans, while the Travis look-a-like was w
earing a pair of slacks and a button down shirt. Travis didn’t even own a button down shirt. But since he looked just like Travis, that could only make him Tyler. She heard the words that they had been saying. Travis hadn’t been cheating on her, and she had probably lost their baby by being stupid and climbing into a car without paying attention.

  “Oh, baby.” Travis moved to sit on the side of the bed, but she waved him away.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Tears started to fall down her face, and she didn’t have the strength to wipe them away.

  “Are you kidding me? You have nothing to be sorry about, baby.” Travis pushed himself onto the bed with her, ignoring her grunted protests, and grabbed her as gently as he could, bringing her face to his shoulder. He caressed her back, and silent sobs racked her body, tearing through her.

  “But… I lost our baby. Over a stupid mistake. I’m so sorry, Travis.” Brandi was crying now. Tears that she couldn’t stop, regardless of the fact that she didn’t want to try. Her heart was breaking.

  “It was an accident. And I didn’t tell you about my cousin. It was just a misunderstanding. A stupid misunderstanding. I love you, Brandi. I love you. We’ll get through this. We can get through anything. I mean, hell. We made it through that damn storm, we can do anything.”

  “Oh, you’re still pregnant, Brandi.” Tyler said from his spot by the door. “I’m not your doctor, but the tests didn’t show that you miscarried. I’m sure your doctor is going to schedule an ultrasound to make sure that everything is okay, though now that you’re awake.” He stood there, with eyes that were identical to Travis, and even though Brandi was looking at a carbon copy of the man she loved; she couldn’t see why any woman would choose him over Travis.

  Where Travis was wild and exciting, Tyler looked bland. But he was telling her that she was still pregnant. Not only that, but she would get to see her baby soon. And that was enough to make sure that she smiled through the tears.

  “Marry me.” Travis whispered into her hair, as the tears started to dry on her cheeks. “Say you’ll marry me, before we know anything. I’ve got the ring at home, I just hadn’t figured out how to tell you that I love you and I want everything with you. I want you to know that no matter what we find out- you’re the one for me. I never thought I’d have another chance at forever. Until that damn storm. But now, I know you’re it. And if you’re carrying my baby, that’ll just make it better. But please. Marry me. I love you, Brandi. I think I have from the beginning.” She pulled back and looked into his face.

  Features that she had thought were hard and uncaring when they first met had transformed themselves over the past few months. She loved him, more than anything. His lips were full, and his eyes were red- like he had been crying while she was unconscious. He had scruff where he hadn’t shaved, and his hair was unkempt. But he was hers. And she would be his.

  “Yes,” and she kissed him.

  Even though she had questions about the future, about why Travis’s brother was suddenly here, and wanted to know what was going to happen with her baby, Brandi let herself get swept away in his kiss. They had the rest of forever to find their answers.


  “What the hell is taking that woman so long?” Travis was fidgeting, and complaining. He knew it.

  “Man up. She’ll be here when she gets here. You asked her to plan this whole thing in less than three weeks. How do you think she’s going to handle it? She’s probably back there getting hammered with the rest of them.” Tyler laughed at him, but he was standing there in a coordinated suit too, so Travis couldn’t say much.

  “I don’t want Jessica to upset her, Tyler. You promised me that nothing would happen.” Travis couldn’t figure out why she was taking so long.

  “Seriously, Trav. You have nothing to worry about. I think after Brandi punched her when they met, there’s no way that Jessica would do anything to her.” Brian piped up from his spot besides Tyler and Logan. “I just wish that I had been able to get that shit on video.”

  “God. I love that woman. You’re lucky she’s pregnant with your evil-ass spawn, or I’d kidnap her and make her fall in love with me.” Logan said. “She got you here, in a suit, with all of us. This place looks great by the way.”

  They were standing in Serenity Harbor’s courtroom on New Year’s Eve. The Sheriff had made arrangements for them to use it for the wedding, but Brandi had insisted that it look good. So the women had banded together to make it a dream come true. Travis didn’t know how they did it but the room looked nothing like the way it usually did. The benches were decorated tastefully, and everything had been moved to the side so that there would be room for the wedding party. There were red roses with baby’s breath decorating all the available surfaces, but it didn’t look tacky.

  The men standing up with him were wearing black suits with dark blue ties, matching the colors of the bridal party, and baby’s breath in their lapels. Travis himself was wearing a charcoal gray suit with a red tie. He waited, tapping his foot until the door opened. His breath caught as the women started walking through the door held open by Brian’s two sons, dressed in suits that made them appear much older than their ages.

  First came Jessica, who Travis didn’t know how he ever thought looked like Brandi. She was tall, with long blonde hair, and where Brandi would look full and womanly, Jessica looked sallow in her dark blue dress. Next came Teri, who looked like a fairy princess in the dress that Brandi had picked out just for her. It had a handkerchief hem that made it look like she was floating when she walked. Travis only knew this detail because the woman he loved had made a point to talk of nothing else but the dresses she picked for each woman for the past week. Third and last before the bride herself was Maya, and Travis heard Brian’s inhalation from where he was standing. Her dress was strapless and knee-length, hugging every one of the tattoos that lined Maya’s skin. She winked at her husband before looking at Travis with a beautiful smile.

  “You can breathe, you know. She’s right behind me.” He looked to the door, but she didn’t make an appearance.

  “Hurry your ass up!” Teri called, “I’m wearing this dress for your punk ass so you better get in here and get married already.”

  “Shut your pie hole!” His bride hollered back from beyond the door. “I’m making a dramatic entrance.” And when she stepped through the door itself, Travis’s heart stopped in its tracks.

  She was beautiful. Her dress wasn’t white, like he expected. It was dark gray, fading into the same dark blue that the other woman was wearing. Her pixie cut was natural, with baby breath scattered throughout it tastefully. Her lips were red, and he couldn’t wait to kiss her. Before he could move from his spot at the front of the room, his brother grabbed his arm.

  “Let her come to you,” he whispered.

  “She’s my forever,” he choked out.

  And as she made her way to his side and they swore before all of their friends and family to love and honor one another, he thanked the heavens above for the storm that led him to her.

  The End

  About April Canavan

  April spends her time split between the real and fantasy worlds; trying to find a balance between the fictional characters running through her head, and her school-aged son who runs through her life. Having grown up on the west coast, she moved to Maine to raise her family and pursue her dream of writing. Rescued kittens from the barn assist in rounding out her little family, and she is constantly fighting the urge to bring more into the fold.


  Love in a Storm

  Rose Morris

  For years, Millicent Montgomery has assumed her neighbor Pierce Blackstone, a New York City, transplant has wanted to buy her off her property. The countless, unopened letters he has sent drives her dislike for him despite the strong attraction she feels for him.

  Millicent is a distraction Pierce doesn’t need but his desire to have her gone wars with his need to have her in his life. Can he convince thi
s woman he yearns for to give him a chance at love?


  This is dedicated to my family who has supported me in all my endeavors (Strange or not). I also dedicate this to the Brainstorming group who came up with the idea and all the other writers who have shared their stories in this Anthology. We have shared laughter, supported one another, and are each other’s best cheer squad. Thank you.

  Chapter 1

  “Damn it,” Millicent swore as she tore the envelope from her door where it was taped. “Damn him.”

  She shoved open the door of her home, a house that had been in her family for more generations then she would care to count and threw the letter on her hall table, along with the rest of them. She didn’t need to read it. She knew what it said. They were always the same.

  Dear Ms. Montgomery,

  In hopes of your approval with me buying your property I agree to add $50,000 to the current offer. This is far above the cost of the property. As you are aware, my view of the ocean is blocked by your work shed and lobster traps. I, unfortunately, find this an eye sore. Please consider my offer this time.


  Pierce A. Blackstone

  It was always the same.

  Why did she even keep them?

  The asshole from New York City should have seen the property before he bought it. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have other views of the ocean. His house was surrounded by large bay windows sitting on the same curved land hers was. Her family home was over a hundred yards away from his. It was next to his, not in front of it and it had been there for over two hundred years while his was only ten years old and used to be part of her land.

  What possessed her father to sell it?

  She shook her head because she knew. Still, she wished he hadn’t. She reached up to take her hair down, collecting bobby pins that kept her long, thick braid curled around her head like a crown. Her father had done it to give her a nest egg. She still had the two million that remained from the sale of the land and the settlement of the business and household debt. He had even set up a trust so she wouldn’t have to worry about the yearly taxes and utilities on the property. Ever. Those bills went automatically to the accounting firm that managed the trust.


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