Club Nadir

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Club Nadir Page 9

by Brett Williams

  Yes. Audrey’s pride swelled as much as her soon-to-be bosom. She drank in his attention, finished off her drink. “Let’s find some privacy.”

  “Most definitely. Later I can introduce you to other investors. And I know just the surgeon you are looking for.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  * * *

  “You should see them, mother. They look great.”

  “Don’t they hurt?”

  “That’s what pain killers are for.” Audrey sipped iced tea as she held the phone to her ear.

  “I still can’t believe you got a boob job. You are such a beautiful woman.”

  “Now I’m a beautiful woman who’s stacked.” Audrey could practically hear her mother’s eyes roll.

  “I bet they do look great, dear. Thank heavens you didn’t go overboard with it. B-cups probably look huge on you, you are so tiny.”

  “Yeah,” Audrey grinned, “they do look huge.” She had wanted to go with C-cups, but Dr. Wilson had said B-cups were pushing it for her. It had taken a week for her breasts to stop feeling stretched nearly to popping. Plus they did look plenty big—so firm and perky.

  “Well, I’m so glad you are over that Mark fellow. I’m sure you’ll be attracting the attention of plenty men with your new ta-ta's.”

  Audrey sniggered. “Maybe so.”

  “We should get together sometime. We could go shopping. Maybe visit Victoria’s Secret—”


  “—pick up a few bras. You know, you’ll have to start wearing them now.”

  “I wear them.”

  “When? Not that I’ve ever noticed.”

  “I wear them when I wear white tops to work.”

  “Oh dear …”

  Audrey laughed. “Look, mother, I’m going to let you go. Maybe we can get together next weekend. I really would like your opinion on my new tits.”

  “Listen to you. ‘Tits.’ What am I going to do with you?”

  “Love me forever.”

  “I will.”

  “You too, mother. Love you bunches. Good-bye now.”


  Audrey drained her glass. Ice clanked inside. The cold glass dripped wet from condensation. She pressed the glass to one breast, lingering, and then the other. The sensation, chilly and wet, immediately caused her nipples to firm. They seemed much more sensitive now—Audrey loved it.

  “Let’s take a look,” she told Leo. The cat ignored her. She rose off the couch, went into the bathroom. In the mirror she could see jutting nipples clearly through the thin, water-soaked white cotton. Yes, she needed to do some shopping. Some of her clothes were too tight now. The tee she wore stretched taut across her breasts. On a whim she had cut the shirt shorter. It had rode up to display the underside swell of skin. Scars reached along twin creases of flesh. Dr. Wilson had explained that the scarring would fade and her breasts would settle to hide telltale signs of the procedure.

  For now, though, Audrey didn’t care. She looked hot. Not only did her tits look wonderful, she loved the look of her bare belly button over low-slung boxers. The gold ring piercing her navel looked so exotic, she could hardly wait to show Mark. She looked like a sexpot. A new woman. A truly sexual being, as if she had shed her cocoon to become a butterfly. She had even contemplated getting a tattoo. Perhaps a butterfly on her hip. Or a larger one on her lower back. Maybe something on a tit—but probably not.

  First she had business to attend to, although she already suspected the outcome. Only a little over a week late with her period, Audrey needed to know. Was she pregnant? Or had the birth control pills simply thrown off her cycle?

  She slipped down her boxers, sat down on the cool toilet seat. The pregnancy test sat on the counter. She had opened the package earlier but lacked the ambition to use it. She shouldn’t be pregnant. It shouldn’t be possible. However, she had missed taking her pill one day last month. Technically, she might have missed another time or two by tossing her cookies after one too many drinks.

  “Here goes nothing.”

  Holding the test stick between her legs, she let go with a yellow flow. She finished urinating and then sat waiting for the verdict.

  What if she was pregnant? Maybe Mark would want to do the right thing. The sex had been good between them. Sure, he liked variety. Audrey could allow him to welcome other women into their bed. So long as he kept everything out in the open. He could share her with other men, if that’s what he really wanted. If not that, he had money. Mark could certainly afford to do the right thing by helping out financially with her and the baby. He could stop by to visit it, if he wanted. If he did, maybe they could enjoy a little adult time, too.

  Enough time had elapsed. Audrey glanced down to read the stick. Pregnant.


  Hear heart soared! A fetus formed inside her!

  Perhaps that could be the glue to help solidify her relationship with Mark!

  Well, maybe.

  Ultimately, Audrey believed, if she catered to him, Mark would be willing to be with her again. At the very least, they could give it a solid effort.

  Besides, she looked great now. Maybe a seven or possibly eight on a ten scale.

  Probably a seven. If he rounded up. Or focused on her breasts. Then she might be an eight, or nine. Ten, once the scars faded. Assuming he wasn’t put off by fake tits, and a B-cup would suffice. Which might be the case.

  Audrey pulled up her boxers. She left the test stick in the sink, retreated to her bedroom, collapsed onto the bed.

  What if Mark told her to get lost? Have an abortion? Claimed it couldn’t be his? What if he told her he would fight paternity in court, that he had the finest lawyers? She might have to hire a lawyer herself. If not, she would be forced to raise the child alone. She made a decent wage; however, raising a child could be expensive. Not to mention a lot of work. Undoubtedly she would be forced to miss work on occasion due to the child’s illness, injury, who knows what. It would be tough being a single mother, she knew that. Women at work were always discussing such things about their kids.

  If Mark wasn’t interested in helping raise his child, perhaps Audrey, with her new and improved body, could attract a man who would. Someone rich and powerful … Jefferson sprang to mind.

  No, don’t go there, she thought.

  She curled up on the bed. Tears began to pour. She needed to tell Mark but didn’t know how to go about it. Sleep eventually overcame her. A sweet reprieve.

  Chapter Fourteen

  * * *

  It took all Sunday afternoon to put together the perfect outfit. After all, what she wore would have to make her beautiful. Not only would the outfit need to lend her a motherly aura, one that would help attract Mark to pursue a long-term relationship with her, it would need to emphasize Audrey’s new-found sexuality. Basically, she needed an outfit that accentuated her breasts enough to make him want to fuck her, and only her. It needed to make him want to rethink their now non-existent relationship. Maybe even temp him into doing the right thing and marrying her.

  A tall order. She didn’t know if she stood a chance. But wearing these tan Capri pants, tight (but not too tight) low-cut blouse, which split at the bottom to show her newly-pierced navel, maybe, just maybe Mark would take the bait.

  So she waited Thursday night, the night Mark typically frequented Club Nadir, sipping a club soda. She longed for a cocktail, but what kind of mother-to-be would be caught drinking? Especially one hoping to snag the father of her child.

  “Money well spent,” a voice behind her stated. The voice belonged to a well-heeled man, one of several she had been introduced to by Jefferson in the boardroom nearly two weeks ago. He took a seat beside her.

  Audrey smiled.

  “Nice fucking tits.” He reached over, felt one, then the other. Audrey didn’t mind him touching her since Mark had yet to arrive. How could she have been so naive? So blind to the fact she frequented a sex club. Everyone here fucked around. Rich, powerful men. Average, ever
yday women. Women like her, hungry for attention. Mark would not be shocked at the display, so long as she did not provoke or overly enjoy the attention.

  “Thank you. Thanks for making the investment.”

  “I’d like to start collecting dividends tonight.” The man leered at her. He was a balding, chubby man with thick jowls, thicker mustache, and tight gold rings wrapped around several stubby little fingers. Audrey wondered if the rings ever came off. It seemed impossible.

  “I dunno. I am meeting someone.”

  The man, whose name escaped her, surveyed the room. “Who? Mark? When?”

  “Yes, Mark. He could show at any time.”

  “Hmm … You could suck me off before he arrives.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather wait? You wouldn’t want to rush unwrapping my tits, would you?”

  “Has anyone else seen them yet? I didn’t even know you went under the knife.”

  There had been three men in the boardroom, Jefferson made four. Four men investing in her plastic surgery. She didn’t know the exact cost of the procedure, but she understood that Dr. Wilson didn’t work cheap. She also knew, from what she had been told, that Dr. Wilson was one of the premier plastic surgeons in the city, if not the country. He made a ton of money. Although he had undoubtedly given his club members a very fair price for the services, Audrey knew they had spent thousands on her. Thousands they intended to take out in trade.

  Unless, of course, she could persuade Mark to give their relationship another try—for the kid. Then maybe he could help her repay the debt in cash.

  But she was getting ahead of herself. First she simply needed to buy time.

  “No, nobody has seen them. If you wait until later, or tomorrow, you can be first. We can have a good time.”

  The man didn’t seem too enthused; however, he ordered a drink before retreating to a table. Audrey watched him take out a mirror, cut a line of coke, and then snort it. What didn’t the rich have, Audrey wondered. What wouldn’t they do?

  He continued to eye her as she nervously sipped club soda. At nearly half-past seven, Audrey began to lose hope that Mark would show. If he did—and he had a woman with him—what would she do? What would she say? If that woman was Janice, Audrey might lose her cool. For that matter, so might Janice. Audrey prayed he would be alone.

  Sorry to interrupt your booty call, Mark, she imagined herself saying, but you knocked me up. Thought you’d like to know. Wanna hook up again, maybe for the long haul. Or would you prefer to just send a check every month? Oh, okay, sweet. Let’s seal the deal with some sex. You can fuck my new titties if you want. Squirt all over them. After all, I, with the help of four men, got them for you.

  No, she would never say that. Brazen dialog wasn’t her style. Good grief, she longed for a drink. All this would go so much easier with alcohol coursing through her veins.

  “Another club soda for the lady?” asked the bartender.

  “No thanks. I’ll be leaving soon.” Audrey glanced at her watch. The time read eight o’clock.

  When she looked up, in strolled Mark. Alone. Audrey sighed with relief. They hadn’t spoke in weeks. Would he approach her? If he did, it would undoubtedly be for sex. Not that Audrey cared. In fact, fucking him might be a wonderful icebreaker. At least it would indicate he retained an interest in her.

  He went straight to the bar, ordered a beer.

  “Hey, Audrey, nice to see you again.” His eyes dropped to her cleavage.

  Nearly choked up, somehow she replied, “Good to see you too.”

  “Thought I’d stop in for a drink after a long day. Got another client on the hook. Hoping to land the account next week.”

  “Good for you.”

  “Nice rack.” Mark chuckled. “Good for you.”

  “Not just good for me …” An urge to reach over and delicately touch his hand or stroke his arm overcame her. The urge lacked the needed intensity to move Audrey to action.

  “Some of the guys helped you out I heard. Doc Wilson does good work. Although, it’s tough to say for sure from this vantage point.”

  “Look, Mark, honestly I was down … I did what I did because … Well, I thought you might like the improvement.”

  “Yeah?” Mark grinned.

  “I’m …” Audrey glance around the room. The interested businessman from earlier sat watching. She doubted he could overhear their conversation over the soft mood music. “Can we go somewhere private? To talk?”

  “To talk?”

  “For starters.” Audrey looked away, fearful of his reply.

  “Sure. No problem.”

  Audrey followed him to one of the vacant party rooms, as she liked to refer to it. He stretched out on a sofa drinking his beer. Audrey sat down beside him.

  Silence hung between them like a fog. Her skin crawled, her bladder cried out from too many club sodas. Words refused to form in her mouth. Her tongue felt thick and dry. Somehow she managed to spit out the words: “I’m pregnant.”

  Mark floored her with his response. “Congratulations.”

  “I … I don’t think you … understand. It’s yours.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  He had a frustratingly valid point. His calm, collected demeanor infuriated her.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “How many guys have you fucked recently?”

  Suddenly she couldn’t count. Mark, of course. Jefferson. The guy in the restroom. The three in the boardroom. One last guy when she had been feeling especially lonely, but most likely that had taken place after conception. Although, she couldn’t be sure. How many men did that add up to? Her mind reeled from simple arithmetic.

  “What does that matter? I was with you more than I was with anyone.”

  Mark took a casual slug from his bottle. “It could belong to a lot of guys.”

  “It belongs to you.” Tears swelled in Audrey’s eyes, blurring the image of him.

  “If you are looking for money, I’ll pay to get it taken care of. That’s all I’m willing to do.”

  Her body shuddered with sobs.

  “Hey now, don’t start that,” Mark said.

  “I. Can’t. Help it.”

  She heard the bottle slosh as he took another drink. Tears streamed from her eyes, a rainstorm of emotion. She could feel his eyes watching her. She got the impression he might be enjoying this, mainly due to the fact he hadn’t gotten riled up, the one response she hadn’t anticipated. Apathy. She could sense her chance slipping away. An abortion wasn’t an option for her. She wanted Mark; she wanted the baby; she wanted it all.

  “Don’t you think I’m pretty?” she asked.

  “Yes.” His answer lacked sincerity but filled her with hope.

  She rubbed tears from her eyes.

  “Don’t you like the way I fuck you?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Do you like my new body?”

  “Sure. I think it makes a world of difference.”

  A world of difference. A world of difference. Her heart swelled. She wanted to cheer at the top of her lungs!

  Instead, she reached over to touch his thigh. “I want you to see them. I want you to be the first.”

  “Yeah?” Eagerness tinged his voice.

  “Yes.” Audrey slid closer, pressed against him. “I want you to lay your eyes on my beautiful new breasts. I want you to touch them, to suckle them. Mark, I want you to enjoy them. I want to satisfy you in such a way you’ll give us one more chance.”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Audrey unfastened the top button of her blouse, spreading it open wider.

  “Fuck me, Mark. I want you to fuck my tits.” She nuzzled his neck as she reached for his groin. “And if you’d like, you can fuck my ass.”

  “Suck it, first.”

  “Mm …”

  Chapter Fifteen

  * * *

  His cock pounded into her like a drilling rig. He squeezed her tits. Sucked them, bit them, slapped them, enjoyed them immensely. She came un
til her knees grew weak. Then he planted her, shoulders down, ass in the air, and fucked her until she erupted like a geyser, overflowing, drenching her inner thighs in pure liquid ecstasy.

  With a tug of her hair, Mark brought Audrey before him, on her knees. Somehow she found the energy to squeeze her breasts together while he rammed his drill between her pillowy flesh.

  Milky jism never looked so beautiful, Audrey thought, as it sprayed out in thick pearl drops across her enhanced bosom. She loved the way it dripped like candle wax. With a fingertip, she scooped up a thick drop to savor its taste.

  “Straight from the tap,” Mark said, pushing the tip of his penis into her mouth. He milked it with a hand. Dutifully, Audrey sucked down the final drop, and then licked her smiling lips.

  “Satisfied?” Audrey asked, feeling much more confident.

  “You’re a good fuck. I like your new tits. At least now you’ve got tits.”

  Audrey’s smile faded. Her fingertips casually teased his scrotum. “What do you think about us?”

  “Us? There is no us, other than an occasional fuck. If you want to get together later this week, that’s cool. I can write you a check to take care of your problem.”

  Audrey pouted.

  “If you aren’t a fool, you’ll take it.”

  “But Mark …”

  “But nothing. You really want some bastard kid? You’ll never get anything, from anyone here. We all have the best lawyers. It would cost you more than you’d ever receive.”

  “Mark …”

  “Stop right there. Don’t you like it here? If you give me any shit, I’ll have your pass revoked. Then you can go back to giving men blowjobs for Big Macs.” Mark pulled up his jeans. “You can fuck losers for ‘love’.” Mark chuckled. ”Don’t be stupid, Janice—I mean Audrey. You are just a whore. With tits.”

  “No. Nooo!”

  “At the very least, you probably owe a half-dozen men a good fuck for your new rack. I suggest you pay up before getting yourself kicked out. They won’t take it lightly if you don’t.”

  Mark snatched up his shirt, drained his beer bottle, tossed the bottle to the couch before heading out the door.


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