Smut in the City (Absolute Erotica)

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Smut in the City (Absolute Erotica) Page 9

by Victoria Blisse

  “Are you all right?” he asks, his voice tender as I kneel there, suddenly still and silent.

  “I can’t see you,” I whisper.

  “Yes you can.”

  “No,” my excitement is subsiding and I’m beginning to sober up. “I can’t.”

  “Close your eyes,” he gently whispers bending to kiss me on the forehead before moving away. He returns quickly and wraps some material around my eyes; it is satin or something silky. He keeps wrapping and it gets darker and darker until I’m completely blindfolded. “Now lie back.”

  I do. He leaves again and I imagine myself looking down on the room, watching his every move. A squirt of paint and a swirl and clink of a brush being cleaned in a tall glass, the same brush winding and twisting colours together on the palette. He is back, kneeling beside me.

  “Now tell me,” he says and I flinch as a sudden cold wetness spreads from my ribcage to my navel as he sweeps his paintbrush across the canvas of my flesh, “What colour is this?”

  My whole body screams: Yellow! Yellow! Yellow! But I say nothing. How could I possible tell what colour he is using?

  “Tell me, Carla,” he says, his voice growing thick and determined.

  “How do I know?” Why is he doing this? Why is he being so cruel? He must know what he’s doing?

  “You know.” He sweeps again, a longer line circling my navel and spreading out to my hip. I twist away from it. “Tell me.” Yellow! Yellow! Yellow!

  “Yellow,” I whisper so softly he has to lean to my mouth to hear it. I take a long deep smell of his hair, sensing a couple of days since he washed it - apples linger but only very lightly through his scent. My want begins to rise again with that one sniff of his unwashed hair. He trails a finger along my jaw line and retreats. He cleans his brush and gathers another colour.

  It is more fluid this time and the ink drips to the floor as it sweeps down my left side. The water seems cooler somehow than the yellow - vibrant but with an underlying melancholy.

  “Blue,” I say without hesitation. “It’s blue.” He’s smiling as he prepares for a third.

  I wriggle my toes as he paints them green as fresh cut grass blasting spring into my soul. I am alive with green! I gasp and laugh out loud as he tickles behind my knees with the glory of green.

  He stops. The chill of paint drying on my skin makes me shiver and he blows hot breath gently across me. I visualise his intense stare watching, studying my every action and reaction.

  The mood changes. They way he swirls the brush in the thick blob of paint that falls fatly onto the pallet makes my breasts and pussy swell with deep and plump sensuality. I hold my breath and wait to feel the heat and sex and fire of red. Red! Red! Red! It burns me up, flashing its wanton hues from my exposed wrist veins to my strong widening thighs, to right there, yes there, my own red, red place. The brush soothes, whips and caresses, painting me the colour of love.

  He paints my breasts, my nipples, my groin - he rolls me over and paints my buttocks and pulls them apart to paint the valley between. My pussy is pulsing with deep red desire and he flips me back over and spreads my thighs with his. I squeal out as he flattens my pussy lips with his palm and paints red in the crease of my groin. The paint is hot, wild, wanton and I writhe and twist as it begins to dry, clutching and tightening my skin, every move cracking it like porcelain. I am so hot now, my pussy clutches thin air and I realise it’s not his brush at all but his tongue lashing and arousing me, licking, tasting, owning me. He slides his palm off my mound and two fingers roughly stretch into me. My breath catches as another two fingers pull my lips apart and his tongue finds my aching clit and starts flicking, whipping me into a furious red oblivion of pulsing lust. I am burning, liquefying beneath him, I grasp his hair and try to pull him away from my hungry cunt and bring him to my face.

  “I need you inside me, all of you,” I manage to gasp and pull him off my peaking bud just in time. I want to explode around his cock, I want to swallow him, grab him and never let him out of me. He crawls up and forcefully clamps his mouth to mine while guiding his perfect cock to my buzzing entrance. I hold my breath and wait for him to dive in.

  “No,” he whispers. “Don’t do that. You must breathe.”

  I exhale and he slams into the depths of my body with the whole weight of his. I’m stretched and fucked and red. I’m red. I wrap my legs around him as he fucks and humps and my pussy is building and welling with excitement as he thrusts. Every few strokes he pulls out then slides achingly slowly all the way in. The tugging at my pussy walls and clit makes me fall into that hazy blissful place and I feel myself about to tip over the edge into my orgasm.

  He stops. I’m left on the brink and I could shriek out.

  “Open your eyes,” he commands and I realise they have been screwed tightly shut. So beneath my thick satin blindfold, I do. As he hovers, twitching at my desperate cunt, I open my eyes. He pushes into me, opening me up and I see him. I see his eyes piercing mine, seeing me, and I see him. As his thick cock corkscrews into me I begin to come, I come as I stare into his eyes. He slides fully into me and he bucks and twitches in time with me and we watch each other come. Unblinking, we shudder together in ecstasy with shades of red pulsing around and through us.


  My eyes are closed but I can see the city lights all around me, filling me with the colours of the night. I take his arm and let him walk me home through the busy streets.

  Within The Crumbling Walls

  By Lucy Felthouse

  Exiting the Colosseo Metro station, Libby shot a grin at her boyfriend, Ciaran. “I don’t think we’ll have any trouble finding it, do you?”

  “Hmm?” Ciaran frowned, then turned his gaze in the direction that Libby was pointing. He gave a sheepish smile. “No, I don’t think we will. Shall we put the map away?”

  Libby nodded, and Ciaran spun round so she should take the map and load it into his backpack. Zipping it back up, she patted it twice to signal she was done. Ciaran turned and held out his hand. She took it, and together they took their lives in their hands crossing the busy Roman road and walked to the Colosseum.

  Despite the early hour, the queue was already considerable, and the couple exchanged a wry look. But then Libby remembered something. “Hey, don’t look so glum babe. We can skip the queue, remember?”

  Ciaran frowned. “We can?”

  Pulling a small credit card shaped and sized item from her pocket, she replied, “Yes! Our Roma cards mean we can get in quicker. That was one of the selling points the rep kept going on about when she was trying to flog them to us.”

  Ciaran slapped his forehead theatrically, then retrieved his own card from his pocket. “Of course!” He used his not inconsiderable height to peer over the heads of the group in front of him. “Okay, I see it. There’s a separate line for Roma Pass holders, and it’s moving tons quicker. Hurrah!”

  He made his way through the crowd, using a combination of touches on people’s backs and the words “excuse me.” Libby followed quickly in his wake. Soon they were at the back of the very short and swiftly-moving queue. People passed through, showing their cards to a very stern-looking Italian man, who nodded and pointed them towards another line.

  This time they scanned their cards through some kind of barcode reader, and finally, they were in. Within the crumbling walls of the ancient Colosseum, probably the most famous landmark in Rome. Looking around, Libby could see why.

  Photos and videos didn’t do it justice. She wasn’t sure if Colosseum translated to colossal or not, but it was certainly the most apt word to describe the place. It really was huge - and they hadn’t even seen the best part yet. Following Ciaran from the ticket booth area - which was literally within the great walls - they passed out into the open area in the middle. Libby gasped. It was amazing.

  They were at ground level, with two or three levels above - she wasn’t sure which - and of course, the one below. Where the gladiators, warriors and fierce creatures would ha
ve been kept before being forced to fight in the arena.

  Realising Ciaran was gaping at the sight before them too, she encouraged him forward. “Come on, we’re kind of in the way here.” Looking left, she saw an area which was fenced off and held warning signs urging the public not to enter. Libby snorted. The whole place was falling to pieces, how could they possibly deem one section more dangerous than another?

  Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the right and saw an area which would allow them a better view of the arena floor. She grabbed Ciaran’s hand and pulled him with her.

  Leaning on a barrier and looking out, Libby saw that arena “floor” was not an accurate description. At one end of the enormous structure, a wooden base had been erected, but the rest of the oval was open, displaying what lay beneath. It looked like a labyrinth, and suddenly she became aware of an English-speaking tour guide telling his group the history of the place. She eavesdropped for a while, then fell to thinking how lucky she was to have been born in this day and age. She’d never know anyone who’d be thrown to their deaths in such a place - or be forced to watch them killed in such a brutal manner.

  A little shudder ran down her spine as she thought of the horrific violence that had taken place in the structure. Yet now it sat majestic and even quite serene as thousands of tourists per day wandered within its boundaries. Her morbid thoughts reminded her how alive she was, and what a good life she had. A great job, fantastic boyfriend, and the means to be here, in Rome, visiting the Colosseum. Not everyone was so fortunate.

  As if he’d read her thoughts, Ciaran slipped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, and pressed a kiss to her hair.

  “It’s great, isn’t it?” he said, grinning down at her. “Such an interesting place, and yet it has such a horrible history.”

  Libby nodded. “I was just thinking something pretty similar myself.”

  “Ah, you see, great minds think alike.” He leaned down to kiss her and she returned it eagerly, closing her eyes and opening her mouth to admit his tongue. With the sun beating down on her and her previous thoughts of feeling very alive, Libby suddenly felt horny. Despite her dislike of over the top public displays of affection, she managed to forget the crowds that were milling round them and enjoyed a long and delicious kiss with Ciaran. She only pulled away when her hormone level suddenly shot up to fever pitch and urged her to take things to the next level.

  She stepped back a little, opening her eyes and squinting in the sudden light. Then she sucked in a lungful of air and felt her cheeks heat up as she realised she’d just gotten hot and heavy with her man in front of dozens of complete strangers. Not that it would have been better if it had been dozens of people she knew - but still, they’d gone way past a chaste kiss on the lips in public, and now she was embarrassed.

  Giving Ciaran a wry grin, she nodded in the direction they needed to go to see the rest of the Colosseum, and asked, “Ready to see everything else?”

  “Sure am, baby.” His eyes glinted with amusement, and if she wasn’t mistaken, arousal. Libby’s gaze flicked down to her boyfriend’s crotch, and a fresh rush of heat rushed to both her cheeks and her groin when she saw the erection he was sporting pressing against his cargo trousers. It wouldn’t have been nearly so noticeable had he been wearing jeans, but of course, it was far too hot for denim. And now, as her libido went crazy, Libby decided it was far too hot for any clothes at all, and wished more than anything that the crowds would disappear and leave her and Ciaran totally alone and able to act on their lust.

  Unfortunately, the crowds didn’t disappear. They didn’t even lessen, and Libby was left with the choice of sucking it up and continuing their visit, or grabbing Ciaran and dragging him all the way back to their hotel for sex. That would mean going back on the Metro, avoiding smelly people and pickpockets, then heading through the busy area they were staying in - and all in extreme heat. She shook her head. No, she’d shove her sudden friskiness to the back of her mind and act on it later. For now, they had an ancient monument to explore. They wouldn’t be in Rome again any time soon, so they should make the most of it.

  For a while, Libby stuck to her guns. She was still aware of the throb of her pussy, and the dampness of her underwear, not to mention the gorgeous man by her side, but she pushed all of her energies into admiring the famous tourist attraction and taking seemingly endless photos.

  Another welcome distraction came when she spotted movement on top of one of the walls of the labyrinth. Staring at the spot, she waited. Seconds later, she realised what she was looking at - a lizard! She called Ciaran over and drew his attention to the tiny creature, then pointed her camera, zoomed right in and began clicking. Further studying of the area revealed more of the creatures and the two of them passed a good half an hour watching them scurry around, then pause to soak up some sun. They really were the most fascinating things. So fascinating that Libby almost forgot where they were for a little while. A glance up at the far wall of the Colosseum was a weighty reminder, and Libby reluctantly tore her gaze from the reptiles and spoke to Ciaran. “Hey babe, ready to go up to the next level?”

  A nod from Ciaran, and they moved back towards the walls and inside, to where a flight of uneven stone steps led up to the second storey. They walked around together, admiring the different views of what they’d already seen, then looked out of the windows in the outermost wall and watched the city and its inhabitants doing their thing - the crowds below, the mad motorists, the bus tours…

  Libby spun around, ready to land a punch on whoever had just touched her arse, but the only person nearby was Ciaran, who had now adopted a “don’t hurt me” pose, his hands spread as if in surrender.

  “Sorry, babe. I just couldn’t resist. You got me all hot and horny earlier, and you really do have the most incredible arse.”

  Libby couldn’t help but smile. “Aww, thanks babe. Your arse is pretty damn fine, too. Let me see.”

  Ciaran turned around slowly, allowing Libby to look at him.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm, very nice indeed. Though I know for a fact it’s even sexier naked.”

  Ciaran moved to stand right in front of her, and bent to kiss her. It wasn’t as long a kiss as the one they’d shared on the lower level, but it was enough to shake all the distractions from Libby’s head and make her super horny again.

  “That so?” Ciaran said, pulling away. “Wanna see it now?” He grinned and tucked his thumbs into his waistband, pretending to tug his trousers down.

  Libby laughed and grabbed his wrists. “Not right now, babe. But later. Definitely later.”

  Ciaran pouted, eliciting another giggle from Libby, then said, “But I’m horny now.”

  Sure enough, a glance down told Libby that although he wasn’t quite as stiff as earlier, Ciaran sure had some blood running to his naughty parts.

  “You’re not the only one, babe. You know me, I’m all up for sex in public places, but this is a little too public for me. I like risk, not exhibitionism. There’s absolutely nowhere to get out of sight! And neither of us speak Italian, so if we get arrested, we’re totally screwed.”

  Even as the words slipped out of her mouth, Libby had an idea. Rather than saying it out loud and risking anyone overhearing her, she took Ciaran’s hand and moved back towards the staircase and back down to the lower level. He shot Libby a questioning look, but she just smiled and said, “Trust me.”

  Weaving through the crowds, they walked back towards where they’d first entered the building, and the area that had been closed off to the public. They got as close as possible, leaning against the wall beside the metal barrier, and it was only when Ciaran glanced behind him and saw the warning signs that Libby saw the realisation cross his face.

  He leaned down to whisper into her ear. “You’re kidding! But what if it is dangerous? Don’t get me wrong, I really want to fuck you, but I’d rather neither of us were hospitalised or killed by falling rubble while we’re at it! It’d ruin the mood a little, d
on’t you think?”

  Keeping her voice low, Libby replied. “Aww, come on! You know what health and safety rules are like these days. I’m surprised we’re not made to wear gloves when handling paper, in case we get cut by those lethal edges! There are probably too many rocks lying around, and they’re worried they’ll get sued by the clumsy fucker that trips over one and grazes their knee.” She squeezed his hand. “Come on, babe. It’ll be fun. And how many people can say they’ve had sex in the Colosseum?”

  A grin pulled at the corners of Ciaran’s mouth, and Libby knew she’d won by appealing to his sense of adventure and the fact he’d be able to brag about it to his mates in the pub when they got home. She beamed back. “So, here’s the plan. Let’s just stand here for a little longer, looking as casual as possible, maybe like we’re waiting for someone. Then after a while, just move the barrier and let me through, follow me, then put it back. As long as we’re look like we’re supposed to be doing it, nobody will question us. Well, none of the tourists, anyway. And the only staff I saw were in the entrance hall.”

  “Okay. Good plan.”

  They both stood there, watching the crowds pass them by and looking as casual as possible. Libby’s pussy throbbed, desperate for relief, but she was determined not to rush it - there was no way she wanted to get caught. She held on and… on. Soon, she couldn’t take it any longer. She gave Ciaran a hip bump in the direction of the barrier, and he squeezed her hand in response. Then he coolly executed his part of the plan, and Libby moved through the gap he’d made as authoritatively as possible, and didn’t look back.

  When they were both in the “forbidden” section of the building, they walked quickly away from the crowds and ducked into one of the archways, then peeked around the corner to back where they’d just come from. Sure enough, they’d been so convincing that nobody was even looking in their direction. A sense of relief washed through Libby’s body. Now that they were alone, she could finally get some satisfaction.


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