El Malo

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El Malo Page 15

by K. Webster

  I squirm, eager for another orgasm, but Marco Antonio keeps me locked in his grip. Javier lazily fingerfucks me as he devours me with his gaze. He takes his time with both me and his cigar, clearly enjoying every moment.

  “Your lips make me lose my goddamn mind,” he snarls as though he’s angry. I cry out when he leans forward and grabs my bottom one between his teeth. He pulls away, almost to the point of pain, with my lip locked between his teeth. The pain and fear mixed with the way he touches me has me seeing stars. I throw my head back, despite the way he bites me, when my orgasm slices through me. His teeth cut through my flesh at my action, a sharp, burning pain darting across my lip as metallic blood floods my mouth.

  I don’t care.

  I’m so far gone, I can’t find my way back.

  He growls and curses at me once he realizes I’m bleeding. “You did that on purpose,” he accuses, fire dancing in his eyes. The blood on his teeth has me aching for him to bite me everywhere.

  “Javier,” I plead. “I need to touch you.”

  His eyes narrow. “I haven’t even punished you yet. Your punishments keep adding up, manzanita, long before you can ever fulfill them.”


  “Put her on her knees and then go,” he barks at Marco Antonio. “She can suck my dick until I’m satisfied she’s a thankful woman for all I’ve done to keep her safe.”

  Marco Antonio agrees with a grunt and then carefully sets me down on the hard floors. My wrists remain bound at my back and my lip hurts, but I’m desperate to touch Javier. I stare up at him, waiting for him to give me his cock.

  “Fuck,” he groans. “You’re so beautiful it’s maddening.” He drops his cigar to the floor and stubs it out with his boot, uncaring that he may ruin the floor. He tears off his wife beater before tossing it away. All of his smooth, tattooed muscles are on full display. My mouth waters for him. Then, he unbuckles his jeans. He pushes them and his boxers down his thighs. His thick, veiny cock bobs out in front of me. Heavy and glistening at the tip. Arousal seeps from him.

  He loves danger too.

  “I want to touch you,” I say with a pout.

  He strokes my hair before he gathers it in his fists. “That’s your punishment. You can’t use your hands.”

  I groan when he rocks his hips from side to side, his large cock slapping against my cheeks. His El Malo tattoo is revealed on his lower torso and the devil’s tail that curls from the “o” points straight at his cock. I love this tattoo. It may represent his evilness, but it’s so damn mesmerizing.

  Leaning forward, I seek out his erection. My lip stings when I open my mouth wide to accommodate his thickness. He pulls on my hair gently and I look up at him. Wild lust has transformed his features. Gone is the fierce mobster and in his place is a beast. A beast that wants to feed on me. Me, his willing victim.

  I drag my attention back to his dark, pubic hair that’s been buzzed short. With my lips wide open, I bring my mouth down around his massive cock. I barely get past the crown before my teeth are scraping against him. He hisses but not from pain or fear. Javier loves this.

  Groaning, I try to open my mouth wider. Ever since Michael hit me, my jaw has been swollen and sore. But I don’t care that it hurts. I want to take Javier as deep as I can go.

  “Need some help, mami?” Javier croons.

  “Mmhmm,” I moan in response around his flesh.

  He grips my hair and starts force feeding me his cock. It’s too big and my mouth is inclined to close around him. I can barely breathe and my gag reflex makes my throat constrict. Tears and snot stream as I struggle to breathe.

  “Fuck,” he snarls, the tip of his cock pushing into my throat. I can feel my teeth scraping against him, but he’s fearless. “Fuck, my sweet Rosa. Fuck.”

  The very idea that I have this strong, terrifying villain losing control has me delirious with pleasure. I gag and sputter around him, but I let him use me to feel good. It makes me feel good. I’m already dripping wet between my thighs at the wonder of what will happen next. Will he facefuck me until I pass out?

  He pushes my head all the way against him. My nostrils are smashed against his pubic hairs. I can’t breathe or move or think. All I can do is give in to the monster. Black clouds of lust and desperation swirl around me.

  I’m his.

  I’m his.

  I’m his.

  Despite the fact I’m completely at his mercy, I trust him. A monster. The monster. I trust him more than I ever trusted Michael. He pulls away sharply and I dry heave. I suck in air that smells like him, getting high on the scent. Then, he’s pushing back inside my mouth. He skullfucks me hard and furiously until I’m on the edge of blacking out.

  “Oh, Rosa, you goddamned perfect woman,” he bellows before yanking out of me.

  His hand wraps around his cock and he jerks himself until his hot streams of cum spurt on my messy face. I’m so under his spell and desperate for him, I open my mouth, eager to taste him. Saltiness lands on my tongue and I greedily drink it down. Most of it lands on my face and eyelids. When he’s done coming, he staggers backward, nearly falling with his pants at his knees now. He bends and hastily jerks them up before he dives his hand into his pocket.

  When he pulls out the knife, I don’t even flinch. He could plunge it into my neck right now and I wouldn’t even care, as long as he was the one to do it.

  I’ve fallen.

  I’ve fallen so hard for this man and I’ll never get back up.

  In the deep, dark depths of hell is where I belong, it would seem.

  He walks behind me and proceeds to saw through my bindings. When I’m free, he hooks an arm around me and hauls me to my feet.

  “Sweet, perfect Rosa,” he murmurs as he scoops me into his arms. “Let me clean you up, mami.”

  I close my eyes and smile.

  I’m lost, so lost, but he keeps finding me.

  Over and over again.

  The rest of the world doesn’t matter.

  It’s just him and me.


  I stare at her and wonder how it came to this. It’s been nearly two months since Michael raped her. This entire time hunting and not finding that dirty bastard. What I have found are pieces of a puzzle. A picture that’s becoming clear before my very eyes.




  And yet, I stare at her from across the dinner table, salivating for her. She’s a little weaver of lies and I can’t look away. I let her lie to me. I fucking like it. It fuels me like a shot of heroin to the system. I’m always high from it. Just waiting for it all to unravel.

  She can’t lie forever.

  One day, all her secrets will be laid before me.

  I’ll be forced to cut her open and watch her bleed.

  I may as well cut my motherfucking soul out when that happens.

  Fuck her for doing this to me.

  Fuck her for digging in so deep, threading herself into my entire being. She’s in everything. Seeps from my pores. Saturates my cock. Infects my mind.

  An illness I’ll never recover from.

  I’ll die from her.

  A broken heart is real.

  My father nearly died of one when my mother died.

  I have no doubt it’ll be the same for me.

  “It’s so warm today,” she says, a smile tilting her full red lips. Her head is turned to look out at the ocean. The black strapless dress hugs her curves in a way that has every male in the vicinity turning his head to look at her. All it takes is seeing who she’s with before they’re quickly looking away.

  She’s mine.

  The thought is possessive and maddening.

  I’m fucking crazy over her.

  My duties to my father—to El Malo—fall by the wayside because I can’t get her out of my head.

  “Great day for a swim,” I muse aloud.

  She nods before turning back to me. Her fingers nervously twist her bracelet around her
wrist. It’s one of the many I’ve gifted her. Even liars deserve to feel pretty. Her brows furrow together and she won’t meet my eyes.

  “After dinner, I wanted to stop off at one of the shops.” She swallows and her hand shakes. “To buy you a gift.”

  Liar. Liar. Fucking liar. “Of course, manzanita. I suppose it’s a surprise?”

  Her brown eyes lift to mine and she nods. How can someone lie straight to your face and look so innocent about it? Does she believe the shit she spews? I sure as fuck don’t. It’s my job to sniff out liars and expose them. I’m good at it. It has taken some unraveling, but I’m peeling Rosa apart piece by piece until I get to the center. I’m so close.

  “I won’t be gone long,” she promises. “I think you’ll love it.”

  I lift my hand and wave the server over to bring me the check. She’s so eager to deceive me. I’ll help her along. The quicker we get to that point, the better. I’m not into torture unlike my victims who visit the shed from time to time. I fucking hate torture. Especially the emotional kind. It’s worse than any blade or tool. She’s cutting my heart out day by day.

  And yet I can’t hate her.

  It’s the opposite, in fact.

  For once, I’m deluded about what I should do. I don’t dare speak of these things to my father or my men. I certainly don’t say them to her. I just sit and stew and ponder the fuck out of our future.

  We have no future.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, genuine concern in her eyes.

  No, Rosa, I’m not okay. You’re fucking me over and I’m letting you.

  “Perfect, mami.”

  She frowns as if she doesn’t believe me but doesn’t say another word on the subject. I pay the tab and stand. She takes my offered hand and I pull her up. With her purse clutched protectively at her side, she wraps her arm around mine and leans her head on my shoulder.

  An ache, deep in my chest, won’t stop throbbing as we walk out of the hotel restaurant and out onto the street. I let her guide me past some shops that haven’t been ravaged by crime until she stops in front of an old shop. One of those shops that sells anything and everything. I wonder who she’s meeting here because there’s nothing I could ever want or need from a place like this.

  “I’ll be right back.” Her bright smile is disarming. She’s so fucking good. I lean down to accept a kiss on the mouth.

  Before she can get too far, I grab her waist and pull her to me. Her eyes are soft and loving as she regards me. “Don’t go,” I utter, my words so quiet you can barely hear them over the busy shoppers chattering as they walk by.

  This moment feels pivotal.

  I can sense it with every fiber of my being.

  “Javier,” she murmurs. “What’s gotten into you? Are you feeling okay?”

  I hug her to me and inhale her hair. For a minute, we simply hold one another. Of all my abilities to get this town to yield to my demands, why can’t freezing time be one of them? Long before I’m ready, she pulls away.

  “I’ll be right back. I promise. Then, we can go back home and get back in bed,” she says, her cheeks turning slightly pink.

  Reaching forward, I clutch her neck in a possessive way before pressing my lips to hers. Her kiss is tentative at first but then she kisses me with so much passion it confuses me. She lies even to herself. One doesn’t kiss like that unless they want to.

  Sweet, confused Rosa.

  She pulls away and I watch her rush inside the building. I’m left alone on the sidewalk, wishing for more time.

  Unfortunately, time has officially run out.


  I don’t know what’s gotten into Javier, but it makes me nervous. I’m questioning what to do next.

  He’s a killer.

  When he finds out I’m with the CIA sent to track his every movement, he’ll no doubt kill me. He’s told me without saying those exact words. It will happen.

  The woman in me craves to simply ignore my duties. Play pretend. Act as though I never worked for the agency. That I was always a little ol’ maid.

  “May I use your phone?” I croak out to the cashier.

  He’s old and seems used to the request because he hands me a portable. “If you’re calling long distance, I’ll need to know the number so I can look up the cost to bill you.”

  I give him a clipped nod. “United States.”

  “Make your call,” he grunts.

  With shaking hands, I start to dial the number I was forced to memorize. Agent Stokes’ number. I’m to call him the moment I can. Those were his orders over four years ago. If I lost contact with Michael, I was to get ahold of them when I could. I’m still baffled as to how come they haven’t swooped in to save me. It’s as though everyone is holding their collective breath, waiting for just a few more scraps of information. I’m assuming Michael didn’t tell them he raped me, so maybe they don’t even know I’ve lost contact. Whatever it is, I need to get ahold of them and see.

  I can’t go on like this forever.

  Now, too much is at stake.

  I’m stuck in limbo and it’s not fair to any of us.

  With tears in my eyes, I dial the number. Before I hit the last number, I hit the end button. I can’t do this. Thoughts of flying back to the US, working at a desk in Langley, spending every night alone while Javier sits in jail weighs heavily on me.

  I don’t want that.

  Not at all.

  Sniffling, I hand the phone back to him. I browse the store and find what I want to purchase. It doesn’t cost me much and I shove it into my purse. Taking a deep breath, I swipe my tears and head outside. I find Javier not waiting for me on foot but inside his Thunderbird. The sun catches the red paint job and sparkles like glitter. He’s absolutely breathtaking seated on the white leather. A picture of perfection.


  But he doesn’t look at me.

  His focus is straight ahead, his jaw set. I climb in beside him and clutch my purse tightly.

  “I got it,” I squeak out and smile at him.

  He doesn’t reply as he guns it. I quickly fasten my seatbelt as panic rises in my chest. Did he see me calling? He has no idea who I’d be calling. I’m freaking out for no reason.

  “I want to show you someplace special,” he says, his voice cold and lacking inflection. He glances my way, but I can’t see his eyes hidden behind his fashionable sunglasses.

  I reach for his hand, but he grips the steering wheel with both hands, denying our connection. “Javier, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”

  He flashes me a smile, but it doesn’t reveal his dimple. It’s not the good kind of smile. It’s the kind of smile that feels threatening.

  “I want to go home,” I choke out.

  “Do you now?”

  “Yes. Let’s just go home and get in the hot tub.”

  He turns down a street that’s lined with trees. A kid runs out into the street after a red ball and he slows to let them pass. Then, he drives until we come to a clearing blocked off by several big rocks.

  “Get out,” he snaps.

  I jolt at his harsh words. He climbs out of the car and stalks to the clearing. I set my purse down and follow after him. Up here on this cliff, the winds are high and my hair blows all around, whipping me in the face. I follow him to the edge where he stands, looking over, with his hands on his narrow hips. In his pale gray slacks and linen white button-down shirt, he’s handsome as ever.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, my voice getting lost in the wind.

  “Thirty meters,” he tells me as he points to the churning ocean at the bottom of the cliff. “Thirty meters from here to there.”

  Panic flitters through me as I peer over the ledge. I grow dizzy at the height and clutch his elbow.

  “We’re too close,” I choke out.

  He turns toward me and tosses his glasses into the grass. “You’ve been lying to me, Rosa. Admit it.”

  I gape at him in shock. “W-What?”

everything. You’re not Rosa Delgado, are you?”

  Holding up my hands, I start stammering. “L-Listen. I am Rosa.”

  He grips my wrists and pulls me to him. His eyes flash with a mixture of fury and heartbreak. My own heart cracks open in the process. “How can you lie straight to my face?” he demands, his voice harsh.

  “I. Am. Rosa.”

  He blinks in confusion. “I don’t matter to you. You have a hidden agenda.”

  Not anymore.

  “No,” I rasp out over the wind. “You matter to me. You’re everything to me, Javier.” Tears pool and then spill from my lids.

  His brows furl together and he’s so visibly upset, I let out a choked sob on his behalf. The big, brave, fierce El Malo leader is broken. I broke him.

  “I don’t understand how you can look me right in the eyes and tell these lies.” His jaw clenches and his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows down his emotion.

  I try to clutch onto his lapels, but his grip on my wrists is too strong. “Javier, please,” I beg. “Please listen to me.” He’s blurry through my tears, but I blurt out the words I’ve wanted to say for a long time. “I love you. I love you so much it hurts. It tears me in half. Right down the middle. I’m so lost and confused but somehow, with you, everything makes perfect sense.”

  “Lies,” he roars over the wind, one of his arms wrapping around my waist.

  “Not lies!” I shriek. “I’ve loved you from the moment you made me yours.”

  He growls and presses his forehead to mine. Fire and fury blazes in his gaze. “If you love me like you claim, would you die for me?”

  My heart sinks. I’d rather live.

  But without him, my world feels empty. Going back to my life when Javier wasn’t mine and I was just drifting through the motions feels like torture. Every bit as awful as the shed. I didn’t realize what a ghost I’d become. I was hell-bent on seeking vengeance for what happened to my mother that I didn’t care it came at the expense of my happiness.

  I was never happy.

  The last time I was truly happy was when I skipped my way into that restaurant when I was a young girl. Before my happiness was stolen from me in the blink of an eye. It didn’t return until a couple of months ago when I somehow got dragged right to the center of Javier’s world.


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