Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance

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Omega's Attorney_M/M Omegaverse Mpreg Romance Page 12

by Bella Bennet

  “Ok, rinse off.”

  David leaned his head back and wiped the soap off. Then he sent another withering stare to Henry. Henry knew he could be poking a bear with his teasing, but Henry loved to have fun. It was better that David found out about it right away.

  “What? I got everything.” Henry had a hard time keeping a straight face. Especially when David drolly said “really” and kept pushing his hips forward, poking Henry with his cock.

  “Oh… that.” Henry dazzled David with a big smile and then knelt down. He soaped his hands and peeked up at David. He looked so disappointed that Henry couldn’t keep it together anymore.

  “You should see your face!” Henry sat back he was laughing so hard.

  “You little shit!”

  Henry put his hands up to dodge the water since David had taken the hand held shower off and was trying to get Henry with the spray. Henry got a mouthful of water and spit it out.

  “Hey, I can’t get you completely clean with water in my face!” David put the shower head back up but Henry heard him mutter something about pig headed, obstinate omegas. Henry giggled. He loved that David would joke with him. Now it was his turn to show his appreciation of David.

  He knelt again and took David’s cock in his mouth without touching him. David’s groan was music to his ears. He loved making David groan. Henry got harder as he sucked on David. He grabbed the erect shaft and ran his tongue around the head. Henry felt David’s hand grab his hair. He swore he could feel David’s groan through his cock.

  Henry couldn’t stand the desire any longer. He grabbed his dick and stroked it in time with his movements on David’s cock. Henry wanted to show his love, his feelings for David and worshiping his cock was one way to show it. A way that Henry very much enjoyed. He loved stroking David and his cock in the same way.

  Looking up at David shot his lust up even higher. David was watching him while leaning against the shower wall. His eyes were lidded and dazed with lust. Henry teased him by running his tongue around the shaft and then down to his balls. He licked and sucked, smelling that heavenly musky scent. He stroked himself faster and licked up the shaft again. The hold on his hair tightened.

  “Oh my God do I need to beg? Please, please stop teasing me!”

  Henry smiled as much as he could with his mouth full of David’s cock. He decided making David beg would be his new favorite hobby. David was so in control in every other area of his life, it was a thrill to make him lose control with his tongue and mouth.

  Henry ran his tongue back to the soft head and sucked it in his mouth. He pushed with his tongue as he sucked, working David up so bad he could barely stand.

  “Oh God, oh God… cumming!”

  It was beautiful, so beautiful so watch David cum. He arched his back and bent his head back, groaning as if he was in the most tortuous pleasure. The sight sent Henry over the edge and he exploded while moaning on David’s cock. David’s hold on his hair was almost the only thing holding him up.

  His orgasm was so strong that he collapsed on the floor of the shower. David slid down the wall and joined him. David was making many new and better memories to replace those of his ex. The best and only bathroom bar sex, best outdoor sex, and now best shower sex.

  “My legs are jello. I’m not moving.”

  “Me either.”

  “I’m staying in here. Taking a nap.”

  Henry moved, so he was laying with his head next to David’s. He closed his eyes and focused on the hot shower spray massaging his muscles. The only way to make this any better would be if someone could carry them to bed. He was too tired to move.

  “I’m going to fall asleep if I stay here any longer. I want to hold you but this hard shower floor will hurt.”

  Henry thought that sounded like a good idea. But he didn’t feel like moving just yet.

  “I don’t want to move.”

  David laughed and nudged Henry. Henry rolled his head over and looked at David. David could barely keep his eyes open.

  “Come on. Let’s help each other get to bed before we wake up sore with painful necks from sleeping in here.”

  He hated it when David made sense. They helped each other up and made their slow way, drying off as they went, to the bed.

  Sighs of pleasure came out of Henry as he rolled over and rested his head on David’s chest. With David’s arms around him and his breathing singing him a lullaby, he fell asleep.

  Chapter 13

  David thought back to last weekend as he drove to Henry’s house. What an amazing turn of events. David hadn’t been able to stop smiling ever since. He had to when he was with clients, but he had to work to keep it from appearing.

  His thoughts all focused on Henry. He had driven the route to Henry’s home so much that his mind would wander and he still got to Henry’s house. It was terrifying when he would arrive and not remember getting there.

  He was so happy to have someone that wanted him for himself. Henry was an honest and loyal omega. Greg was a fool to have screwed him over and played him like he did. He ruined a friendship, a man’s support system but most of all he lost Henry who was the best thing that had ever happened to David.

  David pulled into Henry’s driveway and got out of the car with his briefcase. He had to force himself not to yell “Honey I’m home” every time he walked in the door. David would share more of his stupid humor after they had been together awhile. He didn’t want Henry to rethink their relationship. That is one thing he didn’t want to happen.

  David walked in the front door as the most amazing smells hit him. “Oh my God, that smells divine!”

  Henry continued to surprise him. He had told David that he loved to cook but did not share that he was an amazing chef and should have his own restaurant. Henry didn’t want to deal with the staff, the ownership and all the things that came with it. So David was content to be Henry’s favorite patron. He was spoiled rotten, and he knew it. David showed that to Henry every moment he had. He had looked and searched and had given up on finding his omega. So he knew how lucky he was, when Henry was so nice, loyal, honest, a terrific chef and damn good looking.

  Henry was looking his way when David walked into the kitchen. He had set his briefcase down by the front door, like he was already living there. David wrapped his arms around Henry and gave him a “happy to see you” kiss that involved lots of tongue, groping and heat. David was panting by the time they stopped and Henry moaned.

  “I want to continue that but it will ruin my meal if I do. Dammit.”

  David laughed and kissed Henry on the nose. He was so cute. Which was why David had bought a half apron that said “kiss the chef” as soon as possible. It was a frilly red gingham print. David had a secret fantasy of asking Henry to cook breakfast wearing nothing but the apron. He was sure nothing would get made that morning but plenty would get eaten.

  “What are you making? I smelled it the second I walked in and thought my tongue would drop out and run off to marry you.”

  Henry laughed and swatted at David. He wasn’t used to all of David’s compliments but he would be. He shook his head still not believing what an idiot Henry’s past alpha was.

  “I’ve got lasagna in the oven, coming out in about 10 minutes, salad on the table and I was about to put the garlic bread in.”

  David’s heart grew even bigger for Henry. He made his favorite meal. David grabbed Henry for another sweltering kiss. One hand wrapped around his shoulders and one sneaking down to squeeze his ass. Henry had a very nice ass, round and muscled and just perfect for grabbing and squeezing.

  “I love it when you cook but especially when you cook my favorite meals.”

  “I love doing it for you. I love you.”

  David still got a thrill every time he heard those words. He hugged Henry and squeezed his eyes. He would not cry, he would not cry, he would not cry. He felt Henry jerk and pulled back. Henry didn’t look so good. He was pale and sweat was on his forehead.

  “Are yo
u ok? You don’t look so— “

  Henry covered his mouth and ran out of the kitchen and down the hall. He heard puking and ran after Henry. He had seemed fine just a few minutes ago. What the hell?

  Henry was kneeling before the toilet resting his head on his arm.

  “Are you ok? Is there anything I can do?” David hated anyone coming near him or touching him when he was sick. Which was rarely. He didn’t want to rub Henry’s back only to have him puke again or smack him away. Maybe he should ask.

  “Do you want me to rub your back?”

  Henry shook his head no. That was good. David wasn’t sure he could be near Henry puking and not puke himself. He couldn’t understand how parents cleaned up their kid’s sick. It made him nauseous just thinking about it.

  “Maybe I could flush the toilet and help you into bed.” Anything to get the smell out. David walked over to the window and opened it. Fresh air breezed in and David took a deep breath before turning to go back to Henry.

  He didn’t know what to do. He felt like an ass just standing there.

  “I’m ok.”

  Henry croaked but since his head was still laying on his arm, David wasn’t sure that was the truth.

  “Should I shut the oven off or anything? I’m terrible in the kitchen. I know little about making food but I’m great at eating it.”

  Henry huffed which David interpreted as a laugh. Poor guy.

  “No, I’ll be fine. It seems to be worse at night.”

  David narrowed his eyes. “What do you mean? Have you had this for a few days?”

  David was more concerned for Henry’s health but couldn’t help but remember the scorching hot kisses they had just shared. He was a little perturbed that Henry hadn’t stopped him if he was ill.

  “I’m not sick. Well, not contagious.”

  David tilted his head and put his hands on his hips. What was going on here? How did he know he wasn’t contagious? David waited but Henry said nothing else.

  “How do you know it’s not the flu?”

  Henry huffed again and then laughed. He raised his head and looked at David. A blush and smile were on his face. David frowned. Did he make himself sick with his own cooking? Did he try an herb or something right out of his garden and it made him sick?

  David opened his mouth but Henry shook his head.

  “Just wait. I have something to show you.”

  Henry made to get up, David leaned over and helped him stand up. He turned his head away and closed his eyes reaching around trying to find the toilet handle.

  Henry’s laughter had him open his eyes. Henry was leaning against the bathroom wall laughing. David stood up and tried not to blush, but he knew it was there, anyway. Well, Henry just found out about his great phobia of puke. This was embarrassing.

  “I’m sorry but you looked so funny with your eyes closed trying to find the handle.”

  That set off another round of laughter from Henry. David was glad Henry was feeling good enough to laugh, but wasn’t that going to make him puke again?

  “Take it easy there, Chuckles. I don’t want you to puke again.”

  That did nothing to help stop Henry’s laughter. David pursed his lips and tried not to smile but Henry’s laughter was contagious. Henry calmed down and moved David out of the way to flush the toilet. Hey, it’s not like puke has a nice smell or anything. There was nothing wrong with his not wanting to look at it either.

  Henry walked past David with a small smile on his face. He glanced at David with a teasing look in his eyes and David knew he’d be hearing about this for the rest of his life. Or at least until Henry was tired of laughing about it. Which might be never considering how much Henry had been laughing. At least David would like it to be never. He hoped Henry wanted to be his omega.

  Henry went down the hallway but David didn’t follow him. He didn’t want to be presumptuous and think he had rights to be in every room of Henry’s house without an invitation. Just because they had a very scorching weekend of sex and were dating didn’t mean he could wander wherever he wanted.

  “Hey, where did you go?”

  Henry peeked his head out of a room down the hallway. Well, it looks like he was invited.

  David walked down the hall and joined Henry in the bedroom. It was a small room. David was surprised at how small it was.

  “Did this used to be an office?”

  Henry nodded. “Yes, but I turned it into my bedroom. I didn’t want to use the same bedroom anymore.”

  Henry looked anxious. David reached out an arm and pulled him in for a hug. He had no experience with having divorced from someone or moving out from a long term relationship. Any long term relationships he had, they both had kept their own homes. David wasn’t one for sharing space unless he liked the person. As in, was prepared to stay with them forever.

  Henry pulled back looking away from David. He was pulling at his shirt, then running his hands through his hair, then rubbing his face. David narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. Something was up. He wasn’t sure he would like it considering how nervous Henry was. His stomach dropped, and it felt like he was made of lead. He didn’t want Henry to reject him, to kick him out of what would be the best relationship he ever had, but Henry was very nervous and he couldn’t think of a reason for that. But what was odd, was that Henry made his favorite meal. Why would he make David’s favorite meal if he wanted to slow things down? Or worse, end them?

  Henry decided he had better just get on with it. He was stalling; he knew it. He wasn’t sure how David would take it. They had just started their relationship a few weeks ago with the weekend at the cabin. Henry smiled. That was a heck of a weekend.

  Henry ran both hands through his hair and decided he had to stop stalling. Just get it over with. Rip the band-aid off. Just do it. Henry sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

  “It seems like something is bothering you.”

  He pulled his hands down and looked at David. He had his arms crossed and was closed off. Henry frowned. Why would he be so defensive and closed off?

  Henry stood there trying to think if he had done anything to make David upset. He had made David’s favorite meal, then got sick, then came down to the bedroom… unless David was upset his meal was interrupted? Henry looked at David again, and from his experiences with him over the weeks, decided that was out of character for him. David liked things just so, but he loved how creative and chaotic Henry could be. He seemed to relish it. So maybe that wasn’t it. Well, he didn’t know what else to do other than to rip the band-aid off. If David was in a bad mood that was his problem.

  “So, like I said I’ve been getting sick. I thought it was my stomach but Tums did nothing. Then I got sick at nights. It was odd. But then I wondered… and well.” Henry didn’t know what else to say, especially since David was still standing with his arms crossed looking closed off.

  Henry closed his eyes and turned around to walk into the attached bathroom. If things ended now, oh well. What could you do? Henry wasn’t giving this up. He grabbed the stick off the counter and turned around. He took a deep breath and then held his hand out.

  David leaned over squinting and then the biggest shock came over his face. Oh, good. David knew what that was. He didn’t have to explain it to him. Now to see if David would rip his heart out or not. Please, let it be not ripping his heart out.

  He was terrified. He knew David wanted to be accepted, to have a family that accepted him but he had said nothing about kids. Not one word. Henry was prepared to be rejected, to have David walk out, but he also had a part that believed David wouldn’t do that. He was loyal, honest and a great man. He was one of the best men Henry knew.

  Tears ran out of his eyes and down his face. He loved David. Loved him with his entire being. He wanted a family with David so bad. Hopefully this wasn’t too soon. He hoped it was all going to work out. Please let it work out.

  Chapter 14

  David was speechless. Speechless and add on brainless
too. There were no thoughts in his head. Just a vision of a stick with signs showing pregnant. Henry was pregnant. Henry. Was. Pregnant. His mind was still on complete lock down. No thoughts circling around. Nothing at all. Crickets could set up shop and he wouldn’t hear them. All he could see was that pregnancy test on Henry’s outstretched hand.

  David shook himself and looked up at Henry. He looked nervous but determined, and a little scared. Tears were running down his face. Oh, no. Did Henry think David would reject him or the baby?

  He grabbed Henry in a big hug. Wrapped him up tight and held him. Squeezed him so tight that Henry asked him to let loose a little. Then his tendencies to perfection overtook him. As they do in times of stress. Like now.

  “Oh my God, did I squeeze too hard? Are you ok? Is the baby ok?” David bent down looking at Henry’s abs and pelvic area. As if he could see the baby with x-ray vision or something.

  “Do you think I squeezed too hard?” Henry’s laughter, and him doubling over with his hands on David’s back had him realize how insane he was acting. And how crazy he must look bent over talking to Henry’s crotch.

  David blushed and stood up. He didn’t want to unbalance Henry, who was still leaning on him laughing his ass off.

  David took Henry’s arms off his back and gave Henry another hug, this time not so tight. He shook his head and smirked, still blushing, as he held Henry who was still laughing. And laughing. Did he have to laugh so much?

  “It was funny, but was it that funny?” He could feel Henry nodding his head.

  “Oh yes. I’ll never forget it! Of all the reactions I thought you might have, bending down to talk to the baby was not one I had thought of.” And there goes Henry laughing again.


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