Fallen For Shame

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Fallen For Shame Page 12

by Edwards, Anna

  “Get out of my way.” Tyler growled at his friends. “Don’t make me go through you.”

  In the background he could hear Nuka’s laugh.

  “My brother’s pack is ever predictable. No matter what one of them has done they’re always there trying to rescue them. Ciaran, destroy them.”

  Tyler watched an energy ball form. He wasn’t in the line of fire anymore. His friends were. He crouched down ready to spring into the path. With Teagan dead he had nothing to live for. He didn’t need to move though, because Jessica appeared and her own energy ball intercepted Ciaran’s and sent it flying off into a tree. Next thing he knew, Nuka wasn’t the only polar bear in the forest. Kas loomed large behind his brother and with a furious roar attacked. Ciaran prepared another energy ball. Tyler sprang into action. His hind legs propelled him through the air and his fangs bit down on Ciaran’s arm.

  “Fuck!” the wizard yelled out and tried to shake him off, but his teeth were embedded. He was going nowhere. This man, if you could call him that, was the person who’d been torturing him for the past few weeks. His teeth hit bone, but he didn’t stop. He wanted to rip his arm off. Ciaran’s eyes went white and more members of Nuka’s pack appeared. They weren’t outnumbered though, as Katia, Scott, and even a heavily pregnant Emma joined them. Jackson, Nuka’s number three, retaliated for the attack on his beta with a bite to Tyler’s leg. He yelped and was forced to let go of Ciaran’s arm. The bone was visible between the ripped flesh, gleaming white and covered in crimson life-force that flowed to the ground. He inwardly smiled. That would not be easy to fix. Now he had another problem to concentrate on, namely, the black panther that was attached to his leg. He didn’t need to worry though. Katia came from nowhere and attacked. She had the strength of a lion and the beguiling skill of a tiger. She was a formidable fighter who, again, only did so when it was absolutely necessary. The two disappeared off into a tangle of black fur and glorious stripes. Nuka. He’d come here to kill him. The recollection of his task hit him again. He shook off the pain in his hind leg and turned in the direction of the two polar bears who were filling the mountain top with their epic fight.

  He charged. Kas jumped into his path

  “He’s mine,” the polar bear growled.

  “He’s responsible for Teagan’s death,” Tyler growled.

  “She’s not dead.”

  “I held her in my arms. She wasn’t moving.”

  “You were too messed up to realize. Selene’s with her now. She’s weak but fighting.”

  “You’re lying.” He’d held her and watched as she’d died. Her eyes had closed and her body stilled. Nuka took the opportunity of their distraction to attack his brother. The polar bear’s strong jaw attached itself to Kas’ side and bit down hard. Kas growled out a painful roar. Tyler’s instincts to protect his alpha kicked in and he retaliated with his own bite.

  The air suddenly fizzled. It was an energy that had haunted Tyler for the past few weeks. He stumbled back.

  “No.” Ciaran, it was Ciaran he told himself. But when his eyes zoomed in on the wizard he saw that he was unconscious on the floor. The pain of the wound inflicted on his arm rendering him incapable of producing the spell, that would bring forth the nightmares.

  Ethern and several of the council guards appeared in a circle around them all. The fighting stopped, and everybody froze to the spot.

  “Enough.” The councilman held a cold compress to his head. Tyler felt guilty, but he’d had to knock out the multi-shifter or he would have used magic to restrain him. “I don’t have the proof. But I should have every right to arrest you, Nuka, for causing this fight.”

  “As you said you don’t have proof, and the word against me would come from a wolf who is hooked on drugs and who recently killed his girlfriend.” Nuka limped forward to stand up tall against Ethern.

  “He didn’t kill me. You did.” The ghostly voice that flooded the mountain side sent shivers through Tyler’s body. His mouth dropped open when Teagan appeared from amongst the trees. “Nuka Lincoln’s a murderer.”

  “Ciaran.” Nuka looked to his wizard who was stirring on the floor.

  “It’s not me,” the pallid man responded.

  “Murderer.” Ghostly looking Teagan spoke. “Murderer.” She lifted her hand and pointed directly at the shocked looking polar bear.

  “Is the proof of a ghost enough for an arrest?” Kas asked. He was holding his wound with blood oozing through his hand.

  “It’s a new one on me, but I think I’m willing to give it a go.” Ethern motioned towards his guards to arrest Nuka. They surrounded the polar bear who snarled and threatened to attack.

  Tyler’s attention flitted to the beautiful woman floating in front of them. She was his love. He’d allowed himself to be consumed by drugs. He should’ve trusted her and given her his heart fully. He’d held it back though, because of the shame that he felt. He allowed herbs to destroy him. Nuka Lincoln wasn’t responsible for her death. There was only one person who was. Him. He could have said no to the drugs. They may have consumed him, but he should’ve been strong enough to trust her in the first place, Trust that she would love him no matter what his past. She was the most trusting and kindest shifter he’d ever met. His body was weak. The pain returned not just from the wounds, that covered his side and back, but also from the fact that he’d not had a hit in a few hours. He welcomed it though, because it meant he was alive. He pulled himself up.

  “Nuka’s innocent of Teagan’s death. I alone killed her. I should’ve trusted her and given up the drugs, but I didn’t. I loved her more than anything in the world, but I wasn’t good enough for her. She was stronger than all of us put together.” He could no longer stand. His legs gave out, and he fell to the cold ground and bowed his head. “I killed her. I’ll accept any punishment that’s to be given.”

  “You can’t kill what isn’t dead.” Teagan’s voice was right in front of him now. He looked up, and she materialized into a solid figure. He could tell that she was weak, Selene stood next to her and held her up. “It seems you have a bad aim with your bites. You just missed my jugular.”

  “You’re not real,” he whimpered.

  “I’m definitely real, ’cause I’m definitely a tiny bit pissed off with you.” She frowned and brought her hand to her neck.

  “Only a tiny bit,” he offered.

  “You’re too cute to be angry at for long, but things are going to change. The biggest one being no drugs. No keeping things from me, and certainly no more biting me unless it’s in the throes of passion.”

  “You forgive me?” he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “It won’t be easy. The next week’s going to be the hardest of our lives, and I know I’m not looking forward to seeing you come off the drugs. But we’ll do it together, if you agree to my conditions.”

  “I agree to them,” he sobbed. Selene helped Teagan down to the floor, and they embraced. There was still much to be discussed between them, but for now they just needed each other’s comfort.

  “You sure I can’t arrest Nuka?” Ethern piped up.

  “No. Although I think it would be wise to ban him and Ciaran, from the Council. Promoting drug use in shifters isn’t wise,” Teagan answered.

  “Agreed. Nuka, Ciaran, you’re both hereby banned from the Council. If you don’t like it take it up with the other members. However, given the respect a lot of them have for Teagan after her election to the Committee for Integration today, I think you will find that it’ll be a futile task.” Ethern’s stern response left little room for argument. Tyler couldn’t help but smile.

  “The Council is of no concern to me now. I see that democracy will no longer win with you in charge,” Nuka sneered. “You think Tyler was my battle here. No, his destruction would’ve been a bonus. My real plan is something that’ll be much more effective. I’ve gotten what I came for.” Nuka picked up the briefcase. “Word of advice brother. You might want to check our grandfather’s grave. It
seems it’s been desecrated.” The air crackled and Ciaran, Nuka and their army vanished.

  “What does he mean?” They all turned to Kas, when Teagan asked her question.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure it won’t be long until we find out.” Kas collapsed onto the ground. He was still bleeding from his side. Jessica was there with him, and revealed the deep gash.

  “You should’ve let me kill him while I had the chance,” Tyler snarled.

  “No, because you’re not a murderer. Nuka will die. He won’t win this fight, but it will happen at the right time.” Kas laid back on the snowy topped mountain. “Jessica, do you think you could take us all home? I think I’d like to lie down now and have a long sleep.”


  A week ago to the day Teagan Holland had died. Her heart had stopped beating for a few moments before she was resuscitated. It was a surreal experience. People spoke about floating up towards a bright light, but she hadn’t experienced any of that. All she’d felt was calm but with an overwhelming feeling that her time on this Earth was not done. She was too young to die. She wanted children. She wanted a husband, and she wanted to experience so many things that she’d been afraid of before. That was what she had been, afraid. She’d never really lived. She’d gone from the pack that she’d grown up in, to Kas’ pack. It was only then that she realized she wasn’t the inferior species that everyone told her she was. She was just her. That was all. She was Teagan Holland: wild dog, park ranger, clumsy and hyper; but also loving and friendly. She was just her. It had taken a wolf to show her what she could be. A wolf, to fall in love with her and become entranced in a trap to destroy himself. It would never happen again. She should hate Tyler for what he’d done, but she didn’t. She loved him with all her heart. He’d shown her the way, and she’d repaid the kindness by saving him from the shame when he fell. They were mates. Nobody could ever deny that. She breathed because of him and vice versa. Now, she stood in front of the rebuilt cage in the dungeon and watched her mate fight against the demons that had wrapped themselves around him and refused to let go. She heard him screaming in agony. She wiped his brow while he shivered and pleaded for death. She cleaned him up when any thoughts of personal hygiene left his body. It nearly killed her to watch it happening. She went back to her room with a weary mind and body and cried herself to sleep every night. Katia and Jane took turns joining her in her bed and holding her to try to give her some comfort. It helped, and each morning she jumped out of bed, dressed, and returned downstairs to the dungeon for the next day of withdrawal. Each day it eased a little. Tyler had more lucid moments. Never once during the entire time did he plead with her for more drugs, though. He took his body’s punishment knowing that in doing so he would be back to the man she deserved. He fought demons that she couldn’t see and with each battle he came back to her. Today was day seven, a magic number in the anatomy of a shifter. It was said that it took seven days for the drugs to leave a shifter’s system. She knew that the addiction would be something that he’d battle with for a life time and there could be slips. But he’d try for her, and for himself, and she’d be beside him the entire time.

  She entered the dungeon with a bowl of warm chicken soup. Katia had been doing most of the cooking since Tyler was locked up. Although it tasted good it just didn’t have the flair that Tyler managed to put into all his food.

  “Morning.” Tyler looked up from where he was reading a book in his cage.

  “You’re reading?” she asked, almost dropping the soup in shock.

  “I woke early. Jessica said that it couldn’t do any harm, so Scott rather tentatively let me have it. I think he’s worried about getting another bump to the head so near to Emma giving birth.”

  “Yes, I think if he does anything that means he can’t be there, then Emma’s going to castrate him.” She laughed. “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel…” He hesitated. “Normal. Is that a good feeling to have?”

  “Yes.” She smiled. “I’ve brought you some soup. I know you’ve not felt like eating the last few days, but I thought I’d try again.”

  “No. I’m hungry. I think my stomach is wondering what food is. Although maybe not a big kill just yet. The chicken soup smells good.”

  Kas came down the steps of the dungeon at that point. He was still limping where the stitches, in the wound on his side, pulled. Her neck injury had healed on the second day, thanks to her super fast abilities to recover. Tyler still had a burn on his back and hobbled a bit on his leg from a bite mark.

  “Morning,” she greeted.

  “Good Morning, Teagan,” he responded. “Tyler?”

  “Morning.” Tyler got to his feet and stood by the cage door.

  “I was just going to give Tyler some soup. Can you help me open the cage please?”

  Kas looked over to Tyler. He cocked his head, examining the wolf.

  “How do you feel?” the polar bear asked.

  “Normal.” Tyler looked at her and winked. “I think that’s going to be a question I get asked a lot at the moment.”

  “You have to let us worry about you,” she offered back.

  “I’m just glad I’m still here for you all to worry about.”

  “When you’re the best cook we’ve got, you don’t get kicked out of my pack that easily,” Kas joined in. “If you are feeling up to it, I think we can try sometime out of the cage. Take your food upstairs and eat. I know the others would like to see you.”

  A line of worry etched its way across Tyler’s forehead.

  “What’s wrong” She placed the steaming bowl of soup down on a nearby table and put her hand through the bars. Tyler took it in his.

  “I’d like to come out but it’s the thought of lots of people. I know I have to face everyone soon and make lots of apologies for my behavior, but right now, I think Teagan and I just need some time together. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Kas stepped forward and opened the cage door.

  “Take the soup up to your room. Have a nice warm shower and a shave. If you feel you need to go back in the cage, then we can put you in. To me though, you smell like normal Tyler so I think you’ll be alright. We’ll take things slowly. I’ll ask the others to leave you alone for now. What do you say?”

  Teagan let go of Tyler’s hand and came to the open door.

  “Are you coming out?”

  She held her hand out. He reached forward and took it but made no move forward. After a week of being locked in the same place she could see how it would feel like safety to him. But he needed to have the courage to take his life back and move onto the next step.

  “I’m sorry.” He looked up, straight into her eyes and dropped her hand. His dark eyes were filled with sadness. “What I did. I can never make it up to you enough. There’s nothing I can say or do that’ll ever make it right.”

  She stepped forward into the cage and tossed her long hair over her shoulders. She pressed a single digit against Tyler’s lips.

  “Ssh. I trust you.” She smiled. It was a genuine reply to his heartfelt plea. She loved him.

  “I don’t want to go there again. To that place. It was so dark. So very dark.”

  “Then, we’ll work together to make sure you don’t.”

  “Together?” His brows knitted in confusion.

  “As mates,” she replied.

  “Mates. You still want me as yours?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. She was a wolf dog after all. They did everything enthusiastically.

  “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Maybe not,” she chuckled. “But I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future at least. And by foreseeable future I’m talking hobbling old people with walking sticks.”

  She held her hand out to him again, and he took it. Together, they entwined their fingers in a show of strength, and on a deep breath stepped out of the cage together.


  The warm water of a shower h
ad never felt so good against Tyler’s skin. He shaved away a weeks worth of stubble or as it was more commonly known, a full length beard; trimmed his nails, —a wolf’s nails always grew quickly—; and was now fully enshrouded under the glorious tumbling waterfall of the power shower in Teagan’s ensuite. He allowed the water to wash all over him, and the dirt of his addiction flowed down the drain. He knew it wasn’t that simple. This would be a struggle that stayed with him for life, but Teagan forgave him. That was all the strength he needed to fight. That, and the fact that Kas had come to him with the news that the investigation into the girl’s death had been re-opened. Apparently new evidence had come to light of her step-father’s involvement. The vile man had been arrested and despite the court case not going ahead yet; his guilt and the imprisonment that he would face for the rest of his life, was already certain. The good part being that the incarceration was in a place that did not look too kindly on those who murdered children. Tyler wouldn’t normally condone this sort of behavior but, considering what that man had done to his step-daughter and the number of years that Tyler had thought he killed her, he was going to turn a blind eye.

  He took the shower gel and rubbed it over his taut stomach. He’d lost some of the muscle definition and definitely some weight. That would change soon. He bet that the pack was already planning a hunting expedition. He may not have the strength for the actual hunting, yet, but he’d certainly be in the kitchen directing the cooking. He looked up and saw Teagan watching his hand. She followed the lines that he made on his body. She bit her lip, and his cock started to harden. Her eyes widened. He rinsed the remaining soap suds off and switched the water off. He stepped out and wrapped a towel around him to dry.

  “I’m afraid that still has a mind of its own. He always likes it when he sees you.”

  “I like to watch him as well.” She flushed red at her admission. “I’ll go get you some clothes. I’ve put your others in the ‘to be burned’ pile. I’m not sure we could ever get them clean.”


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