Fallen Angel Part 5

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by Alisa Anderson

  Fallen Angel: Part 5

  A Roman Crime Family Novel

  Fallen Angel Series

  Alisa Anderson

  Cameron Skye

  Fallen Angel: Part 5

  by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  Copyright © 2015 by Alisa Anderson and Cameron Skye

  This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Baby girl’s taking a ride

  As past, present and future collide

  Riding loose, living rough

  Wondering when it’s finally enough

  Baby boy wants to rescue her from it all

  He loves her hard…doesn’t wanna see her fall

  He wants to take her away, from all of the pain

  From the nightmares begging to leave their stain

  But some nightmares…won’t go away

  Some find ways…to make you pay

  But through darkness and screams you can find the light

  It’s just sometimes you do a little dirt…to make it thru the night.
















  About the Authors

  Special Note From Alisa



  Like rapid drums.

  Beating in her ears.

  Her heart beat quickened.

  Get up.

  She was disoriented.

  She tried sitting up. Immediately overcome with pain. Nausea.

  Saliva pooled into her mouth. She swallowed noisily, gulping copious amounts of air. Something wasn’t right.

  Get up, dammit.


  She opened her mouth, trying to scream. Hit by more pain.

  Not good. She gently touched her hand to her mouth, feeling her swollen lip, crusted over with blood.

  She looked around, panicked. So much blood on the floor.

  What the hell happened?

  Flashes of images crashed into her head as she heard the sound of sirens. Closer and closer.

  She sat up realizing she was on the floor. The flickering lamp from the hallway shed some light as she reached around, feeling a lifeless hand next to her.


  Oh God…noooooooo…..

  Jess blinked back tears, threatening to overflow.

  The past.

  No room for that right now. Too much pain.

  So much heartache.

  All that mattered was to keep moving.

  If she stopped, she would be reminded of how fucked up her life truly was. She didn’t have Nick, and she didn’t want Eric, but now couldn’t get rid of him.

  He loved this life. He loved her money, her drugs, her alcohol, partying all night on her dime. Never lifting a finger to pay any portion of anything. Nothing was too good for him either. Most of her money went to him now. If it didn’t, there was always hell to pay. She barely saw one red cent.

  She saw his fists though. Heard his mouth plenty. The two things he didn’t mind sharing with her. She was so out of it most of the time, she didn’t object. She just didn’t care anymore.

  About anything.

  Anything…except Nick Roman.

  That man was in her blood. She knew that now. Beyond the shadow of the doubt she loved him. With everything she had.

  It had been two months and she had barely spoke more than two words to him.

  It killed her. Every fucking day.

  Seeing him. Wanting him. Needing him.

  Remembering him. Beside her. Inside her.

  She inhaled, feeling a familiar heat wash over her body.


  Had it only been two months? You’d have thought she hadn’t touched him in a year.

  Her nose candy was truly the only thing keeping her going. It tuned out all of the bullshit. All of the lies she didn’t want to keep telling…all the truth she didn’t want to face.

  She could swear she had a moment like this just months ago. But everything was running together so fucking much at this point she didn’t know anything anymore.

  Truth be told, she didn’t care. She was just tired at this point. Tired of everything.

  Something had to give. She just wasn’t sure what.

  He ignored the thump on his office door for as long as he could.

  Knowing immediately who it was.

  The more he ignored it, the louder and more annoying it became.

  Placing his cigar into an ashtray and his half empty glass of scotch on the desk, he walked over unlocking the door. Opening it slightly before turning to sit back down.

  “Fucking come in, already.”

  Angel pushed open the door, finding Nick where he’d spent most of his time since coming back from Miami. At his desk, scotch in hand.

  Staring at Scooby Doo on the TV.

  Playing that freaking theme song over and over on repeat.

  He was about ninety-nine percent sure it was going to make his ears bleed.

  “Umm boss, I was just told Jess is here. What you want me to do?”

  “Nothing. It’s as always.” His body became rigid. Eyes narrowing.

  “Come the fuck on, Nick. We both know it’s not as always. You broke it off in Miami and you guys have barely spoken to each other in two months. You hardly look at her for fuck’s sake.

  “So why are you fucking worried, Angel? It’s none of your business.”

  Just like she was none of his, but the fuck he cared. He always wanted to know where she was. When she was there. When she wasn’t. Regardless of whether he spoke to her or not.

  “With all due respect, it is my business. You’re my business. Since coming back you’ve been so fucking angry. All you do is go around, blowing people away for sneezing.”

  “I’m telling-”

  “Look fucker, stop with the threats. We both know you won’t go through with them. You have to deal with her before this destroys you. Especially since you will be seeing her again in a few minutes.”

  Nick looked at Angel and arched a sardonic brow. Angel held up his hands.

  “I’ll deal with her when I’m good and fucking ready. Until then, get out of my office.”


  “Angel, get the fuck out before I blow you away for breathing.”

  “But then who would run interference in your love life?”

  Nick threw his glass against the door as Angel slammed it shut. Laughing as he heard the glass break.

  “I don’t know why I keep putting up with shit from either of you. You both fucking deserve each other.” Angel was still talking shit as he went up the stairs, meeting Allie on her way down.

  “She up there?”

  “Yeah. It’s not good.”

  “What do you mean, not good?”

  “Go up, see for yourself. Will you keep an eye on her for me, please? I have a date tonight and I’m really concerned about her, Angel. She hasn’t been the same since...” She gave him a look. “Well. You know as well as me.”

  “I do, indeed. Don’t worry about it, baby. Go. Have fun. I got this.”

  He asked the re
st of the girls to leave the room once he got to the top of the stairs. Jess was sitting in front of the mirror, putting on blood red lipstick. Her eyes filled as she caught his in the mirror. She got up to hug him.

  “How you been, bambino?”

  Jess giggled. She always giggled when he called her bambino.

  “I’ve been perfect.”

  “Perfect, my ass. Have you eaten anything since we left Miami and you got back?”

  “I’ve eaten.”

  “Liar. Jess, you need to stop the coke. This is out of control. You’re getting too fucking thin.”

  “Oh, Angel.” She sighed. “One can never be too thin. Models. Walking hangers, remember?”

  “Fuck being a hanger. I could give a rat’s ass less if you’re a model or not. Come on, you’re going to eat something.”

  “I’m honestly not hungry. Besides, Nick’s here isn’t he?”

  “I’m not playing whatever the fuck game is going on between the two of you. I’m so over you both. Come with me now, or I will pick your skinny ass up and carry you directly to him.”

  She knew she wasn’t going to win this round, following him to the bar. Going behind, he pulled up his bag, taking out a bowl of strawberries.

  “How did you know I love strawberries?”

  “It’s part of my job to know you, Jess.”

  “Scary job, huh?” She sighed heavily.

  “Nah. I’ve grown to love your crazy ass.” He touched her cheek, smiling at her with affection. He truly was her knight in shining armor. Just like always.

  She smiled back at him, but her smile was short lived.

  “Angel?” Nicks voice bellowed from the background.

  “At the bar. You need to see this.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare call him.” She looked almost sick at the thought.

  “Not playing the game remember, dearest?”

  Nick came around the corner. That’s when he saw her.

  Really saw her.

  She was nothing but skin and bones. You could count her ribs and see her spine, running down her back. His throat squeezed shut, not only because of how she looked. But at the fact she wasn’t in his arms.

  He missed her. Craved her to the point of obsession….loved her to distraction. His distraction, of course. He could barely think of anything else but being inside her.



  “Look at me.”

  She refused.

  “I said look at me.”

  She turned, her eyes fixed on his face. Crossing her arms over her chest defensively. She tried to hide them under make-up, but he could see the dark circles under her eyes. Her face gaunt from the amount of weight she’d lost.

  “Jesus, Jess.” Nick’s voice a hoarse whisper.

  His heart physically hurt. Breaking at the sight of her.

  It looked like every emotion she tried to kill, came back in at once. Hitting her so quickly he saw her lungs seize up. Looking like she was almost suffocating.

  She trembled. He noticed.

  Doing her damnedest not to cry. He noticed that too.

  Like he did everything else where she was concerned. Except this.

  “You aren’t working. Carry her to my office.”

  Jess stood firm. Looking every inch as stubborn as he.


  “Look kid, don’t fucking argue with me. Shut up for once, and let someone help you. For fuck’s sake, you look like a damn skeleton.”

  “Thanks bunches for your unasked for opinion. And, I said no, Nick. Now leave me alone. You don’t get to order me around anymore, remember?”

  “How could I forget, Jess? Not that I succeeded much before. But this is my club, remember? I am your boss. Remember that? Which means it overrides any boyfriend, girlfriend bullshit. Ipso facto, my dear, you’ll do what the fuck I say. And I said you aren’t working. There’s no debate on the subject. It is what it is. Angel, pick her up.”

  Angel picked her up, with her kicking and screaming the entire time. He ignored her, carrying her to Nick’s office, laying her on the couch.

  “I’ll leave you both to deal with each other. Play nice, kids.” He shut the door, locking it without being asked, leaving them alone.

  Nick looked down at her, while she stared straight ahead, refusing to meet his eyes. He laughed, shaking his head. She frowned, trying harder to ignore him.

  “I’m still here, kid.”

  “Don’t remind me.”

  “You know…I have to ask. When the fuck did this become just about you? The last time I checked we were in this together. It hasn’t been a picnic for me either, baby.”

  She shivered, continuing to ignore him. Nick sighed. Taking off his jacket, placing it over her, then sitting at her feet. He was such a large man, it looked weird, seeing him sit like that.

  She shared her observation with him. He just stared blankly at her. Deciding to ignore her as well. Best to not be a part of her nutty little world. No matter how much he missed being there.

  His voice was casual when he finally spoke.

  “When was the last time you came down?”

  Jess folded her arms, not answering.

  “Kid. I’m not gonna ask you again.” Nick’s tone broke no argument.

  She sulked. She couldn’t believe she was in love with yet another bully. Then felt bad for ever coming close to comparing Nick to Eric. They were nothing alike. She gave a resigned sigh.

  “I don’t know. Lost track of time.”

  “Keep this up. You’ll die.”

  She moved wordlessly then. Placing her head on his chest. Feeling the warmth and safety she always felt, when he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

  Her body yearned for him. Ached for him.

  She inhaled his masculine scent, an intoxicating mix of cologne and a rich cocoa, coffee smell from his Gurkha Black Dragon cigars. Jess softly smiled, knowing just by the smell the brand he was smoking. And that they were his favorite.

  She felt a familiar dampness between her legs that hadn’t been there in months. She couldn’t believe it was there now. She gave a rueful shake of her head.

  Her body was a perfidious slut. Completely disloyal in every way.

  Nice to know some things never changed.

  “I’ve missed you, Nick. Did you miss me?”

  “You know I did, kid. Every second of every day. But are you hearing me, kid? You’re gonna die if you don’t stop. You’re killing yourself, baby.”

  “Would you miss me if I did?”

  He stared at her.

  “What the fuck type of question is that? Stop that shit now.”

  Jess traced his jaw with her fingertip, eyeing the yellowing bruise it sported.

  “Fell. Nothing major.”

  “Huh. Must have cracked your knuckles during that fall, too.”

  “What the fuck, Jess. I got into a fight. His face met my fist. No biggie. Why the interrogation? You don’t have that right anymore either, remember?”

  “How could I forget, Nick?” She repeated his words mockingly, throwing them in his face.

  “You were the one who said maybe we should take some time apart. This was your fucking idea, kid. Not mine.”

  “If I hadn’t, you would have. At some point you would have, so spare me.”

  She took his hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She felt him squeeze back, as they sat in each other arms. Silent.

  “This stops now, Jess. You’re going to cut back on the coke. And, can you please explain to me why Eric hasn’t stopped you?”

  “He was high too.”

  “I’m going to fucking-” She placed a hand on his arm.

  “Don’t, Nick. I snorted the stuff, not him. This is all on me. I really was hurting. Thinking…being without you.” She tried to control the emotion in her tone. Failing miserably.

  Nick looked at her with a steady gaze. “It gets no easier on this side, my dear. You think I’ve been doing cartwheels
without you? It’s been hell. I think Angel is plotting my demise if he has to hear Scooby Doo one more time.”

  That at least got a small chuckle out of her. “Oh, no. Nick…you didn’t.”

  He grinned. “I’ve been kind of an ass of late.”

  “The hell you say.”

  “Hey, now…none of that from you. Besides, how would you know? You’ve spared me two glances in the past two months.”

  She cleared her throat and looked at her nails. He knew he had her there.

  “So. Seeing anyone I should know about?”

  He laughed, looking into her eyes. Only she made him feel like this. Like the world could end tomorrow and he’d be ok, because he had her. With her, all the ugliness and harsh realities of his life were magically washed away.

  No more violence, no more of the “life.”

  She made him regret everything and everyone he had ever done before her. And consider everything that was to come.

  “Ah, kid…No one holds a candle. You should know that.” He tweaked her nose. “And I’m driving you home.”

  She scowled at him then. He ignored her.

  “I mean it, Jess. No more coke. I’m worried about you.” He absently stroked her leg, feeling the firm muscled thigh. Every inch a dancer, this one. No matter how thin she got, she was always going to have hips and ass.

  Real woman hips too, not some kewpie Barbie doll, though he’d never tell her so.

  And the ass. Damn. Could get lost in it for days. Firm, but jiggled just the right way.

  Nick grinned at the thought, then swore softly under his breath.

  Holy shit.

  This wasn’t happening right now.

  “Driving me home, huh?” She slid from the couch, strategically landing on his lap, astride him. Feeling his hardness beneath her.

  “Jess…” Nick warned, feeling trapped under a large cat.

  “Yes…Nick?” She whispered, gliding over his body.

  He groaned, feeling her taut body tighten around his hips in a vise-like grip.

  “Let’s do this tomorrow, eh? You need to get some rest.”

  “Do what, Nick?” Jess raised her dress a little, reaching between the waist-band of her tiny boyfriend undies. She moaned aloud, sinking her fingers inside. Nick ground his hips upwards involuntarily.


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