Hustle & Heartache

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Hustle & Heartache Page 15

by D. Gamblez

  “’re 35, but I don’t ever say anything whenever we go out and you show up dressed like you and your daughter share clothes,” Vida shot back before she jogged lightly in the opposite direction, not giving me a chance to retort.

  I was about to yell out something clever about her pink sneakers, but I stopped just short when I saw my father’s office door open. He stepped out into the hall, motioning with his hand for me to enter.

  “Why didn’t you tell me that the Death Dealers sent you a death warrant?” my father said in his usual calm tone before I even had a chance to sit down. He was positioned behind his huge mahogany desk, and Hensley and Foster were both leaning up against the wall opposite him with their arms folded.

  Always with that fucking smug look on your face, I thought of Hensley. I can’t wait to take you down, you—

  “Answer me!” my father shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk. Even Foster and Hensley jumped. My father never showed signs of anger, barely even showed any kind of emotion, which meant he must be pretty pissed at me.

  “I thought it was a bluff, you know, to try to scare me and my unit off the case, Dad, uh, sir,” I explained. “I figured I was getting close, and they were just trying to get me out of the way.”

  “Out of the way is right,” he spat. “Guess now you know it’s not a bluff. They could’ve taken your daughter’s life! And I can’t even fathom what they would’ve done to you if they’d have found you at your home, in your own goddamn bed, for Christ’s sake! Your babysitter, a15-year-old girl was beaten within an inch of her life and is now in the ICU with the only hope being that in the event she dies, some kid would get her heart or lung or kidney because her parents had the foresight to make her a donor. And all this happened because you decided to ignore an obvious and direct threat on your life.”

  “With all due respect, sir, them issuing a death warrant on my name had absolutely nothing to do with what happened at my condo. They only hit my place because they were looking for something.”

  “Looking for what?” Hensley spoke for the first time since the meeting started.

  You know “what,” you fucking asshole. The tape you stole from my office or at least had someone steal.

  “Am I boring you, Sergeant?” my father asked impatiently.

  “No, sir. It was a tape. They were looking for a tape; a recording that could link one of them or all of them to the Death Dealers case.” I was not hesitant in telling him about my theory because I no longer had the tape, but you try hiding something from my father when he looks at you the way he looks at someone when he wants the truth from them. I swear he was the best interrogator I had ever known.

  “What tape? How come I wasn’t told about this? Do you know about this supposed tape, Lieutenant?” I knew my father did not believe me because his eyes never wavered from mine, a sure sign from him that I had picked up on in my younger years whenever he thought I was lying about something.

  “News to me,” Hensley said, shrugging and raising an eyebrow. “What about you, Sergeant Foster? Heard anything about this supposed recording?”

  “Other than right now, not one word concerning a tape was ever mentioned to me. Like you said, Lieu; it’s news to me.”

  My father stared at me for a long while, his steely gaze penetrating my soul. Then he removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger.

  “I hate to do this to you, Sergeant,” he sighed deeply.”But as of this moment you’re off the Death Dealers case. And for assaulting a superior officer without provocation, you’re suspended for...the next two weeks. Turn all of your files and evidence relating to the Death Dealers case over to Sergeant Foster before you go.”

  “But I—”I was about to protest when he raised his hand and halted me.

  “This isn’t a debate,” he said sternly. “As the chief of police, I am telling you that you should take this time to reconsider what it is you really do here and why you do it, or if you even really want to be here at all. And as your father, I’m telling you to take this time to be with your daughter−she needs you now more than ever. Get your priorities in order, get your head on straight, and get to a place where you can feel stable and secure. That'll be all. The three of you are dismissed. And’re lucky I’m only suspending you and not stripping you of your rank and removing you from the head position of the Homicide Unit altogether. I may be your father, but my duty comes first. So keep that in mind if you ever decide to pull a stunt like this again. Are we clear, Sergeant?”

  “Yes, sir, crystal,” I said, swallowing hard as I knew better to think my father would ever bluff.

  “Is there something in my words you’re confused about, Sergeant?” My father asked after he noticed my hesitancy to leave just yet.

  “May I ask who you intend to have running my unit in my absence, sir?” I treaded carefully.

  “Garcia’s going to be running things until your suspension is lifted,” my father said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Don’t worry, he’s a good man. Now, if there is nothing else...”

  I was not worried. Detective Ruben Garcia of the Narcotics Unit was a good cop, and I knew I could trust him to run my unit efficiently in my absence. I just hoped my team feltthe same way about him. But just in case they did not...

  “With all due respect, sir, Detective Oliver Willis is a respectable and capable candidate...”My voice trailed off because the look my father gave me would make Charles Manson cringe.

  Worth a shot, I guess, I thought to myself. As I walked out of the office, feeling defeated, I caught a glimpse of Hensley’s smug smile out the corner of my eye.

  I looked in his direction and used every ounce of energy within my body to telepathically send him the thought playing over and over in my mind.

  Regardless of why you’re doing it, you’re destroying this city, destroying people’s lives, destroying families. Which is why I just issued out a death warrant on your name...and you better believe I’m gonna make damn sure that I’m gonna be the one who serves it to you personally.


  It was only a little before noon, and although I was planning a surprise romantic dinner for Dre and I later in the evening, knowing what he and the guys were planning to do in regards to the Diego situation, but mostly because I really wanted him to be the one I shared this experience with while the chance to do so was still possible, especially since there was no guarantee that he would come back to me alive. I had decided that now would be the perfect time for that special occasion..

  We were in our bed making out; me on my back with him lying between my legs. With soft music playing in the background to enhance the moment, although I was still nervous, I felt very little hesitation on my part. Everything just felt right.

  “Are you sure, Audi?” Dre asked as his fingers lingered on the button of my shorts. “I mean, we can just wait until you feel like it. For real, I’m not trippin’ like that.”

  “”“I know you don’t mind waiting, Dre,” I said as I planted soft kisses on his lips, my hands caressing his bulging biceps. “But I think I’m ready this time.”

  “You sure?” he asked.

  I took a moment before I answered to make sure that I was indeed ready. “Well, I can say for sure that I’m willing to try.”

  Even though I had just pretty much given him the go-ahead, he hesitated. “I don’t want you to rush into something just because you think it’s what I want. I mean, of course I want you, Audi, more than anything, but only if you want me to have you.”

  His words were so heartfelt that they nearly brought tears to my eyes. “I love you, Dre.” It was the first time that I had said those three words to him.

  He eased up off of me a little and looked into my.

  Please don’t freak out because I said those words. Don’t do this to me, Dre, please. Please, baby, you mean too much to me.

  “I love you, too, Audi,” he said suddenly. This time his words did bring
tears to my eyes.

  Smiling up at him, I gently took his face in my hands and pulled him back down to me. Then I kissed him deeply. In that moment I believed that we both knew this was that special occasion that I had been awaiting.

  “I love you, baby. I want you so bad,” he moaned as his hand slid underneath my grey tee.

  “I want you too, baby,” I moaned as he caressed my abdomen and let his fingers trail their way around to my back and unclasped my bra.

  After a few more kisses−him licking and kissing me from my lips and cheeks and neck−he slid my shirt up and over my head and took a moment to help me remove my bra as well. Then he trailed soft, wet kisses from my my breasts, taking his time to allow his tongue to explore both my breasts...then down to my naval.

  As soon as I felt his fingers slide into the waistband of my shorts I knew what was to come next, but knowing it did not help to ease the trembling of my body from nervousness. “Dre...” I said hesitantly.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” he asked.

  He seemed concerned, which made me less nervous and more comfortable. I relaxed a little. “Nothing. Just...just go slow, okay?”

  “I promise,” he assured me. Then he crawled back up to me and kissed me on the lips again. Starting over, but much slower this time, he trailed the same kisses from my lips down to my naval.

  As he slid my shorts down, this time I did not stop him and instead I arched my back to allow him to remove the hindering material so that our moment could continue.

  “Shh,” he whispered as he slowly slid my shorts down my thighs and off of me. “I got you, Audi. I got you, baby.”

  I suspected he was aware how nervous I was because instead of going down on me, which I assume he was about to do had I not stopped him the first time, he took me gently by the hand and helped me to a sort of lotus position. Then he guided my hands to his shirt and encouraged me to remove it for him.

  “You’re okay,” he encouraged me.

  I did not respond because I suspected that it was more of a statement of assurance than a question of concern.

  Allowing my eyes to roam over his lithe and fit yet rippling muscular body−I noticed that his well-toned pectoral area was completely devoid of hair save the light strip down his chest leading to whatever lay beyond the waistband of his black jeans.

  God, he’s so sexy. I wonder if he thinks I’m sexy.

  “You the most beautiful girl I ever seen, Audi,” he said suddenly, seemingly reading my thoughts. “How didn’t I notice you in this way before?”

  Although his gaze upon my nakedness embarrassed me a little, it also made me feel desired. I felt sexy. “I don’t think either of us noticed each other because we never really bothered to look until now,” I said.

  The desire in his eyes was so evident that I could feel my body beginning to respond to it. It was a sort of tingling feeling somewhere between my stomach and my inner thighs.

  He laid me back down and climbed atop me. Taking a few moments to plant kisses all over my face, he then trailed his tongue from my lips all the way down to my peach. There he stopped and kissed me deeply.

  “Oh, God!” I gasped. I had never felt pleasure like I was feeling in that moment. The way he suckled and licked and felt so good that my legs instinctively opened wide to allow him to explore every part of me down there. And he did.

  “Baby, you taste so good,” he moaned between wet, suckling kisses. The feel of his slick tongue, accompanied with the slurping sounds he made as he pleasured me, I was so turned on by it that I began uttering sounds that I never knew I could.

  “Please, Dre... Please, don’t stop, baby. Yes, please...” I panted as I slid my hands around to the back of his neck and pressed his face into my womanhood.

  How is this possible? I’ve touched myself plenty of times, but I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. Is this what lovemaking always feel like?

  After a while, right near the moment I felt beginning to shake, which was the usual indication that I was about to climax, Dre pulled away from me and sat up into a kneeling position. Beckoning me to sit up again, he grabbed my hands and guided them towards his belt. “Only if you’re ready, Audi,” he said softly.

  In way of an answer, I undid his belt, and then I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, him shifting his weight to allow for me to remove them completely.

  He’s gorgeous! I thought to myself as I stared at the boy that who used live across the street from me, that boy that I had never looked at in that way until this moment. The hunger in his eyes...the way his muscles rippled...the length and girth of his manhood, already was intimidating yet inviting at the same time.

  I wanted to go down on him and please him in the way that he had pleased me, but I was nervous because I had never done anything like that before, so instead I reached over and grabbed the condom from the dresser. Tearing it open, I fumbled with it at first as I tried placing it on pulsating member, but he was patient until I finally got it right.

  I laid down back down then reached out for him and pulled him atop me, wrapping my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. “I’m ready, baby, I’m ready,” I spoke softly before slipping my tongue past his lips and kissing him deeply.

  No more time wasted on hesitation or questioning, Dre slid his hand down in between my legs and massaged my sensitive bud, causing my body to shiver. Then I felt a slight pressure down there from his manhood pressing up against my virginal entrance.

  “Go slow, baby, please,” I panted nervously.

  “I promise, baby. Trust me, Audi, just trust me,” he whispered. Then he slowly and gently slid his manhood inside of me.

  “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!” I cried from the pleasure and pain of his manhood entering me. I could feel my walls stretching, slowly releasing its tight grip to accommodate him. He stopped when he was halfway in, which I assumed was to allow my body to become accustomed to him.

  Then he went deeper, and although it was a little more painful than I expected, when I felt my cherry pop, it was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was beautiful, wonderful, and ecstatic all at the same time, in the same moment. I felt like I was high on the best drugs the world could offer.

  Dre moved slow and gentle atop me. Then, at my request, his pace grew quicker and a little less gentle. We moaned and whispered sweet nothings to each other, kissing and grinding and pumping and holding onto each other as if we were each other’s life force.

  Letting go of each other for only the briefest of moments, we switched positions, me now on top of him with him guiding me on how to please him. “Like this?” I asked as I grinded atop him.

  “Oh, God, yes baby yes!” he moaned loudly, which made me proud because I was really nervous about whether or not I would be able to please him.

  Rocking back and forth, twirling my hips, with him still guiding me, of course, but only just a little as I was quick learner, we stayed that way for a while until I felt myself nearing climax.

  “Baby...” I panted loudly. “Baby, I’m about to come, baby.”

  “Yes, baby, come, baby!” he panted in response as he gripped me by the waist and began to pump up into me.

  Still not quite used to the size of him, I put my hand on his thigh to slow his pace a little. He did. “Yes, Dre, yes, yes, yes!” I cried before my entire body locked up and I collapsed on his chest.

  “Oh! Oh!” he exclaimed loudly as both our bodies trembled from explosive orgasms. At least I hope that was what he was experiencing; I knew I definitely was.“I love you, Dre,” I said a moment later. To my surprise, there were tears running down my face and onto his chest. “I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you, too, Audi,” he said. Then he took my face in his hands and pulled me to him, kissing me softly. “I love you, too.”

  That made me smile. We lay that way for awhile...until I heard and felt Dre’s stomach growling.“”“”“”“”“ ”�
�”“”“” “”“””“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”

  I hopped up off the bed and slid his blue Sean John T-shirt over my head. “I’m gonna go make us something to eat. ”“Shit, whateva you fix, I’ll eat. I’m hungrier than a ma’fucka after that shit,” he yawned.

  “Want me to hook up the PlayStation 2 for you?”

  “Naw, ma. I got it,” he said, hopping up off the bed and sliding on his black Sean John jeans.

  I went over to the walk-in closet and grabbed Dre’s present that I had secretly bought for him earlier that morning when I went out to pay the bills and get groceries.

  “What!”Dre exclaimed like a little kid when I handed him his present. “Call of Duty? Are you for real, ma? Man, I been tryin’ to get this ma’fuckin’ game since it came out, but they been out of stock everywhere. Where you go to get it?”

  “GameLand. That video game store out at Southlake Mall,” I said, my chest filling with pride. “Since Coco works there, I told her to let me know when they ever got it in again. She called me yesterday and said they had just got this game and Resident Evil 4 in stock, so I told her to hold both of them for me. Then I went out there and bought them both this morning when I went to pay the bills. So...”

  “ keep this up and I might have to marry yo’ fine ass. Put that ass on lock for reals.”

  My heart jumped to the sound of marriage, but then I realized Dre had only said it because he was excited about the game. “Don’t play with me like that, Dre.”

  “My bad, ma. I was just messing with you. But if you take it in the ass next time, shit, then I just might have to marry yo’ fine ass,” I heard him say as I skipped down the carpeted stairs two at a time in our tri-level, 3-bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car attached-garage home.

  It was a dark-gray color with white trim around the windows, and it had a fenced-in yard. Plus, it had the greenest grass I’d ever seen in my life. And I loved every inch of it. Bonus was that we stayed on Idaho Street out in Aetna right off 10th avenue, a block from where Cherish and Raheem lived.


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