The Philanthropist and the Paratrooper (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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The Philanthropist and the Paratrooper (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 8

by Taylor Brooks

  “I see.” Trace leaned over and kissed his lips softly. “I’m sorry someone did that to you.”

  Brad reached down and pulled Trace up to his side, until their two bodies were lying together. Face to face with one another, Trace saw the contented and relaxed look in Brad’s eyes.

  “Me too,” Brad added. “So, do you do this often?”

  Trace couldn’t help but chuckle. Brad, for all his sexiness and sophistication, had this soft side to him, one that he found rather cute.

  “I’m not seeing anyone if that’s what you’re wondering. I’ve been single for a very long time. I don’t think I’ve ever really had a serious relationship with anyone. I’m sure that’s not anything I’m supposed to admit to, but I am who I am. Love me or hate me.”

  Trace wished he hadn’t used the L word. He didn’t want the moment to get too serious. It had just slipped out. He waited to see if Brad was going to freak out, but nothing happened.

  “Anyway, it’s hard to have a relationship in the military. There’s no stability to your life. Then after I got out I didn’t feel much like meeting anyone, much less putting any work into dating.”

  “I understand. So, I guess it’s a good thing that I happened upon your small town then, huh?”

  Trace smiled. “Not exactly.”

  Brad’s eyes averted down and away from Trace in apparent disappointment. Trace used his forefinger and thumb to lift Brad’s chin until they were looking at one another.

  “It wasn’t just a good thing. It was a great thing.”

  Brad’s small smile of relief turned into a wide grin from ear to ear. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah, babe. You’re pretty fucking incredible. Even if you don’t realize it.”

  Trace leaned in for a kiss slipping his tongue past Brad’s swollen lips. The taste of his own cum still lingered strongly inside Brad’s mouth even though he had sucked up every last drop of it.

  It was a huge turn-on to Trace when he kissed a man just after he’d swallowed his own cum. With Brad though, it wasn’t just the act itself that got him going. It was the man behind the sexy mouth.

  “So, what now?” Brad asked while tracing circles on Trace’s chest with his fingertip.

  “Now? I would say that beer sounds pretty good. I’m kind of worn out.”

  Brad didn’t hesitate for a second. He hopped out of bed, his flaccid penis bobbing with his every movement. “You got it. Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

  Trace watched the man who he’d met less than twelve hours ago. He stared at his perfect ass as it swayed from side to side on his way to the minirefrigerator. With everything going on in his life he may not have been looking for a relationship, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  Regardless of all the crap he was dealing with, Brad Harrington made everything seem a little better. There was something that he liked about this man. He didn’t just turn him on. He called to every primal and lustful desire Trace had.

  In some ways, Trace couldn’t help but feel as though his body had finally been woken from a long sleep. Now he was ready to start experiencing life again. Having Brad here to do it with him seemed like the best remedy for the monotony that his life had become.

  Chapter Nine

  Brad ran his hand through his wet hair and couldn’t help but smile at his reflection in the old mirror. He wasn’t smiling because he thought he looked especially good, quite the contrary in fact. His hair was a bit of a mess and in desperate need of a trim. He used to get it trimmed weekly, but now had let it go for the past three weeks. He was smiling because he was happy. Damn happy.

  Trace Jennings. Damn. Brad shook his head and smiled even wider. He liked the way Trace’s name just rolled off of his tongue. Actually, truth be told, he liked how other parts of Trace felt against his tongue as well.

  After they’d stayed awake for awhile, both of them had fallen asleep naked and in each other’s arms. They didn’t just mutter sweet nothings in each other’s ears. They actually talked with one another. Real conversations about their lives, their families, what brought them to where they were today. Trace told him about his leg and what happened to his career, while Brad spoke of Paulo and the relationship that never should have been. It felt good to Brad to be able to be with a man again. The first few moments of his insecurity had quickly diminished after Trace had charmed him.

  They’d both ended up sleeping for several hours, each of them waking up at eleven o’clock with growling stomachs. Trace had lingered for a few minutes, giving kisses and playfully fondling him until he got up to check on Airborne. The plan was that he would go get the dog, head back down the hill to the diner, and grab a pie.

  Brad decided to hop in the shower and wash off. He was suddenly very aware of his disheveled and messy appearance. Plus he was tired and needed the boost of energy a quick shower would provide. Brad wasn’t sure what thrilled him more, the thought of spending more time with Trace or that he was going to be able to do it with a delicious pie.

  Brad would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that he had a romantic streak in him. Years ago he used to dream of finding that one special person, the one who would make everything seem more than ordinary, even eating a pie in bed late at night.

  After many years of dates gone wrong and never finding someone who gave him that feeling, Brad thought he’d finally found that in Paulo. On the surface their relationship seemed perfect. Over time things began to change and so did Paulo.

  It had started with an innocent—or so he’d thought—request for a loan. In the beginning Brad hadn’t batted an eye. He instantly gave Paulo the money he needed and refused any consideration that it would be repaid. He loved Paulo, or at least he loved who he thought Paulo was, and was glad to help him out.

  Looking back, Brad could have and perhaps even should have seen the writing on the wall. All the signs were there and even Alfred protested when Brad agreed to let Paulo move into his penthouse.

  After only six months, Brad had managed to hand over nearly half a million dollars in supposed loans and gifts. Even despite the warning signs and Alfred’s pleading, Brad refused to listen. He was sure that Paulo loved him for who he was, not his money.

  Oh how wrong he had been. He couldn’t have been further off the mark. Not only did Paulo not love him, he wasn’t sure the man ever had an ounce of feeling for him. Brad was nothing more than a mark to him, an easy target that was a means to an unbelievably painful end.

  Brad could still remember the shock and humiliation when that woman came to his door. She had photos of him and Paulo together. Tears streaked down her mascara-smeared face as she lunged at Brad, blaming him for stealing her husband away from her and his children.

  A year had passed, but to Brad it was still so fresh in his mind that it might as well just have happened that day. It took some doing, but finally with the help of Alfred, Brad was able to convince the sweet and tortured young woman that he had no idea that Paulo was married, much less bisexual.

  When Paulo came home later that night he certainly hadn’t expected to see his wife sitting on Brad’s custom leather couch. He’d been out shopping of course, racking up Brad’s credit card bills that he never had any intention of paying back.

  Paulo tripped over his own words and went back and forth between blaming first his wife and then Brad himself for trying to tie him down and turn him into someone he’s not. That was what had hurt Brad the most. It wasn’t the money or the fact that he’d lied. It was because even when he was faced with the proof of his deceit, he still didn’t have enough character to just own up to it. Instead he just put the blame on others. In that moment any amount of feelings that Brad held for Paulo diminished right along with any respect he had left.

  After hours of yelling, screaming, and crying, Paulo’s young wife had enough. She’d told him she was filing for divorce and he’d never be in her life again. The conviction and pain he saw in the woman’s eyes tugged at his heart and perha
ps even his guilt a little bit. Brad chased her down at the elevators and handed her a business card to his attorney. Whether Paulo ever found out that Brad had footed the bill for his wife’s divorce or not, Brad didn’t know, but he hoped on some level that he did. It would offer Brad a small amount of satisfaction knowing that he’d helped someone else escape the clutches of Paulo’s selfishness.

  There was something about Trace that made the memories of his past seem less important. Brad didn’t feel pathetic when he told Trace the story of Paulo. He felt more like he was closing a door on one chapter of his life and opening up another.

  Whatever it was with he and Trace, Brad felt it much deeper than just physical attraction. He really liked him and enjoyed his company.

  Now that he was waiting for Trace to return, Brad couldn’t help but want to see what else Trace could get him to do. He loved that he’d been dominant and told him exactly what he liked. It only enticed Brad into wanting to give Trace more.

  When he heard the door to his room open, Brad quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. The soft cotton felt good against his skin. As an added bonus, they were both loose fitting, which would make them easy to remove just in case they had an encore performance of what had happened earlier that night.

  He walked into the bedroom of the room and saw Trace walk in. His strong arms held a cardboard tray with a pie, two sandwiches, and a couple of Cokes.

  “Wow. You really hooked us up.” Brad walked over to meet him and took the tray from his hands to set it on the small round table. After he placed it on the table, he turned back around. “So, do you think your mother will mind that we raided her—”

  His words were quickly swallowed by Trace when he crushed their lips together. Instantly their tongues were tangling together, dancing in erotic rhythm as they drank from one another. After only being away from him for thirty minutes, Brad had forgotten how good Trace’s kiss tasted. He soaked up the flavor of Trace, relishing in how hot his mouth was.

  Trace pressed him against the table’s edge and ground his hard cock against him. The length of him pressing against Brad sent blood racing through his body and straight to his own cock. In a matter of seconds his balls were already aching, dying to be relieved of their tension.

  They continued for minutes, kissing and licking at one another until Trace finally broke the kiss. Brad was breathless and began grabbing at him, eager to taste more of him. Instead Trace pulled away and Brad watched in amazement as Trace slid down to his knees and looked up at him.


  His cock was throbbing underneath the sexy leer Trace was giving him. He wanted to say something, to tell him what to do, to suck him off, but the hell of it was he couldn’t say a word to save his life. He was utterly mesmerized by the look he saw staring back at him in Trace’s dark-brown eyes. The fire was returning. Like a forest fire which never totally went out, the embers were beginning to blaze and come back to life.

  Trace slid his hand up along Brad’s cock, stroking it as he continued to stare up at him with bedroom eyes. The thin layer of cotton fabric only added to the tease. Brad wanted the barrier of cloth between his cock and Trace’s hand removed. He wanted to feel Trace’s palm stroke his cock. He wanted his hot mouth taking his cock deep into his throat like he had before.

  Trace was rough and rugged on the outside. It contradicted this side of him. He could be gentle and giving, the proverbial bad boy gone good.

  “I want you.” The admission slipped past Brad’s lips. Emotions were swirling around inside him, overwhelming his already rising body temperature.

  Brad wanted desperately to fuck Trace. He wanted Trace to fuck him. He wanted them to connect with one another on a level that went deeper than sex. He wanted a chance with Trace, a chance to see what could be.

  Trace was still on his knees, looking up at him still but not continuing to stroke his cock through his shorts. In that moment Brad didn’t feel any need for words. He could feel their connection. He could see it in Trace’s eyes.

  Brad reached down with his hand and traced his fingers along the strong and masculine jawline which had worked him to orgasm earlier that night. There was a rough stubble that rasped against the pads of his fingers, turning him on all the more.

  Brad closed his eyes and moaned when Trace’s large hands worked around to his backside and squeezed his ass cheeks. The knowledge of how long it had been since he’d given anyone his ass struck him. His cock was rock hard, and he wanted nothing more than to have Trace’s hot mouth suck him off into orgasm again. He couldn’t get past his other desire though. He wanted to give Trace something he hadn’t offered a lover in a very long time.

  He looked down when he felt Trace’s slender fingers dip beneath the waistband of his shorts and tug them down his thighs. Seconds went by painfully slow as he waited to see what Trace would do next.

  His cock sprang free, almost hitting Trace in the face as it plopped out of the cotton shorts. Trace looked up at him with a sexy smile which spoke volumes about Trace’s intentions.

  “No underwear, huh?”

  Brad smirked. “Underwear seemed irrelevant for what I had in mind.”

  “Really? And what…dare I ask, did you have in mind?”

  Brad ran his fingers through Trace’s hair and tugged his head back just enough to ensure they were staring directly into one another’s eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  Trace dropped his gaze back down and lifted his cock. Starting at his balls, Trace licked each one until he eventually began sucking on them, pulling them into his mouth and using his tongue to trail along the underside to the base of his cock.

  Trace turned his head slightly sideways, closing his lips around the thick vein that worked its way up Brad’s length. Slowly and with an almost expert precision he pursed his lips and sucked while licking his way up to the tip.

  The journey which lasted only seconds was filled with nothing but intense pleasure. No one had ever worked his cock the way Trace did. He prayed that he gave him as much pleasure in return. Though he doubted anything could feel as good as his cock being inside Trace.

  Brad wrapped his fingers firmly around his skull and it took everything he had to not thrust into him. He liked to let Trace take the lead.

  For several minutes Trace took Brad to the brink, working him into near orgasm and then slowly bringing him back down again. The unrelenting tease went on for so long that he could no longer remember how much time had passed. He was lost with what Trace’s mouth was doing to him.

  The man had to be a genius, or some sort of a sexual prodigy. Maybe he was a magical wizard. Brad was sure there had to be some sort of explanation to how Trace was able to make him putty in his hands, or mouth for that matter.

  Trace stopped his movements and stood up. He brushed his thumb across Brad’s lower lip and walked toward the bathroom. He didn’t look back at Brad. His movements were swift and with purpose.

  Brad watched in admiration, staring at Trace’s ass while he walked out of the small bathroom with a towel in his hand. He laid it out on the bed. Brad waited anxiously, wondering what was going to happen next as Trace pulled something from his pocket.

  Trace tossed the shiny purple square package on the bed and started to undress. A moment later Brad’s eyes grew wide and his cock went from simply hard to something that could probably cut diamonds when he saw the condom lying there. His cock throbbed painfully and it was all he could do to keep from coming right then and there.

  Trace walked toward him, his steps slow and seductive as he approached Brad. He stood before him, his body naked and his cock poking at his own like a sword. Unable to resist, Brad reached down and took Trace’s beautiful cock in his hand. Trace groaned his approval and grabbed him for a kiss.

  His tongue swiped across Brad’s lips. He wanted to say something, but his words were trapped in his throat somewhere between his heart and the giant lump blocking his airway. When Trace pulled away from the kis
s he turned around and crawled on the bed.

  On all fours, with his knees pushing into the mattress, Trace hovered over the towel he’d so carefully laid out and turned his head back. With one hand he lifted the condom and held it out for Brad. “I want you to fuck me.”

  Oh Jesus. He must have died and gone to heaven because Brad had never wanted anything so much in his life. There it was, Trace’s tight ass jutted in the air waiting for him to slide his cock inside. The image was so fucking alluring that Brad had to force himself not to lose his load right there on the carpet.

  Brad took a step forward, his heart pounding and thumping at an erratic pace. He didn’t know if it was desire or something deeper that was driving him. The only thing he knew for certain was that this man was the only one who could cure this ache he felt.

  Brad tried to move. He was overcome with emotions that until earlier that night he didn’t even know he was capable of having. Brad took a calming breath and steadied his nerves. He kicked his shorts off the rest of the way and pulled the tank top over his head.

  Holding his cock in his hand, Brad crawled on the bed behind Trace. He ripped open the condom package and carefully sheathed his cock, allowing the cooling lubricant to calm his frenzy.

  Trace dipped his head down, furthering the angle that his ass pointed up. Brad used his hands to spread Trace’s cheeks apart and positioned himself at the tiny puckered entrance. He waited for a moment, just a single second to take in the tight hole that sat before him.

  Brad could no longer wait. He pushed forward, his head slowly stretching and peeking through the small muscles which throbbed and fought against his intrusion. He could feel Trace’s body tense and he stopped.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. Don’t stop. I want to feel all of you.”

  Brad wasn’t used to being a top in any relationship. Even when he’d taken lovers in the past it had always been with them facing one another. Looking down at this angle and taking Trace from behind gave him a feeling of power and it excited him.


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