Seeking a Sane Society: Nothing is the Same (The Seeking Series Book 2)

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Seeking a Sane Society: Nothing is the Same (The Seeking Series Book 2) Page 25

by Albert A. Correia

She didn’t kill him, but only because she didn’t have time to bring her rifle up to shoot him as he was about to kill her father. She screamed so loudly it diverted his attention for the split second her father needed to move in and knock the man over a fifty-foot cliff.

  She saw the crushed body laying awkwardly on a jagged rock, moving only when hit by the surge of breaking waves. What was left had to be without life, for no one could survive such a fall. She saw protruding bones and blood mingled with frothing water all around the carcass. Yet, despite the slithering tentacles of water that constantly grabbed at it, that inhuman form steadfastly refused to be carried out to sea.

  It happened only weeks before. The troops of Richard Silva, who proclaimed himself Governor of California, attacked Catalina with the intention of killing all the people so they could gain access to their food and other essential supplies. The assault was repelled, and life on the island had once again become more or less normal. People returned to their usual routines. Denise had, as well, but for some odd reason, she couldn’t shake the memories of that man on the rock.

  She began taking this walk daily the morning after the attack. For one thing, the atmosphere tended to calm her. Secondly, she thought the exercise might re-shape a body that had grown three inches in the last year. She hadn’t gained a pound, so she was rather stringy-looking.

  She reached her usual stopping place and turned to go back to Avalon. It was the island’s major community, although there were barely two hundred people there now.

  Glen, her fifteen-year-old brother, would be waiting for her. They planned to print the island’s operating manual. Everyone believed that the United States was going to exist again, and that they were still part of it, but no one knew when, or how, that would be achieved. The people had met several times to come up with the temporary manual. They based it on the United States Constitution.

  It gave Denise cause to smile. Using the Constitution was a concept she and her brother put forth. None were more surprised than they that most of the islanders thought it a great idea.

  * * * * *

  That makes it for sure, thought the man watching Denise. She comes ta this same spot every day, like clockwork.

  He had binoculars on her from a knoll one hundred yards west of where she stopped, in the opposite direction of Avalon.

  He had been there three days, and she did the same thing every day. People might think he wasn’t the brightest light in the window, but, by Jove, he knew habit when he saw it.

  Stealing another boat – it wasn’t really stealing, what with boats being everywhere for the taking – and coming back out to Catalina was a stroke of genius. Awfully smart for him, anyway. Mal was in no condition to come out himself. They bandaged him up and set some bones, but the closest thing they had to a doctor was some medical school dropout who had been an inmate helper in a prison infirmary. No telling how long it would take for him to come out of it. He would, though. Weren’t nobody tougher than Mal Slaughter.

  Mal owed him. He’d saved the big man’s life, lifting him off that rock and hauling him all the way to Tracy. Now, when he took this gal to him, the debt would be even bigger. Maybe he could become one of Mal’s top lieutenants or something.

  He looked again at Denise, who was growing smaller as she faded into the distance. He could still tell she was tall and thin, even from that far away.

  She’s gotta be the young, skinny chick that did all that screaming, he thought. Ain’t no other chicks around that look like that. So, I’ll just grab her and take her ta Mal.

  He thought about the guy Mal was after, but decided to pass on that. It wasn’t because the guy was so tough. I know Mal will want to handle that hisself.

  He needed to do some planning for the next day. He let the binoculars hang from his neck as he slid down the knoll and rounded a large rock. He waded to an anchored boat. It was well over thirty feet long. Large for a speed boat, but it had the lines of one. It was built to get people where they wanted to go in a hurry.

  To be continued...

  My Thanks

  I thank the online Prose writers group. Peggylou Beazley once again critiqued the entire book, as did Ed Barrett. Both are not only superb writers, they proved to have great eyes for finding those little errors, and big ones, that I made as I went along. And, if you see a word or phrase that is exactly right for that sentence, chances are one of them suggested it be included. Or, perhaps, Brett Pew did. Brett, who is relatively new to the group, did crits for more than three-fourths of the book. I have learned that Brett has a flair for intrigue, which comes out both in his writing and his critiques, and for which I am grateful.

  Once again, my friend Gary Davis went through the entire book and “yellowed” those little errors that popped up when I went back and made changes after the Prose writers had me squared away, which seems to always be an ongoing process!

  I thank Ronald T. Zimmerman, MD, PhD, FRSH, who, along with my sister Dena, has given me moral and material support in all my writing.

  To my publisher, Kermit Jones, Jr., and his team at Kamel Press, LLC, a special thanks for fine tuning the manuscript, making the necessary final changes and getting it ready for you, the reader, to have the best possible experience. And, of course, for for getting it into the marketplace so that you can read it.

  I thank Calvin Cahail for producing a “just right” cover for Seeking a Sane Society.

  Al Correia

  About the Author

  ALBERT A. CORREIA is a native Californian, having grown up in Tracy, located in that state’s vast and agriculturally rich Central Valley. He had a rewarding career as a Chamber of Commerce executive in the U.S. before moving to Costa Rica.

  While attending the California State University at Fresno, he interned at the Fresno, Oakland, and San Leandro Chambers of Commerce. Following graduation, he served as assistant manager of the San Bernardino and Berkeley Chambers of Commerce. He then went on to serve as CEO of the San Fernando, Pasadena, Pomona, and the Mid San Fernando Valley Chambers of Commerce, all in California. He was presented the Russell E. Pettit, “Executive of the Year Award,” by the California Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives in 1986.

  Since arriving in Costa Rica in 1995, Correia has devoted his time to the arts. In addition to his writing, he paints, and a number of his oils hang in prominent buildings in and around San Jose, Costa Rica’s capital city. He is a devotee of Costa Rica’s renowned symphony orchestra.

  He lives in a quiet suburb of the capital with his wife, daughter, and two stepdaughters. Two of his sons live in California and the third lives in Alaska. When not in San Jose, he spends time in Jaco Beach where he lived a number of years before moving to San Jose.

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  * * * * *

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  * * * * *

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  * * * * *

  “Some people prepare because they are afraid.

  Our family does not have to be afraid…

  because we are prepared!”

  -Prepper Pete

  * * * * *

  A note for grownups!

  Teaching kids the importance of being prepared doesn’t have to be harsh or scary. Regardless of why you (or someone you may know) prepare, remember that the single most important thing you can teach your kids is how to think! All the preps in the world don’t mean a thing if people don’t know how to think clearly. Teach useful skills to all of the kids you know, to include critical thinking, problem solving, and the most important one of all – how to be resourceful! Prepper Pete and Friends are the first and only Prepper books on the market designed especially for kids!

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  A Note for Grownups:

  The topic of stocking up doesn't have to be reserved for prepping and survival! Many activities, from gardening and canning, to first aid and reading, can engage kids of all ages to learn useful skills that will prepare them for the rest of their life. The Four B's are important in many situations, though sometimes in a different order. Talk to your kids about safe shelter in a storm, or being aware of strangers; take a first aid class with them to learn new skills. Encourage reading and critical thinking. Don't scare… prepare!

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  Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son

  *** #1 Bestseller in CHILDREN'S NON-FICTION (May 2015) ***

  *** #1 BESTSELLER in SHOOTING (May 2015) ***

  *** #179 OVERALL in KINDLE (May 2015) ***

  **** TOP TEN on for CHILDREN'S SAFETY (Mar.-Sep. 2015) ****

  Prepper Pete works very hard to keep his family safe. When his son Charlie becomes old enough, they enroll in a gun safety class together. Join our hero, his son, and their friends in this fabulously illustrated book as they explore many of the important aspects of gun safety.


  A Note For grownups:

  If knowledge is power, then in the case of firearms, “knowledge is safety.” Familiarity with guns for kids often helps avoid the “forbidden fruit” syndrome, which can ccreate a safer environment. When they are an appropriate age, work with your kids to familiarize them with firearms, and always stress the importance of gun safety!

ook is intended to be used as a launching point of discussion with children. It is NOT intended to be a substitute for an actual firearms safety course. Seek out a local safety course in your area, and attend with your child to demonstrate to them the importance of gun safety.

  Don’t wait! Grab your copy Now!

  Prepper Pete’s Twelve Days of Prepper Christmas

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  If you know someone who is new to Prepping or even experienced, you can show them how much you appreciate them by buying them the Twelve Days, yourself! Get the book. Get the gifts. Give the love!


  “Some people prepare because they are afraid.

  Our family does not have to be afraid…

  because we are prepared!”

  -Prepper Pete

  Don’t wait! Grab your copy Now!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


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