In the Light of Darkness

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In the Light of Darkness Page 10

by Delizhia Jenkins

  I can feel Aiden’s concerned stare at my back, and a bundle of conflicting emotions begin to build. I wonder what his plans are with me in the long run. What could he possibly have to gain from helping me? Does he work on behalf of some other entity, the Queen of Light perhaps, with the goal of seducing me before plunging the knife deep into my spine before I even see it coming? Everyone seems to want something from me, so what would make him any different?

  But he is different. This is Aiden who for the past few days has been my guardian and my protector and I don’t see a reason for him to betray my trust. I turn to face him, and his eyes are filled with understanding…and something else.

  “Are you alright?” He asks.

  “As well as can be expected,” I manage to reply.

  He nods and somewhere in that nod, I instinctively barrel into his chest. His large arms wrap around me protectively as another round of tears forced their way through my carefully constructed façade.

  “You are going to be fine D,” he whispers into my ear. “We will find your mom.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and try to blot out everything that has happened since that morning when I watched Granny hit the floor. I cry. I scream. I yell until my throat burns from exhaustion. And he bears it all. After a long spell of emotion he gently raises my face to meet his and places a gentle kiss on the bridge of my nose and then he disappears into the next room.

  Suddenly, I feel more alone than ever. His small act of affection leaves me breathless and then…everything goes black.

  Chapter 15 Dawn

  I am surrounded once again by the presence of strong masculine energy. My senses are heightened and firing off warning signals for me to flee instead of fight. But, a part of me feels a sense of what home feels like. Home. I am home. I listen to the frantic, yet familiar voice call out to me in the distance, but I ignore the cries. Surrounded by darkness and nothing more than the ever present entity that looms in the shadow of the shadows, I strip down to nothing but skin. Unashamed and completely free and in the nude, I detect the presence of water somewhere off in the distance, and I sprint towards it.

  “In order to become all that you are, you must drown,” came the deep, crooning voice of none other than the imprisoned king.

  Yes I know it is him.

  I run at full speed, becoming a blur in the pitch blackness until I can sense the approaching dampness. Black water greets me. I can tell by the way it ripples, making itself distinct from the rest of the darkness that has become more than just familiar to me.

  Without thinking, I jump in and embrace the shocking cold. I become engulfed and I don’t bother to struggle. I allow it to consume me.

  I know Aiden is calling me. But it is too late.

  I lose consciousness, but I know when I awaken, I will be reborn.

  I am not sure how many hours later I awaken, but I can tell by Aiden’s worried expression, it is not good at all. I try to sit up, but the moment I raise my neck the room is spinning and a major headache slams into my frontal lobe and I am forced to flop back down.

  “Are you alright?” He asks placing a damp cloth across my head.

  “Not really…,” I reply fiddling with the pouch that Siren gave me. I give the pouch a long hard look. “I don’t think whatever this is Siren gave me is strong enough.”

  Aiden eyes me once more. “I suspected as much…what happened?”

  “First, how long was I unconscious?” I ask. For some reason, knowing how long I was submerged in the nightmarish reality would help me understand what is happening to me.

  “Six hours.” He stated. “So, what happened?”

  I sigh before explaining what took place and upon conclusion, Aiden is staring at me, his eyes wide, which does little to ease the growing panic that threatens to strangle me.

  “Dawn” Aiden whispers carefully.

  “Yes?” I know he knows something. His demeanor may say one thing, but his eyes tell an entirely different story.

  “Nothing,” he says, shaking off whatever revelation he has come to and walks out of the room.

  As I lie on the mattress, trying to assess my current situation and what any of this could mean, my thigh tingles with the vibration from my phone. I slide my hand into my pocket and look to see just who might be trying to contact me. Sliding my thumb over the screen, a gasp is caught in my throat. I read the message over and over, fighting back tears but it is in that message that hope is reborn.

  Baby, if you are alive, keep running…


  Kai nursed her compound sister’s head wound as best she could. Unarmed, outnumbered and trapped in a world unfamiliar to her own, she knew that every second of life was gift. Keeping her cell phone turned off for days had been the best decision she’s made thus far, and she prayed that she could hang on long enough to save not only herself but the remaining members of her clan. The entity that held them captive was nothing like either of the Houses whom she and her husband, Demetrius fought for many years before the raids. This entity would easily be a formidable opponent against the Queen and the House of Darkness, but it was unclear on just whose side this being was on. The Queen had been after her since it was discovered she was pregnant, only for her to lose her baby a few weeks later. Kai fought back tears from the memory. Dipping the blood soaked cloth into a bowl of warm water she rinsed it before reapplying it to the unconscious Sharon’s forehead.

  With nothing but dim lighting to aid her, Kai was grateful for the abilities she and her kind were born with. She could still see just as well in broad daylight, and although the wound her house sister suffered may have been enough to kill a regular human, she knew she would survive. The rest of the surviving females from her clan were scattered about the realm, and she hoped that none of them suffered any sexual degradation that most members of the either Houses enjoyed forcing their captives to take part in. That was the most she could pray for. She also hoped that Dawn was alive, and still fighting. She and Demetrius taught her everything they could, and did everything they could to keep her hidden and safe. However, no one but the founding members of the compound knew about Dawn, and the way things were unraveling, she wished that she had told her sooner.

  Kai wiped her forehead of the beads of sweat that crowded just below her hairline. The memory of finding the abandoned Dawn just outside the burning building where a dozen or so imps were hiding her just as the Warrior members from the House of Light appeared slammed into her. She squeezed her eyes shut. She remembered cradling the crying baby in her arms as Demetrius covered her flank and they stopped fighting to run to safety. Her own body still sore and recovering from the miscarriage that left her almost a shell of the person she was before finding Dawn. No one knows who her birth parents are or why she was being guarded by Imps of all creatures, but now since the raid, she realized that the war was never just about eradicating the entire race of Greys, but preventing the manifestation of a prophecy: a prophecy that includes Dawn.

  After cleaning Sharon’s wound as best she could, Kai draped her with a torn blanket before taking refuge in the corner nearest the lone window of the massive cell that the two of them shared. Her heart and soul mourned the loss of Demetrius and the rest of her brothers in arms, and her mother… Kai released a soulful wail and covered her face with her bruised hands. This entity had planned on making her his queen, and had she known that refusing so would have reaped extremely harsh punishments on her sisters in arms, she would have reluctantly agreed. But now it was too late. Her only hope was to either escape or that by some miracle Dawn finds them and sets them free. And then there was another issue: this entity wanted Dawn in the worst way. Had Kai submitted to his demands, not only would she have been able to save her sisters but she would have been able to spare Dawn too. She’d overheard him, which is what prompted her to send her a message before cutting the phone and hiding it underneath the floorboard.

  Just then, the metal slab of a door is pushed open and Kai turned to face who migh
t the intruder be. The instant the entity emerged into the shadows, her heart sunk. He tilts his spiked blonde head in her direction and smiles.

  “Kai,” He greets warmly.

  “Bane.” Kai replies without eye contact.

  “Come with me,” he says approaching her. “I have someone I would like you to meet…”


  It has been days since we hunkered down in her parent’s safe house and the changes I’ve witnessed taking place within Dawn…and I have no idea what she is. Her powers have grown darker, stronger. She possesses all of the traits and qualities of a Grey, but even with Kai and Demetrius as parents, there is no explanation for the powerful she is becoming now. She senses me even before I appear, and yesterday while scouting the neighborhood, she was out of the car before I (a Prince from the House of Light) detected the presence of a group of Light Warriors on the prowl, blending in the with the group of humans who were oblivious to the threat that walked among them. She engaged them after she dazed the humans and that is when I realized that Dawn is more than what anyone could have guessed. Out of the five Light beings, she took down three before I made it to take down the other two; and she did so armed with just a pocket dagger. She has always been quick on her feet, and what I can safely assume the fastest in her compound, but yesterday she moved at lightning speed.

  I wasn’t sure if I should be amazed or…threatened.

  When she was done she sent the humans on their way without so much as a clue as to what transpired and then returned to the Humvee as if nothing happened. She showed me the text message from who she assumed to be her mother, but I am a firm believer in everything isn’t exactly what it seems until you see it, and even then that is debatable. Gone is the grief, and now the ever present and determined young woman who is no longer afraid of being alone. I told her we can begin questioning the other entities of any new regarding Kai’s disappearance. I figure with the right bribe, any one of the beings we come across would be more than willing to divulge whatever information they may have in their disposal. Tonight we are hitting the club scene, focusing on the underground markets. I have a few contacts there, and I hope that in itself puts us at a good start.

  In order for her to blend in with the crowds that we will be infiltrating, earlier today I escorted her to a few clothing boutiques for a change in wardrobe. She was a bit apprehensive about showing some skin, which I find tremendously endearing, but she picked some things out and now she is in the room preparing for what I expect to be a very interesting night. When she emerges from the bedroom, her braids pulled back from her face, her eyes lined in dark mascara, her lips colored from the gloss she purchased earlier; tight camouflaged pants revealed just how good puberty was to her’ her flat and well defined abs exposed courtesy of a the cut off black top and matching jacket. Change is definitely good.

  “Dad would have never allowed me to wear this,” she says with a hint of sadness.

  “I know… I would not allow you to either,” I add hoping to lighten the mood.

  She gives me a half smile. “Thank you Aiden,” she continues.

  “For what?” I ask, knowing full well why she was thanking me. I just needed to hear her say it.

  “For everything. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Well you can promise to never run away from me again,” I reply with a grin.

  “Hey! I had my reasons,” she pouted.

  “I’m sure you did,” I said sheathing my sword. I try not to think about how she got away from me. The only thing that gets me through the day is the fact that I am never letting her out of my sight. There are too many unknowns and too many variables for a Grey who's in possession of unexplored and unfathomable gifts. I try not to glance at her too much because as the STC begins to fade, certain parts of me are awakening to the fact that she is : 1. 18. 2. Single. 3. Inexperienced and ripe for the picking. 4. She is just downright stunning.

  I watch as she pulls her braids back and then tucks a dagger in her waistband. Her grey eyes meet mine, before shying away. Yeah, we need to get going. Armed and ready, we head out, with her setting the security system on defense mode until we return. Even her walk is different, and I am curious to see exactly what it is she is evolving into.

  But I can tell you one thing: Dawn is not Kai or Demetrius’ biological daughter. She may favor Demetrius, and possess qualities that reminds me of her mother, but whoever sired her, knew what she would become and perhaps that is what my mother, The Queen of the House of Light fears the most.

  Chapter 16

  Appearing from the folds of white light, Lucena surveyed the last known residence that her son left behind. Traces of the Grey that he seemed so determined to protect lingered in the air. She turned to face her best soldier, Kaos whose piercing green eyes met hers with curious expectation.

  “Where is Siren?” She demanded testily.

  “She too has gone missing my queen,” Kaos replied bowing his head, his long matted locks, tangled strings of dreads that hung passed his shoulders.

  “Where could that whore have gone? I gave her specific instructions. She had the child in her grasp!”

  “It appears that the child is not a child no more,” Kaos replied coolly.

  “Find Siren,” Lucena demanded. “Bring her to me. I suppose it is time that I do things myself. The prophecy draws nigh, and if nothing is done quickly, there will be another war and this time, I do not believe we will win.”

  Once her soldier disappeared into the fold of light, Lucina's skin began to prickle from the all too familiar dark presence that was supposed to be locked away for eternity. His essence was almost as ever present as The Infinity and she knew once freed, there would be nothing and no one to stop him. Black Ice meets White Fire and all of the realms would be destroyed during the fallout. She needed to find that Grey. It infuriated her to no end that she had the little wench’s mother, pregnant and in her grasp, but the nuisance escaped with her husband in tow to live another day. Even after the recent raid, which to some degree was the most successful her men had been for a long time, they almost wiped out an entire clan of Greys. Almost. The only comforting fact was that Demetrius, the most powerful of his kind next to his wife was killed, leaving Lucena with only a small yet satisfying glimmer of satisfaction.

  But now, the burning question of the night is: where is the young Grey? And, how did her mother disappear?

  Someone else just made their move in this chess game between two heavy weight players, and she needed to know who just moved their Knight.


  I do not see how young people enjoy the club scene. I just don’t get it. Sure, I can appreciate the peaceful protection that darkness brings, however with the smoke saturated atmosphere, the spirit of lust and all things sexual permeating the air, I would rather be training or hunting Berserkers. Speaking of Berserkers, I have not heard from Kian and to be honest, I am grateful. I don’t think Aiden would like the idea of Kian hanging around and vice versa. For some reason I have the sneaking suspicion that Aiden does not like the idea of any male hovering around me, but then again perhaps he feels like he owes it to my parents to keep me safe. We push forward through the dense wave of clubbers, with Aiden’s warm hand gripping my palm tightly.

  I have no idea why we are here. The heavy, fast beat of the techno driven rhythm hypnotizes the human populations to near crazed proportions. They jumped and gyrated, high from the combination of adrenaline and hallucinogens as we parted through the crowd. It was not long before I detected the “non human” element and it was then I understood why we were here. We head over to a sectioned off area hidden behind a crimson curtain and heavily guarded by a couple of bouncers whose dark glares read: Not Human. I was a bit apprehensive upon our approach, however, Aiden just pushed past them as if they didn’t exist and my eyes widen in wonder as we enter a world that I never knew existed.

  My entire life has been built around fighting the Houses of Light and Dark, with nothi
ng in between. Sure there were a few lessons here and there about other entities whose encounters were so rare they were almost considered nonexistent. It was not until Aiden took me under his wing that I became exposed to entities such as Siren or even Eros and now as I stand in the center of a dim room with a few scattered patrons I realize that this world is a lot bigger than what I initially thought. Aiden walks ahead of me, eyes narrowed but alert, while I walk tread slowly behind him taking in the scene.

  Several imps huddled together near the bar, eyeing me with hostile curiosity but nonetheless keeping their distance. I sense the presence of a couple of shifters, though in their human forms, I can sense the wild presence that remained trapped beneath their skins; the other side of human nature so to speak. They too eye with me unfriendly recognition but dare not come close. I wonder what I could have done other than be born to deserve such an unwelcome response. We approach a table where familiar eyes stare back at me in surprise. There are other entities seated around the table as well, including nymphs (and not of the water variation either); one Berserker, and a couple of witches. Why they were congregated around a table that is barely measuring two feet in diameter I do not know, but my skin prickled in anticipation. The air became thick with tension, and my hands ached for my sword. I know Aiden thinks we may get an idea of who the responsible culprit is for kidnapping my mother and compound sisters, but by the looks of it we may be grateful to simply walk out of here with our lives.

  Aiden stands in front of the eclectic group of entities and the silence that follows is maddening. I wait for him or at least one of them to say something but as the clock ticks on, I am not sure how long I will be able to manage. I shift my weight from one leg to the next when finally, my train companion decided to speak.


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