Conquering Jude

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Conquering Jude Page 5

by Dakota Trace

  “Like hell. He wasn’t wearing his leathers, nor did he stop in the main room to peruse the available subs as is his invariable routine. Want to try again, Olivia?”

  Leaning back in her chair, the leather creaked ominously as she propped her feet on her desk. “Last time I checked this was my club, Master Caelan. If I want to talk to a Dom before hours or even during hours that is my business.”

  His expression softened. “So sue me for caring what happens to my little peathar.”

  Giving a rough sigh, she pushed back on her chair until she was staring at the ceiling. God damned Irish bastard, I should’ve known that he’d try to play the big brother card. “For the love of God, Caelan, I’m not your poor little adopted sister anymore. Nor am I the orphan that your mother dragged home. I’m a grown woman and more than capable of handling my business.” She threw an arm over her face. “If all you came by for is to bust my chops, just go. I have a long night to get ready for. I have not only your advanced shibari class with Gabriel, but Josh is also holding his first class on beginner’s whipping and flogging.”

  “Then quit ignoring the issue, Olivia. Give me a straight answer, and I’ll get out of your hair.” He paused thoughtfully. “On the other hand, don’t tell me. I’ll just call Mum and sic her on you.”

  Letting her legs drop to the floor she surged to her feet. “Don’t even think about it!” She finally straightened and faced him. “Jesus Christ! I’ve been running Olivia’s without your help or guidance for over ten years now. I ought to kick your ass to the curb. Any other Dom who tried to get into my business like this would be gone already.” Her bluster was just that – bluster, and they both knew it.

  “But I’m not any other Dom, I’m your brother. Now spill or I will call Mum. I’m sure she’ll have a bone to pick with you anyways, considering that you haven’t been home in over five years. She still asks about you when I talk to her on the phone. I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.” He tugged his cell phone out of its holster. “Hell, Master Alastar and she might even make a special trip over here to just see you.”

  “Put that damn phone away, Caelan!” She clenched her fingers before reaching for the flogger sitting on the desk. The last thing I need is Mum and Alastar showing up here. My life is already in enough upheaval because of that damn ‘I’m not a submissive’ man. I don’t need the headache of dealing with another aggravating know-it-all man plus my Mum standing over me. Standing, she began to pace, her particular custom when she was stressed. For each two steps she took, she smacked the flogger against the outside of her thigh. Finally she stopped and looked at him. Perhaps telling him would just be easier and smarter. “This goes no farther than this office, Caelan, and I’m not joking. If you even whisper a word of this to another person, including your slave and I hear about it, I’ll revoke your membership without a qualm. Friendship or no friendship.”

  He studied her for a moment. “Damn, it must be really serious.”

  She nodded. “It is. If this gets out it will be detrimental to my business. Earlier someone tried to break into the club. They triggered both the silent alarm and an alarm here in the club. That’s why Jackson was here today. If any of the other members find out that there was a break in the club’s security, they’ll quit coming here.”

  Caelan stared at her impassively for several moments. “Why wasn’t Jude here then? He’s your security adviser; he should’ve been the one handling this for you, not his partner. After all how well do you honestly know Jackson Levough? He’s a fairly new member. What’s he been coming to the club for … two years?”

  Olivia gave a laugh. “Relax, bràthar. I know him better than you think. Remember when I was married for about two years after you left home?”

  Caelan nodded, sadness creeping into his eyes. “Yeah, I always regret not being able to come back and meet your husband.”

  “Well, Jackson is Claude’s nephew. I introduced him to the BDSM scene in Northern Ireland in the late nineties, long before Claude became ill. So it was only natural when he moved North with Jude for me to offer him a family membership. He’s one helluva a Dom, even if he wasn’t trained as we were by Master Alastar.”

  Caelan raised a brow. “Then who trained him?”

  A wicked smile crossed her mouth. “I did.”

  “Ah hell.” As his eyes drifted shut with what she assumed was horror, she laughed outright.

  “Why, you chauvinistic pig! I’m perfectly capable of training a Dom and you know it.”

  Caelan’s eyes widened. “Moi?”

  Smiling, she nodded. “But only in the best ways - as I’m sure Nisey would assure me.”

  A smug look crossed his face and he got a far-away look in his eyes. “I would hope so.”

  Great, now he’s got sex on his brain. “Get your mind out of the gutter, Caelan.”

  “Why? It’s so much fun.” A sensual grin tugged at the corners of his mouth.

  She shook her head in exasperation. “Incorrigible! Stop thinking about what you’re planning do to Nisey in a couple of hours and focus on the issue at hand. I don’t have all day, you know. So quit worrying about Jackson. He’s family and as such, I’d be careful about threatening him in the future. You think I’m a vindictive bitch, but Jackson can be bitchier than any man has the right to be. He’s like a god-damned junkyard dog bent on protecting his territory.”

  Caelan had the audacity to laugh. “You mean you finally met another Dom that’s more stubborn than you are?”

  Smirking broadly, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Could be.”

  Another chuckle slid out of Caelan. “Fine. I’ll quit worrying about his motives. How does Jackson want you to play this attempted break-in?”

  “Have a seat. I’ll show you the footage and go over Jackson’s plan of action.”

  Caelan sat down behind her desk. When Olivia stepped up behind him, he put his hand over the hand she’d placed on his shoulder. “Thank you for telling me, Olivia. I know how hard it must have been.”

  She smiled reluctantly at him. “Well, I couldn’t let you rat me out to Mum.”

  * * * *

  Jude looked up from his computer when Jackson stormed into his office. Raking his hands through his hair, he waited for his partner to unload on him. In all the time he’d been friends with Jackson, he’d come to know that particular look. Jackson was pissed beyond belief. He opened his mouth to ask what the hell was eating at him, when Jackson suddenly stopped in the middle of the office and took several deep breathes.

  Well this new. Usually he just blows up and it’s done and over. He slowly closed the file that he’d been working on. The last time I saw him like this, he beat the shit out of that guy over in Iraq who backhanded the little kid.

  “You know I ought to kick your stubborn ass all over this office.” Jackson paced towards him.

  A low growl built in Jude’s chest. “Excuse me?”

  Jackson raked a hand through his hair again. “What the hell did you do to get your ass banned from Olivia’s?” He slammed his fist down on the desk. “I told you when she approached me about giving her a security bid that the only way I’d even consider taking her business was if you did the work!”

  “And why the hell is that?” Jude surged to his feet, forgetting about treading carefully with him. Intimidation was the last thing he felt. “You’re the fucking Dom. You should’ve been the guy handling the account!”

  “Because not only is she my fucking aunt, but I swore that I’d never try to protect a Domme’s ass again! Especially that one!”

  Jude groaned but all he heard was the words “my fucking aunt”. “You tell me that now? Jesus Christ, Jackson! Do you know what I wanted to do to her?” Spinning around, he paced over to the bank of windows. “Fuck, that’s just perfect. I’m not only a twisted bastard, now I’m lusting after my best friend’s aunt!”

  Several long silent moments pasted before he felt Jackson’s presence behind him. “And what’s wrong with that, Ju
de?” Jackson’s voice was now calm, coaxing, even understanding. “She may be my aunt – even if just by marriage, but I’ve got eyes. She’s a knockout.”

  Gritting his teeth, Jude wanted to punch something, preferably his best friend. “The only man she wants is one who’s submissive. What the hell do I know about being submissive! There’s not a submissive bone in my body.”

  He flinched when Jackson’s hand settled on his shoulder. “Are you sure about that?” His friend’s voice was still soft but now laced with steel.

  “I’m not going to get into this again with you, Jackson. Just because I had the unfortunate luck to date a few domineering bitches in my lifetime, doesn’t mean I’m submissive.”

  “Then how do you explain that every woman you’ve ever been attracted to has had no qualms about telling you exactly how and what to do and when to do it…” Jackson’s eyebrows wiggled at him. “Especially in the sack. You can’t deny the fact you loved every minute of it, can you?”

  I should’ve never told his ass about Kathleen. Jude scowled at him, opening his mouth to protest.

  “Don’t even try it. I’ve been your friend for how long now?”

  “Sixteen years….” He walked away from the window. “And it’s not going to make seventeen if you don’t leave this alone.” Pouring a cup of coffee, Jude lifted it to his mouth.

  Jackson smirked at him. “Sorry, no can do. Because I swear to God that if today’s break- in is what I think it is, your ass is protecting Olivia. There’s no way in hell I’m going to ever play bodyguard to that damn woman again.”

  Jude’s ears perked up and he set down his cup. “Again? Why the hell did Mistress need a bodyguard?” This time it was his voice that was soft and menacing. Nobody hurts my Mistress. He froze at the thought, then realized what he’d just said. Ah, Hell. Olivia’s not your Mistress you stubborn fuck! When are you gonna get it through your thick skull! You’re not strong enough to keep one. Kathleen was perfect proof that you can’t give a strong woman what she wants. That’s why she left your dumb ass and took your kid with her. She found the perfect man to take your place.


  Jackson’s concern had him slowly raising his head. Misery had his chest aching. That subtle ache turned into a full burn when he saw the truth in his friend’s eyes. “God, I am a submissive.”

  “Yes, you are…but only with the right woman. You’ve always been a sexual one but with Olivia, I think you could be more. Why the hell do you think I saddled you with her?”

  He opened his mouth, intent on asking his idiot best friend who the hell he thought he was, when a cloyingly sweet southern drawl came from behind him.

  “Lands sakes alive, Jude, don’t you know it’s rude to ignore a lady when she enters the room?”

  Jude groaned. He knew that sugary sweet tone and wondered what the hell he’d done to deserve this. His eyes met Jackson’s resigned and annoyed ones.

  He turned to face the petite blonde wearing a light pink chiffon suit. “Suzette.”

  Chapter Four

  “What do you want?” Jude tried to keep his voice at an even keel and not sound like Suzette was the last person on Earth he wanted to see. God, I don’t have the patience to deal with this today. Especially if Jackson goes off the deep end. This is why I didn’t mention her phone call earlier. I don’t need this today. Since Mistress kicked him out of Olivia’s, his emotions were closer to the surface than he liked.

  “Now is that any way to greet an old friend, Jude?” Suzette walked further into the room, her abundant perfume stinking up his office.

  “If it’s you, yes.” Jackson moved as far away from Suzette as physically possible. If his look of contempt didn’t get his point across to Suzette, his words did.

  “Aw come on, Jackson, surely you aren’t holding what happened several years ago against little ole me, are you?” Suzette’s rouged lips pouted as she sulked.

  Damn, is she going for an Academy Award? She’s playing the genteel southern lady to the hilt despite the fact she’s an Army brat from the word go. Jude swore Suzette should’ve been born during the Civil War. All that was missing was a parasol and the dashing Rhett Butler to complete her image.

  “I don’t have the time for this.” Jackson rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll catch you later, Jude. I have to go set up surveillance for Olivia’s. If you’re a good boy I might even cut you in on the skinny.” Heading towards the door, he gave Jude one last order. “Get rid of her.” Then he strode from the room without bothering to even acknowledge Suzette’s presence with a good-bye.

  “Dammit, Jackson! You better give me updates!” Jude called after him. God damned bastard will hold out on me just on principle alone even if I get rid of this pain in the ass brat.

  “Jude, honey.” Her red lacquered fingertips wrapped around his arm. “Let’s go have some lunch. I really could use a friend. You promised Dad…”

  Looking into her pleading blue eyes, Jude mentally swore. Why the hell does she have to play the guilt card? “Listen, Suzette, you’re no longer a seventeen year old girl who lost her father. It’s been almost ten years, why haven’t you grown up yet? I refuse to keep bailing you out of trouble or be a convenient shoulder for you to cry on.” He jerked his arm away from her before pacing towards his desk. “In fact, I told you that the last time you called when your marriage was on the rocks.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “Why are you being so cruel, Jude?”

  Sinking into his leather chair, he used the mouse to wake up his computer. “What did you expect me to do? Welcome you with open arms after you ripped my best friend’s heart out?”

  Razor straight white teeth nibbled on her lower lip. “And what if I told you I was sorry and I know I made a huge mistake?”

  Jude didn’t bother to look up. “Then I’d say you’re apologizing to the wrong man.” He glanced up from his computer. “You were a cruel, heartless bitch.”

  A bitter laugh escaped her. “Aren’t all women at one time or another? I was pregnant and hormonal. So sue me. Once I lost the baby, everything went back to an even keel, but I was already married to Stewart.”

  “Don’t you mean aborted?”

  She shrugged. “You say to-may-toe, I say to-mah-toe.” She moved closer to his desk.

  He gave a snort. “Please, this isn’t something as simple as the pronunciation of a piece of fruit. You murdered Jackson’s child once you got that golden ring out of Stewart.”

  She paled. “I did not murder Jackson’s baby! I wasn’t even six weeks pregnant - it wasn’t even a baby yet. Besides Stewart didn’t want to raise another man’s baby, so…”

  “You did what you always do. You looked out for number one.” He shook his head before squeezing the bridge of his nose. Opening his eyes he gave her a sardonic look. “You were a manipulative little brat as a kid and let me tell you, Suzette, you haven’t changed. You’re still a royal bitch to your toes, always looking for the next sucker.”

  Her face grew red, her breasts heaved. “You…”

  He smirked at her. “Asshole? Bastard?”

  Her outraged gasp had him chuckling.

  “What’s wrong? Can’t force yourself to say it? You don’t dare let such a word cross your lips. I can’t believe you and Jackson were ever together. I bet you made him turn off the lights before he could even fuck you.”

  She stamped her foot. “As the good Lord intended. He wanted to tie me up and I just couldn’t…it’s so demeaning. How could any man or woman want that?”

  He froze. Had she heard what Jackson had been saying just before she walked in? How else would she have found out?

  “While I can never see myself submitting to a man, you’ve always been a bit different, Jude.” A thoughtful look crossed her face. “I could definitely see myself dominating a man. Perhaps I should’ve set my cap after you instead of Jackson. Then I could’ve ended up with this.” She gestured around the office. “And have you on a short leash. Holding sex over your
head, giving it only as a reward and you’d love every moment of it. I can see the appeal. Would you like that? Having a strong powerful woman denying you every physical pleasure until you did exactly as she said? I could do that for you, Jude. Give you what you want and your father would never even know. I’d even pretend to be the docile wife in front of him. It’d be the best of both worlds. All you would have to do is spend…” She leaned over the desk and trailed a finger up his chest. “…your hard earned money on me.”

  Surging to his feet, Jude clenched his jaw even as sickness pooled in his stomach at the thought of doing that what she suggested. Well the thought of Dad never finding out is nice but with Suzette? A shudder worked through him Nope, not even if she promised me the world’s best blow job every night. Now, Olivia on the other hand? Maybe… The idea of her lips around his cock had sweat breaking out on his forehead as his eyes drifted shut. He started when he felt a hand cup his sex. His eyes flew open. Suzette not Olivia. In her hand, his cock which had gone hard at the thought of Olivia went limp. Disgusted, he pushed Suzette’s hand away.

  “Stand still.” The order in her voice repulsed him and he flinched.

  “What the hell are you doing, Suzette?”

  “Seducing you, you stupid boy. If this is what it takes, then I’ll be…what is it they call it…a Domme. After all it can’t be that hard.”

  It’s not worth going to jail. It’s honestly not, he told himself while wrestling with his need to choke the infuriating woman. She’s just playing her game again. I can’t believe she honestly thinks I’m a big enough fool to get caught up in it. Just remember your promise to her Dad, Larson. Choking her ass is not protecting her, even if it might be protecting the next unsuspecting sap that gets caught in her web. “I don’t think so. Even if I were submissive, I wouldn’t be foolish enough to trust you, Suzette.” Wrapping his hand around her arm, he dragged her towards the open door of his office. “Now I think it’s time for you to leave. Go home. Find a man in Charleston because there’s no place for you here.”


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