Conquering Jude

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Conquering Jude Page 15

by Dakota Trace

  She shook her head and stepped back from him. “Get the plug.”

  Micah scrambled to his feet and headed towards the dark duffle sitting on the floor. As she approached him, Jude caught his breath. She looked like a goddess with the rosy flush rising high on her glistening skin while her entire body lay bare to his gaze.

  “You’re very orally inclined aren’t you, pet?” She dipped her hand between her thighs, stroking herself.

  He nodded and moaned when she slapped his left pec with the flogger. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good. Would you like to eat my pussy, Jude?”

  “More than anything in the world, Mistress.”

  Micah returned at that particular moment. Jude’s heart galloped as he saw the slender flesh colored plug in Micah’s hand. It wasn’t very large. Small actually – in all consideration, he’d seen many plugs much larger and even more wicked looking than the one his friend was holding.

  “Good. The price of it, is allowing…” she took the plug from Micah, “this to be inserted into your ass. We never discussed anal sex, pet. As you know, I love it and while I’m a woman, men have been known to enjoy it also. Is this something that will be a hard limit for you? Will you let me use this,” She stroked her fingertip on the rounded head of the toy, “…to bring you undeniable pleasure?”

  Jude glanced warily at the plug and weighed his options. He gave a frustrated sigh before nodding his approval. He softly added, “I’ve never tried anal myself, Mistress.”

  “Then this should be like nothing else you’ve ever experienced, pet.” She took up a bottle of lube he hadn’t noticed and applied a generous coating on the small plug.

  “Mal-chick, present by pet’s head.”

  Jude’s closed his eyes when he felt cool gel against his asshole. Next to his head he heard a rustle. Opening his eyes, he saw Micah drop down to his knees in the traditional present position with his legs spread and his hands resting palms up on his thighs. He met Jude’s eyes. He kept his voice pitched low. “Now you did it, Jude. You’re going to get your ass fucked. If there’s one thing Mistress can’t resist - it’s an anal virgin.”

  Jude’s breath caught in his throat and his muscles tensed as a vague rumor tugged at his memory, even as Mistress’s fingers pressed gel into his asshole. What was it…something about then Councilman Landing’s son accusing Olivia of sodomizing him? Not that the asshole hadn’t deserved it.

  “Relax, pet.” Olivia’s voice was firm. He had to physically concentrate on making his muscles relax as damned if his erection never faltered while her fingers slid in just barely breaching his ass. He caught his breath while again and again, she pulled her fingers free, only to return with more lubricant. The snick of the bottle being closed startled him. “Help me, mal-chick.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Before Jude’s senses could assimilate Olivia’s intent, he found her lovely small body draped over him with a bit of help from Micah and she was settled with her luscious pussy right on top of his face.

  “Mistress?” His voice came out in a croak as he stared at the temptingly bare folds.

  “Now, pet. Refresh my memory. Show me how talented you are with your tongue.”

  He didn’t even wait for her to finish her demand. He lifted his head and sucked first one of her pussy lips and then other into his mouth. Her moan would’ve had him smiling if he hadn’t been so intent on consuming every inch of her pussy.

  A low, hoarse male groan swallowed the softer cries coming from his Mistress. With his head buried in between her thighs, Jude had no idea what Olivia was doing to Micah, but it sounded like the man was enjoying it immensely. The words flowing out of his mouth went straight to Jude’s cock. Harder Mistress, I need it harder. The slightly higher pitched tone of Olivia’s answer had his balls drawing up tight. If it hadn’t been for the cock ring, he’d have exploded on the spot. Instead his cock grew even harder and longer.

  Lapping at her folds, he delved inside to find her clit, running his tongue over it. He savored the tartness of her flavor, the way her body swayed in rhythm with his tongue and how her thighs trembled against his jaw. He grew frustrated each time he tried to tug her clit into his mouth. She’d rock away from him, only to settle back when he extended his tongue so he could bury it inside her. When she did it again, he couldn’t resist and he turned his head to nip at her thigh. She jerked away from his mouth.

  “Gimme.” His voice was gritty with need. He tugged at the cuffs, wanting to haul her back down onto his mouth until she came all over his face. “Please, Mistress, I want to feel you come against my mouth.”

  “Not yet, pet.” His hips arched off the table when it felt like her fingers slipped back inside his ass. A muffled curse escaped him only to be smothered by her pussy. Each time she pushed in further, he retaliated by lashing at her clit.

  “Just a bit more, Jude…” A gush of liquid coated his lips and tongue. “…It’s almost all the way in…just another inch.” Against his lips he could feel how close she was to fulfilling his wish that he ignored the pressure building in his ass –until her fingers brushed up against a spot deep inside him which had him clenching the cheeks of his ass and bucking uncontrollably. Pleasure, unbelievable pleasure, built behind his balls. Ah fuck! Yes!

  “That’s right, pet…there you go…it’s all the way in.” Her voice came from far away. “Micah, untie him.”

  “Yes, Mistress!”

  “What…” He tried to comprehend as the cuffs holding his arms loosened. Standing next to his head, Micah met his eyes then said three words. “The anal plug.”

  “You mean she’s got that plug shoved up my ass?” Before Micah could nod, Jude’s eyes rolled back in his head. Agonizing pleasure whipped through his groin as she drew the plug out and slowly thrust it back. It rubbed over that special spot. “Holy fuck!”

  His hands went to grab her hips, but just before he could do it, Micah slammed them back down on the table. He was ready to fight when Micah shook his head. “Touch her and she’ll stop.” He leaned close enough that Olivia wouldn’t be able to clearly hear what he whispered. “Remember, no touching without permission.”

  Jude took a raspy breath and gave an abrupt jerk of his head as Olivia shoved the plug deeper inside of him. Micah slowly released his wrists. Jude immediately shoved them under his head, locking them behind his neck. He panted through the overwhelming need to touch his Mistress. But he kept his hands still even though his body had never been this out of control before. A grunt rumbled low in his throat as she gave the plug what he was sure was an expert twist before releasing the cock ring with a flick of her wrist.

  A silent scream left his chest at the release. Olivia moved down his long slick body and in one swift thrust mounted his steel hard cock. He bucked hard and groaned when the movement drove his cock further inside of her while forcing the plug deeper.

  “Now come for me, pet.” The command was ripped from her as she began to bounce up and down on him.

  Through a haze of impending, overwhelming pleasure, Jude realized she intended to make him come before she’d received her pleasure.

  “Please Mistress…not alone!”

  She pinched his nipple. “You’re mine! I’m your Mistress! When I say I want you to come, you come, slave. This is part of being owned by me. Now come!”

  Even as he fought to obey her, he couldn’t get past what his dad had beat into him. “Learn to control yourself, boy or you’ll end up hurting someone, if not killing them.”

  I can’t hurt her. If I lose control I’ll hurt her. His body shook and he fought the urge to let go. With his arms no longer bound, he’d be able to roll her over and under him and pound his way to completion. I don’t want that!

  Micah seemed to know his dilemma. “Submit, Jude. Let go. Give her what’s her due as your Mistress. She’ll keep you safe.”

  “I can’t, I can’t.” His words were broken and harsh.

  “Give it to me, mal-chick.”

  Jude cried out as the plug inside of his ass began to pulsate against the small almond shaped gland it was wedged against.

  “You will give up your control to me, pet.” Her voice was stern even as she panted.

  Jude’s world shattered. His hands came from under his head and he gripped her hips with calloused palms. Holding her for his thrusts, he set a fast hard pace as his control snapped. “Son of a fucking bitch!” He gritted his teeth and hammered up into her, loving the cries of pleasures he was forcing out of her. His world now revolved around the connection between their bodies and nothing else.

  “Goddamn it!” Micah scrambled onto the table next to them when Olivia grabbed at his arm and yanked on him.

  “Come, slave, come for your Mistress.” Who she was talking to didn’t matter. Both men obeyed.

  Jude’s vision darkened just before he felt the splash of hot seed hit him and his own orgasm had him screaming his pleasure to the sky. Tight muscles milked his cock and the plug continued to pulsate, sending him higher than he’d ever been before. His last thought before he fell was of his Mistress and the hope he’d pleased her.

  * * * *

  When he finally came back to, Jude found himself lying on the table with Micah next to him. Opening his eyes, he realized he was covered with semen and sweat. When a warm cloth touched his chest, he jumped. Next to the table, looking disheveled but incredibly sexy in a short satin robe, Olivia returned the cloth to the small silver bowl at her elbow and dipped it inside. With a dexterity he wouldn’t have expected with only one hand available, she wrung the water out of the cloth.

  He glanced away, suddenly feeling uncertain of himself and whole situation. She shouldn’t be taking care of me. I should be taking care of her. His emotions were raw and uncertain.

  “Look at me, pet.” The warm brush of the cloth against his skin once more had him tensing.

  His eyes stung at her coaxing tone. He’d lost control and even though she’d ordered him to do it, he was ashamed.

  Micah rolled over onto his side to face Jude and locked eyes with him. He held out his hand for the cloth, but Olivia shook her head. “He has to get used to it. It’s my right as his Mistress to care for him.”

  Jude bit down hard on his inner cheek until he tasted blood.

  “Mistress, he’s in sub-drop.”

  He barely heard Olivia’s reply. “I know.” She sat down on the edge of the table, and with a bit of help from Micah, rearranged Jude so his head was on her lap. “Are you all right, mal-chick?”

  The smile crossing Micah’s face was nearly blinding. “Oh, yes Mistress. Seeing you claim him was the most erotic thing I’ve ever had the pleasure to witness.”

  “Good. Help me tend him – and bring him back down?”

  “Of course, Mistress.”

  Jude’s emotions continued to ebb in a slow downward spiral as they quickly cleaned him up. A warm blanket was wrapped around him while Olivia and Micah both whispered nonsensical words of praise.

  “Pet?” Whether it had been a few minutes or an hour, he didn’t know.

  He finally focused on her. “Yes, Mistress?”

  “Are you ready to talk to me?”

  He frowned. “I don’t know.” He fell silent once more.

  “I’m your Mistress, Jude. I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me.”

  “I…I lost control.” He focused on the ceiling as Olivia stroked his hair.

  “Yes, quite spectacularly, too.” She gave him a smile. “And just as I asked. You were beautiful in your submission, pet.”

  The pressure in his chest tightened. “I could’ve hurt you.”

  “There’s always a chance you could, but you didn’t. Instead you made me scream with pleasure.” Her face flushed. “Something Micah can tell you rarely happens.”

  “Very rarely. Only twice have I ever made Mistress scream.” Micah rubbed his shoulder. “So I should be jealous, because both times you’ve pleasured Mistress she’s screamed her ever-loving head off. It seems both of you lose control at the end.”

  Wonder sang in his veins and hope returned. Maybe I didn’t fuck this up. “Really?”

  “Oh yes, pet.” She brushed a kiss over his forehead before yawning. “Better?”

  A small smile tugged at his lips. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good. I’m tired but hungry. I say we order pizza, watch CSI: Miami and then go to bed – together.” She gave both of them a stern look. “And I will not hear any objections. Understand?”

  Both men answered in chorus. “Yes, Mistress!”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kneeling next to Olivia’s leather chair, Jude wondered if his happiness was visible to all. This was their first time back at the club since Olivia had been attacked. It’d been almost a week since Mistress had claimed him so thoroughly, he didn’t know if he’s be able to leave her even if she demanded it. Even though it’d gone against all of his protective instincts, he’d finally relented when Olivia had presented reasonable arguments about her safety at the club. She needed to feel the familiar camaraderie that came from being surrounded by other Doms and their subs. So when she’d offered to take him along as her first argument, and the last being the upgraded security Jackson had completed, he’d relented. Not that all of the upgrades were working smoothly. She went off the deep end about that fucked up new security door system. I can’t believe Carlos has been dealing with such a defective system for the past week.

  Resting his head on against his Mistress’s thigh, he watched Caelan stare moodily at the snifter of scotch in his hand. Across the room, Gabriel was lounging on the sofa a few feet away with Sara cuddled on his lap. For the past hour, the three dominants had been talking about mundane things – or at least to his security-conscious mind, they had been. He jerked out of his thoughts when Caelan mentioned his younger sister, Kalinda. Evidently he found her. Damn he didn’t let any grass grow under his feet. I just gave him the address this morning.

  “I just don’t get it, Olivia. How the hell could her need to submit be gone? It wasn’t even two months ago she was threatening to come here to find a new Dom!”

  Jude could understand the man’s frustration with the situation. Sure, I think I understand Kalinda’s feelings – Dom fucked up by pushing her away, but he wants her back and it’s Josh’s dumb ass luck she found out Dom was staying at his condo. If there were two Doms who loved their sub more than Joshuah Redding and Dominic LaFontane he didn’t know them, but Kalinda was being extraordinarily stubborn.

  A soft sigh escaped his throat as Olivia’s fingers slid through his hair before she spoke. “So what happened two months ago aside from Dominic having his first shoulder surgery to cause the change? I saw Josh in the main room whipping one of the newbies as I walked through. I’d have thought he’d be on Kalinda’s doorstep already?”

  Caelan took a swallow of his drink. “Hell if I know. One moment, she’s all hell bent on finding a Master who would appreciate her submission, then the next she’s shutting herself off from everyone. Christ her moods have been so mercurial for the past two months, I’m starting to think she has permanent PMS.”

  Jude looked over his shoulder in concern when Olivia nearly choked on the water she was drinking. “Did you say she’s been moody?”

  He arched an eyebrow, silently asking her if she was okay. She gave him a reassuring smile. Assured she was fine, he returned his head to her thigh. He closed his eyes and let the conversation wash over him.

  “As all hell! I wish I knew what was going on in her head. She’s never acted this way in the past - even when she left for L.A.”

  There was a pause before his Mistress answered, as if she were thinking. “I don’t know if this means anything or not, but she came to suspend her membership about two months ago. She told me, due to medical reasons it wouldn’t be safe for her to play before long.”

  Caelan’s outburst wasn’t unexpected. “Dammit! She was sick this morning when I found her. Fuck! I should’ve asked
her what was going on instead of jumping on her about avoiding Josh and Dominic.”

  Concern washed over Jude. He’d found Kalinda to be a very healthy and outgoing woman despite being a submissive. She’s suspended her membership on the grounds of pending health reasons…and Caelan just said she was sick this morning? He remembered the early days of Kathleen’s pregnancy…of her being sick and moody. Fuck, is she pregnant? It would make sense. Caelan claims she’s moody, she’s refusing another Dom, and by temporarily withdrawing from her membership, she won’t chance running into either Dom or Josh.

  Gabriel chose that moment to enter the conversation. “Quit beating yourself up, Caelan. You’re not a mind reader. I’m sure if she had something life-threatening she’d have told you.”

  A groan came from a male voice Jude assumed was Caelan. “Like that’s reassuring.”

  The utter despondency in Caelan’s voice had Jude opening his eyes. He lifted his head to look up at Olivia.

  “Mistress, may I speak?”

  “Of course, pet.” Her tone was gentle.

  Sitting up a bit straighter on his knees, he took a deep breath – unsure of the exact protocol for addressing the other Doms when he was in submissive mode. “I’m sorry to intrude on this conversation, but from what I’m hearing - are you sure she’s not pregnant?” When the sharp inhalations filled the room and shocked looks crossed the men’s faces, he lowered his head. “I’m sorry, Mistress.”

  Olivia tipped his head up. “Nonsense, pet. Why would you draw such a conclusion?”

  He gave a sigh. “You stated she withdrew for medical conditions that would be affecting her in the near future, while Master Caelan has stated she’s been moody. Added to the fact she’s avoiding Masters Josh and Dominic, but is refusing to find another Master leads me to think she may be pregnant and doesn’t want them to find out.”

  Caelan gripped the arms of his chair. “Son of a bitch, I bet she is! It’d make sense.”


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