Conquering Jude

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Conquering Jude Page 17

by Dakota Trace

  The man screamed when he saw the eleven inch strap-on with harness. Jude winced – damned if the man didn’t have a set of lungs on him. Charles’s gaze was frantic before a huge wet spot appeared at the juncture of his thighs as he lost control of his bladder. “Dammit I can’t tell you. She’ll kill me. But I can give you something else… something more valuable.” He struggled against the ropes, now desperate. “I’ve got information. I swear, it’s good as gold in the bank. I can give it to you. I know this bitch who’s looking for a guy who took off with her man’s kids. She’ll pay good money to someone who has information on their location.”

  “You’ll do more than that.” Jude hung onto the strap-on as he crouched down in front of the man. “You’re going to tell me about who sent you after my Mistress, and then you’re going to give me the information on this man who thought it was okay to steal someone else’s kids.” His eyes narrowed. “Cause if there’s anything that pisses me off more than a man who uses information for leverage – it’s a man who uses kids for the same reason. But when I get pissed off, I let Mistress deal with scum like you. She has quite the…talent for finding out things.”

  The man’s eyes widened when Jude grabbed his nuts. “So if you want to keep these, talk!” Charles screamed again weakly then started talking.

  * * * *

  After discussing with Jonas what the man had revealed, Jude had left Stanton in Jonas’s capable hands. He’d see make sure the man was brought up on charges. One thing nice about knowing the right people – they know how to take care of assholes like Stanton. Thank God Micah is going to be okay. Jonas had let him know Olivia had tended Micah’s wounds, which thankfully weren’t as bad as they originally thought, and then she and Jackson had taken him back to her condo, with strict orders to sleep. Jude’s relief had been a heady thing. He was so glad his friend was going to be okay.

  Taking a deep breath, Jude entered his Mistress’s office. He knelt at the door awaiting her acknowledgement. The sound of her voice was tired and definitely not happy.

  “Come, pet.” Her soft command had him rising, even as it reminded him of her demand this morning when they’d showered together. She’d jacked him off and demanded he come all over her tits. He was barely able to restrain himself from moaning at the sensual memory.

  A cough had him realizing that he and Olivia weren’t alone. Dammit, I was so focused on her, I didn’t notice them. Caelan, Gabriel and Jackson were gathered around the small buffet table, loading their plates with steaming pizza. Fuck, they saw me kneeling again. They’re gonna think I’m a freakin’ wimp and that’s all I need. Dammit!

  His worry was pushed aside though. The smell of tangy tomato sauce, robust cheese and sweet but spicy sausage had Jude’s mouth watering as he suddenly remembered he hadn’t eaten for many hours - not since their early lunch. Evidently Mistress had ordered pizzas for supper. He glanced at the clock. Well no wonder, dumbshit, it’s after seven. I can’t fucking believe it took almost two hours to get the fucking information out of that asshole.

  “Hey, Jude.” Caelan held up a plate. “Want some pizza?” Walking to Jude’s side, he offered him two large slices of sausage pizza. He clapped a hand over Jude’s shoulder, giving it a reaffirming squeeze. “We don’t think any less of you for submitting to her, Jude. We know you’re more than her submissive.” Caelan gave him a wink. “I never did ask you, Jude. How are you coping with this vindictive bitch?” The last part of the question was spoken loud enough for Olivia to hear.

  Jude glanced worriedly over Caelan’s shoulder as he accepted the plate. “I…”

  “That’s Queen Vindictive Bitch to you, you Irish Bastard.” Olivia’s good natured tone had Jude relaxing.

  Caelan gave him another reassuring squeeze before releasing his shoulder.

  “Good, Master Caelan.” Jude saw Olivia’s beckoning finger. He nodded and stepped around Caelan to join Mistress at her desk. Balancing his plate, he moved to drop to his knees but she stopped him. Rising gracefully from her chair, she motioned him to sit down. Sinking onto the warm leather, he waited until she scrambled back on top of his lap before she reached for his plate. A low groan rumbled in his chest as her ass squirmed on his erection before settling on his right thigh. Damn saucy little wench, she knows how hard it makes me when she sits on my lap.

  “So what did you find out, Jude?” Caelan resettled in the chair he’d vacated with another plate of food.

  “Well, he admitted Mistress Svetlana had ordered him to beat Micah.” Olivia’s hand slipped up his shoulder to tug at the curling hairs at the nape of his neck. It took all of Jude’s concentration to continue speaking. “He said he was just obeying orders. Evidently…” his voice became strained as Olivia’s hand left his nape, only to settle on his abs. A moment later her fingers slipped under the waist band of his pants. Her nail stroked over top of his pubis. Where was I…ah… “…she wanted to make an example out of him…” He gave a sigh of relief as she removed her fingers. “Said something about the fact she was going to send a message to…” His words trailed off as she unzipped his pants and delved inside while blowing softly in his ear. His heart pounded and he hoped like hell the desk hid his lap as she began raking her fingernails over the bare underside of his sensitive cock. Now I see why she demanded I go commando. Evil little bitch.

  “Knock it off, Olivia! Let the poor man tell us what he found out before you torture him.” The humor in Gabriel’s tone had Jude gazing helplessly at the man. He responded instinctively to his Mistress’s touch as always. Oh God, I don’t fucking care if they see. I’d fuck her right here and now if she told me too.

  “Aw, but it’s his punishment for speaking out of turn earlier. He knew the consequences didn’t you, pet, when you yelled at me about leaving my office.” Olivia captured his lower lip and nipped it before removing her fingers from the opening she’d created in his jeans. He grunted as she slowly eased the zipper back up and over his cock. His arm squeezed tightly around her waist as the zipper finally covered his rock-hard erection. Oh God, I’m gonna die.

  “Yes, and I once told you, Mistress, I’d willingly accept any punishment you dole out for it. When it comes to your safety, I will always protect you.” He croaked as she gave his cock another squeeze and his hips bucked subtly.

  “Which I that’s the end of your punishment.” She released him and gave Jackson a snarky look, but Jude barely noticed now. His hunger for food had been replaced with an overwhelming hunger for her. He slowly set the plate back down on the desk with trembling fingers. Olivia must have noticed because she soothed him.

  “Shh, patience, pet.” She nuzzled his ear. “As soon as they leave you can fuck me over my desk. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, Mistress!” His plea had the men chuckling, but he found he didn’t care. He knew they all had tormented their own submissives, like Olivia was doing to him, at one time or another. While it was hell on the nerves, delayed gratification was supposed to cause the most incredible orgasms. Or so Mistress keeps telling me as she tries to strengthen my endurance.

  Olivia straightened. “So Mistress Svetlana has stepped way over the boundaries. I’ll revoke her membership. In fact doing so will give me great pleasure!”

  “I wish it were that simple, Mistress. There’s more. The man is actually a member of the Northern Ireland Consulate, and he was placed with Svetlana to make sure you got the point. Either sign the papers, or the next time what happened to Micah would happen to you. We need to find Svetlana and find out who hired her.”

  Olivia swore long and loud in Russian. “That god damned money hungry bitch! I can’t believe I’m actually related to her! One fucking living relative left – that’s all I have! And I have to get saddled with a mercenary one.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Mistress Olivia?” Carlos’ voice was eager. “You’re never gonna guess what I just found trapped in the vestibule? The new security system wouldn’t let them in or out and they couldn’t ev
en signal anyone!” The man pulled two fuming women into the room. Mistress Svetlana and Suzette both glared at everyone.

  * * * *

  “I can’t believe those damn doors trapped them, and we didn’t notice. It’s been almost three hours since the attack.” Olivia rubbed her nose. Both women had just been escorted out of Olivia’s office by two of Chicago’s finest under arrest with several charges. Damn, I’ll be glad when this is over.

  “Well, considering you routed all the traffic in and out of the side door since you came in, we didn’t think to check the main door’s vestibule.” Jackson grinned. “I still think it’s funny as hell. They tried to escape but ended up getting trapped by the security doors from hell.”

  Olivia glared at him. “I still think I should kick your ass for changing the security system without my okay, but considering how it all worked out…I’ll just have to torture you instead.”

  “Indeed. Rena’s really pissed about having to accompany him to Northern Ireland.” Jude pulled her more snuggly into his arms. She leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Well, she can get the fuck over it. I had to tell Aunt Aggie something, and sure the hell it couldn’t be… ‘Hey I’m here to take your nephew back to the States to face conspiracy to defraud and multiple assault charges.’ The old bat would’ve barred the gates before I even made it into the country. I still can’t believe the fucking weasel paid Svetlana to get that idiot Stanton into the fucking club.”

  “Or the fact Suzette somehow ran into Svetlana and begged her for training. Talk about rotten fucking luck. I swear to God that stupid blonde bimbo doesn’t have the sense God gave a goose. That’s the last, and I mean the last fucking time, I bail her ass out. She’s lucky Mistress didn’t press charges against her for assaulting Micah.”

  “Considering she was willing to testify against Svetlana, I figured I could be generous,” Olivia said around a yawn. Lord, it’s been a long day.

  “Yeah, lucky little bitch. I can’t believe she broke down and started sobbing.” Jackson grumbled. “Someday her luck is going to run out and all the tears in the world aren’t going to get her ass out trouble. Thank God, she’s nothing like my Rena. Now there’s a woman with brass balls.”

  Jude chuckled. “Well, you’re going to find out exactly how brass they are. It’s a good thing Rena needed the money, or I’m sure she’d have told us to take a long walk off a short pier. She should be getting hazard pay 24/7, Jackson, for having to put up with your dominating ass.”

  Jackson grinned at both Olivia and Jude. “Maybe, but I’d worry about your own dominating ass, Olivia.”

  A grin crossed Olivia’s face. “That’s Mistress Dominating Ass to you, Levough. Don’t you know I’m the ‘baddest bitch’ on the block?

  Laughter filled the room then Olivia felt Jude tense behind her.

  “Pet?” She looked up at him.

  He jerked in surprise. “Sorry, I just realized something. The idiot Stanton gave me more than just information on Svetlana. It’s about some kids.” Jude paused. “Kids who are going to rain trouble down our heads when another bad-ass bitch finds we have info about them.”

  “How’s that, pet? Most kids aren’t that much trouble, no matter who their mother is.” Olivia stroked her palm over his chest. “In fact, I’m looking forward to meeting your daughter.”

  “You are?” There was hope shining in his eyes.

  Her heart melted at his happiness. “Yes.”

  “Hey, stop staring goo-goo eyes at each other. Whose fucking kids are we talking about?” Jackson’s irate request had Olivia glaring over at him. The ass had ruined her moment.


  “Aw, fuck!” Jackson dropped the heavy crystal tumbler of vodka he’d been holding.

  * * * *

  “Want to tell me what that was all about, pet?” Olivia had just shut the door of her office behind the departing men.

  Jude was still sitting in her chair. He fidgeted. “About what?”

  “Why the name Ike sent your partner into such a tizzy?”

  “It’s a long story, Mistress.” He glanced greedily at the desk. His body was aching for the promised fucking.

  She gave him a humorless grin. “There will be no fucking until you spill it, Ranger-boy.”

  “Please, Mistress! I was good. I’m hard as a fucking rock.” He licked his lower lip when Olivia’s nostrils flared. He was learning one of the things his Mistress loved was dirty talk - the nastier the better.

  “After. Now spill!”

  He tipped his head back. “I want to.”

  Sitting down on the edge of the desk, she fingered her ever-present whip. “Not until I say you can, pet. Now tell me about this Ike. If she places fear in Jackson, she’s a woman I definitely want to meet.”

  He sighed before lifting his head off the back of the chair.

  “I met India Edmunds, or Ike as we called her, during my first year with the Rangers. Orders had come down from above that we were to report to a ranch out in the middle of nowhere for training. It was my first time, but Michaels, one of the guys in my platoon, had been there several years before and warned us about messing with Ike, the only female instructor. He said.…”

  …“Asshole.” Michaels muttered under his breath as he shoved himself back out of the water.

  “Do you call those push-ups, ladies?” The harsh bite coming from the behemoth of a man had Michaels cringing.

  Major Justin Soars-with-Eagles had been dead on their asses since they crossed onto his property yesterday morning. The only thing Michaels hated more than the man himself was the fucking rain that had arrived this morning. Now not only was he shaking from the continuous push-ups, he was fucking wet and muddy from the damn river of muddy water running under them.

  “Just what the hell is it you think you’re doing, Ike?”

  Michaels glanced over to see the lone woman who’d joined them this morning thrashing around in the water. Her damp short blonde hair was plastered to her forehead and she was covered in mud. What the fuck was a woman doing out here?

  “What the hell does it look like? You said fucking push-ups. That’s what I’m doing!” She was on her knees and shouting at the man. For a moment Michaels wished the Major would kick her square in the ass with one heavily booted foot. Surprise filled him when the man dropped to his haunches and spoke. From where he was, Michaels couldn’t hear what the man said.

  “Down Ladies!” The damned whistle blew again.

  Snapping out of his trance, he dropped back down, holding his breath when his face broke through the slimy water under him. Waiting to hear the whistle blow, he held his breath and when it didn’t come, he finally lifted his head. Taking in a ragged breath of much needed oxygen, he wasn’t prepared for the insults the woman was hurtling at the men gathered around her. What the hell had he missed?

  When she stormed off, he sat up and yelled at the Major. “That’s one ass I wouldn’t mind whipping, Major.”

  Michaels eyes widened. If he’d thought the Major was fast before, he was like a blur now. Michaels found himself dangling by the front of his dirty uniform. The Major held him up effortlessly with one tightly clenched fist. “The number one rule of this place is that we treat everyone as equals.” Michaels nodded before grunting when he hit the ground with a thud after the Major released his shirt. “His little comment just cost you all. Drop and give me thirty, men!” He blew the damned whistle again.

  Michaels cringed as he saw the looks of hatred on his platoon mates’ faces. Ah hell I’m fucked. They’re gonna kill me, he thought as he dropped back into the water.

  He heard the major count off ‘ twenty’ when there was a sudden splash of water. He looked up to see the woman barrel into the asshole. As they hit the water-covered ground, Michaels gaped in surprise. Justin had Ike flipped over in moments, but despite her small size, she refused to give up. Her arms flailed around and she struck hard and fast. The Major was having troubles subduing her without
hurting her. Finally he’d had enough and began to strike back, and Ike had done nothing more than laugh at the pain the major was causing.

  What the fuck! Has that bitch lost her mind? The rest of the men scrambled out of the water and soon a circle surrounded the pair. Michaels stumbled when one of the men jostled him as they tried to get a better look. When he finally was able to see again, the Major was tossing an unconscious Ike over his shoulder and heading towards the house with her…

  “’So boys don’t fuck with Ike. She has a death wish and the skills to back it up’. That’s what Michaels said. After experiencing training under her, I realized he may have been right but I never pushed her to find out. I’ve seen her do things to men on the damn obstacle course that make strolling through a landmine field a walk in the park. She’s a vicious as a pissed off ‘she-bear’ when riled. And any human being stupid enough to take her man’s kids – I can guarantee you’d rather deal with the pissed off ‘she-bear’.”

  Jude leaned back and met Olivia’s eyes. He was surprised at the arousal in them. Had his story honestly aroused his Mistress?

  “Speaking of another pissed-off bear, we’re eventually going to have to go home and face Micah, but before we do…” She hopped up on the desk, spreading her legs. His gaze immediately landed on the juncture of her thighs, hidden in the shadowy depths of her dark leather mini-skirt.

  He licked his lips, before glancing up at her. “Mistress?”

  A wicked grin teased her lips. “Eat me, pet. Get me nice and wet, then I want you to fuck me right here.”

  Jude gave a rough moan and dropped to his knees. “Hot damn, it’d be my pleasure, Mistress…and yours!”


  Three months later

  “Do it, pet, please!” Olivia lay panting on top of Micah, her hands gently restrained behind her. The dark skinned slave was buried deep inside of her pussy. From groin to chest they were melded together, while Jude knelt on his knees between Micah’s spread legs. This was the first time Micah had joined Jude in dominating her. She was using this claiming as a way to repair the damaged relationship between the men. She could no longer tolerate the subtly strained friendship between her two subs. So, she’d locked them into her playroom at the club last night and ordered them to work out their problems. Amazing how quickly they did, once I dangled as a reward the idea of having them both dominate me.


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