Mercy for the Wicked

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Mercy for the Wicked Page 11

by Lisa Olsen

  Huge stone columns delineated the space, though they held nothing up but the violet sky. A great throne of carved stone sat on the center of a huge dais, the steps flanked on both sides by guards wearing metal jewelry similar to the guy who’d been guarding the gate. All along the sides of the open hall, demons lined up in varying degrees of finery and I imagined they were courtiers of a sort. It was the demon lord’s court after all, they were probably minor demon nobility, if such a thing existed. They watched me with open interest and not a small amount of hunger as I was brought to the front of the hall, and any thoughts I had of escape were rapidly disintegrating. Far more disturbing was the sight of other humans in the court, some bedraggled in rags and some in elegant finery, down to their jeweled collars. Chained like pets. None of them looked up at me either, utterly beaten down, their eyes were glazed over with pain and despair.

  They set the sedan chair down in front of the empty throne and helped me down. The chair was taken away and I turned a slow circle, having no idea if I was supposed to say or do something. As if an unspoken signal was given, the entire demon congregation sank to their knees and pressed their foreheads to the stone floor. A low chant rolled through the room, each demon adding its voice to it and it took me a few seconds to make out what they were saying. The chant grew in volume along with the speed of my pulse as they called for their master. “Raum, Raum, Raum, Raum…”

  Chapter Nine

  I’m not sure what I expected for the demon lord’s appearance. A great big, red skinned devil with huge horns like in Legend, or maybe even a scaly monster with a mouth full of razor, sharp teeth? Maybe he’d appear in a puff of smoke, or with an entourage and a fanfare of trumpets? But Raum was just suddenly there, reclining on his throne with one leg hooked over the arm, his dark eyes trained on me. He looked like a normal guy, closely cropped hair and vaguely Roman features; his slim build wasn’t especially imposing, nor was the expression of interest on his face.

  Raum rose to his feet, striding in my direction. “Yes, yes, yes, you can dispense with the formalities,” he waved to the court and the chanting stopped. “Now then, let’s see what you’ve brought me,” his hands rubbed together in anticipation as he approached me. I held very still, not quite knowing what to expect. Close up I could see his eyes were completely dark, similar to the imp, Cephas, which was a little creepy. But when he smiled, his teeth were as human as mine. “Lovely. Simply lovely,” he nodded in approval, and I guessed I’d passed the first round of tests.

  “We brung her like you wanted, my lord.” Hubie approached then, with shuffling steps. “Snuck her right out from under you-know-who’s nose.”

  “Excellent work boys, you shall be rewarded, indeed,” Raum grinned, in high spirits as he looked me over. “We’ll talk terms later,” he waved them away.

  “Actually, your highness, we was hopin’ we could have a little…” Hubie started in, but Raum swung his dark gaze in annoyance, quelling the flow of words with a single glance. “…later is just grand, my lord,” he bowed, shuffling backwards, pulling Bert with him. I was almost sad to see them go, they represented my only link to normalcy, to returning to my world, wherever that was in relation to the demon’s realm.

  I cleared my throat, smiling nervously as Raum turned back to look at me. “What is this place?” I dared to ask, but he didn’t seem to mind my question. In fact, he looked almost friendly.

  “This is my palace. Do you like it, my lady?” He held his arms wide, his smile returning. His voice had an odd accent to it, and it reminded me a little of every bad guy in every movie from the seventies. You know what I’m talking about, the vague British accent they always stick on sci-fi and fantasy movies? It had an odd lilt to it that wasn’t quite British though, as though English wasn’t his native tongue, but he managed it beautifully. Much better than Ubel who had chewed his way through the language, and much more refined than the Bobsey twins who picked me up.

  “No, I mean what is this place? Is this Hell?”

  “Why, are you feeling tormented?” he grinned.

  “No, but…” My eyes went to the humans in the room, they sure looked tormented. “I’m not exactly sure how we got here.”

  “Slipped through the rabbit hole, did you?” His tone turned almost sympathetic and he clucked his tongue. “I imagine it must be a bit confusing, my dear, but we’ve plenty of time to sort it all out.” That didn’t sound promising. “Now then, let’s see what you can do,” he prompted briskly and I stared back at him helplessly.

  What I could do. Was he looking for a new dancing monkey for his menagerie? “I could mix you a mean margarita but you seem to be out of tequila, so you’re gonna have to be more specific.”

  “Maybe we can try that later, but for now, my lady, we require a demonstration of your power. A taste if you will.”

  A taste. Super. He took a step closer to me and I took a half step backwards instinctively, maintaining that cushion of distance. Despite his friendly demeanor, I had a feeling I wouldn’t like being too close to him once he lost his temper. “I’m not sure what you’re looking for. I’m not what you would call powerful by your standards, I’m sure.” The crowd tittered with laughter at that, and I wondered what I’d said that was so funny.

  Raum snapped his fingers and two guards materialized behind me (and I mean materialized, not as in hustled over, but materialized out of thin air), the top of my head level with their shoulders. I halted my retreat even as Raum continued to advance slowly. “There are all kinds of power, my lady. I am not lacking in that arena as you can plainly see, and you would do well to remember that. Now then… what do you have to offer me?” There was menace in those black eyes that belied the easy smile, and unconsciously I backed up again, my shoulders colliding with the broad chest of the guard behind me. Picking up on my fear, my hands started to glow slightly and the courtiers ooh’d and ah’d appreciatively.

  Raum stepped closer, his face very near mine. I tried to squirm to the side but the guards grabbed hold of me, rooting me in place. I didn’t know if he planned to kiss me or take a bite out of me, when his head dipped to the side to sniff delicately at my neck and the Grace suffused my body, glowing brighter. “Oh yes, you’ll do nicely.” His lips brushed against my throat where my pulse thumped madly. “Nicely indeed.”

  “Please… please don’t.” I’m not sure what I was asking him not to do specifically, I only knew I didn’t want whatever came next. To my utter surprise, he backed off, the easy smile reappearing on his lips.

  “Too right,” he nodded. “Some things are better left in private where they can be savored.” I did not like the sound of that… “In the meantime, where are my manners? Can I offer you refreshment? Wine?” With a little wave of his fingers, a tray appeared in front of me, laden with a goblet of wine and a ruby red apple.

  “No, thank you.” The last thing I wanted was to get drunk on demon wine, and I wasn’t keen on trying anything associated with original sin.

  “Tea? Decaf soy latte? Twinkies?” Another wiggle of his fingers and the contents of the tray shifted to display the modern fare.

  Maybe it was cocktail hour in Demonland, but I wasn’t feeling peckish. “No, I’m good, thanks. I’m still set on Pacific Standard Time so it’s a bit late for me.” That was a lie. I’d been known to get off work and head to Lolly’s for pancakes and bacon in the wee hours of the morning and slept like a baby afterwards.

  “Of course,” he nodded equably. “Perhaps we’ll find something to tempt you later. In the meantime, send for the witch!” The food and drink vanished into thin air and Raum spun on his heel, returning to his throne. A few seconds later, the crowd parted, giving wide berth to the slender woman who approached. She was slight of build, beautiful, dressed in a simple shift, feet bare. Her most striking feature was flowing, white hair that reached her waist, held back by a thin band of braided leather.

  Though she was very pale, she didn’t have that chalky, albino look about her, more like a pe
rson who never spent a moment in the sun. Her aura shone a golden yellow, bright for a human, but not as dazzling as an angel. She reached the foot of the throne and stared straight ahead, looking at nothing.

  “Oriana, my Dove. Thank you for joining us.” Raum leaned forward, snatching up her hands and pressing a kiss to the inside of each wrist. The woman gave the slightest of flinches at the contact, but her face remained blank and devoid of emotion. “I can’t wait to see what you think of my new acquisition. Step forward, Merceline, the two of you should become fast friends.”

  I had a friend or two that dabbled in witchcraft, mostly tree-hugging, fluffy, Wiccan types. Harmless really, so the word witch didn’t scare me away. I stepped up to stand opposite her, a hesitant smile for a fellow prisoner I guessed. She continued to stare straight ahead, a furrow appearing on her smooth brow.

  “I can’t see you,” she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. Was she blind? It explained the sightless stare. Raum however frowned over her proclamation.

  “Of course you can, sweets, she’s standing right there before you. Try again.” There was an edge to his voice and I wondered what he expected her to see. Her eyes gained their focus, and I practically felt them sweep over my features.

  “You’re not in the pattern, just a jumble of threads connected to nothing.”

  “Everything is in the pattern, sometimes it makes a new pattern is all,” Raum laughed nervously.

  “She shines, like a pretty ornament, but inside is a hall of mirrors with twists and turns. Get lost, you spend too long there…” Oriana’s voice took on a sing song quality as she stared at me, swaying lightly on her feet. Her lips quirked into a smile then, a high trilling laugh spilling from her lips. “She won’t let you in, too many others in there already.”

  I wasn’t sure if I should be offended at that or not since I had no idea what the hell she was talking about, but I knew enough to know I didn’t want to become a permanent part of his court the way she was, trotted out on special occasions. Ignoring the pale witch, I focused on the demon lord. “Um, yeah… look, I’m not sure what you expected to happen by bringing me here, but there are people watching out for me back home. They’ll start to wonder where I am and then it’s only a matter of time before they come looking for me. So, why don’t you tell me what you want, and we can go from there, figure out what happens next?”

  Raum’s brow was furrowed, deep in thought as he stared at Oriana and his gaze flicked towards me in annoyance at my interruption. “I wouldn’t worry overmuch on that score, I’m quite capable of holding on to what’s mine. You’d best get used to the notion that there is no ‘next’ for you. This is it.” He gestured to the court, leaning forward to regard me with eyes, black as pitch. “No one is coming to save you. You exist to serve me, to satisfy me, cater to my every whim. Please me, and I may decide to let you live. Anger me, and… well, I shall leave that to your imagination,” his lips quirked into an obscene version of a smile.

  My mouth went dry at the threat, and I swallowed past it, any glib response falling right out of my head. I could do it. I could play along until I saw my shot, and for the moment, I went with the first coherent thought that came to my mind. What would please him? Sinking to my knees, I pressed my forehead to the cold stones as I’d seen the courtiers do. “Forgive me, I am yours, Lord Raum,” I said gravely. Okay, it was a bit melodramaculous, but I had the idea he was pretty heavily into the theatrical. I wasn’t wrong, as the sound of his gloating laughter filled the hall, and I felt a rush of relief as he bent to lift me from my prostrated position.

  “Come then, my lady. We shall see to your comforts, the better that you shall see to mine.”

  I rose, a meek expression as I could manage on my face. Darting a look to Oriana, I saw her watching me carefully, a puzzled look on her face. Damn. If she suspected my heart wasn’t in my performance, I hoped she’d keep it to herself. “As you wish,” I nodded, watching him warily through downcast lashes.

  “Nelo!” he bellowed, and I jumped in spite of myself. “Where is that worthless, good for nothing… Oh, there you are. Finally, I almost had to wait,” he scowled.

  The little imp Nelo stepped out of the space behind the stone throne. Only coming up to about waist height on me, he was small and dark, his skin absorbing the light rather than reflecting it, giving him a slightly indistinct, shifting appearance, as if he was made up entirely of shadows. Tendrils of darkness writhed around his feet, obscuring them from view, making it seem as if he glided rather than walked. His eyes were a startlingly clear amber color, and they blinked up at Raum as he cringed away from the anger in the lord’s voice.

  “Apologies, Master. How may I be of service,” he spoke in perfect English, his words precise and crisp. He sounded more like a butler than a little demonic creature.

  “Show your mistress to her apartments, I trust they are suitably prepared?”

  “Of course, Master. All is in readiness, we merely await your command,” Nelo bowed low.

  Raum turned his attention back to me, capturing my hand and bringing it up to his lips for a kiss to the top of my fingers. “Rest now, my lady. I will come to you later and you may prove your true worth.” Unable to do more than nod uncomfortably, I gave a passing bob of a curtsey (finally, years of watching regency movies paid off!), and pulled my hand out of his cool grasp the second I was able to.

  “Follow me if you please, Mistress.”

  Any thought I had of giving the little guy the slip was quashed when the two burly guards followed after us, flanking me on each side. Well, what had I expected? I was silent as I followed along, trying to memorize the path we took, but I soon ended up turned around, as it seemed like we doubled back after a few inexplicable course changes. We arrived a few minutes later at my ‘apartments’. Predictably the guards remained outside and I took great pleasure in slamming the big wooden door in their faces. “Oh, sorry. I think the wind caught the door…” I gave a helpless shrug to Nelo who stood watching me, just inside the sitting room.

  The room was well appointed, like something I imagined from a luxury suite in a theme hotel in Las Vegas with the high ceilings and carved stone detail everywhere. Only it wasn’t built out of plywood and Formica, it was the real deal with rich tapestries hanging on the walls and thick woven carpets on the polished stone floor.

  “Here is your sitting room, Mistress,” he said unnecessarily, taking me on a guided tour. “The balcony has a lovely view of the plains at dusk should you choose to enjoy it. Through here is your bed chamber.”

  I nodded appropriately, almost expecting him to pause with his hand out for a tip when he finished. “What about a um… do you people have indoor plumbing?”

  “Plumbing?” he stared at me blankly.

  Charming. “Nevermind, I’ll figure it out,” I muttered. Hopefully I wouldn’t be there long enough for it to become an issue.

  “The bathing chamber is through there, I can have a bath prepared for you very quickly should you wish to bathe. Shall I call for hot water?”

  “Get naked in the middle of demon central? No thanks,” I gave him a tight smile.

  “Are you hungry, Mistress?” he asked politely.

  “Nope. And I don’t want my hair braided or a pedicure or a bedtime story, thanks for asking,” I added before he could ply me with the next question. He blinked those big amber eyes at me and I regretted the sharp tone. “Sorry, it’s been a rough day.”

  “I can well imagine. Then I shall take my leave of you, Mistress. With your permission of course,” he gave a little bow.

  Could he imagine? Somehow I doubted it. “Actually there is something you can do for me. Tell me a little about this place. Midian? Is that what it’s called?”

  “If I can,” he nodded readily and I got the impression he wasn’t all that eager to leave and return to his normal duties, whatever they may be. I guess if I was in his shoes I’d rather sit around and chat instead of fetch and carry for a boss like Raum too. �
��Yes, this place is called Midian, it is our home.”

  “What are those other humans doing here? They sure looked like they were being tormented for their sins. How did they get here?”

  “They are poor souls who allowed themselves to be captured by our kind. Each is enslaved to the demon that stole them away from the world.”

  Like me, I supposed. “What will happen to them? Is this a hell dimension? Are they paying for their sins?”

  “Nothing so productive, Mistress. Midian exists apart from Heaven and Hell. Those humans trapped here will never ascend to Heaven nor reach judgment day in the fires of hell. My kind feeds on the souls of man. The humans you saw will either be trapped here forever without hope of salvation, or be killed should they outlive their usefulness, but there is no everlasting life for them.” I imagined I heard pity in his voice, an odd position for a demon to take by my reckoning.

  “So, you’re eating their souls? And they’re trapped for ever and ever?” I sank down on the edge of the bed, grateful for the support or I would have ended up in a puddle in the middle of the floor. “Is that what Raum has planned for me?” The little demon didn’t meet my gaze and I guess I got my answer from that response. “I think I’d like to lie down for a bit if you don’t mind.”

  “As you wish, Mistress,” Nelo bowed low, backing towards the door.

  Once I was left alone, I checked out the place from top to bottom, looking for any other exits I might have missed, basically anything that could be used in my favor when Raum came to pay me a visit. Unfortunately, the place was pretty sparse. Other than the sumptuous décor, there were few personal items to be found.

  The view from the balcony made me dizzy when I got too close to the railing, there was no chance in hell I could try and climb down the thirty levels to the ground below. There might come a time when I was desperate enough to tie the knotted bed sheets together to try and reach the level below, but I wasn’t there yet. For the time being, I was a guest of the demon lord, and there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot I could do about it.


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