The Pet Psychic Diaries
By Jeanne Miller
The Pet Medium tm
Copyright 2011 by Jeanne Miller
For The Animals
And Their Humans
Thank you to my pet clients who so generously allowed me to use their pet’s pictures and stories. My cover boy is Benjamin, whose reading appears in the last chapter of this book.
When I was a child, I used to stand in the backyard with my arms stretched out. I would close my eyes, pretend I was St. Francis of Assisi, and will the birds to land on my arms, and the squirrels to sit at my feet. I would open my eyes and to my amazement….nothing happened. Ever. Well, nothing other than a few strange looks from the neighbors.
I have loved anything furred, feathered, or fanged from the time I could crawl and this has never changed. Aside from animals, another childhood love was voraciously reading stories about psychics and ghosts. I would scare myself skinny and be awake most nights because I could not stop reading these books. I marveled at these odd people who could do these things; sense ghosts and actually talk to them! It was the early 60’s and there wasn’t as much information on the subject of psychics as there is today. And communicating with animals? It was unheard of. There were no real life Dr. Doolittles. It never entered my mind that someday I would be doing this work. I thought psychics were born, not made. I was wrong. This is a skill that can be learned, but it takes study, practice and lots of patience. It can be a process that is as fast as a day or as long as months or even years.
My purpose in writing this book is to introduce you to the magic of animal communication. It isn’t a how-to book as there are many out there for you to choose from should you decide to pursue this work. This is simply a book of animal communications from my first year of work. It is to introduce you to the joy of discovering that a lot of what we have been taught about animals is wrong. They can talk; and feel; and love. They feel joy, shame, sadness, fear, and jealousy. They are fiercely loyal and love unconditionally. I know this is true for they have told me.
It will help you before you read the stories to know a bit about how I do my communications and about my very first connection. Then I will step out of the way with the wish that you start this book with an open heart and end it with a sense of wonderment. Believe in magic. It does exist.
How I Read
There are as many different methods and ways of receiving information as there are psychics. We all work a little differently.
Because I am a psychic medium, I communicate with the help of my Spirit Guides and am able to speak with animals on the other side as well as here. I achieve this through prayer and meditation. In psychic development training, you are taught how to build a sacred space for yourself. It is a place in your mind that you are able to access through meditation. This is a place of communication. It is where you meet with your Spirit Guides and, in my case, the animals. When I start my communication, the pet I’m reading will spiritually walk into my sacred space.
We then start to talk to each other. Although the majority of my readings involve direct quotes from the animals, there are also other methods of communication at play. I will often be shown short film clips and sometimes static pictures will be sent to me from the animals or my guides. I will sometimes hear certain sounds or catch a suggestion of a scent. I also have information that is “downloaded” into my mind. This is when you just “know” something but don’t know why or how you know it.
I give my clients the choice of a phone or email reading. Because many have chosen email, none of the readings that I have related in this book were written from memory. Everything occurred in real time and was set down as it was happening.
I hope you enjoy reading about all these special animals. I know you will come away from the experience knowing that your pet too, is just as special. Our animal friends have a very rich, emotional, and hidden life that is filled with feelings of love, doubt, fear, joy, jealousy and pain. Simply put, they are a lot like us.
Jeanne Miller
The Pet Medium tm
The Awakening:
A horse named Lance
Lance – My first animal communication
The dream was a pleasant one. I was sitting on a red and white checkered picnic blanket which rested on a vibrant green hillside. I seemed to be having some kind of tea party as I saw toy cups and dishes set out along the sides of the blanket. I looked up and to my delight and surprise, all of my guests were animals. Dogs and cats all sat comfortably in place looking expectantly at me. I caught a movement to my left and saw my cat Jessie escorting an orange striped cat up the hill to the blanket. Leaving the cat, Jessie turned and started walking back down the hill. I called out to her and said, “Jessie, come back and sit with us.” She looked at back at me and said: “No. It is my job to bring the animals to you.”
My cat Jessie was eighteen years old at the time of this dream and was close to transitioning. From the moment I got her as a kitten, there was an incredibly strong bond between us. She followed me everywhere I went and hardly ever let me out of her sight. The thought of her not being by my side was a heartbreak that I knew I couldn’t stop from happening. I had just recently lost my brother who had passed over unexpectedly and was still reeling from the shock of it. A few months later, my beautiful Jessie passed on and within a year after that loss, my mother became ill and she also passed. She was my best friend. To say I was inconsolable is a vast understatement. All of these losses coming so closely together left me hollow inside. I was empty and spent most of my days sleepwalking through a life that had become unbearably painful.
It was during this time that I heard of an Animal Communications seminar being given by a local Animal Communicator and Shaman. I kept getting strong urgings to attend, but was wavering back and forth on it. The reason I finally decided to go was that the seminar was being held in a horse barn. I love horses! I never had the opportunity to be around them very often, so this was ideal. I figured nothing would probably happen for me but what a lovely day it would be to sit among horses and other animal lovers. That day changed the course of my life.
There were about ten of us and as we sat in a circle in the barn, I started to understand how spiritual animals truly are. For as we were meditating and being given instruction on how to connect with our pets, I looked up and saw the horses. It was a good sized barn and had a few stalls facing each other. All of the horses on both sides had stuck their heads over their stalls, and each head was turned our way. They were all staring at us, when only minutes before they hadn’t paid any attention whatsoever. I heard small grunts and nickers while they continued to stare at us in rapt attention. During a break, we all got up to stretch our legs. I was drawn to one particular horse who kept staring intently at me. I felt almost as if he was willing me to walk over to him. This continued to happen with this horse all day. Whenever, we would take a break, there he would be staring at me again, and each time I felt a strong pull towards him. His name was Lance. Sir Lancelot to be exact and he was a gorgeous dappled Gray. He was magnificent. As soon as I approached him, I knew he was a bit feisty, but a good boy too. He was frightened. I kept hearing a voice in my head and it was telling me: “He is wondering if you are all here to buy him. He has been moved around a lot and is afraid of where he will end up next. He likes it here and doesn’t want to leave.” I didn’t understand why all of these words were being spoken in my head, but I decided to go with it and spoke to his owner who was the hostess of the seminar. She affirmed that they had recently bought him and he had been shuffled around a lot. She assured me she had no intention of selling him again. She said I could tell him that if I liked. I honestly didn’t know wh
at I was doing but I used the method we had just been taught to connect and then told him what she had said. As we were being called back for the second half of the seminar, I gave him a stroke and a kiss, and said goodbye. Before I could pull back, he suddenly stuck his head over my shoulder and pulled me to him. Was I getting a hug of thanks? This was an amazing experience and I just loved this horse. I was so happy to know he would be staying in his forever home.
The rest of the afternoon was spent on experimentation. We had all been asked to bring photos and were each assigned a person whose photo we were to read. I happened to be assigned the photo of an actual working pet psychic who had come just to be with others of like mind. To say I was nervous wasn’t even close to the truth. I was skeptical that this was something I could do, told her I doubted I would get anything but I would give it a good try. As was the case when I was with Lance, the words just started filling my head. I was being told things about her pets that I couldn’t possibly have known. I was hearing snatches of a song that ended up literally tieing into the pet’s name. She was validating everything I said and I almost fell off from my chair. Then I wondered. Is this something that we can all do? Something that maybe I was able to do for a while but just didn’t realize it, because I hadn’t tried? I tell you this story so that you will know psychics all have to start somewhere and the process is different for each one, but this is something that can be learned. There wasn’t one person there that day, who hadn’t been able to pick up on something psychically.
I left that day in a state of wonderment, and it has never ended. I started doing readings that day and I haven’t looked back since. I felt my mother was smiling down at me that day and I think she had a lot to do with the urgings I was feeling to attend this seminar.
Oh, and about the picnic dream, while doing my first reading away from the seminar, my cat Jessie suddenly walked into my sacred space. She said, “You should have an easier time connecting as I’ll be bringing the animals to you from now on.” And she has. Hundreds of them, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Lance in action
When They Come Back To Us:
The Story of Sam-I-Am
Sam-I-Am in his Christmas House
My friend Ellen is a remarkable woman. Not only is she an extremely gifted, working artist, but she spends the rest of her time in the rehabilitation of injured wildlife. At any given time, her home is filled with the sights and sounds of various birds, rabbits, mice, squirrels, and the many other creatures that are placed in her charge. She gives freely of her time and resources and seems to have that “magic touch” when it comes to animals.
Along with her wild patients, Ellen also has pets of her own to care for. I think every loving pet owner knows that there is always that one special animal that we seem to have a strong connection to. For Ellen, it was her beloved little mouse, Sam-I-Am. They seemed to hit it off right from the start and Sam would happily sit in Ellen’s palm being hand fed his treats. She lavished attention on him and took constant delight in his habits and antics. Sam even graced Ellen’s Christmas cards one year, and he was the only mouse I know of that had his own hand-made Holiday House.
Ellen called me one day in June and told me with sadness, that her dear Sam’s health was failing. Having many pet mice of my own, I know how these sweet, unassuming little creatures can take up permanent residence in our hearts. Ellen asked me to talk to Sam and find out how he was feeling and if he needed anything. Being a wildlife rehabilitator, she had the equipment to euthanize him if he needed her help. She didn’t want him to suffer for one minute. I could hear in her voice how very difficult this would be for her and I prayed that this wouldn’t be necessary.
When I connected to Sam, he said he was very tired and was getting close to transitioning to the other side. But he said that he was feeling all right and didn’t feel he would need her help with this. He said: “For now, I’m happy with my cheese and naps.” Sam told me that he preferred to go on his own and would try to not have it happen when Ellen was around. He said he knew how much she loved him and he didn’t want this to be too hard on her. And then he said something remarkable. He said: “I would love to come back as another mouse.” He wanted to be with his Ellen again. Ellen is given so many rescue mice that I couldn’t imagine how she would know if Sam came back. I guess Sam knew what I was thinking, because he suddenly said: “She will know me by my eyes and tail.” The feeling I was given is that this wouldn’t be right away but months down the road. I was very happy to be able to report this news back to Ellen and to tell her how very much her Sam-I-Am loved her.
As every mouse lover knows, their life spans are far too short. One to two years at most. But the joy they bring us has no time limit. It stays with us forever. Ellen’s dear Sam-I-Am passed the following month.
Ellen went about her art and rescue work and July quickly passed into October. One day she sent me a picture of her latest rescue; a little Deer Mouse in very bad shape. I’ve seen Ellen work miracles with animals that looked like they weren’t going to make it, yet somehow, under her care, they thrive. I wasn’t too familiar with Deer Mice but knew that they were wild and have bigger eyes than a pet mouse. I looked at the picture she sent, looked again and gasped. His tail was broken in half. “She will know me by my eyes and tail.”
As Ellen cared for the little mouse, she discovered that although he is supposed to be wild and hard to handle, he really seemed to like her. He was so comfortable with her, that she was afraid to release him back into the wild, fearing he wouldn’t survive. She named him Button and while still trying to decide what to do, she sent me this email:
“Jeanne, I had to tell you that this mouse (Button) appears to have EXACTLY the same personality as Sam-I-Am did! He waves his head up and down the way Sam did when he greeted me. He moves the same way Sam did, which is different than other mice I’ve had and I can’t really describe it. He gets so excited when I put my hand in the cage and talk to him, and tonight he was trying to climb up my arm!”
Button became a beloved pet to Ellen. Fearing he would be lonely she was hoping to find another little rescue to keep him company. No sooner had she wished for this, when she received another injured Deer Mouse. She named her Little Bot and she became a beloved companion to Button. Ellen’s “magic touch” was at work again.
Button and Little Bot thriving under Ellen’s care
Button is gone now, but I’m happy to report that he lived a very happy life complete with a second wife and babies.
The other day Ellen told me how much one of her pet Rats reminded her of dear Sam-I-Am, with the same likes and behaviors. Hmmm. I wonder…..
The Story of Stumpy and Skittles *
You always hear about a dog’s loyalty to his owner. And everything you have heard is true. Their loyalty is legendary. But cats can be every bit as loyal to their beloved family as evidenced in the story of Stumpy and Skittles.
These two lovely ladies belong in the household of a wonderful family which consists of a Mom, Dad, two children, three horses, countless Gerbils, many barn cats and even a cow or two. It is a lively and loving home and I’ve had the pleasure of reading many of these pets.
I had done a few readings with Stumpy and Skittles previously and they are wonderful cats. Although they aren’t sisters, they have been brought up together and have always gotten along very well. That is why it was such a shock when their Mom, Tracy, called me with the news that there was suddenly a problem with them getting along.
Tracy is a fellow pet lover and a very loving pet mom. Her upset was evident as she related her story. Skittles had recently hurt her leg while running on the stairs and was limping. The vet assured her that it would be fine and that she had most likely just strained a muscle. He advised Tracy to keep an eye on her and not let her do too much until her leg was healed.
Tracy and her family were more than happy to help her out and began to carry her most anywhere she wanted t
o go. They wouldn’t let her jump up, but instead would lift her everywhere she wanted to be. It was shortly after this that the trouble started.
Stumpy, who had always been such a sweet cat, had suddenly started to slap Skittles every chance she got. Tracy was extremely upset at this behavior. She couldn’t believe that Stumpy was being this mean to Skittles especially with her being injured. She asked me to have a chat with them and find out what the problem was. She also wanted me to tell Skittles that if her leg didn’t improve soon, she would have to go back to the vet. Tracy was becoming concerned at the amount of time that had passed without improvement.
When I went into my communication, Skittles stayed in the background and Stumpy stomped up to me in a manner that made it clear she was very angry. I asked her why she had suddenly turned on Skittles who was recovering from an injury. Stumpy blurted out, “Aw…she’s milking it! She’s not hurt anymore. She just likes to be carried around like a little baby! She’s lying to Mom and it’s not right! So I’m letting her know it!” Stumpy went on to say that Skittles was enjoying the attention and the special treats and wasn’t about to give that up.
The Pet Psychic Diaries Page 1