Take Me!

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Take Me! Page 4

by Lily Harlem

  “Here we are,” Seth said, swinging the car off the main highway and navigating a roundabout. “Not long now.”

  Instantly they were on lanes—quaint lanes with thatched cottages and a church with a tall, pointed steeple.

  “Soon have you cozied up and safe,” Seth said.

  Megan wasn’t sure but there was tension in his voice, as though the weight of responsibility for her laid heavy on his shoulders.

  “Yes, I’ll be glad when that happens,” she said. “I really appreciate this, your help. Everything. Thank you.”

  “No thanks necessary. It’s my duty.”


  “Yes, to protect you.”

  She’d thought it an odd word to use but let it pass.

  There was traffic on the tree-lined road now, and the sunlight streamed through the trees creating a flickering pattern over the windscreen. It reminded Megan of ticker tape fluttering down, but not multi-colored, all green and gold and sparkling. There didn’t seem to be any sign of a big stately home.

  “Are we really nearly there?” she asked, feeling like a kid in the back of her parents’ car.

  Except this wasn’t kids play. This was as serious as it got.

  “Yes, honestly, it’s not far now.” He reached over and pressed his hand on her thigh. “Hang in there.”

  If it hadn’t been for her terrifying experience the night before, she could have fooled herself that she was simply heading off on a hot weekend with a hot guy.

  But that’s not the case.

  As they rounded a corner, huge black gates came into view. Either side were stone houses, standing slim but tall, guarding the entrance.

  “This is it.” Seth put his foot down, and the engine hummed.

  They sped up what appeared to be a private driveway, long and straight with a metal fence running alongside it and lined with old trees.

  Something about the way Seth gripped the wheel, stared ahead, made Megan’s blood heat. Fuck. He was sexy. There was no denying that.

  She knew she’d be hiding out for a while.

  She wondered what else would be in store.

  There was no way in hell she’d turn down getting her hands on his body. It had been a while since she’d had between-the-sheets fun. A bit of action with the sexiest guy she’d seen in a heck of a long time wouldn’t go amiss.

  But damn he was big.

  Was he big all over?

  Was he in proportion?

  She crossed her legs. Heat welling in her pussy.

  How could she be turned on now? With all that was going on? It didn’t seem right.

  But what the heart, or rather, what the body wanted, it wanted. There was no fighting it.

  Seth drove past a small field full of parked cars, then took a left.

  Megan gasped. Standing before her was a beautiful building built in pale stone. It was majestic, at least three stories high and with a red, chimney-filled roof. To each side of the main house were additions, equally grand though not quite as big.

  “Wow, it’s beautiful,” she said.

  “It is, very. It was built by a wealthy businessman years ago. The gardens are equally spectacular.”

  “Will I be able to have a look around them?”

  He shook his head. “Not until we have Bennington burning.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “The businessman was happy to sell us a wing on the east for a decent price as long as we promised never to sell it.”

  “Oh, really. Why?”

  Seth drove past the main part of the building and navigated down a small driveway that ran parallel to the side of the house. “He was grateful to us and wanted us to continue doing our important work for all eternity.”

  “Eternity, that’s a long time.” She paused, wondering if Seth would add to his statement. When he didn’t she asked, “Why was he grateful?”

  “His wife…” Seth drew the car to a halt and turned off the engine. “She was like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “Yes.” He cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. “She was beautiful.”

  Seth thinks I’m beautiful?

  A shiver of delight went through her. Maybe she was more than a job and a duty to him.

  “She was the exact type of woman a male vampire goes in search of,” Seth went on, his voice low. “And he needed our help.”

  “Which you gave.”

  He smiled. “I personally didn’t but my grandfather was one of the…men who tracked down and killed the vampire who’d set his sights on her.”

  “Wow.” She let what he’d said sink in. “And the husband made you, or your grandfather—”

  “The pack.” He stroked his thumb against the delicate patch of skin beneath her eye.

  “The pack…he still made you pay for the wing you have?”

  Seth chuckled and dropped his hand. “Well, he was a businessman after all, and a fabulously successful and wealthy one, too. He didn’t get that way by giving things out for free.”

  “I suppose.”

  “But the pack didn’t mind. They had the money and it meant they owned it fair and square.” He unbuckled and looked out of the window as though checking all was clear. “And now it’s time to show you your new home.”

  “New home? Well, hopefully it won’t be for too long. I have a flight back tomorrow. Work the day after.”

  “It will take as long as it takes and, until it’s done, you’re staying here.” He frowned. “And you’re staying with me for all of that time. Got it?”

  “Er…yeah. Got it.” Bloody hell. How would she explain to her headmistress she hadn’t turned up at school because she was hiding from a vampire in Southern Ireland? Not only that, but hiding with a big gorgeous guy who her imagination was running wild about—not just thoughts of his body and wondering what it would be like to get down and dirty with him, but also crazy musings about shifters and the big wolfy-dog she’d seen.

  Seth climbed from the car and slammed the door shut. He walked around the front, glancing about as he did so.

  “Come on,” he said, opening her door and offering his hand.

  Megan took it and stood. She then reached back inside for her rucksack that she’d stored in the footwell.

  “We shouldn’t linger,” Seth said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “You think he might be here?”

  “I think he might be wherever you are.” He set off at a brisk pace, urging her with him and keeping her close.

  Megan was quite happy to be close to Seth but the thought of Bennington being in the bushes to her left, or waiting around the next corner on her right wasn’t a fun one.

  “The entrance is just there, in that alcove,” Seth said. “You’ll meet Nia.”


  “Yes.” He paused as they turned to a wooden door set into the wall. “She’s one of the pack.”

  Pack. Shifter…?

  Sitting in front of the door was a giant of a dog. Nearly as big as the one Megan had seen the night before. Except this one was the palest gray, wolf-gray. Its coat was shaggy, its ears pointed, and its eyes a startling blue.

  It stared straight at Megan.

  “Wow.” Megan stared right back. “That is one big dog.”

  “She prefers to be called a wolf.” Seth stepped up and stroked the wolf between its ears. “Which is what she is.”

  Nia closed her eyes and stretched her neck so he could tickle her chin.

  “A wolf? Is that legal here?”

  “Part of the deal we made with the businessman we bought the place off. Our wolves are free to roam.”

  “Don’t they…attack the visitors?”

  “No, of course not.” Seth tutted as though the suggestion were ridiculous.

  “Does Rose have a wolf?” Megan asked, thinking of the big black one in the apartment.

  Seth’s face softened. “Yes, she has several.” He stopped tickling the wolf who’d seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the
attention. “We should go inside. The coast is clear.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes.” He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He pushed it open.

  The creak reminded Megan of a special effect in a horror movie. Except this was no movie.

  “Come on,” he said, holding out his hand again.

  Megan looked at Nia, wondering if she wanted to get so close to the huge wolf. Her mouth was slightly parted as she panted quietly, her big teeth plain to see.

  “Nia won’t hurt you,” Seth said. “She’s here to protect you. To guard this door and make sure no one steps over the threshold who shouldn’t.”

  “Oh. I see.” Megan pulled in a deep breath, stepped past the wolf in the narrow space, and took Seth’s hand.

  Seth smiled and gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze.

  “Let’s get this locked,” Seth said when they were both inside.

  She watched as he used the key, then slid several big black bolts into place. It all seemed a bit prison-like. Megan hoped he’d been true to his word and the place she had to hide out in was nice, because this was just a cold, shadowy hallway that smelled of old musty fabric.

  “We’ll head straight up,” Seth said.

  Without letting go of her hand, he led her up the wide wooden staircase. The walls were stone, the same chalky color as the outside of the building. A suit of armor stood halfway up, on the bend.

  They came to another big, heavy door, much like the outside one, except this one didn’t have a brass knocker.

  Again Seth took out a key and unlocked it.

  He paused. “Once we’re in the apartment, that’s it. You stay until we get the all clear and no one steps over the threshold without my say so, okay?”

  “Yes. Okay.” She could hear the slight shake in her voice. Her holiday, that she’d looked forward to for so long, had turned into a jail sentence.

  “Don’t look so worried. We’re in the best place.”

  Much to her surprise, he stooped and brushed his lips over hers.

  She caught her breath. The touch of his mouth, though brief, had sent a shot of arousal through her.

  He pulled his gaze from hers, and opened the door.

  Immediately, she could see it was a bright and sunny space. The carpet was a pale green and the walls a creamy yellow. Huge stone windows allowed the light to pour in and spread over a plush three-piece sofa set.

  An enormous marble fireplace was set ready to be lit and, above its mantel, hung a framed picture of wolves running across a mountaintop covered in snow.

  “What do you think?” Seth asked as he carefully locked the door.

  “It’s lovely. Not what I was expecting. Very majestic.”

  “Well, we are in a very regal home.”

  “Mmm…” She kicked off her shoes and walked into the living area.

  “Through here,” Seth said, heading through an archway, “is the kitchen, and it should be stocked.” He pulled open the door of a refrigerator neatly hidden in the dark oak units. “Yes, good.”

  “I think it’s considerably better than the hotel I would have been in. That was only fifty Euros a night. Would probably have given me fleas.”

  “Ick, fleas.” He shuddered.

  She chuckled. “You don’t like fleas?”

  “Who does?”

  “I guess.”

  “And through here.” He stepped from the kitchen and through another archway, though this one had a heavy navy blue curtain covering it. He paused and hooked it back with a large golden tassel. “Is the bedroom.”

  Bedroom as in singular?

  She looked in. This room had a completely different feel to it than the living room. It was more of a boudoir with rich, scarlet wallpaper flecked with gold. The carpet, like the curtain, was deep blue, and a purple chaise longue sat by the window, which had its blue drapes half drawn.

  But what caught Megan’s attention was the enormous four-poster bed that dominated the back wall. It was made of dark polished wood, the canopy billowing downward in the center, and the material tied to the posts a yellowish-gold with shots of red darting through it.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes, very much. I’ve always wanted to…you know. Sleep in a four-poster bed. Very romantic.”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  A flush rose on her chest and went up her neck. Within seconds heat was burning her cheeks. “I mean, not that we… you see I know we’re not…romantic that is, and I didn’t think—”

  He laughed and pressed his index fingers to her lips to silence her. “I know what you mean. It is very romantic and, dare I say it, erotic too. Just think of all the lovers who’ve been in this room over the years. Their love and souls and pleasure seem to fill the air.” He moved his finger. “Don’t you think?”

  “Yes. I guess.” She paused. “So how many times have you stayed here before? You know, with damsels in distress such as myself.”



  “Nope, a couple of guys I’ve helped out, when female vampires have been on the hunt for them, but to tell you the truth, sharing a bed with them didn’t appeal.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed, her throat suddenly tight. “And it does appeal with me? Sharing a bed that is?”

  “I wouldn’t be a hot-blooded man if it didn’t.” He reached for her hand, turned it over and drew her palm to his mouth, kissing the center. “Megan, I may be many things but I’m not presumptuous. Rest assured, your virtue is safe with me.”

  “Okay, well, thank you, I think, on behalf of myself and my virtue.”

  He grinned and dropped her hand. “Come on, let’s get a drink. I want to show you the view.”

  Chapter Five

  Megan sipped the glass of red wine Seth had poured her, and studied the vista from the window in the lounge area.

  Dusk was drawing in, and Sugarloaf Mountain in the distance was becoming washed in shadow, turning almost black.

  But she could still make out the grounds surrounding the house. The lawns were immaculate, the stone walls high, and a large lake, surrounded by reeds, glistened in the distance. Earlier, when it was lighter, she’d admired the statue in the center of the lake, two huge winged horses that rose from the depths.

  “Do you want to finish this game?” Seth asked from where he lounged on the sofa.

  “No.” She didn’t look his way. “I’ve had enough of chess for one day.” In truth, she’d had enough of chess years ago. Her grandmother had made her play it endlessly instead of being allowed to watch TV whenever she’d been sent to stay, which was a lot. But playing with Seth had passed the time and it had been a long day. She couldn’t help but wish she was with her friends, though, partying in Dublin without a care in the world.

  Something in the shadows caught her attention. It was a creature, running alongside a wall at a fast, galloping pace. She peered closer. “Seth…”


  “There’s something out there.”

  He was at her side in a flash, his shoulder touching hers. “Where?”

  “By that wall, moving at speed.” Her heart rate had picked up. Was it him? Bennington?

  “Yes, I see it. No panic, it’s just Abraham.”


  “Yes, he’s one of the pack. He’s doing a check of the perimeter, likely been doing that all day.”

  “Well, that’s good.”

  “Yes, it is. But we should shut these curtains. If Bennington is out there, then seeing you standing here, like this, will just increase his thirst, make him all the more determined.”

  “He seems pretty determined as it is.” She shuddered at the thought of him hiding in the woods, waiting for the cover of darkness and then sneaking in with his fangs at the ready.

  Seth snapped the big curtains closed and turned to her. “I won’t let him hurt you, I promise.”

  “Can you really promise that?”

bsp; He set his hands on her shoulders. “I can promise to do everything in my power to make sure he doesn’t hurt you.” He paused. “I’d lay down my life to protect you.”

  “Well, I hope that won’t be necessary.” She smiled sadly and glanced away. “Really, I do.”

  “Hey.” He tipped her chin so she had to look at him again. “Why the mood change? You’ve been okay all afternoon, upbeat.”

  “I guess it’s just the dark. Everything seems scary, much worse at night, doesn’t it?”

  “But it’s not. In here, nothing has changed.”

  She glanced away again. She wished it would. That he wouldn’t worry about her virtue so much. Did he like her that way or not? All afternoon, their banter had been friendly not flirty. She’d caught him looking at her a few times, but only the way many men did, with that slightly fascinated expression, as if drinking her in.

  He took the glass of wine from her hand and set it aside.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said.

  She shook her head.

  “Please.” He frowned. “You’ve got me worried, baby.”


  “It’s just…”

  “What?” He stroked his hand over her hair. “What is it?”

  “It’s just…” Fuck it, she might as well just blurt it out. “It’s just my friends, they’ll all be having a wonderful time. We were hitting a club tonight, near Grafton Street. I’d saved up for six months for this trip. Looked forward to it, I needed a break. Hell, I needed some fun.”

  “And you’re not having it?”

  “What do you think?”

  He said nothing.

  “I’d planned on drinking, dancing, perhaps…you know.”

  “No, I don’t.” He shook his head.

  “Well, maybe meeting a nice Irish boy, having a bit of romance in my life for a change.”

  “For a change? You must have plenty of offers?” He bit on his bottom lip.

  She watched how the flesh paled slightly as his teeth pressed down. “Yes, but not generally from anyone who I want to take up on those offers. And since Colin, the prick, there’s been no one.”

  “So who is Colin the Prick?”

  “My cheating bastard of an ex.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “He cheated on you?”

  “Yep, multiple times before I found out. And he still would be if I hadn’t caught him in the act and dumped his sorry ass.”


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