The Devils Apprentice

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by Cilla Lee

  I still remember going to the clubhouse for the first time; I was so scared. The building was a huge warehouse fully fenced, bikes cars men and women everywhere. Most of the women were half-naked, people were openly having sex while others watched. Loud music smoke alcohol laughter even a fight or two but most of all I remember watching the twins. It wasn't the first time I'd seen them, they were always at the strip club, but when I'd seen them at the clubhouse, I'd seen them in their element.

  Walking to the toilet I'd seen Oki was making out with some women who only had on a g-string, I tried to cover my eyes, but it was hard not to see it. I made my way past a large kitchen where I heard moaning, and I peeked in the door seeing both of the twins had a woman between them one was fucking her while the other was getting his dick sucked. I watched the moans groans, and other noises of pleasure that came from all three, as one of them sped up his pace the women yelled and sucked the other one’s dick harder. I stepped back and leaned up against the wall, and just listened as all three of them came their orgasmic moans making me hot. I stepped into the bathroom, just as I heard them moving around. Unfortunately, that wasn't the last time that I'd seen the twins in that position, with one of the women who lived at the clubhouse. I would sometimes imagine myself as one of the women having both twins but as I got to know them, Jaxson stood out more than Jordan and even though they are identical. I started to be able to tell them apart, Jordan was the serious twin Jaxson was more relaxed. The things I'd dreamed about doing with Jaxson would wake me up most nights, but he wasn't a settling down type always with the whores at the clubhouse. I wanted normal one on one relationship; I wanted the Prince Charming. Getting out of bed I head to the bathroom and run into Bliss (bloody Tiny and the club-whores, I so need my own space) I put on my fake smile “Morning Bliss.”

  “Morning Tink, heard you had a date last night” she winks at me

  “Oh yeah, how do you know?”

  “Honey your gonna learn there’s nothing secret at the clubhouse” I watch as she walks down the hallway

  “Shit” I whisper to myself.

  Standing under the water, I worry if Jaxson knows about my date (fuck I bet he does) I feel instantly scared that he knows (why do you care he doesn’t) I get out of the shower and get dressed in my usual attire, graphic t-shirt today is power-puff girls. I know stupid, but I love all cartoons. I'm a kid at heart. I put on my blue jeans and dry and twirl my hair up into a messy bun and head into my room for my chucks “Morning Tink” Lilly says to me as I walk in and sit, I stare at her not saying anything, and she frowns back at me “What?” I raise one of my eyebrows the universal signal for you know what you fucking did; she just stares “What?” she says again and I can see Bliss standing at the kitchen counter enjoying the show

  “Did you tell the guys at the clubhouse I was on a date” I see the look of guilt on her face “You bitch” I yell just as Stryker walks in

  “Watch your mouth Tink,” he says to me, and I don't even look at him but stare straight at Lilly but address him

  “Fuck off Stryker and mind your own damn business.”

  “The fuck you just say” I turn to him.

  “I... said.... and... mind...your…. own......damn.... business,” I say every word slowly to make my point when he grabs me by the back of the neck, Lilly jumps up and grabs his arm yelling for him to stop. Stryker leans down and pulls me to him at the same time, and I feel his breath on my cheek and ear

  “Watch who the fuck your talking to Tink, I love Lilly and won't have you talkin’ to my women like that, sister or not” I push him away and give him the evil eye (fucking asshole and fuck Lilly too) I stand up and walk straight to the front door, and leave slamming it on my way out. I'm so pissed off, so I decide to walk to work or more like speed walking to work. My heart rate beating a hundred miles an hour, I'm so angry and a bit scared. I've seen Stryker pissed off before, but the look I just saw was like the devil himself possessing him (note to self-don't piss Stryker off). By the time I make it to work Cuff's already there, and the second I walk in I see him lift his phone and type something (no doubt reporting my ware abouts to Stryker Lilly or Tiny)

  “Hey darlin’ you're early,” he says


  “Had a good time last night” I smile at him really not in the mood to talk, but I did have a lot of fun

  “It was fun wasn't it,” I tell him, and he smiles at me

  “You like this Markus guy than,” he asks me, and I look at him

  “I do” he just nods not saying anything “Your date,” I tell him, and he smiles

  “She was more than fun darlin’” he winks, but I scrunch my nose at him (that's the last thing I want to think about Cuff and Trixy)

  “That's gross, and I defiantly do not want that image in my head” he laughs a big belly laugh pulling me to him hugging me, and I hug him back.

  Lunch comes up fast; my morning has been hunched over a woman getting a tree of life with her family names entwined in the branches. It's taken over an hour, and my back is starting to ache thank god, I've finished “That was a real nice job Tink, you’re coming along really well” Socket tells me.

  “Thanks, Socket it means a lot to me that you guys have given me this chance.”

  “You’re a natural Tink, don't doubt it,” he tells me just as Lilly walks in sitting down with us. She doesn't say anything, she just grabs my hand and squeezes it. She has tears in her eyes, and I instantly feel like shit, since she walked in this morning I've ignored her. Socket gets up leaving us alone

  “I'm sorry” is all she says

  “Why did you tell the club.”

  “I didn't; I told Jaxson.”

  “Jaxson why?”

  “He kept asking where you were and I just lost my temper and blurted it out I'm sorry.”

  “It's fine Lilly.”

  “I'm sorry about Stryker” I remember his hand on my neck squeezing but not too hard just enough to say you fucked up.

  “No, I was pissed off, I shouldn't have spoken to him like that, I'll apologize when I see him.”

  “You don't have to,” she says

  “I do, he's done a lot, and I sounded like a spoilt brat this morning” the silence between us is deafening

  “So how was your date” she finally asks, I smile as she squeezes my hand again.

  “It was really good; I had loads of fun.”


  “Yeah,” I say smiling again

  “Who won” I laugh

  “You’re not going to believe me” she frowns.


  “It was Cuff's date, Trixy.”

  “Cuff's date how? What? How?” she says not understanding.

  “Cuff and his date joined Markus, and I and the four of us bowled”

  “Cuff....bowling” I smile.


  “Ok start at the beginning I'm so confused.”

  I tell her about Markus and I bowling first than Cuff and all about Trixy she laughs than I tell her about Markus leaning to try and control the ball. Also, about Cuff falling on his ass when his foot went too far onto the lane and Trixy coming to his aid and kissing his boo-boo or more like giving him a tongue resuscitation it was disgusting watching. Both of them practically fucking on the lane way floor. Lilly just laughs harder which starts me off and before we know it were laughing so hard I have tears falling and my stomach aches

  “What the fuck are you two laughing at,” Cuff says as he walks in and when we both look at him we laugh harder.



  I'm fuckin’ desperate to see Tink, but I'm not as well. What if she had fun with the douche, fuck what if she wants to date him (fuck I wanna punch something) “What crawled up your ass” Jordan asks me as he walks into the kitchen

  “Nothing,” I tell him

  “Nothing” he repeats.

  “Yeah fuckin’ nothing.”

  “Is this
about Tink and the douche.”

  “No,” I say lying

  “Fuckin’ hell Jaxson pull your fuckin’ ass out of your head and either fuck her out of your system or get one of the bitches to suck you off or fuck your brains out, man.”

  “Fuck off Jordan,” I tell him and he laughs at me.


  I'm at the clubhouse later that day when Tink Lilly Cuff, and Socket walk in. Lilly walks straight over to Stryker who's playing pool with Colt. I watch Tink walk over slowly towards them, and she says something to Stryker, and he pulls her to him giving her a noogie. I smile as Cuff and Socket get to the bar, and I pull out two beers for them without them asking.

  “What's that about?” I gesture towards Tink and Stryker

  “Had an argument” is all Cuff says, I watch as Tink pushes Stryker away from her and he grabs Lilly around the neck pulling her to him and kisses her hard his other and grabbing her ass. Tink walks towards us, and my heart beat picks up she's so fuckin’ cute in her graphic t-shirt (power-puff girls) I smile, she's always in t-shirts with some sort of cartoon character on them

  “Hey,” she says to me, and I smile keeping all emotions out of my demeanor

  “Hey what can I get ya Tink,” I ask her

  “Just a soda please,” she says blushing, and my dick instantly gets hard, our fingers touch as I hand her the drink and goosebumps appear on her arm (yeah, I feel it to baby) she sits on the bar stools next to Cuff

  “So, Cuff are we going to see more of Trixy,” she asks him as I wipe down the counter, Socket laughs shaking his head at what Tink just said

  “Maybe” is all Cuff says, and I wonder how Tink knows Trixy. Cuff brought her to a few club parties; she looks like the typical biker trophy bitch big fuckin’ tits skinny as fuck blonde and ready to fuck.

  The moment Tink mentions the douches name, I smash the glass I had in my hand. They all turn to look at me as Summer comes around the bar “Fuck Jaxson, your hand” she says as she grabs my hand, I don't give a fuck about my hand, I just stare at Tink, she looks in shock, but she also looks pissed

  “Jaxson” I hear my name and feel someone wrapping my hand “You need stitches” I finally look down at the blood-soaked towel.

  “Shit,” I say as Summer holds my hand up

  “Come on man I'll take you” Cuff.

  I watch Tink the whole time, pissed because she had fun with the douche but more pissed at myself (why the fuck didn't I kiss her back). Her lips haunt my dreams, I fuckin’ want her so much she consumes me. But all she's looking at is Summer holding my arm.


  Sitting in the hospital cubicles, I lay back on the bed holding my hand to my chest “So, what's with the… hulk smash” I look at Cuff


  “You smashing the glass with your hand fuckhead” I look down at the blood-soaked cloth.

  “It was an accident.”

  “An accident.”


  “That happened when Tink said; she had fun with the Markus” I growl at his name

  “Don't say that fuckers name?” I tell him

  “Dude she had fun.”


  “Don't you want her to be happy.”

  “Of course, I fuckin’ do.”

  “Then let it play out man, last night she was laughin’ and havin’ fun.”

  “With the douche.”

  “Look, man, I know he seems like a tool, but he was a complete gentleman to her and chicks eat that shit up” I look at him

  “You like him.”

  “Don't get it fuckin’ twisted, I said he treated her right, but come on he's a fuckin’ English teacher” I smile “Just let her see where it goes, is all I'm sayin’. If he fucks up, where there for her” I lay back on the bed when the nurse comes in, and Cuff goes into player mode.

  Chapter Seven


  The moment I mentioned Markus’s name, I heard breaking glass spinning around to see Jaxson's hand all bloody. Of course, there was Summer to the rescue; I watched the way she wrapped his hand and held onto him. My anger spiking, to jump over the bar and beat the shit out of her. But I didn't he doesn't want me, he does confuse me though. When he came to the shop for his tattoo and kept calling me baby and the way his hands felt on my back rubbing tiny circles, god he had me so wet and hot if we weren't interrupted I think I would have made a fool of myself and tried to kiss him again. I watch as he walks out with Cuff holding his hand up and Summer following like a lost puppy “Fucking bitch” I say

  “Who?” Socket says, and I look at him


  “You said fuckin’ bitch, who you talkin’ about?” I instantly feel my face go red and I bite my lip, Socket laughing “Didn't mean to say that out loud huh” I shake my head, and he smiles “Your secrets safe with me Tink” he winks walking over to the seats grabbing Gypsy, and she sits on his lap, I frown (asshole he's supposed to be with Jewel) I shake my head and walk back over to the pool tables with Lilly Stryker, and Colt.

  “What happened with Jaxson?” Lilly asks me

  “He cut his hand; Cuff's taking him to get stitches.”

  “Shit hope it's not too bad.”

  “Yeah, I hope not,” I say giving her a smile

  We watch the guys play pool for a while, and the other Old Ladies join us and before we know it shots are being poured and I know I'm waking up tomorrow with a hangover.


  I wake the next morning, and my mouth feels like I have cotton wool in it it's so dry, my head pounding. Even my heartbeat is making my head ache, I lay there and pull my pillow over my head to keep the sunlight from burning my irises and flashes of last night come to mind.

  After Niya and the other girls joined us, everyone was so interested in my date with Markus. I told them all about it, and how I had a lot of fun and about Cuff and Trixy. It seemed that Lena wasn't a fan of Trixy “She a fucking bitch, she tried to get Tank to sleep with her a few times” she tells us, and we all looked at her.

  “Really,” Abbey asks.

  “Yeah but my man told her to fuck off, he wasn't interested in used pussy” she smiles and we all laugh.

  “So Tink are you going give Markus a go,” Abbey asks me, and I nod, she was the one to get us together

  “Yeah, he's nice.”

  “I knew it; he talks about you all the time” I smile at that knowing he's thinking about me, but I also feel a bit guilty because I always think of Jaxson.

  “We'll see where it goes,” I tell her

  “Well, a toast than to Tink and her new man” we all clink our drinks laughing. We play a few games of pool girls against boys, the guys flirting with their women trying putting them off. I sit watching Niya and Lilly play against Colt and Stryker when I see Cuff walk in and sitting at the bar but Jaxson's not with him, so I get up and walk over to him.

  “Hey, how's Jaxson's hand,” I ask him

  “Good, got stitches and he has to take it easy”

  “Where is he?”

  “Talking to his brother outside” I look towards the door as Jordan walks in a few minutes later but still no Jaxson (where is he). I get up and walk back to the pool tables but change my mind and go outside to see where Jaxson is. The night air blows around me it's still a little chilly, but it's a nice chill. I look around, but I can't see Jaxson anywhere, I get a feeling of da ja vu. I head to the corner of the building where I see Jaxson with his pants to his knees and Summer with her skirt pushed up over her hips and one of her legs curled around his. He's fucking her hard the sound of their skin slapping together has my heart breaking a little bit more, she moans as he lowers his head and sucks on her tits. Tears cloud my vision, and I step back and head back inside (why do I keep coming here)


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