The Devils Apprentice

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The Devils Apprentice Page 9

by Cilla Lee

  “Business, that girl looked like she was thirteen, man,” I tell him

  “Like I said, its business” I wanna rip his fuckin’ head off, I feel sick to my stomach knowing only feet away young girls are being beaten and raped all for the mighty dollar (fuckin’ pricks a dead man)

  We get to the end of the hallway, and Reyes opens a large door, as we walk in, I look around again two doors no cameras that I can see, he sits at a large desk “Sit boys get comfortable” we both sit in the seats facing him

  “So,” Jordan says, and he looks at Jordan

  “Are you always the one that talks for the both of you.”

  “Yes,” Jordan says, and I just smile

  “Ok let’s get down to business than” he takes a deep breath and pulls out a cigar from a small box on his desk “I would like you both to fight for me, I'll pay you fifty thousand each fight.”

  “Fifty-grand” Jordan says


  “What's the catch” a match like that with that sort of purse underground there’s always a catch

  “It's a fight where only one man leaves on his feet.”

  “Are you fuckin’ serious” Jordan says

  “Look I owe a lot of people money, and I need this, theirs an up and coming match with big players in town and I've been given a choice to have two fighters on the list. I've been watching you both, your good, very good you’re in it for the kill, you especially” he says to me

  “A million each” Jordan says, and Reyes looks at both of us.


  “And we get paid before we fight.”

  “Half before, half after,” Reyes says but Jordan shakes his head

  “No, I think we’ll have the money up front.”

  “Then how will I know you’ll show.”

  “For a payday like that we’ll be there, but we get paid before we step into the cage.”

  “Deal,” Reyes says again.

  “When's the match,” Jordan asks.

  “In two days.”

  “Two days.”


  “How will we get in touch with you” he opens a draw throwing Jordan a burner phone.

  “I'll message you the address in two days, no more fighting until than”

  “We need to fight; we need the money” he opens another draw and throws Jordan a wad of cash

  “That'll keep you for two days.”

  As we make it outside, we head to the SUV that brought us “Remember boys train, keep healthy and get some sleep your gonna need all your energy” we watch as he walks back inside the monstrosity of a house.


  “YOU WHAT?” is yelled down the phone and I cringe looking at my brother, who is talking to Preacher on the phone.

  “Yes” “No” “Yes,” Jordan says into the phone Preacher is pissed, Jordan hangs up the phone and sighs.

  “What'd he, say,” I ask him

  “What the fuck do you think he said?”

  “I don't know, that he's not happy” Jordan frowns at me.

  “Jaxson if we fuck this up where dead in the ring.”

  “Right but we won't, so don't stress,” I tell him

  “I'm not worried about the fight; I'm worried about the club killing us for fuckin’ up.”

  “Dude we've got this,” I tell him

  “I fuckin’ hope so,” he says

  “I'm heading to bed you should too, we've got a fight to get ready for.”

  “You think we'll make it to the fight.”

  “No idea,” I tell him not sure if Preacher will take us out for not following orders

  “Jaxson” I turn and look at him.

  “Jordan we've got this ok, we're gonna help Preacher get his man” he nods at me

  “Yeah, your right.”

  “Aren't I always” he laughs giving me the finger.

  As I lay in bed that night, I think of that girl on the bed. I'm all for tying a girl to the bed for fun, but an underage girl who's being forced, that shits just not on.


  We train hard for the next few days even if we don't make it to the fight; it's better to be safe than sorry “Just got the address” Jordan says walking into the kitchen

  “Right where is it”

  “Your, not gonna believe this.”


  “One of the warehouses close to the clubhouse.”

  “Fuck off your joking.”

  “Nope just talked to Preacher he's got a few of the boys scouting it out now.”

  “This is it, brother, I can feel our leathers on our backs, it's in the palm of our hands” he smiles at me

  “Let’s just get through this ok.”


  Getting to the warehouse later that afternoon I was feeling nervous, not about the fight but this is us showing the club were worth the patch “You made it” Reyes says as we get out of the piece of shit car that we bought for five hundred bucks, our bikes are being kept at the clubhouse for safekeeping or scrap if we fuck this up.

  “Yeah,” Jordan says

  “So, what's the plan?”

  “Jordan you'll be fighting a guy name of Micheal Stronoff.”

  “Micheal Stronoff the Punisher” Jordan says, and I know exactly who he's talking about. A big fuckin’ Russian with the fists of steel they say

  “Jaxson your fighting Carlos Istan aka Romeo.”

  “Romeo,” I say, and he smiles at me

  “Don't let the title throw you, he's good,” he tells me

  “Where’s our money,” Jordan asks Reyes, and Reyes smiles

  “Straight to the point, I like you Jordan” he hands us both a large bag.

  “Two million as promised, now win boys.”

  “And if we lose.”

  “Then I walk in here and get my money back because you’ll be dead.”

  “Right let’s head in and get this shit done,” Jordan says. We’re fighting tonight for us and the club when Jordan told Preacher all about us agreeing to fight he wasn't happy, but when he told him that Reyes is betting over a million on our fights that got his interest. If we win Reyes will come out with a cool five mill each fight and tonight is cash only fights no markers nothing but cold hard cash. Once we win and Reyes gets his money the club intend to ambush the dumbass on the way home sounds easy, but we've got to win first. The first couple of fights start, and the thundering crowd is unbelievable. There are so many bodyguards hanging around, men with guns and a lot of rich fuckers. Preacher and the other members are lying in wait for Reyes, even a couple at his house just in case “You nervous” Jordan asks, and I nod my head “You've got this ok” he says hugging me tightly

  “Jordan” is all I say but he smiles.

  “We've.... got......this,” he says, and we put our foreheads together, Jordan and I have always been close, I wouldn’t know what to do without him “Let’s get this shit done,” he says

  I'm up first and as I walk to the cage the roar of the crowd is deafening. As I climb into the cage I see my opponent, stocky short much shorter than my 6' 4'' he's about 5'9'' not too muscly across his chest is a huge eagle tattoo. I bounce up and down and stretch, the bell rings and we pace around each other Istan moves forward and swings a punch he's fast, and I dodge the first hit a few more blows and the fight is on. The bell rings again these fights are five-minute intervals or until someone’s dead. The bell rings again, and I'm sick of this shit I go in for the kill, and within minutes Istan is on the ground, and I'm pounding him in the face over and over until I'm dragged off of him, and I realize Istan is nothing but mush where his face use to be. I jump up all the adrenaline in my body pumping me up I roar at the crowd, and it erupts even louder. I walk back to the locker room where Jordan is waiting he hugs me as soon as he sees me “Good job” is all he says, and the door opens

  “You’re up,” a guy says to Jordan, and I pull him in for a hug

  “Do your job” I whisper to him, and he smiles, I know he didn't watch m
y fight, and I won't watch his. I head to the showers and wash away all the blood off of me, the roar of the crowd is so loud and I pace the room determined not to look you can tell when someone lands a hit cause the crowd erupts into cheers. I listen and watch the clock and know it's been four rounds Jordan must be fuckin’ tired by now. All I know is if that door opens and someone tells me that Jordan's dead Michael Stronoff won't be alive by morning the fucker will get a nice hot bullet to the head for killing my brother.

  Time seems to slow when the crowd explodes and I know the fight is over, I'm frozen on the spot waiting for the door to open, my palms sweating when Jordan walks in and I take the first deep breath since he left. I grab him just as he's about to fall “Fuck Jordan you look like shit” he smiles, and the once one missing tooth smile is now a four-missing tooth smile

  “I need to sit down,” he says, and I help him over to the bench when the door opens again and Reyes walks in all smiles.

  “Boy’s boy’s boy’s you've surprised me, that was a hell of a fuckin’ fight” we both look at him “Ok party back at mine, and I won't take no for an answer” Jordan smiles, he knew that Reyes would say that

  “Give us a minute, and we'll be out” the fuckhead smiles again, the second the door closes I text Preacher

  'package on way be about Twenty'


  “Ok let’s get you cleaned up” It doesn't take long to get Jordan cleaned up and before we know it, were sitting in a limo with Reyes and two bitches. The gun that I have is burning a hole in my back. I notice where we are on the route, I press my leg to Jordan's he nods, and the limo slows down

  “What the fuck,” Reyes says and the partition that's between the driver and passengers slides down

  “Sorry, sir there's an accident.”

  “Well get around it,” Reyes says as the partition goes back up, Reyes is so into the two bitches who are laughing and giggling that he doesn't hear the sound of the car doors opening up front. Jordan smiles just as the car moves again and I sit back knowing that the club now have what they want Jordan and I are Two-mill up, and we can go home. The limo pulls into a warehouse but Reyes still hasn't noticed, and as soon as the door is opened and he goes to get out he freezes reaching for a gun Jordan, and I pull out our weapons. Reyes stops and holds his hands up swearing at us in Spanish I smile

  “Out” is all we say in unison, the second we're out of the limo Reyes is confronted by Preacher who's smiling.

  “Well boys you did good, even made me a tidy sum, Razor's gonna be pleased” I smile thinking of home, Reyes turns to us.

  “You know these fuckers” a fist is thrown, and Reyes drops to the floor, and the girls scream in fear of a warehouse full of bikers with weapons

  “What do we do with the bitches?” Hawk says

  “Get rid of them,” Preacher says, and the girls are pulled outside, their cries can be heard even from inside when two shots ring out, and two thuds heard, Jordan looks at me be I stay still

  “Well, motherfucker where's my money,” Preacher asks Reyes, he doesn't say anything, but I go to the back of the limo and open the secret compartment that I saw one of his men open. I pull out the two duffle bags and throw them in front of Reyes, so he sees. I smile as he gives me the evil eye, he swears again, and a kick is thrown into his gut as he struggles to breathe, the guys all laughing

  “Hammer count the money” Preacher says as Hammer takes the bags over to a table with a couple of money counting machines “So, you thought it was ok to rip me off,” Preacher says to Reyes, but Reyes doesn't say anything to anyone apart from a swear word here and there.

  “It's all hear boss,” Hammer says, and Preacher smiles

  “Well Reyes” he says leaning down and pulling his head back, so Reyes is looking into his eyes “I hate to tell ya, but your worthless life has come to an end” he stands up pulls out a gun and points it at Reyes who I have to give it to him so far hasn't begged like a bitch for his life. But Preacher stops and looks at Jordan and me smiling “Boys I think this one should be yours” he gestures for me and Jordan to deal with Reyes. The face of the teenage girl pops into my head, and I crack my knuckles (oh I fuckin’ want this)

  Jordan and I take it in turns to beat break and torture Reyes, I'm not one of those bloodthirsty people but doing this knowing this fucker sells little girls is so fuckin’ satisfying. In the end, Reyes begs for his life, and Jordan hands me a cut-throat razor, and I slide it deep into Reyes' throat making sure it hurts. His blood sprays my hand as I glide it alone his neck, his eyes bulge as his grasps for air his hands trying to pull his skin back together is something that will be forever etched into my brain. As I watch the last bit of life fade from his eyes, I don't feel anything for this man. A hand slaps me on the back, and I turn to see Preacher smiling at me.

  “Boys you've out surpass yourselves, that was a show I'm never going to forget, you've got this good guy bad guy thing a Saint and Sinner complex both of you, I fuckin’ love it” he laughs “Let’s get back to the clubhouse I need to get laid” he places his arms over Jordan and my shoulders and we follow him outside.


  We spend the next two days relaxing and partying; the club is getting ready for their annual run to Sturgis and Razor told us just to ride with Oregon Chapter. I can't fuckin’ wait to get home, but the Sturgis run is where they'll decide if we get patched in.

  Chapter Twelve


  The dinner with Markus’s parents was interesting, I felt like such a fraud in the dress. The heels I loved, but the effort I had to put in just going out to dinner just didn't feel worth it. “So, KC, where are you from” Markus’s mother, had asked me

  “A small town in Idaho,” I tell her, and she scrunches her nose slightly but smiles

  “Idaho well I can honestly say I haven't been there, are your parents still there.”

  “No” is all I say not wanting to elaborate on my upbringing.

  “Do you have any siblings.”


  “Mother please leave Tink be” Marcus tell her

  “I'm just curious about the women my son is dating that's all, I'm sure I haven't been too nosy isn't that right KC,” she asks me.

  “No” is all I say again and Markus’s Dad clears his throat, and Maria looks at him

  “KC's business is her own dear, I'm sure if she wants us to know anything she'll tell us” I smile at him but his mother seems pissed. The rest of the night I sit and watch how Markus and his family interact and it's a lot different from Lilly and I where we just flow, they all seem very uptight and very formal. How can anyone live like that? By dessert, I just wanted to leave and rip this horrible dress off and lay in a pair of sweats on the couch and veg. I smile at that thought and try and imagine Markus’s mother being like that I bet she doesn't even own a pair of sweatpants. As we walk out of the restaurant, Markus has his hand at the small of my back guiding me through the doors. He's so sweet, and I really like that about him, but I just don't feel that electric buzz I get when I'm near Jaxson (damn Jaxson where are you) even after bugging Stryker and Tiny they wouldn't tell me anything so I tried Socket and Cuff still nothing. I was so annoyed I just wanted to make sure he was ok.

  “You ok Tink” Markus whispers but I just smile.

  “All good” he kisses me on the cheek opening the car door for me.

  “Well KC dear it was a pleasure to me you,” Markus’s father says kissing me on the cheek as well his mother stepping forward to kiss me on the cheek but never makes contact.

  “Lovely to meet you KC” is all she says kissing Markus on the cheek

  “Good night mother, Dad,” he says, and I wonder why he's so formal with his Mom and not with his Dad. As we pull up to his house, I turn to look at him

  “Are you not taking me home.”

  “I thought you would like to stay the night” I really don't, but I don't say anything. I get out of the car, and Markus waits for me at the front of the ca

  “You really do look stunning Tink,” he says, and I smile

  “Thank you” we walk into his cold black and grey house, and I shiver

  “Are you cold,” he asks me

  “Just a little” even though it's not the heat of the house it's the atmosphere of it.

  “Would you like a drink.”

  “That would be nice.”


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