Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5)

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Dangerous Silence (O'Connor Brothers Book 5) Page 22

by Rhonda Brewer

  “Smash said all the video is up and working around the house and your parent’s place.” Hulk opened the door. “Keep that thing out here.”

  When Cougar jumped down from the couch and headed toward the room, Hulk slammed the door.

  “Ha cat, I’m smarter than you,” Hulk shouted through the closed door.

  “That’s not something to brag about,” Mike called out.

  Billie plopped next to Mike on the couch and watched as he scrolled through the guide. Neither of them spoke, but she could feel the tension in his body. He’d argued with Steve and John about leaving her. They’d told him nothing would happen if the guy thought Billie wasn’t alone.

  At eight that evening she walked Mike to his car and kissed him. He held her for a few minutes and whispered how much he wanted to stay and told her how brave she was. She was glad he couldn’t read her mind because she was terrified.

  She watched him drive off as she sat on the front step. She scanned the street for anything odd or unfamiliar, but there was nothing. She grew up in the neighborhood and knew everyone that was in all ten houses. The only houses she didn’t know were the two at the very end. They were rentals and always had different students moving into them each September.

  Billie glanced across the street at her parent’s place. Her father was in the window watching her. She waved, and he blew her a kiss. According to the plan, the first couple of days they’d restrict her parents to only coming over in the day. She knew inside the house were four men, but she didn’t want to go inside.

  She jumped when she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Relief took over when she saw Rita walk across the street.

  “Hey,” Billie smiled.

  “I heard you moved in here.” Rita stopped at the bottom of the steps.

  “Yeah, I couldn’t go back to the other place.” Billie didn’t lie. She really couldn’t go back to the other house. Not just because it had been gutted by the fire, but her best friend brutally lost her life there.

  “You’ll have to drop over once you get settled.” Rita glanced down the street. It was almost as if she was looking for something.

  “Of course, I’ve still got so much unpacking to do, but in a couple of days, I’ll give you a call. How’s your mom?” Billie felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up when Rita looked back at her.

  “She’s good, but I need to get back. Call me.” Rita waved as she ran across the street and disappeared into her house.

  Billie backed up the steps being very careful to check in every direction. Something didn’t feel right, which made her hurry into the house and slam the door behind her. She held her hand against her chest to slow her heart rate. How was she going to do this?

  “Something seemed to spook your neighbor.” Billie jumped at the sound of Steve’s voice.

  “Something spooked me.” Billie sighed.

  “You’ll be fine.” Steve smiled and sat next to her on the sofa. “Mike’s going to drive right back to Hopedale. It’s just to see if anyone is watching him, but I don’t think they are. I’ve got a feeling this guy knows you’re not in Hopedale anymore.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Smash is watching a chat room that’s mentioned you a few times or the code name they use for you.” Steve held out a piece of paper.

  “What’s this?” Billie opened the paper and scanned the columns.

  “That is a list of code names for all the kids and women these guys abducted. It took a while and three of my men to figure it out. Each code has their initials and street name. Your code is BC Penetanguishene.”

  “Because I lived on Penetanguishene Road.” Billie sighed as she scanned the paper for Chloe’s code.

  “It’s CB Midland.” Steve seemed to read her mind.

  “This is real.” Billie’s vision blurred and she tried to blink back the tears.

  “It’s extremely real.” Steve nodded.

  He was about to speak when his phone buzzed, and Billie glanced at the screen. It was an unknown number.

  “Inspector Parker.” He answered.

  Billie didn’t want to be rude and eavesdrop but damn what else did she have to do. She pulled out her phone and pretended to scroll through Facebook as she listened to the one-sided conversation.

  “Yes,” Steve said. “Billie felt a little uneasy outside a little while ago.”

  Cougar nudged Billie's hand and stared up at her. Did he understand fear? Mike asked Chloe if it was okay for Billie to borrow Cougar for a few days because she needed him to help her. Chloe had taken ownership of the cat.

  “You’ve seen our set up. There are no windows.” Steve referred to the small room that now contained three huge men and a table full of electronic equipment.

  It was a good thing it was Fall because if it were Summer, they would suffocate in the tiny room.

  “Mike’s on his way back to town, but he’s going to be staying with Billie’s parents.” Steve rolled his eyes. “He won’t interfere. He knows what’s at stake.”

  Billie chuckled as Steve slapped his forehead. Whoever was on the other line didn’t like the idea of Mike being so close.

  “Would you like the person you loved being in danger?” Steve shouted, and after a few minutes, he calmed. “Exactly.”

  Billie turned the television to the country music channel and sat back. Steve shoved his phone back in his pocket and shook his head.

  “That was the director of the task force. Did I mention I hate when people doubt me?” Steve squinted his eyes and wrinkled his nose.

  “No, but I could see that.” Billie chuckled.

  “Anyway, Mike's going to text you when he’s with your parents,” Steve said.

  “What if someone sees him?” Wasn’t the reason he left to make the guy think she was alone?

  “He’s driving Philip’s car and wearing your brother’s jacket.” Steve glanced at his watch. “Since it’s cold as hell outside. It won’t look weird for him to have his hood up.”

  Billie waved as Steve disappeared into the back room again. She was alone. Not alone, but it felt that way. The cat had abandoned her to curl up on the back of the chair next to the window, so she didn’t even have Cougar to keep her company.

  Billie wondered how she ever lived alone for three years. She used to enjoy it, but spending so much time at Mike’s place spoiled her. She even missed the constant bickering between Abbie and Trunk. Those two were like oil and water.

  Her phone buzzed in her hand, and she saw Mike’s face appear on the screen. She tapped the screen to answer it and lay back on the couch.

  “Hey, Beautiful.” His voice soothed her frayed nerves instantly.

  “Hi,” Billie sighed.

  “Are you okay?” Mike asked.

  “I miss you, and I doubt I’m going to sleep tonight.” Billie turned on her side and curled her hand under her cheek.

  “Me either but your mom said I could sleep in your room.” Mike chuckled.

  “Maybe you can sneak over and take advantage of me.” Billie smiled.

  “Very tempting but I think I’d probably get shot.” Mike sighed.

  “Sing for me,” Billie whispered.

  “What do you want to hear?”

  “The one about angels.” Billie closed her eyes.

  Mike began to sing, and Billie lost herself in the words of the song. She relaxed as she always did when she was curled up in his arms. He was with her there on the couch singing that beautiful song as he lulled her to sleep.

  Angels Brought Me Here.

  Chapter 27

  Three days he’d had to sleep in a single bed across the street from the woman he loved more than life itself. Three damn nights he had to listen to her quivering voice as he tried to make her feel better by singing that stupid song. He felt useless.

  Now he was in the tiny room of the house because he’d managed to convince John and Steve to let him stay a little later that evening. It was supposed to look as if Billie was
living in the house and at some point, her boyfriend would spend the night too. Right now he was just happy to be staying later than eight.

  Mike had no idea what scrolled up on the screen in front of Smash. It all looked like another language to him, but from the ‘ah ha and got ya’ from Smash, Mike assumed it was good.

  Hulk sat with his chair leaned back on two legs against the wall with his eyes closed. Lane stood in the corner watching the video monitors, and Steve sat with his phone to his ear waiting for the person on the other end to answer. Billie was in the shower, and Mike wished he could join her, but considering the house was so small it probably wasn’t a good plan.

  “Answer the fucking phone,” Steve grumbled.

  “What’s wrong?” Mike asked.

  “This here.” Smash pointed to a jumble of letters and numbers on the screen.

  “That would be?” Mike asked.

  “Watch.” Smash tapped a few keys on the keyboard, and the gibberish started to make sense.

  “That says tonight.” Mike pointed to the first word to pop out.

  “That says they are making their move tonight to get BC Penetanguishene,” Smash growled.

  “And that’s Billie.” She told him about the codes.

  “Yeah and this,” Smash pointed to another line.

  “It’s this address.” Mike’s body shook. They were going to try and take Billie.

  “Answer the fucking phone God damn it.” Steve pounded the phone on the table and then put it back to his ear.

  “Yeah, that should help,” Hulk said without opening his eyes.

  “Don’t start, Hulk,” Steve growled.

  Mike left the room to find Billie. He wanted her to know what was going on but before he got to the bathroom, he heard the cat growling and spun around. Cougar stuck his head between the curtains, and hunched his back as if he was about to attack.

  Mike peeked out through the side of the window making sure not to move it too much. He didn’t see anything. The cat was crazy, but as he was about to step back, he saw an older man walk slowly down the street. He looked like he could barely move as he pushed his walker ahead of him and took two steps.

  “You, crazy cat. That poor man can hardly move.” Mike shook his head and stepped away from the window.

  Billie was dressed and brushing her hair when he walked into the room. She gave him a huge smile and dropped the brush on the dresser. She’d relaxed a little since nothing had happened over the few days, but he was about to ruin that for her.

  “Hey, Beautiful.” Mike rested his hands on her hips and brushed his lips against hers.

  “What’s wrong?” Billie must have seen the tension in his body.

  “Billie, we need you out here. Now.” Steve shouted.

  Mike clenched his teeth together because he didn’t like the wave of fear that came over her face and erased her smile. It was wrong for her not to smile.

  In the living room, Steve stood next to the window where Cougar still growled at the old man.

  “Look out the window and see what that cat is growling at.” Steve was on the side of the window, but he couldn’t seem to see anything.

  Billie pulled back the curtains and looked up and down the street. Cougar continued to hiss and growl even after Billie put her hand on the cat’s head to try and calm him.

  “I don’t see anything.” Billie shrugged her shoulders. “Just Mr. Thompson.”

  “So you know him?” Steve asked.

  “Yes, he’s lived on this street ever since I can remember, I think he just turned ninety.”

  “Well, what is wrong with that fucking cat?” Steve seemed about to jump out of his skin.

  “Maybe he doesn’t like old people.” Smash chuckled.

  “The cat senses something.” Lane said.

  “Yeah, okay.” Steve rolled his eyes and stomped back to the room in the back.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Billie asked.

  “His contact on the task force is not answering.” Mike wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him. They stared out through the window and watched as Mr. Thompson disappeared from view. Cougar seemed to settle down once the man was out of sight.

  “Guess he doesn’t like Arthur.” Billie chuckled.

  “Mr. Thompson?” Mike laughed.

  “Yes, he always tells people to call him Arthur.”

  “Should you be standing in the window with me?” Billie sighed.

  “I’m staying until ten tonight, remember.” Mike tucked his face into the crook of her neck and inhaled. “You smell so good.”

  “So do you,” Billie whispered.

  “Fuck, I miss you.” Mike kissed her neck and hugged her tightly.

  “I miss you, too.” Billie turned into his arms and tucked her head under his chin.

  A few minutes later Steve walked out of the back room and slid around to the window. He told Billie to close the curtains as she did every evening. Cougar sat up staring out through the opening and didn’t seem pleased when Billie closed them.

  “They’re waiting for the boyfriend to leave.” Steve motioned for them to come back into the room.

  “What’re you talking about?” He hadn’t gotten a chance to tell Billie, and she was now entirely in the dark.

  Steve explained while he moved behind Smash. Billie tensed beside him, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Hulk and Lane had gone to take their place in the house. They’d set up specific spots in the house to hide when they knew everything was about to go down.

  “Mike, I know we said you could stay longer but…” Steve shook his head.

  “No way. I’m not leaving.” Mike wasn’t about to run out when Billie was in danger.

  “Mike, it’s okay. I’ll be fine.” Billie cupped his face, but her voice quivered.

  “No, I… can’t leave you.” Mike shook his head.

  “You’ve got to go.” Billie tugged his hand and pulled him out of the room.

  “Billie, you can’t ask me to leave when I can stay to help protect you.” Mike pushed away his coat she held up.

  “You can protect me by letting these guys do their jobs. I know you’ve helped your brothers in the past, but they’re waiting for you to leave. If you don’t then this drags out longer. I want to be able to sleep next to you again, and that’ll only happen if we get these guys tonight.” Billie pleaded with him.

  God, he knew she was right, but it killed him to leave her. He was supposed to be her hero. Her knight in shining armor but here she was the brave hero and putting her safety on the line.

  “I fucking love you.” Mike pulled her into his arms.

  “I love you too, with everything in my heart and soul.” Billie wrapped her arms around him, and he kissed her as if she’d disappear the minute he stopped.

  “See you soon.” Billie opened the front door, and Mike stepped outside. She blew him a kiss just before she closed the door with the loudest click he’d ever heard.

  Chapter 28

  Billie leaned against the door and took several deep breaths. This was really about to happen. Belinda Margaret Carter was about to use herself as bait to catch a monster who bought and sold people like they were nothing. Could she do this?

  Billie, you’ve got more courage in your little finger than any of those cowards who are stealing kids and turning them over to God knows what.

  Mike’s words echoed in her head. It had been days since he’d said those words to her, but they gave her strength to know he believed she could do this.

  I can do this. I can do this.

  She repeated those words to herself as she made her way into the bedroom where she slept. Steve had gone over what she was to do so often that Billie could hear it in her head.

  Put the earpiece in her ear. Go into the bedroom, turn on the light and look out the window. If they’re watching, they’ll see you’re about to go to bed and believe you’re alone.

  She didn’t want to be alone at the moment, and technically
she wasn’t, but she felt more alone than she thought possible. She pressed her head against the window when she saw movement in the bushes of the next house. Her heart began to pound in her chest, and she gasped. Then a voice came through her earpiece.

  “It’s just me, Billie,” Nick whispered, and she relaxed.

  “That’s enough time. Step back and close the curtains.” Steve’s voice buzzed in her ear.

  Billie did what he said and plopped down on the bed. Cougar curled up next to the pillow and gave a little meow when she lay up next to him. He purred and rubbed his body against her hand.

  “Why does he growl at me and purr for you?” Smash chuckled in her ear.

  “He’s a typical male. Only likes beautiful women.” Leave it to Aaron to say something like that.

  Billie listened to the men chatter in her ear and closed her eyes. She suddenly didn’t feel so alone. Cougar lay next to her and Billie’s body relaxed. She couldn’t understand how the hell it happened but it did.

  “What the hell is going on?” James growled in her ear.

  “I don’t know.” Steve snapped. “Why are they coming up the steps?”

  “They must be part of the task force,” Nick said.

  “They don’t answer the fucking phone all evening and then show up probably blowing this.” Steve sounded pissed.

  “They’re wearing NPD Police vests,” James said.

  “They’re knocking on the door. Really?” Steve snapped. “I should let that fucking cat answer the door but Billie I need you to come here and answer it.”

  Billie walked out to the front door and couldn’t help but laugh at the pissed off expression on Steve’s face. He looked like he was about to rip the guys at the door a new one. Billie opened the door and stepped back. Four huge men blocked the doorway.

  “Can I help you?” Billie asked the guy sneering at her.

  “Step back into the house and don’t say a word. Tell the assholes hiding in the corners to come out where we can see them, or I’ll shoot you right between the eyes.” The man growled, and Billie finally knew what it was like to see pure evil.

  “I’m sorry, I’m alone…” Billie tried to act dumb but the click of the gun pointed at her made her not finish the sentence.


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