Only Need Blue

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by JD Chambers

  Only Need Blue

  An Only Colorado Short Story

  JD Chambers

  Copyright © 2018 by JD Chambers

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Beta Reading: Leslie Copeland

  Proofreading/Editing: Courtney Bassett

  Cover courtesy of JD’s husband


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  About the Author

  Also by JD Chambers



  Arthur didn't know what possessed him to use the word. Maybe it was the soulful brown eyes peering at him. Or maybe it was the fact that the man was quite literally chasing his tail, twisting back and forth to look behind him.

  “You don't need the deposit slip. Just give me the account number,” Arthur tried telling him, but it only seemed to increase his anxiety.

  As a bank teller, Arthur was used to anxiety. People came in every day, hell, every hour, fretting over an overdraft or a deposit that wasn’t showing up. His business was other people’s money, and nothing stressed folks out more than that. There were a few old-timers to whom he almost recommended just using a mattress and forgetting the bank altogether. Nothing was going to convince them that the Chinese guy doling out their money, or in many cases wasn’t able to dole it out, was on the up-and-up.

  “But I don't know the account number. It was on the deposit slip.” The man’s accompanying whine was high-pitched and came from the back of his throat. Arthur could see the panic starting to overtake him.

  “Deep breath. Close your eyes, puppy. Where did you last see it?”

  The man faithfully responded to Arthur's commands, whose only regret was losing the connection with those beautiful eyes. Well, that and the fact that his obedience was causing Arthur’s cock to plump up. Thank god he never left the teller cage, because even at half-chub, Arthur was packing.

  Yeah, Asian stereotypes and Arthur didn’t mix. He’d heard them all, suffered them all, even though they were supposedly meant in a “positive” way. Just because he was taller, broader, and more hung than the imaginary Asian boys his hookups dreamed of, didn’t mean he didn’t still want to smack them upside the head when they made those comments. He just smacked them inside their mouths, or holes, with his abnormally large penis instead.

  “The car?”

  Arthur thanked the heavens the man’s eyes were still closed so he wouldn’t take offense to his grin. He was just too cute.

  “Are you asking or telling me?” Arthur kept his voice calm, when he really wanted to go flirty. Not that he didn’t hit on guys while at work. He did. All the time. Sometimes to great effect. Others, well, at least there were metal bars protecting him. But this guy didn’t need him to flirt right now, he needed help calming down and getting his head on straight.

  Brown eyes flew open with startling speed. “Oh,” he said as if in a daze. “I should go check.”

  “Wait! Your–” Arthur called after him, but it was too late. The man had already raced off, chasing this last grasp at a straw of finding his deposit slip.

  And that's how Arthur found himself holding bank bags stuffed with cash, staring after the gorgeous man he had accidentally, sort of on purpose, and totally karmically, called puppy.

  Dave couldn't believe it. The one time Ted, his boss, entrusted him with a new responsibility and he'd already fucked it up. He scoured the dirty floorboards of his old Mazda, his panic levels increasing with every second. Finally, just as he was about to give up and phone Ted to confess his carelessness, he spotted the slip of paper wedged between the passenger seat and the center parking brake.

  He clasped it in his hand as if it were the winning Powerball ticket and went back through the bank’s heavy double doors. His teller was helping another customer, so he waited in line, taking the opportunity to admire the man from afar. He was handsome, true, with a strong brow and a square jaw, but it was his confidence that really grabbed Dave’s attention. The way the tone of the man’s voice made Dave feel like everything was going to be okay, even when his brain was telling him that he screwed up big-time.

  “Sir, I can help you over here.” Another teller down the lane waved at him, her blonde ponytail swinging back and forth as she tried to get his attention.

  “No, thank you. He has what I need.” Dave nodded politely in the direction of the bow-tie-wearing behemoth, who continued to count out cash for his customer without the slightest indication that he had heard Dave. He couldn’t believe he had just left all that money lying there on the counter. At least it was a bank. Not like the guy could run off with it, right?

  When Dave’s turn finally arrived, the teller’s whole demeanor shifted from professional to … something else.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. I definitely have what you need,” the teller said, cocking his head to the side, before Dave even reached the counter. His voice was still low and confident, but it had taken on a new edge. One that hit Dave directly below the belt, and he shifted from one leg to the other to try to ease the tension that was growing. “Oh, and I have this for you too.”

  The man pulled out Dave’s bank bags from underneath the counter, and Dave released a sigh of relief. Not that he thought anything had happened to them, but his hands itched without them in his possession. He really was terrible with responsibility.

  Dave handed the deposit slip to the teller, Arthur – now that he was close enough and focused enough to read his name plate.

  “Game Over!” Arthur exclaimed with delight after entering the account number into his computer. “That Ted sure knows how to pick ’em, doesn’t he?”

  “Sorry?” Dave wasn’t sure he was following, because this felt distinctly like flirting, and that couldn’t be right.

  “All you Game Over boys are so deliciously handsome, I want to gobble you right up.” He paused, and then added, “Like Pac-Man. Get it?”

  “Oh, um …” Dave scratched behind his ear. He thought he was handsome? He wanted to eat him? Wait, that was a good thing, right? Or maybe he was just being teased? “I don’t know about that.”

  “Well, I do,” Arthur said and slid a receipt and a note on top of the empty bags back across the counter. When had he counted out all that money? Dave’s brain flitted back, but he was stuck at delicious. “And here’s my number, if you ever need anything. A friend. A good time. A firm, guiding hand. I’ll be happy to help you out, sweet boy.”

  Dave felt strangely warm from the praise, so he swiped the bags from the counter and fled to the safety of his car.

  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. The words wouldn’t stop rotating through Dave’s mind like a merry-go-round. He just got hit on. He never got hit on.

  And by a big hunky hunk of a man reminiscent of the Hulk. If the Hulk wore a bow tie.

  Dave never pinged anyone’s gaydar, or bi-dar, if that was a thing. He supposed it was the pleated-front khakis that he preferred because they gave him plenty of comfy hanging room, or the baseball cap that he wore in the proper direction because his hair had a little too much floof and he had no idea what to do about it. He didn’t care that much about fashion, only comfort. And video games. And being a friendly guy because the world could be a shitty place and at least he wasn’t going to add to it.

  Dave looked down at himself. Today, he was wearing jeans and the Game Over t-shirt made specifically for the Spring Break tournament. Nothing special. Nothing that screamed for attention. Maybe Arthur just flirted with everyone. But he had gi
ven him his number. Maybe he did that with everyone too? Dave wished he could pinpoint what, if anything, he had done differently today to garner Arthur’s notice.

  Although Dave had always known he found both men and women attractive, his experiences had been limited to a single sex, and those experiences had been rather lacking. Not because they weren’t beautiful and he didn’t want them, but because they just lay there and he hadn’t been sure what they wanted or what he was supposed to do other than the obvious.

  During the drive back to the store, he played the second conversation over and over, until remembering there had also been a first conversation. A brief, fleeting one while Dave had panicked over the deposit slip. One where Arthur had called him “puppy” with that deep, firm voice.

  A car horn jolted Dave from his daze, and he realized the light had turned green who knows how long ago.


  Fuck. Dave suddenly wished for the rest of the day off, but it was their Spring Break tournament and the store was slammed. He only hoped his boner got the memo. His brain was a ping-pong game, unable to focus with so much stimulation from a single, short errand. Dave returned to Game Over a frazzled, flustered, but at least flaccid, mess.

  Ted’s face creased with worry the second he spotted Dave. “Are you okay?” he asked and rushed around the counter to clasp his shoulder for support.

  Get it together, Dave thought to himself before answering. “What? Oh, yeah. Fine. All good.”

  In his head, he could hear Arthur’s soothing voice. Deep breath. Deep breath. He shook his head to clear it. No. No Arthur voice right now. No getting aroused at work, dammit. If there were universal work rules, that should be number one. Unless you were, like, a porn star, or a rent boy or something. They probably needed to get aroused.

  Dammit, focus.

  “Empty bags. Right. Here are the empty bags.”

  Ted looked skeptical but didn’t push.

  “Why don’t you go back into the game room and help out there? I heard a big cheer a few minutes ago. No idea what happened, but it sounded exciting.”

  Dave was happy to make an escape from Ted’s concerned gaze. Now he just had to decide what to do with that phone number. And all those words playing pinball in his brain.

  Sweet boy.

  Deliciously handsome.

  Firm hand.



  After a few weeks, Arthur gave up on ever hearing from Puppy, as he had started to call him in his head. Of course, he had forgotten to get the man’s name. He went to the club, like normal, got laid, like normal, but he couldn’t help compare the guys he hooked up with to the adorable man. They all seemed so fake and contrived compared to the earnest flailings of his puppy.

  When a text from an unknown number appeared on his phone, his heart and his cock jumped with excitement.

  Unknown Number: What did you mean when you said firm hand?

  Arthur: Puppy?

  Unknown Number Puppy: Yes?

  Arthur: Are you asking me or telling me?

  Puppy: Telling you?

  Arthur had never played with a puppy before, but he had always been drawn to them. There were websites and blogs, Tumblrs and YouTube channels devoted to them, and Arthur had devoured every one. And then, after meeting Puppy, he had gone back and devoured them all again.

  Just in case.

  Arthur: Well, when I said firm hand, I meant that I could be a touchstone for you. A person who could help you relax when you’re stressed, focus when you’re distracted, reassure you when you’re doubting.

  Arthur: And when I said good time, I meant that I think you’re hot and I’d like to take you out. Have fun. See more of that handsome face. And hopefully body.

  No point beating around the bush. After all, Arthur was willing to take anything the man would give him, even if he hoped it would be everything.

  Arthur: In case there was any confusion about my other words.

  Puppy: With me as a puppy? I’ve never been to a Pride parade, but I’ve seen pictures. I know what it entails.

  Puppy: Ha. Entails.

  Arthur smiled at the joke, but knew he had to tread carefully with the skittish boy. He didn’t know what kind of experience he had or what he was comfortable with. He didn’t want to scare him off by suggesting right away that the man don a leather mask and insert a butt-plug-tail.

  Puppy: And as for the other, I’ve never been with a guy before. But I want to.

  Well, that answered that question. Arthur hadn’t been sure until the man had gotten so flustered at his flirting. Hell, his pupils had practically dilated on the spot. But he seemed so innocent and nervous that Arthur was having a hard time gauging Puppy’s interest.

  Arthur: It can be however you want. The feelings and the comfort can still be there whether you wear the puppy gear or not. If it interests you, I would love to try it out. If it doesn’t, then that’s fine too.

  Arthur: And if you don’t even want to think about that part, then we can just be two guys, going out for dinner, or maybe drinks? The way two guys do when they’re into each other.

  Puppy: I don’t even know you.

  Arthur: We can remedy that. My name is Arthur Yuen. Would you like to go out on a date with me?

  Arthur’s breath caught in his throat as he waited for the response.

  Puppy: Maybe. Okay?

  Was he saying okay to the date, or was he asking if it was okay to say maybe?

  Puppy: And I’m Dave.

  Arthur: How long have you worked at Game Over? It seems like a fun place to work.

  Arthur hoped that changing the subject and chatting like a normal guy might put Puppy, Dave, at ease, and it worked. They chatted for hours, about work, about interests, about everything but dates and puppies. By the time they were ready to call it a night, Arthur tried again, and again got a maybe.

  Well, Arthur was nothing if not patient.

  Puppy needed to gain some self-confidence, and Arthur could only hope that he would be able to be the one to guide him.

  Dave was well aware that he was stalling. The first weekend, he legitimately had out-of-town guests. And the second weekend, well, he and his friends had been talking for weeks about seeing the new Marvel movie on opening weekend. But by the third weekend, he had to admit to himself, and to Arthur, that their impending date was not going to happen.

  Dave: I’m just not sure if I’m ready yet.

  Hulk: That’s okay. I’ll be here when you are.

  Arthur had made it clear they didn’t have go there, to the mental space where Arthur had called Dave puppy and suggested he needed a guiding hand, but there was no way Dave’s mind wouldn’t go there when, or if, they met again. Even though they’d continued texting, everyday conversations that made Dave feel safe and comfortable with his new friend, he still couldn’t stop dreaming of Arthur’s body straining his button-down shirt or imagining Arthur’s deep voice giving him commands. Even something as simple as the hearing the word “sit” made Dave instantly hard. No, when he finally met Arthur again face-to-face, they would go there. Dave would insist on it.

  Of course, Dave had looked into puppy play online. And it was enticing. Erotic, even. But he had to figure out if this was something he truly wanted, no needed, and not just because some bank teller guy made him think of it. He was quickly figuring out that it totally was.

  The unmarked box of items came later that week. Dave was not the type to do things by halves, and he had the money to try it out. He conserved in other areas of his life: a small efficiency apartment, his old beater car that still ran just fine. Dave wasn’t one to spend money just for show, so he felt perfectly justified in this little splurge.

  The neoprene mask was on top, sealed in a plastic bag. The bag easily opened at the seal, and he pulled out the slick aqua blue and black material and unfolded it. Dave’s cock stirred at the sight, but he set it aside and reached inside for the next item. Soon, a bright blue collar, a dark blue tail, and an
aqua and black jockstrap – because if he was going all out anyway, why not? – lay strewn about.

  Dave kicked off his clothes and turned on some music. A good song was usually the fastest way to take his mind off of whatever he was overthinking, so he put on some dance music and wiggled his ass as he pulled up the jock. It was good quality and really comfortable. Much nicer than his Sam’s Club twenty-for-eight-dollar briefs.

  Next was the tail, and Dave had experimented enough to not worry. As long as he didn’t think about the fact that there was a tail at the end, it was just like playing with a regular old dildo or butt plug. He just had to focus on that fact, and not the fact that once he got it lubed up and fully seated, he could feel the weight of it wagging behind him as he moved around.

  Fuck, Dave couldn’t help himself. He looked back but could only see the tip as it wagged into view. Even with that, though, his cock was enjoying the sensations and the knowledge of what really was sticking out of his ass.

  Dave set the collar aside. He wasn’t exactly sure why. He just knew it didn’t feel right to put the collar on himself, so he skipped it and went straight to the hood. He’d read varying opinions on the hoods, but he felt like it was the make or break item. Sure, Arthur had said he didn’t have to gear up to still be a pup, but for Dave, it felt … important.

  The neoprene wasn’t as soft as he’d imagined, but the leather one was way out of his budget, so it would have to do. It was still comfortable, and as he fit it around his head and snapped the muzzle into place, he found that it didn’t hinder his breathing like a Halloween mask. Of course, Halloween masks were rarely this crafted and detailed. Obviously, whoever made these knew what was needed for long-term comfortable wear.

  Dave felt his shoulders relax and his hands stop shaking once the mask was in place. It didn’t only muffle noise on the outside, but it had the seemingly magical quality of muffling the noise inside his head too. He continued to relax and sat back on his heels, until his tail dragged on the floor and nudged his prostate. He jolted back up with a “Yip!”


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