Party at Castle Grof

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Party at Castle Grof Page 9

by Kira Morgana

  Ariana stared up at her, a gentle smile forming on her lips.

  “Thank you, Espilieth.” This time her voice was stronger, but Aranok could feel her heart faltering and breathing slowing.

  “Do something! I don’t want to lose my sister,” he shouted at the deity, his pain growing.

  “Nokkie, listen to me.” Ariana raised one hand to stroke his face and he looked down at her. “I knew what I was doing when I summoned the power from the Tear. Only a Paladin or a cleric can channel Espilieth’s power without dying. I’m not a cleric, so I knew I would die. The Goddess has given me a gift beyond price by easing my end. For my sake as well as yours.” She coughed and wheezed.

  “Aranokkinadiel, I must ask you to do something that will impact on the whole of Quargard, not just the Heart Kingdoms.” The Goddess’ voice soothed his pain, but he fought it.

  “If you can’t save my sister, then I will do nothing for you!” Aranok snapped.

  “Nokkie, please. Do what she asks of you. If not for Quargard, then for me.” Ariana grinned at him, but he was shocked by how weak her smile was. “Mother will never forgive you if you tell her that you not only let me die, but refused to do a Goddess’ bidding, and I will never forgive you if you don’t.”

  Aranok felt his sister’s heartbeat stop for one long, terrifying second, then start again. He sniffed and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. Then he looked up at the Goddess.

  “What do you want of me?”

  “I have a loyal Cleric in Galivor. She was part of a similar expedition that claimed the lives of the whole party except her. I wish you to go to her and become her Guardian. No one, but you and I will know of your affiliation, not even Kalytia. With My Tear she is destined to be the one to destroy the evil that threatens to take over Quargard and she will need your help.”

  Aranok glanced down at his smiling sister and without hesitation replied, “Yes. Will you do me a favour, Lady Goddess? Allow my sister to travel with me to the sunlight outside and see the end of what she has sacrificed herself for.”

  Espilieth nodded and stroked Ariana’s face.

  “Allow me to merge with you one final time child, so that your brother may have his wish.”

  Ariana nodded and closed her eyes. The Goddess’ form disappeared and flowed into Ariana as she took a breath. Then Ariana pushed herself up and stood, stretching slightly.

  “That’s better, even if it is only temporary.”

  She looked around at the devastation and picked up the Tigers Eye nestled in the pile of ash that had been Morian.

  “This is a powerful stone, but it isn’t evil. I think it might be what was there before he became a devil demon.”

  Aranok blinked.

  “Morian wasn’t always a demon?”

  “No, Aranokkinadiel. All were men and women at one point. Sadly, they sacrificed their humanity to the Dark Gods and became devil demons.” Espilieth’s voice coming from Ariana’s lips was a bit of a shock, but Aranok took it in his stride. “All that was good in their hearts became encased in stone and the gem is Morian’s goodness. It would be a powerful tool in the right hands.”

  Ariana slipped it into her bag of holding and held her hand out.

  “Allow me to use the transport crystal?”

  “Of course, little one.” He handed Ariana the small red crystal, wrapped his arms around her, tightly holding onto the bag with the Dungeon crystal.

  Ariana focused on the crystal and whispered something to it. A red glow surrounded them and when it faded away, they were standing in bright morning sunshine, the horses cropping the grass not far away.

  Aranok let Ariana go and turned to look back at the entrance. One of the doors was open and a pair of green eyes stared out of the darkness inside.

  “Expose the heart crystal to sunlight quickly. It will destroy the Dungeon.” Espilieth said as Ariana moved to sit under a tree, sorting through the items in her bag of holding.

  Aranok nodded and opened the bag, bringing the crystal out into the sunlight. It pulsed with a deep red glow and as soon as the sunlight hit it, the red pulse weakened.

  From the door there was a desperate scream and a deep rumble as the walls below them caved in. Dust billowed out of several holes that appeared in the ground which kept shaking until all of the red glow had drained away and the crystal was as clear as diamond.

  He recovered it, putting it back into his bag.

  “Aranok, I must go now. Take my bag of holding and do with it as you will. The items of power might be useful for you… with a little training from Eliethor.” Ariana held the bag out to him and after a moment Aranok knelt beside her and took the bag, putting it beside the one holding the heart crystal.

  “Sister, I will miss you so much,” he said taking her hands.

  “I will watch over you, Brother. Do two things for me please, Nokkie?”


  “Give Liana my necklace; she always did like it. And propose to her. She needs you as much as you need her.” Ariana giggled, then sighed and closed her eyes.

  Aranok leaned down and took her emerald necklace off. Then he kissed her cheek. “Sleep well, my Arianadrialla.”

  “Step back, Aranokkinadiel,” Espilieth commanded.

  He did as he was bid, tears sliding unbidden down his cheeks.

  Espilieth stepped out of Ariana, fully formed. She turned and held out her hand to Ariana.

  The slim mage smiled and died peacefully, her final breath coming out almost unheard. Then her spirit sat up and took Espilieth’s hand. The Goddess raised Ariana’s spirit from her body as it shimmered and became a cloud of glistening bubbles.

  “Farewell Ariana,” Aranok choked out. “Savo hîdh nen gurth a’muinthel.”

  “Goodbye, Aranok,” she replied and faded from sight.

  “I will see you again soon, Aranokkinadiel. Remember Kalytia please,” Espilieth whispered as her presence faded.

  * * *

  “Damned Gods of Light are interfering, Lord. What would you have me do to the remnant of the party?” the Lych Mistress asked from the window.

  The Overlord shook his head.

  “Nothing, Lady Lych. We shall allow this to pan out, as it will. Never allow it to be said that the Aracan Katuvana interferes with the battles of the Gods,” the Jar replied. “We are, however thankful that you, Erendell and our latest recruit are safely away from that mess. Farewell.”

  The Lych mistress looked unhappy but she curtsied and the picture faded.

  “Two Dungeons have been cleansed, Master. I hope this isn’t the start of an alarming precedent,” the Jar said. “Where do you wish to extend your vision to next?”

  The Aracan surveyed the map of the Heart Kingdoms then pointed at Jinran and moved a small human piece into the forest around the Jinra Dungeon on a marble game board in front of him.

  “Interesting choice, Master. Do you wish to watch or control her?”

  The Overlord sat down in its chair and pointed to the window…

  End of book two

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  What’s next?

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  Then get…

  Freya’s Freedom – Book Three of The Tower and the Eye

  Freya has many assets, the least of which is her exotic beauty. Having been freed from the benign slavery of the Pleasurehouse, she journeys to Jinra to meet up with her brother Grald. Along the way she meets Sir Vrenstalliren, Paladin of Espilieth, who insists on becoming her guardian.

  In the next town the two become five, having been joined by Kraarz, an Orc Shaman; Vox, his Otherworld Spirit Guide and Lin, an Elysian warrior on a quest of her own. It is just as well, for she is walking into a danger she is ill equipped to face alone…

  Freya’s freedom is available now – or get the complete series in one book, The Tower and the Eye.

  About the Author

  Kira Morgana thought she was a
teacher but life decided otherwise.

  Living not far from a rift in time and space in a land that has a dragon on its flag, is it any wonder that Kira was inspired to write stories of myths and legend, creating her own worlds and her own legends?

  Buoyed by the magic of three children and a loving partner she has created the five stories that make up The Tower And The Eye series of sword and sorcery adventures. Based on her own imagination and love of playing role play games, these stories are the everlasting dilemma of Good versus Evil. We all know which SHOULD win, but does it?

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