Just One Night, Volumes 1-3

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Just One Night, Volumes 1-3 Page 10

by Kim Black

  Had it all been just a joke to him? Let’s seduce the inexperienced girl who answered the ad thinking she was responding to ad for a substitute teaching position and string her along just as you would a junkie on crack, just for the hell of it? It’s cruel.

  I’m sure that by now he’s found a replacement, a woman who knows just what he needs and who gives him the control he desires. That’s exactly what I want for him—to be free to be himself and to be happy in the life he has chosen, even if it means that I’ll be living in celibacy, saving myself the embarrassment of having to tell whomever I may meet in the future that I’ve been ruined by a truly masterful lover, one who I couldn’t have, but whom I still desire.

  God, I am so pathetic! Just the thought of Blake with another woman makes me cringe.

  Climbing into bed, I try to force all thoughts of Blake out of my head. I have bigger fish to fry and wasting time thinking about the man I want so desperately, but will never have, won’t do me any good.

  You still need to find a job before the end of the month or you’ll be sleeping on a bench in Central Park. The thought makes me shudder.

  Sighing, I pull the covers up to my chin and close my eyes. Tomorrow I will focus on finding work. Tonight, I’ll dream of him, just as I have every night since I walked away from him.


  It took a few days for me to calm down after what Alyson pulled. The rage I felt deep within me as I watched her walk away from my office was undeniably the angriest I’ve been since Elizabeth’s death.

  What is it about women that makes them think that they can just walk away from me?

  Alyson didn’t realize it then, but she’s made a big mistake. It’s one thing to agree to go our separate ways, it’s another to shoot me down and walk away after casting her evil spell on me. No, Alyson made the wrong choice, and I am going to make sure she knows it.

  But first… “Stand up and walk over to the bench,” I command.

  Suzie, my latest conquest, eagerly jumps from her position across my lap and saunters over to the bench across the room. I watch as her reddened ass cheeks glide over to the padded wooden bench with a seductive sway, and as she knowingly kneels before it and awaits my next command.

  The delicious sting in my palm from having spanked her pear-shaped ass is just an appetizer. I have big plans for Ms. Suzie, ones that I know she will thoroughly enjoy.

  She doesn’t look anything like Alyson. Her hair is cut short, and is a blue-black color. She’s curvy, and her breasts are ample and perky. Yet, Suzie’s body does absolutely nothing for me, unlike Alyson’s body, which begged to be caressed. Suzie will still serve her purpose nonetheless, giving me a much needed distraction.

  “Safe word?” I ask, in a controlled, clipped tone as I slowly advance toward her. I know her safe word, but I like to be sure to remind a sub to use it if need be. I may be a bit of a sadist and a dick sometimes, both of which I am absolutely okay with, but I am not one to take what is not freely given to me.

  Suzie seems ready and willing to submit to my every command. From our email correspondence, I know that she is dominant in almost all aspects of her life. She was only introduced to this lifestyle one year ago, but I can tell that she is a natural at it. She’s a free-spirited woman, but she is often misunderstood, at least, that is the impression she gave me. It almost seems to pain her conscience to submit to men, but I believe that every woman has a craving for domination. They want to be bent to someone’s will, pushed beyond their boundaries, and told what to do. And while externally, Suzie may put up a tough front, I can read her like a book. I could see the desire building within in her the second she entered my suite. She wants to be thoroughly ravished. I, of course, wouldn’t be the gentleman I am if I didn’t give the little minx what she wants.

  I made sure to have her sign and fax over the contract. Since Alyson, I’ve been diligent in getting the contracts in order and signed prior to meeting a new sub. I will not allow myself to be caught off guard again. Thankfully, Alyson isn’t the kind of woman I need to worry about or I shudder to think what the repercussions might have been.

  No, Alyson isn’t avaricious. She has an innocence about her that is intriguing. That innocence, coupled with her dark desires, and her natural, instinctive responses to the pleasures of the lifestyle, make her truly special.

  Now, standing behind Suzie, I notice that her cheeks are flushed with desire. Rosy pink hues cover her skin as she breathlessly responds, “Red, Sir.”

  As I bring my hand to the nape of her neck, she shudders beneath my touch. Her breathing quickens and her skin heats under my fingers. She wants this. Wants me. And, I suddenly feel like I am at home again.

  It’s been way too long.

  Since meeting Alyson, I have definitely been off my game, blindsided by the emotions she evokes in me, but now, here in my suite with this woman. I am once again in my element. There is no confusion between us. There are no pesky emotions to contend with, other than the delight we’ll share tonight and tonight alone. I need not worry about what she will do with herself once she is escorted out by Jaxon. Suzie is mine to do with as I see fit for the next few hours. My commands are what she yearns for. There are no questions, no turmoil, and no complications to overcome, because she freely surrenders herself to me knowing that I will make this experience memorable for her.

  And that I will, indeed.

  “On your feet,” I command, letting my hands fall away from her.

  She whimpers at the loss of contact, but readily does as she is told. “Yes, Sir,” she says once she’s standing.

  “Kneel on the bench with your arms stretched wide and your legs spread apart,” I order her, before turning away to retrieve the items I have already set out for tonight’s encounter.

  Eagerly, she’s assumed the position on the bench. Her arm and legs are spread wide and her pear-shaped ass is in full view for me. Her pussy glistens with moisture and my mouth waters at the sight.

  I approach her slowly, carrying my tray of instruments. Once I reach her, I set down the tray on the wooden table alongside the bench before picking up a bottle of lube. Pouring a generous amount into my hands, I kneel behind her, making sure not to touch her just yet.

  I lean in until my breath softly caresses her ass. She whimpers. She grips the edges of the bench tightly, her knuckles turning white with strain, and I know that she’s desperate to feel me on and against her.

  “You like to be in control, don’t you, Suzie?” My lips brush against her heated flesh ever so slowly as I ask my question.

  She groans softly before answering me, “Yes, Sir. I have to be.”

  I quietly utter a tsk-tsk sound behind her, as I place my hands around the soft flesh of her ass. Gently, I massage the lube around her tender flesh, earning a moan from her lips.

  “Do you wish to be in control now?” My right hand comes down sharply on her bottom just as she opens her plump, pink lips to respond.

  She yelps out a “No, Sir,” and I re-commence massaging her ass with my fingers.

  “You’re dripping,” I say, as I softly graze my fingers through her silky folds. “Care to take a look?”

  She turns her head toward me just as I bring my finger to my mouth and close my lips around it. Shuddering at the sight of me tasting her wetness, she is unprepared when I suddenly plunge two fingers inside her. She gasps in surprise and I expertly flick her clit with my thumb.

  Drawing away from her, I stand up. I can hear that her breathing has changed to staccato panting as I walk to the left of her and buckle first her left hand and then her left leg securely to the bench. She watches me intently, wondering what I have in store for her as I do the same with her right hand and leg. She doesn’t utter so much as a sound of protest and for some reason I am bothered by that.

  I pick up the black silk blindfold I purchased earlier today. I groan inwardly that I felt it unsuitable to use my red one on any woman other than Alyson, but it seems as though her magical effect
on me still lingers even after she’s gone.

  Pushing all thoughts of her out of my mind, I cover Suzie’s eyes with the piece of black silk and secure it behind her head, successfully plunging her into darkness. She instantly tenses up, her instinct to bolt nearly boiling to the surface, but she calms quickly as I brush my hands over the curves of her body to quiet her nervousness.

  “You want to give in, don’t you Suzie? Even while your instincts tell you to take control, you want to offer me this, to give yourself to me freely, and let me do with you as I wish,” I purr against her ear, as I slowly select the riding crop from the tray.

  Suzie moans a response as I begin to trail the crop from the middle of her back down to her still reddened ass.

  “Please…” she pleads, when I brush the crop against her heated pussy, coating it with her dripping wetness.

  Swiftly, I pull the crop away from her, “Ah, but we mustn’t get ahead of ourselves. We have all night to play,” I tease, as I quickly tap the riding crop against her swollen nether lips.

  A shrieking scream bursts from her lips at the sudden sharp contact, but all too quickly she thrashes and pulls against her restraints, “More. Please, Sir. I need more,” she pleads.

  As you wish.


  The hammering at the door pulls me out my delicious slumber and I groan in frustration as I climb out of bed. “Damn it, I just got to the best part of my dream,” I mumble to myself.

  Glancing at the alarm clock, I wonder who in their right mind would be pounding on my door at six-thirty in the morning. Grabbing my soft, plush robe, I quickly throw it on and tie it before sauntering to the door with a yawn. Not even bothering to look through the peephole, I open the door wide while in mid-yawn, with my eyes still closed.

  “Did you really just open your fucking door without looking?”

  My eyes spring open instantly and my breath hitches.

  What the hell?

  “No, asshole. Normally I don’t have to worry about people coming over at freaking six in the morning. Had I known it was you, I would have stayed in bed!” I bark back at Derrick, hating the small smirk he’s sporting.

  The nerve of him!

  After everything he’s done, he has some nerve showing up here. He practically served me up to his brother on a silver platter to get my heart broken.

  “Calm down, will you,” he says, as he brushes past me, entering uninvited despite my obvious lack of enthusiasm at seeing him.

  Letting the door slam closed, I whirl around and march straight up to him. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  The last thing I need in my life is another reminder of Blake. It’s bad enough that I have to give him up, but having his look-alike show up at my apartment just won’t do. I need him to get the hell out of here as soon as possible so that I can at least try to move on.

  Yeah, like that’s really gonna happen, Lane.

  I shake my head at the thought, and give Derrick the evil eye. He holds my angry gaze for a moment before finally relenting and wrenching himself away from me. Unwelcome though he may be, he turns around, ambles over to the couch and takes a seat in my living room, patting the seat beside him. “I need to talk to you.”

  I can’t believe how arrogant Derrick is, not that he doesn’t have a reason to be. He’s gorgeous and he knows it, and that is a dangerous combination. Not for me, of course, because he is not the Hanson brother I want, but he’s certainly a threat to the rest of the female population. Derrick is a lethal weapon that should be kept under governmental surveillance. I’m sure most women would be falling all over themselves at the mere thought of him showing up at their door, in much the same way as I’d fallen all over myself when Blake showed up the night I met him. Derrick just grates on my nerves.

  So much for getting to the best part of my dream.

  “So,” I begin, standing directly across from Derrick, “To what do I owe this honor?” I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

  When he realizes that I am not going to make this easy for him, he sighs, runs his hand through his hair and takes a deep breath. “Look, I am sorry about what happened. I thought for sure if I got you two in the same room you guys would work things out, but apparently I never considered the possibility that you’d run out on Blake. Had I known, I would have stayed out of it. Do you have any idea what being on Blake’s shit list is like?” he grumbles, his exasperation evident.

  I try to keep from smiling at the thought, but fail. I just know that Blake is probably putting Derrick through hell, and rightfully so. “It serves you right,” I chuckle, as I let my defensive stance slip. “You have no idea what I wanted to do to you that day. Castration was very high on my list,” I jest, loving the horrified look on Derrick’s face.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” he mock gasps, cupping his package protectively.

  I shrug my shoulders and take a seat across from him. “No, I probably wouldn’t. I am not as cruel as you might think. But, try that again and I swear that whatever Blake has done to you to pay you back will be a walk in the freaking park compared to what I’ll do to you.”

  Derrick’s lips curl up into a tight smile, and he nods his head in agreement, “Noted.”

  Silence descends on us momentarily, and I can’t help but feel a bit awkward, sitting across from him wearing nothing but my robe, while he’s dressed in a perfectly tailored, charcoal grey suit.

  The Hanson brothers sure know how to wear a suit.

  Clearing my throat, and reining in my drifting thoughts, I ask him to give me a few minutes to get dressed. Derrick nods his head and I quickly return to my bedroom, closing the door behind me.

  The second sexiest man ever to walk into this apartment and here I am in a fucking bathrobe—not that I had any plans to sleep with him. But, still… how embarrassing.

  I grab a pair of yoga pants and a light blue tank top and quickly change. Running to the bathroom, I make quick work of brushing my teeth and taming my unruly case of bed head.

  Deciding that I’ve done the best I can with my appearance, I march out the bathroom and back into the living room where I’d left Derrick. “So,” I begin to say, but I trail off when I realize he’s no longer there. Turning on my heels, I can’t help but gawk as I see Derrick’s large frame moving around my kitchen and scrambling eggs.

  I was so not expecting that.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, finally gaining his attention.

  He turns and smiles at me before returning his attention to the eggs he’s preparing. “I figured that since I woke you up, the least I could do was to make you breakfast. Consider it a peace offering,” he replies, as he carries the now well beaten eggs over to the frying pan. I don’t buy this act, not one bit. Something is definitely amiss.

  “Okay, that’s it! Step away from the frying pan, buddy,” I demand, my right hand taking up residence on my hip.

  Surprised, Derrick drops the spatula he’s holding and turns to face me. I eye him suspiciously as I slowly approach him. “I don’t know what the heck you’re planning, but you can forget about it. I am not buying this act of yours, so spill it. You can start with how the hell you knew where I lived.”

  Derrick smirks, clearly unfazed by my outburst, as he simply grabs a chair from the kitchen island and plants his ass down onto it. “You are one smart woman, Alyson. It’s no wonder my brother is so smitten by you,” he laughs.

  Narrowing my eyes, I take the bait he offers, “Smitten? Your brother doesn’t do smitten and you and I both know it. So what exactly is this about?”

  Cocking his head to one side, Derrick gives me a shit-eating grin, and I know instantly that I am not going to like what he has to say.

  “I have a plan. A good plan actually. But, this time I am bringing you in on it,” he says, as he leans over the island.

  Oh, great. Derrick has a plan. Because the first one went sooo perfectly. This man is nuts.


  Suzie was an excellent distra
ction for me last night, but there is a certain troublesome little problem named Alyson that I need to deal with, and sooner, rather than later. Alyson will understand that I am not a man to be so easily turned from, and I plan on making that fact very clear to her.

  The first part of my plan is already in motion. The moving company I sent over to her apartment this morning should have packed up all of Alyson’s belongings by now. Glancing at the clock on my desk, I wonder why I haven’t heard from the little witch yet. Surely she will have quite a lot to say to me once she realizes that not only is she not walking away from me, but that I am moving her into one of my condos.

  It’s obvious that Alyson has misgivings about her ability to adapt to a D/s relationship. Although I initially had no interest in training a sub, I can’t deny that the idea of training Alyson arouses me. Training a sub is no easy task. It’s a lot of hard work for both the Dom and sub, which is why I have avoided it for so long. She doesn’t have to live there permanently of course, just until her training has been completed. In the meantime, she’ll want for nothing. I’ll make sure that her apartment is taken care of and that she has everything she needs while she’s at the condo.

  I know she’ll be a raging ball of fury when I see her later. I must admit that I am looking forward to it. She is absolutely captivating when she is riled up, which is exactly the way I want her.

  “Jaxon, please check with the movers and make sure that our guest is prepared for me,” I tell him, as I enter my home office to find him standing beside my grand oak desk.

  “Sir, I have just spoken to the movers, and it seems we have a bit of a situation,” Jaxon murmurs, clearly uncomfortable about whatever he has to tell me.

  Raising an eyebrow, I signal for him to continue as I take a seat behind my desk.

  Clearing his throat, he continues, “It seems that the movers have not yet had the opportunity to procure Ms. Lane’s belongings.”


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