Buying the Virgin

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Buying the Virgin Page 8

by Stella Stone

  “My men will scare the piss out of your mom, send her off somewhere, and if she even attempts to come back here again, they’ll shoot first and ask questions later. The pimp? He won’t be back here, no matter what your cracked-out mom told him. I don’t know how she got him here to begin with,” Aldrich mutters against my breast.

  I whimper when he shifts his hips and fills me with his cock. “You’re not his to have. You’re not hers to make deals with. You’re mine, and only mine,” he growls.

  He doesn’t fuck me this time, he slowly makes love to me. There is no other word to describe it as he gently slides in and out of me, his eyes connected to my own, speaking a language only our bodies understand.

  “Tell me, Penelope, tell me you’re only mine,” he growls, his hips picking up their pace.

  I widen my legs, lifting my hips to meet his thrusts, my eyes staying glued to his. “Only yours, Aldrich,” I exhale.

  “Damn fucking straight,” he announces.

  I don’t get a chance to speak again, his gentle glides turn into pounding thrusts and I accept it, loving the way he makes my entire body ache with each pound of his hips against me.

  “Fuck,” he roars as my pussy clamps down around him and he fills me with his release. He collapses on top of me, his mouth touching my neck, licking and tasting me while he catches his breath. “She will not get you,” he rasps.



  “He’s waiting for you downstairs,” Sophie announces.

  I’m physically exhausted from having sex all night long and mentally exhausted from my mother’s visit. Right now, I push those thoughts aside though. I’m wearing one of the expensive soft causal dresses, Jessica insisted I get. I’m glad for it. My entire body is so sore, the thought of putting on any kind of pants has me cringing.

  I turn toward Sophie. She’s looking at me with an expression I can’t read, and I tilt my head to the side. “Lot happened last night, are you doing okay?” she asks as she begins to walk toward the door.

  I follow behind her and let out a sigh before I speak. “I am. I’m just surprised at how fast it all happened, I guess.”

  “But not surprised by her actions?”

  I reach out and wrap my hand around Sophie’s forearm, halting her movement. “You don’t grow up with a mom who is an addict and not learn to expect the unexpected,” I shrug.

  Sophie gives me a kind smile, wrapping her other hand around mine and giving it a squeeze. “Which is why you and Mr. Aldrich are a beautiful match. You don’t grow up with a philandering father without learning to expect him to come onto every girl you’ve ever brought around.”

  We don’t say anything else, her words about Randall Lowell ringing in my head. I knew from what Aldrich had told me, and how he wouldn’t let me be alone with him, what Randall was about. The thought of a young teenage Aldrich bringing a girl home and his father coming onto her? It makes my heart bleed for him. No wonder he craves control, compliance, and needs an outlet for his pain.

  “He’s in his office,” Sophie grins standing next to the door.

  I don’t bother knocking, knowing that he is waiting for me. Opening the door, I slip inside and close it behind me. I’m surprised to see him sitting behind his desk, but his eyes are focused on something in front of him. It’s unfolded, but I can’t tell what he’s looking at without stepping closer.

  “On my lap, baby girl,” he directs.

  I try to hurry toward him, but I ache with each step I take so I’m unable to move as quickly as I’d like. Slowly, I sink against his thigh, moaning when my tender center meets his hard leg.

  Aldrich shoves his face in my neck, inhaling my scent and pressing his lips to the side of my skin. “Sore, baby girl?”

  “Unbelievably,” I admit.

  He chuckles wrapping his arm around my waist and giving me a squeeze. “Sorry,” he mutters, though I can tell by the tone in his voice that he is anything but.

  “Pick one,” he says.

  Turning to face his desk I don’t know what I expect to find, but a piece of cloth with ten gigantic diamond rings laying on it, is not it.

  “Aldrich?” I ask.

  He moves his hands to my hips and squeezes. “Marry me, Penelope. Pick a ring, and marry me, baby girl.” His words, his proposal, is whispered against the back of my neck.


  Penelope’s head spins around and her eyes connect to mine as she tries to face me. It’s fucking adorable. Her eyes are wide, unbelieving and fucking gorgeous.

  Lifting my hand, I slide her hair off of her neck, and wrap my hand around the side of her throat. “Marry me, Penelope,” I repeat.

  She lets out a shaky breath, her lips trembling as her eyes fill with water. “But, you bought me.”

  I chuckle, shaking my head. “I did, but I want you to know what you mean to me. You’re mine, not because I paid for you, but because I love you,” I state.

  Penelope stands and turns around, I watch as she sinks to her knees between my thighs. I hold my breath as her hands slide up my legs, her wide eyes staring at me and she smiles.

  “I love you so much, Aldrich. I didn’t think it was possible. Not ever. I do though. I love you and I love what we have,” she says.

  Cupping her cheek with my hand, I grin down at her. “Marry me,” I urge again.

  “Yes, a million times yes,” she smiles.

  She rises from between my legs and leans over, pressing her lips to mine in a chaste kiss. “Pick a ring, baby girl,” I rasp against her mouth.

  She stands and turns from me, looking down at the rings. “I don’t care, a plain band would work, as long as I have you,” she mutters, turning back to me.

  Wrapping my hands around her hips I tug her down on my legs. Reaching out, I grab the biggest ring on the felt and hold it up to her.

  “This one. I want no mistake you’re married and that you belong to a man who will pay to have anyone who even looks at you taken out,” I announce.

  She starts to giggle, her entire body shaking. “Okay, Rich,” she says between her laughter.

  I slip the ring on her finger, smiling at the sight of it on her hand. Reaching for the phone I call the jeweler to let him know of my selection and that his collection will be waiting for him with my head of security.

  “C’mon, baby girl, we have another thing we need to do today,” I announce.

  She stands looking up from her ring, the diamond winking in the rooms light, reminding me of the jewel winking in her butt plug when I fill her up. “Where are we going?” she asks in confusion.

  “To visit your brother, baby girl.”

  Her eyes fill with water and she launches herself at me, all of her aches and pains somehow forgotten. I hold her while her tears fall, and she thanks me, something she doesn’t need to do.

  Lowering my chin so that my lips touch hers, I taste my sweet baby girl.

  “I’ll always take care of you, and of him, Penelope. Never forget that,” I mutter against her mouth.

  “I love you, Aldrich. I love you so much. Thank you for buying me,” she breathes.

  “I would spend my entire goddamn fortune on you, baby girl, every fucking cent.”




  The ring sparkles on my finger, but that isn’t what has me mesmerized. It’s my hand. It’s laying on my now flat stomach. It won’t be flat soon. It will be round.

  I’m pregnant.

  I don’t know how Aldrich will take the news, he seemed so adamant about me going to a doctor and getting on birth control.

  Before I could, he came inside of me, not only once but what seemed like dozens of times, without a word about doctors and birth control. All seemed to be forgotten, and now, there’s no forgetting, there’s no denial, no ignorance.

  “You’re not naked,” a deep voice rings out.

  I jump, spinning around to see the man himself standing in the entrance
of the dungeon, our dungeon. My gaze stays on his, but I’m suddenly speechless, my mouth and lips dry.

  His eyes darken, taking a step toward me, he tilts his head to the side, his gaze roaming down to my hand that is still resting on my stomach.

  “Baby girl?” he asks, his voice losing the edge of just a few moments ago.

  Pressing my lips together, I nod. I expect a frown to appear, his brows to furrow, or his jaw to clench but none of it happens. He closes the distance between us, and I’m wrapped in his arms in an instant. When his lips touch mine, they’re gentle, soft, and perfect.

  “Fuck,” he rasps against my mouth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chants.

  “Are you mad?” I ask, finally finding my voice.

  Aldrich takes a step back, this time his brows knitting together as he looks down at me, his jaw clenches then relaxes before he speaks. “Why would you even ask me that?” he demands.

  “You never said you wanted kids. You talked about me being on birth control when we first met…” I mutter.

  He chuckles, pulling me against his chest, again. His lips brush my forehead before he speaks. “Happy, baby girl. I’m happy,” he rasps. “Now take these clothes off so that I can show you just how fucking happy I am that you’ve got my baby growing inside of you,” he demands.

  I practically jump backward and strip, my clothes flying all around us until I’m completely naked in front of him. His eyes scan me, and I can tell that something is working behind his gaze, but I don’t know what, yet.

  “On the bed. Flat on your back,” he instructs.

  “Yes, Master,” I whisper.

  Turning from him, I practically sprint to the bed, lying on my back—I wait.

  My breathing comes out in pants as I anticipate what is to come. This dungeon, it is my sanctuary, the place that I know Aldrich is his happiest, where we’re both able to just—be.

  Nothing penetrates this space, not since my mother attempted to all those months ago. This place is safe, emotionally, physically—supremely.

  Aldrich gathers my wrists and attaches my cuffs, to the center hook before he gently rolls me onto my stomach. I lift my knees as his hand slides down my spine. “I have a gift for you, you can look at it later, but I’m going to put it on you now,” he explains.

  I feel something cold slide around my neck and then I feel myself being tugged back by the neck. “A diamond collar, with a leash,” he explains.

  My entire body shivers. I’ve wondered about the collar and leash, something that I know is common with people who are involved in our same lifestyle.

  “Spread, baby girl,” he demands.

  My thighs widen, and I arch my back, tipping my ass up and practically whimpering with anticipation. Aldrich’s hand gently lands on the center of my back and trails down my spine until he reaches my ass. His fingers glide through my crack and stop at my back entrance. I moan, pushing back against his fingertips.

  “Probably shouldn’t give you this, but I think my baby girl deserves what she desires,” he murmurs.

  I gasp, then sigh as the large plug slowly slides into my ass. Aldrich grunts, and I know that it’s a grunt of pleasure. He likes what he sees, his diamond base sparkling back at him from my ass.

  His cock slides through my center as I lower my chest farther onto the mattress, bringing my ass up even more. Giving him my pussy, my slippery wet pussy for him to use.

  “Are you ready, baby girl?” he asks.

  I whimper. “Yes, Master,” I breathe.

  His cock fills me before I even finish the word, Master. I expect him to fuck me hard and fast, but he doesn’t. His movements are slow, precise, and delicious. When I come it is a climax that rolls through my entire body, moving over me from the inside out, my thighs shaking with a sigh and ending in a whimper.

  Aldrich doesn’t speed up his movements once I’ve climaxed, he tugs my neck back by the collar and his hand wraps around my hip, but his hips continue slowly thrusting in and out of me. I’m a wet mess, I can feel myself sliding down the insides of my thighs, but I don’t care—Aldrich certainly doesn’t mind, either.

  “If I continue, will you come again?” he asks, on a heavy breath.

  I groan, pushing back against him slightly. “Yes, yes I will my Master.”

  He grunts, then goes about bringing me toward the edge and toppling over with me. He fills me with his release, at the same time my pussy clamps down around him and I come. He guides me down onto my stomach, his chest pressing against my back, and his lips touching my ear.

  “You make me happy, Penelope. Thank you for being so goddamn perfect,” he breathes.



  I watch Leigh tumble as she toddles over the expansive green grass of our back yard. I never imagined myself a father, let alone a father to a little girl. She’s perfect like her mother though. Dark hair, dark eyes, with olive toned skin, and absolutely beautiful. However, she has much of my controlling and stubborn personality.

  “When did this become our lives?” Sterling asks, walking up beside me. We watch as his own toddler joins Leigh.

  I chuckle softly, unable to take my eyes off of the two babies. “I don’t know, but we’re fucking lucky bastards,” I reply.

  He grunts, with a nod. “We are. Damn fucking lucky. All four of us,” he announces.

  Whitaker and Connery aren’t here, this is a business dinner to discuss where our company is headed, and we decided to make it a family affair, mainly because we can’t stand to be away from our women for more than just a few moments at a time, we’re fucking ridiculous like that.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Penelope’s sweet voice calls out.

  I turn around and give her a smile and nod. “You need to knock her up again,” Sterling announces. I let out a burst of laughter as we walk toward the children.

  “I don’t, but thanks for putting it out there.”

  Sterling hums. “Maybe I’m just fucking weird, but seeing my woman pregnant, filling her with my baby, goddamn I love it,” he shrugs.

  “You are fucking weird,” I state as I scoop Leigh up in my arms.

  He flips me off, then we make our way back to our women. “Filling our house up with love isn’t weird, you psycho,” he mumbles under his breath.

  I shake my head, but his words hold merit. He’s right, to a degree. Although keeping Penelope pregnant twenty-four-seven isn’t the answer I think I want, he isn’t wrong. Filling this house, our house up with love is sweet. It’s something I never thought I would have, much like my friends, like Sterling.

  Thinking about Sterling’s words all through dinner, dessert, and then while we put Leigh to bed, I decide to broach the topic once it’s time for Penelope and me to settle in our own bed for the night.

  I watch her walk around the room, changing into a soft silk nightgown that hits her at mid-thigh. The straps are thin as is the material, and I can’t help but stare at her pretty pink nipples through the light blue fabric.

  “Climb up, baby girl,” I softly demand, once she starts heading toward the bed.

  Her face pinks and I watch as she slowly climbs up my legs, settling her soft pussy against my already hard cock. “Let me see my diamonds, Penelope.”

  She lets out a shaky breath, and slowly, pushes each strap of her nightgown down until she reveals her breasts. The bars piercing through each nipple, have diamonds on the ends.

  Diamonds I purchased for her. My baby girl drips in diamonds, daily, and it is exactly how I pictured her from the moment I bought her.

  “Sterling says we need to fill this house up with more babies, more love,” I murmur.

  She laughs, her eyes twinkling as she rolls her hips, her pussy sliding along my cock. My hands grip her hips with a groan. “It’s full of love, Aldrich, bursting with it. But if you want more children, I will never say no. I love Leigh, and I would love to give her siblings,” she says, panting.

  I grunt, lifting her slightly and growling when s
he sinks down on my cock, taking me completely inside of her. Reaching up, I tug on one of her nipple rings. Watching her head fall back as she groans, I smirk.

  “I’m not ready yet. I need more time with my girls before we add to our family,” I admit truthfully.

  She nods, the discussion abandoned as she begins to ride me. I watch my beautiful girl, her glittering diamonds at her ears, neck, and nipples as she takes my body. She’s in charge, and it’s breathtaking, just as it always is.



  Negative. Again.

  How is it possible? I sit down on the closed toilet seat lid, and I cry. The tears, they just fall, like they have been falling month after month of trying for a second baby. How was it so easy to conceive Leigh? I wasn’t even trying, we were brand new. Now? After over two years of trying, it’s not happening. Why?

  “Baby girl?” Aldrich’s voice calls out from the other side of the door.

  I quickly wipe my tears away, throwing the test in the trash and stand, inhaling a deep breath. He can’t see me upset. He’s been wonderful throughout this whole thing, but month after month of negative tests are wearing on both of us.

  Opening the door, I look up at him and instantly his face falls. The corners of his eyes crinkle, and without a word he pulls me into his arms.

  “I’m done trying,” I announce against his neck.

  “Then we’re done, baby girl. No more. We have Leigh, she’s perfect. We have one another, we don’t need anything else,” he murmurs, pressing his lips against the top of my head.

  Tipping my head back, I look up at him. “I know you want more children. I see the way you look at your nieces and nephews, Connery, Sterling and Whitaker’s brood. I want them too,” I whisper.

  He nods, lowering his forehead to rest against mine. “Our house has so much love, Penelope, and I’m happy with the way our lives are. More children or no more, I’m good,” he assures.


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