Summer With The Billionaire (Blue Bay Beach Reads Book 3)

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Summer With The Billionaire (Blue Bay Beach Reads Book 3) Page 1

by Ellie Hall

  Summer with the Billionaire

  The Blue Bay Beach Reads Romance Series

  Book 3


  Ellie Hall

  Summer with the Billionaire

  Copyright© 2019 Ellie Hall

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author/publisher except where permitted by law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Nova Bookish




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  Note to reader

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  Bimini Bread Recipe

  Excerpt for Summer with a Marine

  Also by Ellie Hall

  Let's Connect


  About the Author

  Note to reader

  There is little that I love more than reading no matter the season, but there is something special about summertime reading, especially while lounging at the beach. Think sweet, romantic beach reads, spanning long, lazy afternoons.

  If you love lying in the sand reading, or if you’re more of a pool person, or prefer the comfort of air conditioning, the Blue Bay Beach Reads Romance series is meant to impart that easy, breezy, sunshine feeling when days are long and carefree.

  I hope these books capture that summer vibe of relaxation and possibility along with sparks of romance, fizzy feels between first loves (or second chances or third tries) and the joy of the happily ever after. Wherever you are and whenever you read this book and the others in the series, I hope they transport you onto the pages.

  I wish you many hours of happy reading.

  ♥ Ellie

  P.S. Be sure to check at the end of the book for a VERY sweet surprise as well as an excerpt from another book in the series!!!

  Chapter 1


  Billie Fisher hurried along the sandy street of Blue Bay Beach as the sun lifted over the lip of the horizon. She was rarely late opening Coconut Cove Café. She’d been working there since she was old enough to have a job and even quite a while before that. In all those years she could count on one hand the number of times she’d overslept.

  The routine was like clockwork. Six days a week, she woke before dawn, got ready, set everything up for the day, and then unlocked the doors for the early morning regulars.

  The night before she’d had a hard time sleeping because of the rumors that had been carried into town on the breeze, rustling the palms, creating ripples across the water in the bay. They’d since drilled themselves into her mind. If they were true, what did that mean for her livelihood, her future, and all the people she employed and served?

  Usually, she ignored gossip, but the restaurant was already on shaky ground, or a rickety old dock as it were—it needed repairs for sure. But after her quarterly meeting with the accountant, things were worse than she’d feared. The chatter about a resort developer disturbing her small, idyllic town didn’t help matters.

  Billie would never admit to anyone she’d lost sleep over the issue, but the dark circles under her eyes told a different story.

  The respectively squat and tall silhouettes of Alvin and Elmer, just two of the regulars, stood on the dock by the front door.

  “There she is,” Alvin called. “We were just about ready to send out a search party.”

  “Yes, here I am. Sorry that I’m running late, fellas.”

  “Not to worry. You’ve had the lights on by six a.m. every day excluding Sundays and Christmas for how many years running?”

  Billie had lost track of how long she’d been working at Coconut Cove Café, but knew it had been eleven years since her father, the founder of the restaurant and her best friend, had passed.

  “I guess we can cut her some slack,” Elmer joked.

  “I’ll have your coffee out in less than five minutes. The Bimini bread will take a bit longer. My apologies.” She turned the key in the lock and flipped on the lights and overhead fans. “Make yourselves at home.” She gestured to the otherwise empty dining room with its worn hardwood floors, mismatched tables—with some made of driftwood—and beachy flair that only came from decades of genuine dedication and passion for the establishment.

  “We always do, Billie,” Elmer said, settling at the counter.

  As she went about the opening tasks, Alvin glanced at a laminated piece of paper outlining what she’d long ago memorized. He then went to the walk in and got out the containers of milk and cream. Elmer hopped up and set out the sugars at each table, including the counter.

  Meanwhile, Billie got the coffee started then turned on the ovens and put in the first batch of Bimini bread for the day. They prepped the lightly coconut flavored bread the day before so it was always ready in the morning.

  Alvin and Elmer lowered onto their usual stools. One opened his newspaper and the other clicked on his phone as they grabbed the headlines they’d use to engage in friendly debate for the next couple of hours while they drank coffee and ate their bread. Usually, they’d return for lunch. According to them, it was exactly the kind of life they’d wanted to live after retirement.

  Soon, Billie had brought their coffee. “Thanks for your help, guys.”

  “You’ve done enough for us over the years.” Alvin nodded in gratitude.

  “Every town should be so lucky as to have a gal like you.”

  Alvin started to say something about Blue Bay Beach, but the timer for the oven dinged to indicate it was up to temperature—usually something that happened before Billie had unlocked the doors for the day.

  She twisted her long blond hair into a knot on top of her head and went about the rest of her tasks, which thankfully weren’t too many since over the years she’d transformed the restaurant into a well-oiled machine where much of the prep for the next day was done the night before. She found it satisfying to thank her past self for making life easier for her present self—especially early in the morning and especially since she was running behind. That day she needed all the help she could get.

  As more customers filtered in, she felt slightly out of focus and preoccupied. It didn’t help that the murmurs that an investment company set up a temporary, mobile office on the other side of the cove came in with them.

  More rumors reached her ears when she checked if anyone needed more coffee. “I heard it’s that same firm that built the Barracuda Beach Resort.”

  When she stopped to chat with folks she hadn’t seen in a while she caught snatches of conversation. “D
id you hear they’re talking about calling the resort the Sand Dollar?”

  While she did her sidework, she overheard the fuss and fear over what would happen to their town. “They intend to buy up all the oceanfront property, even this place.”

  By the time Billie got back to Alvin and Elmer, they were in one of their famous debates.

  “They’ll have to build the resort around my cottage.” Alvin crossed his arms across his chest defiantly. “They can call me the old man on the beach instead of the old man on the mountain.”

  “What’ll you do if you’re smack dab in the middle of the golf course and get whacked with a golf ball?” Elmer asked.

  “I’ll throw it back, that’s what. What are you going to do, Elmer? Sell out?”

  “Not over my dead body, but these guys know what they’re doing. They’ll do their best to drive us out. We have to be smart.”

  “And strong.” Billie winked.

  She was younger than the old guard in town, but Blue Bay Beach was her home and if what she was hearing was true, despite her anxiety, she would fight for it. She knew they relied on her too, especially as a business owner, to form an alliance and bolster them. “It wouldn’t be the first time. We’re Blue Bay Beach strong. We’ll charm the pants off ‘em and send them on their way.”

  “That’s a girl,” Alvin said with a jovial laugh.

  “Your father would be proud of you, Billie.” Elmer tipped his hat.

  She nodded. Yeah. He would. But even if he could, he wouldn’t see the knots forming in her stomach. Coconut Cove Café was her entire life. Nothing would come between her and keeping its legacy going except finances.

  Shortly before eight a.m. Betty arrived for the morning rush. She was significantly shorter than Billie, which was saying something because even she needed the step stool to reach the top shelf in the walk in. Her shock of white hair and always smiling eyes brought Billie instant comfort.

  “Morning, morning,” she said, greeting Alvin and Elmer who were pulling out their wallets to pay.

  “It’s on the house today, fellas,” Billie said, refusing their payment.

  “We’re paying customers, Billie,” Elmer said.

  “You were working employees today,” she corrected them.

  “We hardly lifted a finger.” Alvin shoved the money at her.

  She held up her hands, refusing it. “Come back later and get the lunch special. You can leave a big tip.” She winked.

  “You’re pulling a double shift today?” Alvin asked.

  It was more like a triple, but she did have the evening off. “Don’t worry, Claudia will be here later too.”

  The two guys started talking about Claudia and her boyfriend’s recent piano recital at the community center. Billie took the opportunity to dash off to bring out an order.

  Betty had technically been waiting tables at Coconut Cove Café longer than Billie had been alive—first while her kids were in school to help with the bills and later because she enjoyed the social aspect. She always joked that she wasn’t going to work, but to entertain her best friends. She slipped seamlessly into the morning routine.

  The two women worked in companionable silence in an almost choreographed dance as they swept from the waitstaff station to the tables, to the counter to the cook’s window.

  When the morning rush started to slow, Betty poured Billie a glass of coconut lemonade and broke them each off a piece of Bimini bread then added a few dabs of vanilla-cinnamon infused butter to the still-warm bread.

  It melted in Billie’s mouth as she took a much-needed bite. She’d never tire of its subtle coconut sweetness and pillowy, soft center. The smell and taste always brought her home—not that she often left. Not with her responsibilities or financial situation.

  The Coconut Cove Café was a Blue Bay Beach institution and the thought of something happening to it nearly caused Billie to want to crawl under a mangrove tree, but instead of telling Betty, she asked about her weekend spent at an antique car show with her husband Gus. There were a lot of classic cars in town, including Billie’s own Chevy, which was passed to her from her father.

  “Gus is thinking of starting a classic car club with an annual show here in Blue Bay Beach. We could have a barbecue, Coco’s Cones could set up for ice cream, and if you’re up for it, Coconut Cove Café could have a refreshments table and sponsor a gift card for a raffle.” Betty twirled her straw in the coconut lemonade.

  “That’s a cool idea. I think it would go over well. I’m surprised no one has thought of it before,” Billie said.

  “It’s a lot of work to organize, but Gus has something of an apprentice now. It was his suggestion and he offered to help with it. The young man comes over a few times a week and Gus teaches him how to fix old cars—our garage has been hopping lately. Gus always says, ‘They don’t make ‘em like they used to.’”

  “He’s right about that. It’s a good, practical skill to understand auto mechanics.” Billie took a sip of the coconut lemonade.

  Betty grinned wide. “He seems to be very good with his hands, is around your age, and...”

  Billie flashed the ring on her right hand.

  “Oh, right. You’re fake engaged.”

  “I’m not looking for a relationship.” Billie didn’t have time for romance—except on Sunday nights when she settled in with a rom-com or sweet romance special on TV.

  “Because you’re married to this place. I know, I know,” Betty joked.

  The trickle started for the lunch rush and they both got back to work even though neither had sat down while chatting, but had organized supplies and restocked behind the counter.

  Billie found herself tired and preoccupied, and had a case of the butterfingers. Sunday, when she could relax, couldn’t come soon enough.

  “You okay, dear?” Betty asked after they nearly collided.

  “Oh, me? I’m fine.” Billie picked up a knife that had slid off the plate she’d cleared.

  “You sure?” Betty lifted an eyebrow.

  Billie nodded.

  However, Betty was right to be concerned. Billie prided herself on rarely being out of sorts.

  “Well good, because today is your day.” Betty waggled her eyebrows.

  Today was not Billie’s day, but she didn’t want to upset Betty so she kept why she felt slightly less than fine to herself—though Betty had certainly heard about the rumors about the resort. Billie had to be strong and solid for everyone and not let them think she was worried or saw the resort as a real threat.

  “It’s your turn,” Betty prodded.

  “My day? My turn?” Billie asked not understanding—maybe she missed something and was much more tired than she thought.

  Just then, Eisley appeared with a bright smile and Coco, her adopted daughter, on her hip. “Hey, everyone. We lost Bunny.” Eisley went on to describe the little stuffed animal Coco usually had with her everywhere she went.

  “I haven’t seen it, but I do have a big hug for Miss Coco.” Betty gathered the adorable little girl in her arms and sang her a silly nursery rhyme. Coco was practically the Coconut Cove Café mascot. Everyone adored her.

  “While we’re here, let’s get something to eat, huh, Coco?” She turned to the others. “Don’t tell Ford, but we’ve kind of been living on ice cream.” Eisley went on to talk about the success of her ice cream business called Coco’s Cones and how they’d started selling online using a delivery service that mailed the ice cream in insulated containers so it would remain frozen.

  They settled at a table right by the counter and Billie brought them a small cutting board with a slab of Bimini bread on top. Her father, Frank Fisher, made the cutting boards himself to perfectly fit the small loaves of bread brought to each table after the customers placed their order. There was even a little divot to set the pats of butter and a holder for the knife.

  It was little touches like that, which brought the customers back, but it seemed things had slowed recently or that overhead had increas
ed and Billie was spending more. Since her meeting with the accountant, she’d hardly had a chance to look at the books and really figure out where the leaks and fires were in her business. She’d hardly had a chance to stop and catch her breath.

  As she poured waters for Eisley and her daughter, Billie closed her eyes a moment. She had hardly had any sleep. When someone brushed behind her, she startled.

  “Just here for my check. Sorry to surprise you. I forgot it last week.” Claudia appeared and was all smiles.

  Claudia routinely forgot her check, her apron, and would likely forget her head if it wasn’t attached—she supposed that’s what happened after falling in love. Not that Billie wanted or even had time for that. No, she was married to her business and that was the way it would stay. But she loved that even her employees stopped in on their days off.

  Betty smirked as Claudia reappeared from the back office carrying the envelope containing her paltry earnings. Most of the women worked part-time and none of them needed to from a financial standpoint—none of them except Billie.

  Betty and Gus were comfortable with their retirement. Ford, Eisley’s husband came into a fortune after the grandfather he’d never known had passed away. Claudia and Carter were successful musicians—especially Carter as the rock star formerly known as Wilde. Fortunately, she’d tamed his wild ways. They weren’t married but were deeply in love. Billie imagined they’d soon be tying the knot. Mostly, Carter was concerned about the attention from the press and didn’t want to bring that into their lives.

  “Good. You’re all here,” Betty said. “This is perfect. It’s Billie’s turn today.”

  She shook her head, still not clear about what Betty meant.

  “You have to date the next guy you wait on,” Betty clarified.

  The space between Billie’s eyebrows creased as she recalled the batty idea Betty had come up with to initiate the new hires earlier in the summer. She’d dared them to date the next guy they waited on. Betty was a romantic and wanted to see everyone happily coupled if not engaged or married.


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