When Never Again Happens (Never Again Series Book 2)

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When Never Again Happens (Never Again Series Book 2) Page 18

by Jamie Lynn Boothe



  Junior thought he was going to have a heart attack. He walked out of the small coffee shop in the mall and was only seconds away from walking directly in the path of Sam and Clara. As soon as his eyes laid on them he quickly stepped back into the shop. The last thing he needed was getting caught in the mall by them. He would have to lie about something, because he couldn’t let them know the real reason he was there, especially since he told Sam earlier he wasn’t planning on anything for the day. That in itself was a lie, and he felt bad about that one. Even if it was a tiny white lie, it was still a lie and he didn’t want to make a habit of it.

  He watched them as carefully as he could and since they were there at the same time he was, he had to be extremely careful. Times like that he wished he was a ninja, or at least trained how to be stealthy. Thankfully, they were going the opposite direction on where he needed to go. He watched them until he saw them go into a game store and hurried himself to accomplish his goal for the day. A goal that would be expensive, but he didn’t care. In his mind, nothing was too much or too good for Sam.

  When he walked into the jewelry store he found that it, too, was packed with like-minded customers. He carefully stepped between a few of them and walked up to the glass counter that showed off some of the most beautiful wedding and engagement rings he had ever seen. He peered into the glass hoping to find something that could come close to Sam’s beauty, but he believed there wouldn’t be a ring in any store that could match up to that. As he gazed upon the selection and amazed at some of the prices a young sales clerk appeared before him.

  “Good afternoon, sir. May I help you with something?”

  He looked up and into the face of a woman that greatly resembled a young Elizabeth Taylor. He thought that was very cool since Ms. Taylor was well-known for her jewelry.

  “Umm, yeah, I hope so at least. I’m wanting to find something incredible, but something I can afford at the same time. If that’s possible.”

  “Well, let’s see what we can do. What exactly are you looking to spend?”

  He had already considered spending close to two thousand dollars on both the engagement ring and the wedding ring. He wasn’t very sure what the differences would be, but he planned on half for each.

  “I’m guessing a thousand for the engagement ring, two for both.”

  The Elizabeth Taylor look-a-like smiled and offered him one that was slightly over his range.

  “How would this gorgeous ring do?” she asked as she pulled a small blue box from the glass counter. “This is a lovely half carat total weight princess-cut diamond, vintage-style in eighteen carat white gold. Its normal price is fourteen sixty-nine, but it’s on sale this weekend for only eleven sixty-nine.”

  He thought for a moment and stared at it in her hand. She set it on the glass and he picked it up to get a closer look. Dollar signs flashed before his eyes and he asked himself if he could afford it. He knew if Sam said “Yes” that the cost of it wouldn’t matter to her, but it did to him. He wanted to get her something she would love showing off. Something she would love to look at on her hand forever. If she said “Yes.” His gut hurt and he didn’t want to put too much thought into it. She was worth every cent and more. Without another thought he set it down.

  “I’ll take it.”

  As he watched the young sales clerk tie a thin bow on the box that held the symbol of marriage, his heart rate felt like it picked up several notches. When she rang the ring up on the cash register and he handed her his credit card, he did so with a slight tremble in his hand. He knew he wasn’t feeling that way due to fear. He was going through emotions full of heightened excitement. He was at a point in his life where he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he was ready to ask Sam to spend her life with him. He knew for a fact that he would never hurt her or leave her, and he would do anything to make her happy. He believed God put them together for a purpose and he was going to follow through and spend the rest of his days to make that happen. His only worry was whether she thought she was ready for the same commitment.

  He wasn’t worried whether she loved him or not. He was concerned whether she was ready to be married for the second time. If she wanted to say another set of vows. If she wanted to walk down the aisle again. He smiled to himself as the sales clerk handed him the ring and thanked him. He smiled because it didn’t matter to him what kind of wedding they had as long as she said “Yes” and “I Do.” He would marry her in Coe Park or Walmart or Dunkin Donuts. It didn’t matter to him.

  When he stepped out of the jewelry store he looked both ways. Until he was in his car and out of the mall he had to be on the lookout for Sam and Clara. If they did happen to come across each other he could say he changed his mind and thought about getting out of the apartment for a few hours. It wouldn’t be a complete lie.

  Quickly, he strolled through the crowd as Jingle Bell Rocks flowed from speakers somewhere in the banisters and throughout the immense building. He hurried through the double glass doors and out into the cold and snow flurries lightly floating in the air. With every step, it seemed his smile spread wider. He thought he probably resembled the Joker.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Christmas Day would be on a Sunday, and how better to spend Jesus’ birthday than to start it out at church praising His holy name? Sam and Junior talked about their first Christmas together as a couple and her first one in her new home. In two weeks, they would be able to open presents together and with friends. They would be able to worship together and celebrate the holidays, and if they were lucky it would be a white Christmas. Living in Connecticut, the chances of that were very good.

  Junior stomped the snow off his boots and removed them as he came in from outside and set the firewood in the box he built to hold it. He had carried in five large armfuls from the pile he split the other day. It should be enough to get her through a few days. With a fire already raging and throwing heat from the dancing flames, it added warmth to the already splendid feeling in the house. It didn’t match what was raging within him, though.

  He had planned on waiting until Christmas Eve to ask her, but he couldn’t stand it any longer. His nerves and excitement had grown intense as each day passed. It would have been her big present, but he had other things for her as well, so she would still have things to open. Plus, if she said “Yes” when he popped the question, it would be the best present for him to be able to spend Christmas with his fiancée.

  Sam was sitting on the floor in front of the fire wrapping the presents she bought for Clara and Bill and her self-proclaimed nephews. Christmas songs softly played on the radio and she was wearing her flannel onesie. She looked about as cute as she could ever possibly be. When he walked into the living room she grinned up at him. Different colors from the fire danced within her eyes. Momentarily, he was hypnotized by her gaze.

  She held up the games she bought for the kids and asked, “Did I show you these? It’s what Clara’s boys want for Christmas. They think Santa Claus is bringing them though.”

  Sitting on the floor next to her he took them and held them in his hands. She was a very loving and giving woman. Another reason he loved her.

  “You think it would be okay if I try them out first? To make sure they are in good condition?” he asked jokingly.

  She grabbed them out of his hand and they laughed. “No sir! These are for the kids. If you want some games, I’ll buy you one too.”

  His laughter stopped, but his nervousness suddenly became immense.

  “That’s not what I want for Christmas,” he told her.

  “I know what you want,” she said as she taped red paper with Frosty the Snowman on it to one of the games. She wasn’t looking at him and continued. “But you don’t know what I have for you and you can’t have it until Christmas morning. Maybe we will open one present Christmas Eve. If you are good.”

  He watched her as she snickered and continued wrapping the present. His love for her becam
e deeper, if that was even possible. She was incredibly beautiful to him. In every imaginable way. Long soft strands of her brown hair had fallen into her face. Her head was bowed as she was paying attention to the task at hand. The atmosphere couldn’t be more perfect for what he was ready to do. When he didn’t comment, she turned and looked at him obviously baffled by the expression on his face, one of pure admiration and love.

  “What are you thinking?” she whispered. Her face lost its smile and softened. Her freckles took his breath away. It was then. Right at that moment he was ready to ask the most important question he would ever ask her.

  “This isn’t going exactly how I planned.”

  She looked at him confused, and asked, “What isn’t?”

  Turning to face her directly, he gently took one of her hands in his and continued. “Sam, there truly isn’t a right or wrong way of doing this, but I can’t think of a more opportune time. A more perfect time with you and I sitting here in front of the fireplace, wrapping presents with Christmas only two weeks away. It’s the best time, actually.”

  Grinning, Sam told him, “You are so cute, but you are seriously confusing me right now. What are you talking about?”

  Junior closed his eyes and as he raised her hand to his lips he silently asked God for guidance and courage. He looked back at her and reached into his back pocket to retrieve the small box.

  “Sam, I have loved you more than anything, ever since my eyes were blessed with your beauty. When I met you, everything about you brought light into my life. Your presence touched my soul. I know in my heart God brought us together for a reason and I believe that reason is to love each other forever. To be with one another through everything life throws at us and to serve Him as a couple.”

  Sam’s chin began to tremble and her eyes filled with tears as the realization dawned on her what was about to happen. When Junior brought his hand in front of him her hands flew to her mouth and she gasped. Tears fell onto her onesie as Junior opened the box and pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring.

  “Sam, I want to spend my life with you. I want to spend every waking moment doing everything that I possibly can to make you laugh, to make you know how much I love and cherish you. To make you happy. Will you be willing to do the same with me? Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”

  She stared at the ring he held in his trembling fingers. She couldn’t breathe. Was this happening or was she dreaming? Suddenly, she knew why God told her to move back to Torrington. In the depths of her soul she truly believed God did exactly what Junior just said. He brought them together and He had a plan for them. Whatever God’s plan was for them she wanted to follow it to a T. Unable to do more than take slow and shallow breaths, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. She cried into his shoulder and when she pulled back she kissed him hard with both hands on his face. Finally, she looked into his eyes, eyes that were growing fearful.

  “Yes, Junior. I would be more than honored to spend the rest of my life with you as your wife!”

  As her words gently fell on his ears, his own tears slowly built into his eyes until they streamed slowly down his cheeks. He couldn’t have grinned any bigger if his life depended on it as he slid the ring on her finger. She held her hand out in front of her and admired how the light from the fire made it glitter. When she turned back to him she wasn’t able to contain her happiness and fell into his arms again. They laid on their sides in front of the fire, temporarily forgetting about everything else as they gazed into the others eyes and said three precious words…“I love you.”


  Sam opened her eyes first and through the darkness she could tell that Junior was still sleeping. His light breathing was loud enough and she could barely make out the outline of his face. She couldn’t contain a smile that rose from her heart to her face. She was tempted to caress his face, but she didn’t want to wake him. In her eyes, he was a gorgeous man and as she lay beside him she couldn’t understand fully as to why she had been so stubborn. God blessed her in so many ways and with Junior, God blessed her once again. She truly believed that.

  It was their first Christmas together and she was happier than she had been in a long time. Raising her head slightly she peered through the window and could see that thick snowflakes were falling heavily. The fire would be out so she would need to start a new one. She leaned forward, softly kissed him on his lips, and whispered “I love you.” He barely moved and she smiled as she slid from beneath the warmth of the covers. They both had known sleeping together would bring great temptations, but nothing had happened more than falling asleep within each other’s arms. It had been perfect.

  They left the heat on low; to help save on electricity she didn’t raise it above sixty degrees since she had a fireplace. Thankfully, Junior had brought in plenty of wood to build a fire and once it was going well enough on its own, she went into the kitchen. She would wake him soon, but she needed to get the coffee started first. Sitting at the table as it brewed she stared at her ring. Her heart was full and she knew she was blessed. Closing her eyes as the aroma filled the room she thanked the One who made everything possible.

  “Jesus, first I want to say Happy Birthday. Today is Your day and You deserve all the glory for everything good. This morning I must say thank You for all You have done for me and for Junior. None of this would have happened without You, and both of us are aware of that fact. Thank You for loving us and thank You for bringing us together. I love You, Jesus. Thank You and again, Happy Birthday.”

  When she was finished, the coffeemaker gurgled along with her and she poured two cups. It was time for Mr. Sleepyhead to get up so they could open presents. She grinned at that thought and shuffled her way into the bedroom. She didn’t turn the light on, but stepped up beside him and sat on the edge of the bed. Setting the two cups on the nightstand she leaned over him and kissed him on his cheek.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” she whispered.

  He stirred and slowly opened his eyes. When they fell upon her all he could see was the silhouette of her face with the window directly behind her. He moaned and rolled onto his back.

  “Merry Christmas, beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  “What time is it?” he asked.

  “Almost six-thirty.”

  “Wow, that’s late,” he joked and sat up. Sam snickered and handed him his cup. “Thank you.”

  “I have the fire going already. Let’s go open presents before we have to get ready for church.”

  Grinning, he told her, “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  She stood and he removed himself from the bed. Walking in front of her she heard him say Happy Birthday to Jesus and she smiled. They had left the lights on the tree turned on overnight and they blinked with bright greens, reds, blues and yellow colors. Tinsel and garland hung loosely as different shades of ornaments were mixed within. As they drank their coffee and enjoyed the heat from the fire they exchanged presents for the first time. She laughed at him as he tore the paper to shreds to get what she gave him and he joked with her as she carefully untied the bows and unfolded the wrapping on hers.

  Together they loved all they had received and couldn’t have been more blessed. After several cups of coffee and enjoying their time in their pajamas, they quickly ate some breakfast then got ready for church. Junior cleared the snow from the truck and they carefully drove to the place they needed to be to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. In their hearts, in their minds, it was the perfect day. One of love and celebration. One of gratitude and giving. They held hands on the way and kissed before they got out of the truck. Looking into each other’s eyes, they said “I love you.” Grinning from ear to ear they walked hand in hand into the church and praised the Lord for all His love and blessings.

  After the service and before leaving they pulled the pastor to the side and asked if he would be willing to join them on the day they made their vows and lead the service
on their most important day. He grinned and accepted, saying it was an honor to be asked. For them, they had no doubt that it was the best Christmas ever.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The sun was bright and the sky a perfect shade of blue as God made sure there were no clouds on the day Sam and Junior joined their hearts as one. With the weather being as beautiful as it was, the flowers and bride and groom were just as lovely. It was a small crowd that had been invited. Neither wanted a large wedding, so they invited only their closest friends and family, and by the time they finished mailing the invitations it seemed half the church was there as well. As she was in a back room of the church getting ready her father stepped in to talk to her.

  “You look like a queen!” he told her as he gave her a heartwarming hug.

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “This is going to be a beautiful wedding, and I have no doubt that young man will be good for you.”

  Smiling and trying hard not to cry, she agreed, “Yes, I believe that, too.”

  “You are my little girl and always will be. You have no idea how happy I am right now for you both. I love you, Sam.”

  Her father cried as he told her he loved her. She ended up crying and quickly dabbed at her eyes so her makeup wouldn’t be messed up. He walked out to find Junior until it was his time to give her away. As she remained where she was her mother helped by keeping her calm and by making any needed adjustments with her gown. Clara was with her as well since she was going to be Sam’s bridesmaid.

  “A part of me can’t believe this is happening again,” Sam told them as she sat and fidgeted. Her fingers were clasped, then unclasped, then clasped together again. Her right knee was rapidly bouncing and her mother had to tell her to stop. She wasn’t aware she was doing it.


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