The Crime of Protection

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The Crime of Protection Page 5

by Gloria Martin

  The cab pulled up to the office on the human colony and Exonyie stepped out. He had never been in the human colony before, and it was desolate. All of the beauty and color of Zethron ceased to exist on this side of the planet. It was like the government only cared about the areas where the cyborgs lived and left the humans to fend for themselves. The only thing the empire recognized the human race as good for was manual labor. Exonyie walked up to the steps to Deborah’s office and was greeted by a cheery blond receptionist.

  “I’ll page Deborah and let her know that you’re here. Please have a seat,” she said.

  The receptionist picked up an archaic phone and announced Exonyie’s arrival. A few minutes later a woman in a tailored gray suit walked out of an office and approached him.

  “Commander, I’m Deborah,” she introduced herself as she extended her hand towards him. Handshaking was not a customary cyborg tradition, but Deborah must have felt that he was worthy of this human ritual because of his relationship with Avi. He took her hand and shook it firmly. A smile appeared on her face. “Please follow me to my office,” Deborah requested.

  The office was decorated with family photos and pictures of special places on Earth. Exonyie realized that humans wanted to show off the things that they loved, as opposed to cyborgs who just wanted to make everything pretty. What mattered more? he thought to himself.

  “Please, have a seat Commander. How can I help you?” Deborah inquired.

  “Thank you for seeing me today, Deborah. As you know, Avi’s situation is very dangerous. There is not much we can do to save her life, but that is my main goal,” Exonyie began.

  “Yes, Avi told me much about you, Commander, and your goal to protect her at all costs. I just have to ask—what do you gain from this endeavor?” Deborah asked earnestly.

  Exonyie didn’t have to think about his response before he blurted it out. “Her, Deborah. I would gain her.”

  Another smiled appeared on her lips.

  “Avi was right about you, darlin’. You are one of a kind,” she said as she giggled. “Let me get those files for you and we’ll discuss the case,” she said. She rummaged through her desk and pulled out an over-flowing manilla file. She opened up to the first page and then she leaned in towards Exonyie.

  “Okay, we know how detrimental it is for you to stand up for Avi, especially on the witness stand, but to stand up against your own is going to cause a huge stir, so we need you to do it. As her defence lawyer, I told Avi that this is a longshot, but I believe that if we play our cards right, we can exonerate her of all charges.”

  “I’ll do whatever it takes,” said Exonyie.


  Avi’s chest was heaving as she tried to calm down. Blood was dripping down her face, but she knew that nothing was broken, at least on her. She couldn’t say the same for the cyborg who had tried to assault her. Krug was lying on the bottom of her cell, nose gushing blood. His partner Qua had run to get first aid. Qua was aware of the attack, and Avi hoped that she would stick up for her, but it didn’t matter. Her trial was in less than an hour anyway. Avi had to prepare herself for the worst, so she sat down and meditated, something her mother had taught her. She hadn’t meditated in a very long time.

  “Avi Mitchell,” an unfamiliar guard said as he walked up to her cell, eyeing the bleeding cyborg shouting profanities.

  “Yes?” Avi responded curtly as she stood up.

  “I’m going to escort you to the courtroom. Please put your hands behind your back,” he said as he walked up and cuffed her. The man was gentle as he escorted her down the long white hall, towards the courtroom door.

  “Please do not turn around or show any emotion on your face. I have a message from Exonyie. He said that he met with Deborah and he will take the stand if he needs to, but he feels that when the Prime Minister receives the information that they have compiled, he won’t need to. So, just stay calm during the trial, everything will be okay soon.” Avi listened to the cyborg and finally recognized the voice as Zen from Exonyie’s ship.

  “Thank you,” she whispered gratefully.

  “Any person, cyborg or human, that the Commander would risk his life for, is someone worth saving. No thanks are needed,” he replied sincerely. Tears welled up in Avi’s eyes and she sucked them back in remembering his order from a second ago. She composed herself as he opened the door to the courtroom.

  Avi was led into the room, and came face to face with a crowd of angry cyborgs, ready to watch her plead guilty to a murder of one of their own and make sure that she received the harshest of punishments—death. Deborah was not there, for some reason. Avi took a calming breath as the guard led her to the bench where she would be sitting for the duration of the trial.

  “Stay strong and remember what I said,” he whispered as he left her side. The courtroom guard walked up and called the courtroom to order as four imperial judges filtered in and sat at the bench overlooking Avi.

  “We call to order this case of Zethron versus Avi Mitchell in the murder of Authority Figure 718,” the head judge proclaimed. Avi gulped as she heard the charges against her called out.

  “How does the defendant plead?” the head judge asked as he glared down at her.

  “Not guilty, your honor,” Deborah said as the door of the courtroom burst open with Exonyie and the Prime Minister trailing behind her.

  “Your excellency,” the judge stammered as the whole courtroom stood and bowed.

  “To what do we owe the pleasure?” the head imperial judge asked as the Prime Minister walked up to the bench and handed him a file. After carefully viewing its contents, the judge faced Avi.

  “Avi Mitchell?”

  “Yes?” she replied, daring to hope.

  “According to the power of the Prime Minister and of this court, due to the current findings that have come to light, you have been exonerated of the death of the murder of Authority Figure 718. We actually should be thanking you for saving us from fiscal depletion. You are free to go,” he announced as Zen walked up and released her from the handcuffs.

  Exonyie ran up to Avi and threw his arms around her. “I am so glad you’re safe,” he exclaimed, as he leaned down and kissed her openly for all to see.

  “You really came back for me,” she said with awe. There had been a part of her that didn’t dare to believe that he cared so much.

  “I told you I would, and I always keep my word,” he promised as he held her close. The Prime Minister walked up to the couple.

  “I want to give my apologies for what happened. This cyborg has really sacrificed himself for you and for the good of Zethron. He has been esteemed a hero and I am personally in his debt. I will grant you two anything that you would like,” the Prime Minister offered graciously.

  Avi and Exonyie looked at the Prime Minister. “We would like a ship to travel the galaxy so that we may find a planet to settle on,” Exonyie requested.

  “Very well, I will see to that right away. However, Zethron will always be your home. Remember that you will always have our protection, no matter what part of the universe you are in,” the Prime Minister said as she walked away from the couple.

  “Now, we can start our life together,” Avi said as she kissed Exonyie, pulling him close and vowing to never let him go.


  Bonus Books

  We just want to say “THANK YOU”.

  You support always means a lot to us. In this book, we have included 40 special bonus stories as a way to show you how much we appreciate your support. We hope you enjoy the stories as much as we do.

  Bonus Story 1/40

  Suburban Cyborg

  “The readings we are receiving from your other unit are sufficient. How has your oxygen filtration system been functioning, PAUL-3957?” The voice from the handheld communicator was nasally and there was a humming background noise collected from interstellar feedback.

  “Function levels are normal. Optimal setting is at 115% oxygen intake.”

Paul Bardon was sitting in the bedroom of his suburban home on Earth as he read the statistical information from the display imbedded in his left forearm to the small device in his right hand. The information was being sent to his commander 130 light years away on Beseda or, as it was known on this planet, Beta Ursae Minoris b.

  “You’re doing an excellent job, PAUL-3957. We have new orders for you. Activate order Alpha-92-C65.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The order directives showed up on his forearm display as his commander signed off. Paul stood up from the bed, sliding the communicator into the front pocket of his khakis, and smoothed out the crisp white sheets where his presence had disturbed them. He looked around the room to check that everything was clean and orderly as his military training had instilled in him. Everything was in its’ place, and just so, as the knock at the front door prompted him to leave the room.


  Laura Blumenthal was busy scratching behind the ears of the three-year-old golden retriever and crooning “such a good boy” when the door before her opened up. Startled, she straightened blushing bright red. The handsome owner of the dog, Paul Bardon, towered over her wearing his usual khakis and a baby blue polo that was just a tad snug in the shoulders so that the fabric was pulled taut over his athletic frame. She always felt like she was underdressed when she was around him, wearing old concert t-shirts and leggings. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and a brightly colored woven purse slung across her shoulder held her car keys, dog treats, and poop baggies. After all, dog walking in suburban Kansas City was not a profession that one really had to dress up for.

  “Hi Mr. Bardon. I-I just finished walking Aspen.” She motioned to the retriever who sat at perfect attention with his tail wagging lazily. “He was perfectly well behaved, as always. He’s the best behaved dog in the entire neighborhood.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Blumenthal,” he answered in his standard courteous manner and she handed him the leash. As they traded off the nylon strap Laura’s hand brushed lightly against his long fingers and she felt a small jolt as if she had been shocked.

  She retracted her hand quickly, her blush deepening. She felt his dark brown eyes assessing her while she kept her own eyes fixed firmly on his loafers and kneaded the woven strap of her little purse with her fingers. For the last six months, since the quiet accountant had moved into the neighborhood and Laura had begun walking his dog, she had been harboring a crush for Paul Bardon. He was not much older than her, in his mid thirties, and very attractive. He stood just over six foot with broad shoulders that tapered down to a trim waist. His dusty blonde hair was always combed back like James Dean and even in these late October days his skin looked like it had been kissed by the sun.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she blurted out in a rush as she turned to walk away, desperate to get out from under his scrutinizing gaze. “Three o’clock as usual.”


  The word, her name, hung in the air for a moment and she froze in place. Paul wasn’t an outspoken man, but he always spoke with authority. This was different, however, from his carefully chosen words, deliberate and delivered in that polite manner that almost sounded robotic. Never had he called her by her first name. This was…spontaneous.

  Slowly, Laura turned back around to face Paul. He looked like a model standing on his front step with Aspen sitting beside him, the both of them framed by the door with the neatly trimmed hedges extending off to either side. The only thing out of place was the look of shock and confusion on his face.

  “Yes, Mr. Bardon?”

  “Please, call me Paul,” he said, regaining his composure.

  Laura blushed again. “Paul.”

  “Maybe we could see each other another time as well. Would you be available tonight?”

  “Oh. I-I would love to…but I have class tonight.” The question was unexpected. As much as she had daydreamed of this moment, she never thought in a million years that it could actually happen. After all, despite months of her walking his dog, the two of them had never really exchanged more words than were necessary. Paul’s brow furrowed and Laura knew that such a beautiful man had probably never been turned down for a date before. She quickly added, “But I’m free tomorrow.”

  Paul smiled and her heart fluttered. She had never seen so much expression in his face in all the time that she’d known him. His quiet mannerisms never allowed for much in the emotional range, but his perfect smile was breathtaking and Laura felt weak in the knees.

  “I’ll make reservations for tomorrow,” he said. “Is lunchtime okay? Would you mind if I were to pick you up?”

  For Laura, the world seemed to be spinning and she wondered if this was all just a vivid dream she was about to wake up from. How could such sculpted lips be saying these words? She was momentarily transfixed on his mouth, how his lips moved and caressed each vowel and consonant. They were so perfectly centered between his slightly upturned nose and that prominently chiseled chin. On top of it, they were the perfect shade, slightly darker than the rest of his tan skin and-


  “Oh, yes,” she felt like schoolgirl fawning over him and getting lost in thought. She quickly regained herself. “Yes, I’d like that very much. Lunch sounds great. Would you like-well, I guess you already have my number.”

  An amused smirk crept onto Paul’s face and Laura knew she must have been some awful shade of fire engine red from her own embarrassment. He nodded. “Yes, I have your number. I will give you a call later this evening. What time does your class end?”

  “Nine o’clock.”


  Laura woke up early the next morning. She could barely sleep with all of her excitement for her date with Paul. It had been a long time since she had been on a proper date. Between her job as a dog walker and her business classes at night, she had removed herself from the dating scene so that she could focus on getting her career on track. Her initial plan was to finish her business degree in the next year and open her own doggy daycare before she worried about finding a man.

  However, when a man like Paul Bardon asked you on a date it would be foolish to turn him down. He was well off for an accountant and owned a lovely house in the suburbs. He was handsome, in shape, and unlike some of the men from her night classes who had asked her out, he had all of his hair and teeth.

  Laura’s inner thoughts continued on this train of thought as she went about her morning routine. She began by getting dressed and going for a morning run. Her steps echoed in the stairwell of her building as she descended from her third floor apartment. Then she headed in the direction of the nearest park.

  One of the things she enjoyed about living in the area was that even though she lived “in the city” things weren’t crowded and suffocating. Granted, it was still an urban area and vastly different from the suburbs, but she had visited friends who had moved to places like New York City and she much preferred the sprawling urbanization of the Midwest.

  The dawn was just starting to illuminate the sky but there were a few other runners out that Laura passed by when she got to the park. Some of them she recognized and a couple she had even talked to in passing. She smiled at everyone she passed, unable to contain her excitement for the day ahead.

  When she returned to her apartment an hour later she was hot and sweaty, but no less excited. She turned on the coffee maker as she let down her hair and began to strip off the sweaty clothes so she could get into the shower. Emerging from the steamy bathroom wrapped in her fluffy blue towel, she breathed in the pleasant aroma of strong, dark roast coffee that filled her entire apartment.

  Thoughts of Paul kept her mind abuzz and she kept replaying their conversation on the phone last night. Not that it was a particularly long conversation, as Paul was a man of few words. But just the knowledge that he was interested in her, even if he didn’t quite show it very well, was enough to make her giddy.

  After pouring herself a cup of coffee, Laura began the tedious
task of figuring out just what to wear. She stood in front of the full-length mirror on her closet door and wondered just how much to dress up for a first date. Paul had said he’d made reservations for brunch at 11:30, so she had roughly two hours to dissect her closet to find the most appropriate outfit.


  Laura was nervous as she prepared to open the door of her apartment building. On the other side was Paul, and she was quite self-conscious of her appearance. She wondered if the dark brown slacks made her hips look too wide, or if the salmon colored sweater was too much color for her complexion. Her hair fell loosely about her shoulders and she momentarily considered throwing it up in a ponytail, but after a deep breath she decided against it and opened the door.

  There stood Paul, his brown eyes were warmed by the small smile that grew on his face when he took in her appearance. He was wearing his usual khakis and a white polo, and the midmorning light highlighted the strong features of his face like his high cheekbones and square jaw.

  “Good morning, my dear,” he said as he extended a hand for her.

  “Good morning,” Laura managed as she blushed and took his hand.

  His long fingers wrapped around hers as they walked down the front steps, and she could feel how strong they were despite how soft and smooth his skin was. She vaguely wondered what kind of magical moisturizer he must use to have such soft skin, because in comparison she figured her hands probably felt almost reptilian.

  “I’m glad you were able to see me this morning,” Paul said as he led her to the dark blue Mazda and opened the door for her.


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