Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5)

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Built for Love (Bachelor Billionaire #5) Page 12

by Sharon Cummin

  "I said I'm fine," he growled.

  Julie walked in, and Ethan quickly pulled her into his side. Heath moved away from Lisa and walked over to hug Julie. She covered her mouth when she saw his face. Her fingers went straight for his face as she inspected his eye and the cut beneath it. She took his hand in hers, pulled the bandage back a bit, and looked at it with a shrug.

  "Is it okay, Dr. Julie?" he asked with a smile.

  "It's not too bad," she said. "Your eye will get worse before it gets better. The cut's not so bad. Whoever wrapped your hand did a good job. Did you put something on your knuckles?"

  "Yes," he answered. "I'm not sure what it was though. It was a cream of some kind."

  She pulled him into a hug before moving back toward Ethan. Lisa's eyes moved between Heath and Julie. He knew she wasn't finished yet.

  "Who the fuck wrapped it?" she asked.

  "A friend of mine," he said.

  She let out a huff and shook her head in disgust.

  "What'd you do?" she asked. "Did you pick up some slut and get in a fight when her boyfriend walked up or something?"

  Heath took a deep breath before responding. He was the only one in the group single out of all the guys, but that didn't change that they all moved from woman to woman for a long while. She wasn't going to make him sound like the piece of shit of the group.

  "Stop," he snapped. "Do not stand there and make me sound like some loser. All of us have had our share of fun. Just because I'm the only one left does not give you the right to talk to me that way. I was helping a friend if you must know. She needed someone to be there for her. Actually, she was off with a friend and had no idea anything was even going on."

  "You were helping some girl fight her battles and she wasn't even there," Lisa growled. "What kind of girl would let that happen? That's bullshit. What if you would've gotten hurt? Who would have helped you? She can't be worth much to let that happen to you."

  Heath looked back at John and Ethan before looking at Lisa again.

  "These two were there in case I needed them," he said with a smile. "You don't know the story, so I suggest you watch what you say right now. For all you know, she could be someone you know. You could be talking shit about a friend of yours. She's a good person. The reason she didn't know was that she wouldn't have let it happen. She would have put herself in danger before letting me do anything. You know nothing about her."

  Heath heard John clear his throat from behind him. He shot around to see a huge smile on John's face.

  "Don't you start," Heath said.

  "I didn't say a word," John said, as he put his hands up in surrender.

  Heath turned back around. Becky was watching the whole scene.

  "I'm sorry, Becky," he said.

  "Go on," she said. "You're keeping my mind off of what I'm doing here. I'm enjoying the show."

  Heath let out a laugh. He could tell Lisa was dying to say something else, but he gave her a look of warning before she opened her mouth again. Josh and Sandy were the only two missing. The room was full, and the nurses going in and out kept looking at them and shaking their heads. There was a couch along the window. Ethan sat down and pulled Julie onto his lap. John sat next to Ethan. Lisa kept moving around trying to help Becky. Gavin stood next to his wife with a look of fear covering his face. Heath sat down next to John. When his phone buzzed, he took it out of his pocket to check the message. He motioned for John to read the text from Tara.

  "Oh shit," John whispered.

  "She must have had a visitor," Heath said.

  Ethan leaned over, pulling Julie with him and read the text. He shook his head and moved back, wrapping his arms tightly around his woman. She got up often to check on Gavin and Becky, but Ethan wouldn't let her be for more than a minute or two. He had some issues with babies and birth, and while she was there for her brother and his wife, she made sure to be there for her husband as well.

  Heath quickly typed a message back. He didn't miss the fact that Lisa was glaring at him. Why was it bothering him so much, he wondered? Heath never got irritated with Lisa for caring about him before. He couldn't believe how mad he got when she said negative stuff about Tara. If she only knew, he thought. She'd close her trap and stop talking about her friend like that. He knew Tara was at Lisa's house when it was all going down. She didn't know what the hell she was going on about.

  Doctors and nurses came and went for hours. Becky slept a huge part of the time. She looked like she'd been drug through the mud. Heath felt so bad for her. He watched Gavin move around her, holding himself together for his wife. She was so loved. He knew his friend would do anything to keep her and their little girls safe. Heath couldn't help but long for a love like that. He knew if he had a wife, he'd be right there doing the same as Gavin.

  When it was finally time to have the babies, they all stood to leave. Gavin grabbed Julie's arm and pulled her close to his side.

  "You need to stay," he said in a tortured voice.

  "Okay," she said before turning to Ethan. "You good?"

  Ethan leaned in to kiss her cheek and nodded.

  "Watch my woman," he told Gavin.

  "With my life," Gavin said. "These four are my girls. I'd do anything for each of them."

  They all went out to the waiting room. John sat down next to Ethan. He'd always be a great big brother to him. Ethan put his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. John looked at Heath and shook his head.

  "What the hell is he going to do when Julie has the baby?" Heath whispered.

  "Shut it," Ethan snapped. "I can only do one birth at a time."

  John started laughing which made the rest of them laugh. Heath looked over at Lisa and motioned for her to sit.

  "Sit down, mama," Heath said. "Do you need some food or anything?"

  "No," she said, as she sat next down next to John. "Are you okay? I'm sorry for freaking out. I just worry about you. A heads up would have been good. It seems everyone knew but me."

  "I'm fine," he said. "Thanks for worrying about me, but I'm good. You need to worry about Jack, Josh, and this little one."

  Heath leaned over and rubbed her belly.

  "You're lucky to have a family like that," he said. "Josh is a great guy. I'm glad he was there that day. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you."

  "You couldn't have known," she said. "You'll find love and have a family one day. I know you will. She better be a good woman, and not the one you were helping last night."

  Heath pulled back and gave her a stern look.

  "That's not for you to decide," he said. "You'll have as much say as I did."

  Heath turned around and walked out of the room. If she only knew, he thought. She'd be ashamed of herself for trashing her own friend. He pulled out his phone. Tara hadn't said anything back, but he found himself wanting to talk to her. It wasn't out of guilt either. He turned around and looked into the waiting room window. His eyes connected with Lisa's. It was the first time he found himself wanting to talk to someone that wasn't her. He pulled up a new text with a smile. Even though he wasn't sure she would answer back, he sent her a message.

  Heath: Babies are finally on the way. We are in the waiting room. It should be anytime now. How are the boys?

  He walked back in and sat down to wait. It took a few minutes, but he felt the smile spread across his face when he felt the familiar buzz of a text.

  Tara: Is everything okay? How's Gavin? They're fine.

  Heath: Yes. A mess. Julie's with them. We have to deal with stressed out Ethan. He has issues, but you probably already knew that.

  Tara: Is Lisa there? How did she react when she saw you?

  Heath thought for a second before typing again. He didn't want to spend his time talking about Lisa.

  Heath: Yes. Freaked out. Oh well. I did what I needed to do. It's not any of her business. What are the boys doing?

  Tara: Sliding down the stairs. They looked for you when we got home. It was funny. They ran to your room to
see if you were sleeping.

  Heath went back and forth with her. It felt like only minutes passed when Julie walked in with a huge smile on her face. Ethan was on his feet in seconds.

  "Everything's good," Julie said, as she put her arms around Ethan. "They have two beautiful baby girls. They are tiny little things. I'm sure they'll have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks, but they are perfect."

  Heath went to the room to see them along with everyone else. He snapped a few pictures so he could show Tara, but he didn't stay long. There were so many people there, and Gavin and Becky were both wiped out. He texted Tara as soon as he got in his car.

  Heath: I'll bring home food. Find out what Jason and Jordan want and text me back.

  Tara: I can make something. You don't need to stop.

  Heath: No. I'm stopping. I'll surprise them. They eat the same things no matter where I go anyway. See you in a few.

  Tara: Be Careful.

  Heath stopped and ordered food for the four of them. He didn't have to think twice about what to order. It made him laugh when he looked over at the big bag of food. He couldn't wait to get home. The boys were both gone the night before and he hadn't seen them yet.

  As soon as he stepped through the door, the boys were both attached to his legs. When Jason looked up at his face, he didn't say anything. Jordan didn't waste a moment.

  "What happened to your face?" he asked.

  Heath put the food down and leaned down to their level to show them.

  "It was just a little accident. I got my hand too," he said, as she showed them his wrapped hand.

  "Does it hurt?" Jordan asked.

  "A little," Heath answered. "It's going to be just fine."

  They all sat around the table and ate. Heath asked them about their time with their grandma. They went on and on about her dog as well as games they played while they were there. He was happy to see that they had both had fun. The entire time he talked to the boys he felt Tara looking at him. He knew she wasn't going to let him get away with not telling her what happened and wasn't looking forward to the conversation ahead of him.

  Tara let the boys stay up to watch a cartoon with Heath. They had really missed him while they were gone. He sat down on the couch and pulled them both into his sides. The couch was too quiet the night before, and he was happy to have them there with him.

  He went to his office while Tara gave both boys baths and tucked them into bed. Heath was deep in thought when she knocked softly on the door. She opened the door slowly and lifted her brows at him.

  "Are they asleep?" he asked.

  "They're in their beds, but they aren't asleep yet. Jordan was worried about you. He wanted you to come tuck him in, but I told him you would see him in the morning."

  "I could have gone up there," Heath said, as he moved to stand up.

  "No," she said. "They are already close enough to you. When we go back home you won't be there to tuck them in."

  "True," he said, as he thought for just a moment about how much he would miss those two.

  "You ready to talk and explain to me why I have a check from Rick?" she asked.

  Heath took a deep breath, stood up, and walked passed her.

  "Come out here," he said. "It might take a minute."

  Heath sat down on the couch, and she sat two seats away.

  "He looked really bad, Heath," she said.

  "Please listen to the entire story," he said, and she nodded.

  Heath explained that someone had trashed things again and that's why he was so upset that day. He apologized again for being such an ass to her. Then he went on to explain the extra cameras and going to her house to wait and watch. She was shocked when he told her John and Ethan had shown up in case he needed any help. He went through the entire confrontation. She couldn't believe Rick agreed to give her the money but understood that he really didn't have a choice. When Heath told her what Ethan told him just before he left, she shook her head and covered her mouth.

  "He shouldn't have said that," she said. "I don't want Ethan to lose any business or money over me and Rick."

  "He won't," Heath said. "I had no idea they knew each other in the first place. Rick was the one that needed Ethan and Gavin as well. Ethan told him that his business with his company was finished. Rick was devastated when he left. Ethan won't change his mind. He's a family man through and through. He's pretty sure Gavin will feel the same way."

  "I can't believe this," she said. "When I opened the door and saw him, I couldn't believe it was him. He looked horrible. When he handed me that check, I could tell he was struggling on what to say."

  Heath didn't mention anything about threatening Rick with his own money or any of the bad things Rick said about her. He didn't think it was necessary.

  "Are you mad?" he asked.

  She sat watching him.

  "I'm not sure," she answered honestly. "Part of me is upset that you didn't tell me. I'm very upset that you put yourself in danger for a job."

  "What?" he growled. "I didn't do it for a job. I don't give a shit about my equipment or supplies. I did it because he can't go around being a dick. He had a family that he cheated on and children that he signed away. You're my friend. I care about you and those two boys so much. That is your home he was trashing. You should always feel safe in your own home. He had no right to ever take that safety away, Tara. If he would have done anything to hurt the three of you, I wouldn't have thought twice of taking him within an inch of his life."

  Tara moved closer and closer until her knee was brushing against Heath's. She reached up and touched the cut beneath his eye. Tears began to slide down her cheek.

  "Thank you," she said. "Nobody has ever done anything like that for me before. I know it sounds stupid, but you'll never know how much it means to me. You put yourself in danger for me and the boys. I can't believe you did that. I can't believe your friends helped you. I don't know that I'll ever be able to thank you enough."

  Tara handed him the check signed on the back.

  "This belongs to you. It should replace all of the stuff that was ruined and pay for everything you're going to do to the house."

  "No," he said, as he took her hand in his and placed the check in it. "It's for you and the boys. Don't worry about the house. I'd much rather you put that money away for their futures."

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head in his chest.

  "How could I have ever been lucky enough to get a friend like you?" she asked. "Lisa is so lucky to have you in her life."

  Heath didn't like her last comment, but he wasn't sure why. He pulled back and looked down at her.

  "I'm lucky to have a friend like you too," he said. "Thank you for that and for letting me a part of those two precious lives."

  Chapter 22


  The next month flew by for everyone. Heath worked on the house every single day. He even worked alone on the weekends. Tara wrote as much as she possibly could. Her new book was waiting to be written. She'd find herself up in the middle of the night writing at the desk in her room. She couldn't stop. Every spare second was spent at her laptop.

  Heath came home after dark each night. She joked that he was working so hard to get her out of his house. Tara made dinner each day. Heath would come in, change clothes, eat with her and boys, and watch one cartoon with them before they were off to bed. The boys were asking more and more for Heath to read a story or tuck them in. Tara found herself fighting it a little less.

  Before long, they fell into a pattern of watching television together once the boys were in bed. She knew he was working his butt off and felt bad for going to her room and leaving him alone. He hadn't mentioned money for the house one time. They would talk about their day. He'd tell her tiny things about the house but was keeping most of it to himself. She'd talk about the boys. When he'd ask about her book, she'd find a way to change the subject. The entire story was very personal to her, and she didn't want him to get the wrong i
mpression. If she told him what it was about, she knew it would most likely freak him out. While parts of the story were true, a huge part of it was fictional.

  They had just finished a movie when he turned to her with a smile.

  "What?" she asked.

  "Just because I smile you ask me what. I smile all the time," he said.

  "That smile is different," she said. "It's your I'm about to mess with you smile."

  "You think you know me so well," he said.

  "Better than I should for a guy who's working on my house. Do you know all of your clients this well?" she asked.

  "Just the special ones," he said with a laugh.

  Tara scowled at him. He leaned over and started tickling her sides.

  "Cut that shit out," she yelled. "You're going to wake the boys up."

  "Whatever," he said without stopping.

  "Stop, Heath," she yelled.

  "Or what?" he asked. "What are you going to do?"

  She moved around trying to get away from him. As her body slid down the couch, he moved one leg over her to trap her. She was kicking her legs, but it wasn't working. He had a t-shirt on and his nipple was level with her face. She looked up to see him laughing at her. He continued his assault thinking he had the upper hand because she was trapped beneath his hard body. Tara got her hand in front of her, but he was to busy screwing with her to notice. She knew he was enjoying himself a little too much. At the same time, she leaned forward and bit his nipple and her hand grabbed him through his pants. It wasn't something she really thought through before doing it. She just knew she wanted him to stop tickling her. Heath jumped back when her teeth scraped his nipple. His eyes widened down at her. Her hand stilled on the bulge in his jeans.

  "You did not just bite my nipple," he said sternly, as he looked down at her.

  Heath moved his crotch forward and ground against her hand.

  "Is that what you're looking for?" he asked. "If you wanted my cock in your hand, all you had to do was ask."

  Tara knew her cheeks were ten different shades of red. She was trying to get words to leave her lips but what came out was muttered and messy.


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