ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult)

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ROMANCE: Billion Dollar Question (BWWM Billionaire Bad Boy Romance) (African American Alpha Mail Order Bride New Adult) Page 2

by Aisha Brooks

  Janie followed him to the car. “What does this mean for me, Mr. Moody?”

  Dallas shook his head. “I don’t know yet, Janie. But I need time to figure out what I want to do next.”

  Dallas contacted his lawyer and insisted that he find out who was carrying his child.

  Chapter 4

  The Offer

  Five months into her pregnancy, Jada was showing, and feeling much better after a few months of nausea. Most of the men in the lumber mill didn’t notice or care. That was one nice thing about working in a field with men primarily – there wasn’t the same gossip and rumor risk that one typically had with women.

  Her mother, two brothers and one sister-in-law had all come to accept her decision and were very supportive of her. Her mother was so helpful, in fact, Jada decided to remain with her since she was willing to babysit when Jada was at work.

  Jada’s plant manager, Chuck, caught her eye and motioned for her to turn off the saw. That was strange.

  “What’s going on, Chuck?”

  “There’s some guy in the office insisting that he speak with you right now. I told him to wait ‘til your break, but he’s causing a lot of commotion. Go handle it, alright?”

  Jada blinked her eyes in surprise. Who did she know that would act so demanding? Something was very odd.

  She walked into the office and saw an extremely well-dressed man in a suit. The owner never looked that spiffy. His hair was slicked back, his skin was smooth, even his nails looked manicured. He was certainly not anyone she knew.

  “Can I help you?” Jada asked.

  “Are you Jada Foster?” The man’s voice was serious, even a little aggressive.

  Jada stood up straight and tall. She wasn’t going to let this rich man intimidate her with his upper class attitude. “Yes. Who are you?”

  “My name is Dallas Moody. I have a private matter to discuss with you immediately.”

  “Well, I’m sorry, Mr. Moody, but I’m on the clock. I’m off at three-thirty if you’d like to meet me at Bubba’s for a drink after work.” She pointed at the bar across the street. “I can be there with my brother.”

  The man stared at her as if he was in shock that she did not drop everything to accommodate him.

  He smiled and softened. “Yes, okay. I see I’m interrupting your work day. I didn’t realize. Thank you for your time. I’ll see you at Bubbas in a few hours.” He handed her his card.

  Jada accepted his card and read it. Dallas Moody, CEO of Moody Games and Moody Investments.

  She looked at him, feeling confused. “Are you sure you have business with me?”

  He looked at her belly. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Jada watched the man walk out of the building and directly across the street to the Bubba’s. She instinctively rubbed her belly. What in the world was going on?

  Jada continued her work routine, but her mind was whirling with possible reasons the rich man wanted to talk with her.

  Maybe she won some kind of prize? Could he be a record producer who saw her sing on YouTube and was going to offer her a deal with his label? Or, her favorite fantasy, he was a lawyer sent to inform her of a long-lost relative who left her a fortune.

  Jada asked her brother, Tony, to go with her to Bubba’s to meet the stranger. He was as curious as she, so he heartily agreed.

  Jada and Tony walked into the bar and saw the man sitting alone in a booth. Jada scooted into the bench seat first and faced him.

  “Mr. Moody, this is my brother, Tony.”

  He stood, shook their hands and sat back down with them.

  “What is all this about, Mr. Moody?” Tony asked.

  He smiled. “You can call me Dallas, please.”

  Jada liked his smile. And his eyes were serious, but kind. He looked like he was about to say something, but then he gulped his drink quickly.

  “May I get you two a drink?” He looked at Jada. “Water, perhaps?” He called over the waitress.

  “I’ll take a Sprite,” Jada said to the server.

  “Beer on tap,” Tony said.

  Dallas continued. “I’m not sure how to say this easily, so pardon my bluntness. But, Jada, there was a mix-up at the clinic and you are carrying my child.”

  Jada felt her face flush and her jaw drop. “What? How do you know about the clinic? That is all very confidential. There is no way you would know…”

  “Who do you think you are?” Tony stood up in defense of his sister.

  Dallas held up his hands in surrender. “Hear me out, please. I know this is a shock. I’ve been through it myself already, so I understand.”

  Tony sat back down. The waitress delivered the drinks. Tony drank his beer in a few seconds. Jada just sat still and left her Sprite in front of her.

  “I was using the clinic to perform in vitro for a surrogate with my DNA and an egg donor. But when my surrogate arrived at the clinic, they discovered that my sample had already been used. My lawyer and detective have been working for months to get the name of the person to whom my DNA was deposited. Believe me, the clinic tried to maintain confidentiality, but due to their mistake, they were under obligation to share the information with me and with you. You probably have a message at home. You can confirm everything I’ve said. I’ll admit, my curiosity got the better of me and once I learned your name, I had to meet you. I’m not known for being a patient man. Just waiting ‘til you got off work was torture for me.”

  Jada tried to swallow her flooding emotions and sound like she was holding it together. “Well, Dallas, thank you for the information and the drink. I’ll be going now.”

  She scooted into Tony, trying to get him to go.

  “Don’t you think we could discuss this? I mean, I know you ordered 7301, African-American athlete. I am 7310, Caucasian billionaire tech nerd. You must have feelings about this.”

  Jada felt like steam was about to escape her ears. “Oh, I have feelings, Mr. Moody. But none I want to share with you. Let’s go, Tony!”

  Tony finally scooted out of the booth and allowed Jada to stand.

  Jada started to walk out, but Tony stood still and stared at Dallas.

  “Did you say you were a billionaire?” Tony asked.

  Jada felt infuriated. She grabbed his arm. “Now, Tony!”

  Dallas looked at Tony. “Yes. And I’m prepared to make an offer.”

  Tony patted Jada on the hand as if that would slow her rising rage.

  He looked at Jada. “Just wait a second.” He looked at Dallas. “What do you mean?”

  Dallas looked down at the table. Tony took the cue and sat down again, keeping Jada’s hand in his.

  Jada tried to leave again, but Tony pulled her back. “It won’t hurt to listen to his offer, Jada. It’s not his fault the clinic messed up. No need to be mad at the billionaire.”

  Jada rolled her eyes and looked at Dallas. “I don’t care if you are a gazillionaire. This is my body, my baby. End of discussion.”

  “Tony’s right. I didn’t make this happen, Jada. I’ve just had a little more time to process the information than you have. Look, I don’t know your situation, but I’m prepared to settle this with you in a way that could work for both of us. If you give me sole custody of this child you are currently carrying, I will give you enough money to re-do the insemination process with the sperm of your choice, and a little extra to compensate you for your time and effort.”

  “How much extra?” Tony asked.

  Dallas looked at Jada. “Would one-hundred thousand sound fair?”

  Tony yelled out with glee.

  Jada didn’t change her hard expression. “My baby is not for sale, Mr. Moody.”

  Dallas tilted his head. “Come on, Jada, I’m not trying to buy your baby. He or she is already half mine. That is the amount of money I was spending on an egg donor and a surrogate. Since you are now both of those things, it seems fair to offer you the same amount.”

  Jada refused to entertain the idea. “No. You can just try again
, and give me sole custody of this child.”

  “Jada,” Dallas said with a soft, smooth voice that sounded like a used car salesman. “Do you want a bi-racial child? Or do you want a child who looks just like you and your family?”

  Jada squinted her eyes and looked at him directly. “I want THIS baby.”

  She walked out of the bar. Enough was enough.

  Chapter 5

  Dinner Date

  Dallas chuckled as he watched Jada walk out of the bar. She did have a nice ass, and a feisty attitude to go with it. She didn’t match his typical body type of choice, but he was pleasantly surprised at how attractive she was, inside and out. He’d let her cool down a bit and then approach her again. After all, negotiations were just beginning.

  Dallas paid the bar bill and got in his limousine. “Driver, follow that woman.” He pointed to Jada who was walking toward the bus stop.

  The driver obliged his request and followed the bus she boarded to southeast Minneapolis. Dallas watched as she got off the bus and walked toward a large apartment complex. It looked to house several hundred units. It was plain, old and run down. There were guys hanging around, looking tough with their pants resting well below their waist.

  Dallas’ heart sank at the idea that his child might grow up in the projects like this. He simply was not going to let that happen. He would give her the rest of the week to think it all over, then he would talk to her again on Saturday.

  Dallas usually spent his down time at The Depot, an exclusive club in Minneapolis. He enjoyed the conversations with knowledgeable, connected men, and there were always beautiful women doting on him. He knew they were doing their best to latch on and capture a wealthy bachelor.

  Normally, he was up for the attention. But tonight, his mind was only on Jada, so he went straight home. There was something very attractive about her style. She was protective and careful. She stood up for herself. She wasn't willing to take cash and run like so many women he'd met.

  No, this woman had principals. It didn't hurt that she had an hourglass figure, either. It was a little hard to tell in her dirty work clothes, but he suspected she would clean up real nice.

  Perhaps he should get her into his world, and she'll see how much better it is and what a favor she would be doing for her child by giving him full custody.

  On Friday, Dallas sent a dozen roses to Jada at her apartment. He included a handwritten note.

  Dear Jada,

  We got off to an awkward start, and I apologize for my insensitivity. You are obviously a good mother with a great sense of pride, respect and protectiveness for your child. Please allow me the pleasure of getting to know you better. I promise, no talk of custody or money or any other gimmicks - just a nice evening with dinner at a place of your choice.


  Dallas left his phone number and waited for her call. Two hours later, his phone rang.

  “Hello?” Dallas answered.

  “Dallas, this is Jada. Thank you for the roses and for the nice note. I’ve had a few days to think about our situation, and I am ready to meet and have a grown up discussion about it.”

  “I’m very happy to hear that, Jada.”

  “There is a local restaurant not far from my place where we can go.”

  “Perfect. What time should I pick you up?”

  “How about seven?”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  Jada felt a little embarrassed when Dallas showed up in a limousine. What would all the neighbors say? Was he trying to show off? Or did he just not know any other way to travel?

  Jada opened her apartment door and greeted Dallas. She introduced him to her mother who seemed taken by his appearance. Jada agreed he was handsome in a traditional sense. He reminded her of Clark Gable from Gone with the Wind, minus the mustache. His dark slicked back hair, captivating smile and the twinkle in his eye were very attractive.

  But she was determined to keep a clear head tonight. Big decisions needed to be made – life decisions. She suddenly wondered if her little black dress was too revealing. She didn’t want to give him the wrong idea.

  “You look stunning,” Dallas said.

  Jada looked down and smiled. “Thank you.”

  Dallas walked Jada to the limousine. He opened the door and Jada slid onto the luxurious leather seats. She tried not to be impressed. She believed money was the root of all evil, and she refused to let herself get caught up in the clutches of greed or envy.

  Jada gave the driver directions to The Blue Nile, a quaint, Ethiopian restaurant. She’d only been there once before, but she loved it and always wanted to return.

  When they arrived, Dallas offered his hand to help Jada out of the vehicle. He did have nice manners.

  “You have amazing taste,” Dallas said as he looked around the Blue Nile Restaurant with décor straight from the horn of eastern Africa with lots of color in its murals and mosaic art on the walls, and a homey atmosphere in the dining area with bright cushions. There was even live music featuring an acoustic piano.

  “Thank you. The style here is to serve the meal on one plate and we share. We also eat Ethiopian style using the Biddeena, bread, instead of silverware.”

  Dallas raised his eyebrows. “I’ll follow your lead.”

  Jada smiled. She was surprised at his willingness to follow her lead. She assumed his wealth made him domineering.

  They ordered the Gosa Gosa sampler for the appetizer and the Hoolaa Akaawii (lamb with spices) for the entrée.

  “I hope you like spicy food,” Jada said.

  Dallas looked at her and raised a corner of his mouth. “I do.”

  There was that darn twinkle again! She was hoping he wouldn’t be so charming so she could keep her guard up. But as the night continued, Dallas kept her laughing and she sincerely enjoyed her time with him.

  After the meal was over, and they ran through the surface chit chat, they sat in silence and watched and listened to the pianist play.

  Jada closed her eyes. “Mm, I love this song.”

  “You know it?”

  “Oh yes. It’s Lena Horne’s classic, ‘Stormy Weather’.” Now, that woman could sing the blues like no other.” Jada started humming along with the melody.

  “You are a singer, too?” Dallas asked.

  “Oh, I love to sing. It has always been a fantasy of mine to be a professional singer.” Jada snickered at the thought.

  Dallas placed his hand on Jada’s and said, “I’ll be right back.” He slipped out of the booth and walked over to the pianist. Jada watched him whisper to the pianist and put a wad of cash in his glass jar. The pianist nodded and Dallas motioned for Jada to join him by the piano.

  Oh no, what did this man do? She reluctantly joined him.

  The pianist made an announcement to the diners. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Jada Foster singing ‘Stormy Weather.’”

  Jada felt slightly embarrassed when people looked her way, but once the piano played the smooth jazz intro, she was in a different world. Jada sang from her heart and soul like the song had touched her so many times.

  At the end of her performance, the crowd clapped. Jada laughed a little, took a small bow and thanked the pianist. Then she and Dallas went back to their seats.

  Dallas looked at her with glassy eyes. “You have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard, Jada.”

  Jada’s heart warmed.

  “I hope our daughter gets your gift of music.”

  Jada was jolted out of her musical trance. “Our daughter?”

  “I was just guessing. Do you know if you are having a boy or girl?”

  “Yes,” Jada softened. “I’m…we’re… having a girl.”

  She was moved to see Dallas’ eyes filled with tears.

  “Thank you for including me,” Dallas said.

  “Well, like you said, it wasn’t what I had planned. But I am a firm believer that God is in control. So though it wasn’t my plan, I believe it was God’s plan, and who am I to argue
with that?”

  Dallas smiled. “Excellent point.”

  Jada feared Dallas was going to push the custody issue again, but he didn’t. He kept his focus on her the entire night. She felt special and important. She couldn’t help but be swept away by his attention.

  At the end of the evening, Dallas guided Jada to the limo with his hand on her back. His touch gave her chills. She sat close to him in the seat. He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him.


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