The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1)

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The Vampire's Slave (Tales of Vampires Book 1) Page 1

by Zara Novak

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  Copyright © 2017 by Zara Novak

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  The Vampire’s Slave


  Zara Novak


  1. Claire

  Claire walked into her apartment, shut the door behind her and threw her keys onto the side with an exasperated sigh.

  It had been a long day. After working nine hours in the hospital she had also had to make an impromptu appearance at her older sister’s baby shower. It wasn’t like Claire hadn’t enjoyed herself, but being in a room full of screaming women celebrating her sister having another baby was just too much for Claire to handle.

  She also found it a little odd that Lisa had decided to throw a baby shower on Claire’s eighteenth birthday, but she didn’t care. Her family always forgot about her. She was used to it.

  That wasn’t the real reason she’d left the party early however. Apart from being exhausted, more than anything she’d wanted a baby for as long as she could remember. Sitting in a room full of the jubilant succubi that Lisa called friends while celebrating her sister’s amazing womb, was only a painful reminder that Claire was single and very much not pregnant.

  She stopped and stared at herself in the hallway mirror, twisting the small crucifix around her neck between her fingers.

  “Bring me a man Lord.” She whispered into the mirror. “And bring me babies too. Lots of them.”

  She took a deep breath, holding the prayer in her head for a moment before dropping the ornament back to her chest. It was no use anyway. She’d been praying for years and nothing had ever happened. She knew that with her fuller figure she wasn’t attractive to men, not the ones that she was interested in anyway. If God wouldn’t answer her call, maybe it was time for her to find something else to worship.

  She decided that she was done looking at the sorry girl in the mirror, kicked her shoes off and started down the hallway when a knock came from the door.


  Claire looked down at her wristwatch and saw that it was nearly 10pm - it was a little late for guests, and she rarely had company anyway.

  She walked back to the door and squinted through the peephole, only to be met with the fish eye image of the empty hallway.

  Confused, she opened the door and was surprised to see an exceptionally pale but beautiful man standing in the space that had been empty just a second before. Claire swallowed at something in her throat, suddenly feeling quite flushed.

  “Good evening. Can I help you?”

  She looked at the stranger, almost hypnotized by his beauty. He was dressed simply enough, but she could tell that his clothes were expensive and tailored, clinging to his athletic body extremely well. Dark jeans, neat dress shoes and a dark jumper that clung to the attractive curves of his muscular torso. His face was chiseled, his jaw was strong and full. His hair was dark and thick, and it had been groomed to look tussled. Every part of him was perfection.

  “Eric Belmont. I just moved in over the hall and thought I’d introduce myself.” He smiled at her, his peculiar blood red eyes twinkling like dark rubies.

  Eric held his hand in Claire’s direction. She shook it politely, feeling slightly intimidated by his beauty.

  “Eric… I’m Claire. Claire Eldrige. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  Their hands parted and Claire’s eyes flashed down. No ring.

  She felt like turning to the mirror and whispering a ‘Thank you God’, for it felt as if her prayers had been answered.

  Her elation faded fast however. There was no way a man like this would ever be attracted to a girl like her. Between his designer stubble and perfectly sculpted hair, it was most obvious he took care of himself. This was a man that was used to beautiful women, and Claire did not consider herself to be a beautiful woman. She enjoyed her chocolate and she had the curves to show it. Eric probably had a phone book full of stick thin super models at his disposal.

  “Well?” Eric stood in expectation outside her apartment.

  “…Well?” Claire repeated his words, unsure of his meaning.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  For a strange man knocking on her door at such a late hour, alarm bells should have been going off in Claire’s head, but they didn’t, because she was disarmed by his absolute sheer beauty. She practically tripped over herself apologizing, bumbling for him to come in.

  “O-of course Eric! Sorry!” She stepped to one side and felt a chill pass through her body as the stranger moved through the door.

  She stopped for a second to ask herself why she was allowing a stranger into her home, but quickly pushed the thought to the back of her mind. She wasn’t nearly sociable enough with her neighbors, and it was time to start putting things right, especially if they looked like this.

  She closed the door behind her and noticed how Eric’s feet had barely seemed to move when he walked in, almost as if he were sliding over ice. She took a deep breath.

  Alright Claire. Time to play hostess.

  “You’ll have to forgive me Eric, I-”

  He had barely walked into the apartment before spinning on his heels and sliding back down the hallway to crush Claire against the front door. His right arm was parallel with the floor, wedged between her chest and her throat. His other hand clutched her coat, pinning her up against the door. She opened her mouth to scream, but his hand was already clasped over it before any sound could come out.

  “You’re going to be very quiet. And you’re going to remain quiet. Is that clear?”

  Claire nodded subserviently and he removed his hand from her mouth, lowering her back down to the floor. Her heart spun in her chest, swirling with adrenaline and fear, but there was something else inside her as well, something that made her feel almost ashamed: abject carnal arousal.

  His sparkling red eyes flicked up and down, taking her body in. Claire stood chest heaving, wringing her hands with angst. She was terrified. What was his motive? What was his intention?

  He stared at a spot on her chest and snarled, before reaching his hand out and clutching her crucifix. He tore the ornament from around her neck, breaking the chain as he did so.

  Eric turned and launched the cross somewhere into the apartment behind him, only to look back at Claire a second later. He stared at her like a flesh starved lion.

  “W-what are you going to do me?”

  Eric laughed. “My dear Claire. The better question is what am I not going to do with you?”

  Claire pressed back against the door in fear.

  “You’re mad! Don’t kill me! Please!”

  The deep rumbling laugh came from his chest once mo
re and his blood red eyes rose to hers slowly. A dark smile etched across his face.

  “My dear Claire, why on earth would I kill you? I’d never do anything as wasteful as that. Oh no.”

  “But I don’t understand! What do you want from me then?!” Claire pressed back against the door, stealthily trying to find the door handle.

  “I’m not going to hurt you darling. I’m going to mate you.”

  “Mate me?!”

  “Why yes. I’m going to put a baby inside you.”


  Before Claire could respond he was on her, dragging her through the apartment, pulling her into the kitchen. Only then did Claire find the strength within her to try and stop him. Beautiful or not, she couldn’t just let this man barge her way into her home and start assaulting her.

  “Stop, stop this!” Claire wriggled free from his grasp, but she somewhat got the sense that Eric had allowed her to. She had only seen a brief display of his strength so far - he had held her against the door as if she weighed nothing, but it was enough to assert the idea that he could overpower her whenever he wanted.

  She stood panting, staring at the man in bewilderment. She knew that she should try to escape, but there was something holding her back. She didn’t want him to leave.

  She had felt tragically lonely these past years, and now that attention had finally turned it’s head on her, she would do everything she could to cling to it, no matter how dangerous that attention may be.

  Part of her wanted to try and reason with him, part of her wanted to believe that this beautiful man standing in her apartment wasn’t really that bad after all. In a shameful sense, she knew the reality of her motive. She was scared that if she left, she’d never see him again.

  “What are you saying?! I’m not going to just let you put a baby in me!”

  “Oh you will. Don’t worry. In time you will be begging me for it.”

  Eric smiled, baring his teeth. Claire stared in horror as the perfectly flat and square incisors grew from his mouth like ivory knives. She backed away, shaking her head.

  “Y-you’re a…”

  “…Vampire.” He finished the sentence for her, winking as he did so. Any possession that Claire might have felt to stay, had now all but dissipated. This man was no man at all, he was a demon, a dark servant of the black prince.

  “Get out! Get out!” Claire backed away, shrieking at Eric. She had invited him in, she shouldn’t have done that. But he had to leave if she told him to. He had to. Right?

  Eric walked toward her simply laughing. He found amusement in her terror at first, but it quickly faded to be replaced by boredom. He was done playing games with her now.


  Claire backed into a cabinet and fell deathly quiet, her whole body falling in stillness.

  “You invited me in - yes, but I’m in now. That’s it. There’s no kicking me out. Do not worry. I will cause you no harm. If I intended to hurt you, you would be dead by now.”

  Eric pulled a long silver knife from his jacket.

  “See?” He placed the knife back into his jacket, like he wasn’t interested in it at all.

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I would be a mad man to slit your throat - I’m sure your blood is perfectly… delicious.” Eric’s ruby red eyes glazed over her body once more like she was a prize steak. “…but you have something much more valuable. I’ve been watching you for some time now Claire. Waiting for you to reach your Red Moon.”

  “R-red Moon?”

  “Your eighteenth birthday. I first found you some time ago, and I’ve been following you since then, waiting for you to ripen.”

  “B-but why me? Why not just put a baby in one of the other million girls that would have you?”

  Eric smirked, and Claire sensed he’d interpreted her comment as a compliment.

  “Most people can’t breed with vampires. …It’s not that we’re not able.” He glanced down at his crotch, as if he knew something. “But it’s an intense process that kills most on the receiving end.”

  Claire swallowed.

  “But you - Claire - You are one of the rare few. Hyper fertile, genetically predisposed to be a breeder.”

  “A breeder?”

  “Yes.” Eric smiled darkly. “One of the few that can stand the raw intensity of the Vampire…”

  Claire felt almost intoxicated by his promise. In some respects, he was offering her something she’d always wanted. But she never anticipated that it would happen like this. For a servant of the devil, he was awfully tempting.

  Out of the corner of her eye she saw the small crucifix on the floor, which Eric had torn from her throat just minutes before.

  “No.” Claire steeled her jaw. “I’m not going to be some fertile servant for an agent of darkness.”

  Eric let out a long and deep laugh.

  “Please, Claire. Let’s not be so rude. Turn down the amateur dramatics. What’s wrong with me? I’m a perfectly good looking man am I not?”

  “Well…” Claire’s eyes darted around the kitchen, trying not to meet his own. She felt her cheeks flushing with red.

  “Am I not?” Eric stepped close, pushing his body against hers.

  Claire felt her whole body tingle with warmth at his touch.

  “You’re pretty handsome. So what? That’s not just cause for you to burst in here, threaten me, and tell me that you’re going to impregnate me!”

  “Oh Claire. Claire, Claire, Claire. You’re such a divine beauty. How can’t you understand?”

  “What are you talking about?! Understand what?”

  “I’m afraid you haven’t got a choice my most beautiful darling.”


  “You want me. Are you really so naive that you can’t see that? You want me Claire. You want me and you want me bad.”

  “No…” Claire shook her head, trying to deny his accusations. “You’re full of yourself, you’re clueless, men… you’re all the same!”

  He smiled lightly this time, repeating his words once more. His voice was gravely quiet. Time, had seemed to come to a stand still.

  “You want me.”

  Claire felt as if she heard his words within her bones.

  The deep rumbling velvet of his command, coursing through every inch of her flesh, spinning through her veins like dark roots, twining around her soul itself. She repeated the words back to him. Slowly at first, as if she were unsure, as if it were an idea that she had come up with herself.

  “…I want you?”

  She spoke slowly, as if she were tired, as if she were trying to remember whatever they’d mentioned before.

  “Yes.” Eric said. “Don’t you know that?”

  He rolled his neck on his shoulders and then his eyes were on her again in an instant, but they were different now, glimmering with intensity like pearls of twinkling blood.




  Before she could realize what she was doing, Claire’s hands begun to pull her clothes from off her body, betraying her mind and her own intention.

  However Eric was doing this, he seemed to have direct control over her, like his word had complete power over her mind and body. As his effect infected her treacherous hands, it infected her mind too and within a few seconds of his utterance, Claire didn’t feel as if she was compelled to follow his order. She felt as if she wanted to. But she did want to - didn’t she?

  He was so beautiful, so mysterious. The only thing that been holding her back was apprehension. She did want this, no matter how much he wanted to convince her.

  She dropped her coat to the floor, pulled her strap top off over her head and unclasped her bra, revealing her large milky white breasts.

  Next she unzipped her pencil skirt, removed her tights and finally, stepped out of her cotton white panties. She stood before him completely nude now, standing in nervous expectation.

  She wasn’t sure why she had followed his instruction
so blindly, but at the same time she wasn’t sure why she’d ever wanted to ignore it in the first place.

  “Very good.” Eric’s eyes sparkled with want as he looked the young girl up and down. “Now, bend over. I want to see that delicious pussy of yours.”

  Claire steeled herself again, momentarily aware that this was too much, it was too fast.

  “N-no…” Her mouth protested, but once again her body was turning, betraying her as his intention washed over her.

  Her feet turned until she stood facing the counter. She bent over, placing her weight on her elbows. She shuffled her feet apart ever so slightly, giving him the best glimpse she possibly could.

  “No!” Her voice came back to her. “I don’t want to! I don’t want your dark babies inside of me!”

  “Oh Claire.” She heard Eric laughing as he approached her from behind. “You talk so funny. All that will come with good time. This is just to get you ready.”


  “I want to taste you. I should wait, I really should. But your scent is so delicious. I just don’t think I can wait any longer. Just a little taste, it’s …it’s all I want.”

  She felt his power swell over her once more, silencing her mind and thoughts. Then she felt his hands, cold as winter ice, sliding up the back of her thighs, coursing upward, his palms smoothing across her soft and naked skin.

  Claire’s chest raced underneath her as she reacted to his touch, warmth swelling inside of her at his hypnotic power.

  He wrapped his fingers around the front of her thighs, stroking down from the crease of her hip, stopping just above her knees.

  More than anything, Claire wanted him to touch her there. The space between her legs throbbing with want for his cold and silken touch.

  “Please…” She whimpered, surprised to find her mouth would work now she wanted it to. “Please touch me.”

  And he did.

  She gasped in delight as she felt the broad and flat surface of his tongue push against her dripping cunt, sliding up as he tasted her juices.

  “F-fuck!” She squeaked the words in a half gasp, overwhelmed by the sensation of him licking her pussy. She sunk her teeth into her lower lip, clenched her fists and hummed in pleasure as his thumbs squeezed into the back of her thighs.


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