Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1)

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Hidden Secrets (Garrett Investigation Book 1) Page 4

by Claire Plaisted


  “Christ, what a bloody idiot,” he muttered shaking his head. Exiting the building, head down, unlocking his car he got in sitting down, leaning his head back with a sigh. Mal couldn’t believe he’d been stupid enough to kiss her! Turning over the car engine, it hesitated a moment before roaring to life. Putting his foot down, Malachy shot off down the road turning onto the nearest highway towards New Haven; winding down the windows helping clear his mind. Looking in his review mirror there were few cars behind him, only one was keeping up, much to his amusement; it looked like an SUV; though what make he couldn’t work out.

  Finally, he took an exit ramp deciding to head home. Driving back in the other direction on the highway, he slowed not wanting any cops breathing down his neck, checking his review mirror he saw the same or similar car behind him. Speeding up a bit just to see what happened; keeping an eye on the car behind, it stayed put. Shaking his head, it seemed his intuition was working overtime again. Slowing once more, he indicated heading for the exit.

  Suddenly his car jerked flinging him forward, nearly smacking his face into the steering wheel. He tried desperately to regain control; his car jerked forward again slipping across the lanes. Looking into the mirror, he saw the SUV coming in for another bash. His intuition was right after all.

  Pulling the wheel to the right, he stomped his foot down on the accelerator, making his car surged forward. Mal hit a coded button on his dashboard alerting his security team; he wasn’t sure he’d be able to out-manoeuvre the car behind him. Slowly the other car crept up alongside. Looking out of his now closed window, Malachy saw a gun with a silencer pointing at him. It was that split-second of notice before a bullet whizzed past his face, Malachy ducked down, slamming on his brakes, tyres screeching while he tried to grab his Walther PPK. Spinning his car around with a screech and burn of rubber; he started racing towards oncoming traffic; glad there weren’t many cars on the road. The SUV chased after him. Cars and trucks veered out of the way, horns honking loudly. The car pulled alongside him; Mal turned his car scraping down its side as the heat of a bullet caught him in the right shoulder. A bit awkward shooting with his left hand he aimed at the car, putting four slugs in the side, making them veer away.

  Malachy lost control of his Pontiac flipping over several times as he held on for dear life; the windscreen bending and shattering under the impact as the car roof crunched down towards him. Finally, the Pontiac came to rest against the concrete shoulder on its roof.

  Quickly Mal undid his seatbelt. Holding his shoulder, he managed to squirm through his smashed front window, ripping his suit, drawing even more blood. Crawling, he hauled himself over the concrete barrier as a hail of bullets hit his beloved Pontiac ripping it to shreds. A bullet must have hit some gas. The force of the explosion made Mal stagger back, his car now a ball of flame obliterating everything. As he fell, he cracked his head on the concrete, darkness claiming him.

  Coming round, he heard the tyres of the other car screech as they sped off down the highway. Lying flat on his back, staring up at the clouds in the night sky, his heart was pounding, his head hurting. He started to wonder why the hell he wanted to be back in the field. His shoulder hurt like hell. Cars braked screeching to a stop at the sight of the carnage. Drivers’ wondering what the hell was happening. Sirens approached, Mal heard a helicopter in the night sky, ‘probably some news TV station,’ he thought as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

  A burst of freezing water shot over the wall. “Crap,” Malachy yelped as he tried to stand; instead he crawled haphazardly to one side until he could grip the concrete barrier. Looking over, he saw the remains of his once beautiful Firebird, now a pile of smoking junk.

  “Hey, there’s a guy over there,” shouted one of the fire crew.

  Malachy looked up suddenly realising how lucky his escape was. A cop ran over to him. “You ok mate, don’t tell me you were in the car?”

  “Yeah, I was. Are there any medics here?”

  “Shit, how the hell did you get out of it,” he asked wide-eyed.

  “I need a medic.” Mal clambered unsteadily over the barrier; gripping his shoulder. He stood back on the highway, wobbling from loss of blood. Stumbling to his knees; the cop crouched down taking a closer look.

  “How hurt are you Mr?”

  “Bullet in my right shoulder; will need transfusion,” muttered Mal before collapsing into unconsciousness.

  “Get a bloody paramedic here now,” yelled the cop, “he’s been shot.” The paramedic hurried over and started to tend Malachy.

  “Outta my way,” growled a deep voice, “let’s get him sorted and to the hospital,” he looked at the cop, “you can ask your questions there.” An enormously muscular man of about six foot seven appeared behind the paramedic seemingly out of nowhere; crouching down beside the medic he looked at his boss out cold on the ground.

  “I’ll come with you to the hospital,” he said to the paramedic. “He’ll need a guard on his door,” yelling over his shoulder, “Abraham, find out what happened. I’ll go with the boss.”

  “Yes sir,” said another guy who looked like a football player.

  “Who the hell are you guys,” said the cop.

  “He’s my boss. I’m his head of security,” he said quietly.

  “Security?” the cop raised an eyebrow, “What’s his name?”

  “Malachy,” he said.

  “Malachy what?” asked the cop.

  “Just Malachy. Talk to you later at the hospital Detective Moran,” he said after looking at the cop’s badge, “Will tell you more.”

  Yuri got in the ambulance with the paramedic and Malachy, lights flashing they rushed towards the nearest hospital.

  Ana woke the following morning feeling vibrant, dressing hurriedly in jeans and t-shirt she ate some cereal for breakfast. Picking up her camera, she entered the dark room, setting about her work developing the film. Ana loved the smell of the darkroom; silence surrounded her, humming a rock and roll tune prancing about smiling as each photo told its story.

  “Gottcha you bastard,” she grinned with glee. Hanging them up to dry, she locked the door sauntering to the bathroom to shower and clean up. Ana replaced her long purple wig on her head; then dressed for the last time as Mirage; getting out her sexy clothes. In a short yellow silk skirt and silky pink blouse, she selected killer heels in bright yellow. Pleased with herself, she made some lunch settling down on the couch drinking a white wine turning on the TV. Relaxing Ana flicked stations, settling down to see the news. Curling her feet under her, she nearly missed the bulletin about a car accident on one of the highways. Leaning forward looking at the video, she saw a car had blown up. Apparently the man was lucky to escape with his life, now hospitalised with guards on his door.

  “If anyone saw anything, please contact the local station,” said Detective Moran.

  “Can you tell us anything else Detective,” shouted out a couple of reporters.

  “Not at this time, other than the man is in a stable condition, Thank you,” he turned leaving the press room.

  “Wonder what idiot crashed a car now, must be important if they had a police conference and guards,” she murmured; ‘oh well. Hopefully, he’d be all right.’ Taking out her Kindle, she scrolled through her list; finding a book to read, something to calm her after all the excitement of last night.

  Adam picked her up outside her apartment at seven sharp. It was only a short distance to Gustav’s Italian Restaurant though Adam insisted on driving. Entering Gustav’s the maître welcomed them by name showing them to their table.

  “Would you like to order drinks now?”

  “Yes, we’ll have our usual Sauvignon, please.”

  “Certainly sir, please view your menus for tonight’s special. Charlene is your server she’ll be with you shortly.”

  “So Mirage did you enjoy your party last night?”

  “Yes, you could say it was rather interesting.”

�Do tell.”

  “I danced with Blaze Carrington, a charming man.”

  “Careful around him love. I’ve heard he’s dangerous.”

  “Well, if he is, he’s charmingly dangerous,” she grinned.

  “Tell me more,” he smiled.

  “Guests jaws dropped when they saw your tattoo on my back.”

  “You mean when you sashayed past them, they saw the tattoo and the gorgeous Mirage,” he laughed.

  “I supposed I did,” she laughed.

  The wine arrived. Adam sampled it, nodding his acceptance; the waitress poured for them.

  “Would you care to order now sir, ma’am?”

  “That would be lovely, Adam you can order for me.”

  “As you wish, let’s see if I can surprise you this time.”

  Quietly they chatted their way through the meal, laughing at stories, catching up on life. Resting her chin on her hands, she looked up at Adam wishing she could love him as a man. He was wonderful, caring man who needed a decent woman at his side.

  “So why are you still single Adam?”

  “I’m not interested in anyone else Mirage; Sophia was it for me,” he said sadly.

  “Oh Adam, I wish I could do something to help. Maybe, you’ll find someone one day.”

  “Nah, don’t worry about it. Anyway, it’s time to get you home little one.”

  “Little one,” she grinned, “I’m not little,” she slapped his arm playfully.

  “To me you always will be.”

  Adam dropped Mirage off at her friend’s apartment. “Thank you for tonight Adam; it was an excellent way to end my stay. I’ll see you next time I’m in town.”

  “When will you be back love? I always enjoy your company.”

  “I don’t know yet; we’ll see,” leaning over she gave him a kiss before alighting from the car, “Stay safe Adam.”

  “Yeah, will do,” he called as he drove off into the night.

  Back in her apartment, Ana kicked off her shoes, pulling her wig off tossing it on the sofa. Stretching her muscles, she switched on the TV, padding over to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. Looking up at the TV, she saw Malachy’s face flash on the screen. Running into the lounge, she turned up the sound.

  “He’s recovering in hospital after a car accident late last night. There are no further details at this time; police are still investigating.”

  “Shit Malachy, what the hell did you do after you left here,” she whispered.

  Hurriedly changing into jeans and a long t-shirt, baseball cap on her head, she rushed down to her Porsche speeding off to Eastchester hospital mentioned in the news report. Arriving in emergency department thirty minutes later, she asked which hospital ward Malachy was on, hurrying to the elevators. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her pounding heart as she walked to the ward reception asking after him.

  “Are you family?”

  “Err no. I work with him. I only just heard, is he ok?”

  “I’m sorry I can’t divulge information other than he’s stable.”

  “Do you mind if I talk to security.”

  “You got a badge young lady?” the nurse asked sternly.

  “What oh yes, of course,” she held up her badge receiving permission to proceed.

  Walking down the corridor towards Yuri she smiled tentatively when he turned at the sound of her approach, a beaming smile appeared on his face.

  “Anastasia my darling, how are you.”

  “Never mind me what the hell happened to Malachy?”

  “He became part of a shootout ending with his car exploding. He had a slug in his shoulder, lost lots of blood which explains why he’s still here fretting away,” Yuri grinned.

  “He’s never good with hospitals, may I go in.”

  “Yeah sure, make it quick though Ana.”

  Quietly opening the door, she looked over at the bed. His shoulder and chest were strapped up with bandages, scrapes and cuts along his arms; the drip made her smile. She knew he hated them, mainly having a needle in his arm. Closing the door behind her, she approached his bed thanking God he was all right, she’d not realised they’d attack so soon. Kissing his forehead, he woke drowsily at her touch.

  “Hmm you smell beautiful Anastasia,” Malachy reached up his hand to the nape of her neck, drawing her closer, “Just one kiss Ana, help make me feel better.”

  Before she could move back, he kissed her gently but firmly nibbling his way across her lips, nipping her bottom lip to gain access to her mouth. Ana moaned returning his kisses, teasing and tasting. His hand fell away from her neck, bringing her back to her senses, pulling back heart pounding; she stood looking down at his drowsy face, sighing sitting in the chair beside him.

  “So you’re not too bad then Mal. What the hell happened?”

  “Did you come rushing back Ana,” he asked in sleepy amusement.

  “Of course I did, it wasn’t funny when I realised it was you and not some idiot.”

  “So glad you care. I’m all right, a little car chase; a few bullets exchanged and one rather wrecked Firebird. I did so love my car,” he sighed.

  “Who were they Mal?”

  “No idea Ana. I only saw masks. No make on their car other than it was a black SUV.”

  “Well, luckily I finished my assignment Mal, trouble’s brewing. I overheard a conversation; someone wants to take you out of the picture this may have been something to do with your car chase.”

  “Take me out, ah shit I’m only a bloody office droid these days, you’d better get Yuri in here, he needs to know what’s going on. Did the rest of the assignment go all right?”

  “Yes, got them hook, line and sinker Mal,” standing she whispered through the door to Yuri, who entered moments later.

  “What’s going on,” he said, crossing his arms, making his biceps bulge.

  “New info Yuri, someone is out to get Malachy. I’ve no idea who, I didn’t recognise the voices, though I do have a recording of the conversation.”

  “We’ll do a voice analysis at the lab Monday, see if we’ve any matches with staff and or other criminals,” said Mal.

  “Yeah, we can do that Mal,” turning to Ana Yuri asked, “Do you want me to pick you up on Monday.”

  “No thanks, Yuri I enjoy driving my Porsche,” she grinned. “Since the boss’s ok, I’ll get going. I shouldn’t have worried after all.”

  Malachy smiled, “It was lovely of you to come rushing home Ana,” he said smugly.

  Muttering about men in general, she left the room, heading back to her apartment.

  “Boss I think the lady likes you,” he grinned.

  “Shut it Yuri, it’s bad enough, she works for me.”

  “The police took the slug. Looks like a 9mm, you’re lucky you took evasive action, or you’d be dead.”

  “For now we’ll let the police investigate,” said Mal, “I’m sure we’ll work out who it is faster, especially with those voice recordings Ana has.”

  “Yeah maybe, you want me to put a guard on her too?”

  “Good idea Yuri, don’t let on eh or I’ll get an ear bashing,” he grinned.

  Ana woke up at eight the following morning and drove her Porsche to work, ringing Yuri on her phone for updates.

  “How’s the boss today, Yuri?”

  “Fine, I just dropped him off at home. Abraham’s keeping an eye on him making sure he doesn’t get into any more trouble,” he chuckled.

  “Good,” she laughed, “I have the photos, a transcript and some extra downloaded info I found. Here’s hoping Cameron can work his usual magic.”

  The computer lab was huge; it took up a whole floor of the building. The labs are divided into four different areas of expertise; with one overall boss Cameron. Cameron was a tall, lanky fellow with long, dark brown curly hair, which looked like rat’s tails. He had an enormous nose and a mouth which didn’t at all match. His face was like a puzzle, thrown together for a laugh.

  Cameron knew everything about computers or
so he thought. He was a great computer nerd his shining glory was the computer standing in the centre of the lab, connecting all the different areas together. Cameron had built the central computer from scratch and would do so for years to come.

  “So what’ve you for me today Ana?”

  “Some photos which need scanning, locking down in high-security. A transcript, we hope it can identify some of the voices. It’ll need checking with staff, associates and criminals we’ve voice patterns for.”

  “Staff?” said Cameron, raising an eyebrow.

  “Boss’s orders,” she shrugged. “Oh, and I managed to download this from their computer, no idea what’s on it. I didn’t have time to look; she said, handing him the flash drive.”

  “All right Ana, I’ll set this up and call you when I have results.”

  “Thanks, Cameron,” she smiled, walking out leaving Yuri behind.

  “So you hanging with me today Yuri, bosses orders I suppose,” he sighed

  “Got it in one, you know someone tried to kill him on Friday night don’t you?

  “When you’re buried in here you don’t hear much Yuri. I presume since you say ‘someone tried’ that he’s alive and all right?”

  “Yep, the old fox still has a few tricks up his sleeve yet.”

  “He ain’t old Yuri,” laughed Cameron.

  “He’s not in the field enough” Yuri snapped. “It’d be a smart idea if Malachy went back to Trengrove to retrain.”

  “Right, you sit over there. I’ll get this stuff sorted.”

  Ana wandered back through the office; passing Sylvia and Rosetta’s desks. Sitting down at her computer, she ran a debugging program sorting through her post and finishing her filing, the nitty-gritty of being an agent she sighed.

  “You ok Ana? Bit of a sigh there,” grinned Duggan looking across at her.

  “I hate admin,” she admitted. “Did I miss anything interesting?”

  “Nah, not really, only Malachy’s car accident, seems he was lucky to survive.”


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