Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 2

by Deane, Cliff

  It would take years because the largest regional transformer stations are no longer made in America. They took years to manufacture in Japan, Korea, and China, in addition to replacing the tens of millions of miles of wire and replacing the millions of local neighborhood transformers. These components were just the beginning, so, no old-style electricity for decades, at least in the hinterlands.

  Shaking the trivia from his befogged brain Levi realized that at this exact moment, it made absolutely no difference what had caused this EMP event, it was done, and now he had to deal with it.

  No safe spaces, therapists, or coloring books would help now. Either buck up or die.

  The farther he walked, the more he thought about what he, must do. Number one on his list was to find a weapon, two, find food, and three, decide what to do about Sarah’s body.

  There was so much more, but he would think about them when the time came. Right now his survival instincts were kicking in, and saving his sanity…he would think about that later, too.

  People everywhere were wandering up and down the streets, much like Levi, but with no goal, just wandering around waiting for the government to turn the lights back on, or AAA to get their car running.

  He thought these people are truly the walking dead.


  Batter Up

  March 29

  Defense 101

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

  A block from Virginia Dare Trail, Levi found a sporting goods store and thought, well, well, well, my personal little weapons depot.

  Of course, a Walmart Superstore would have been ideal, but none were available close by.

  He entered the store and found the owner standing guard over his merchandise. “We’re closed until the power comes back on, please come back then.”

  In his most polite and soothing voice Levi said, “Sir, the lights will not be coming back on for years. The entire grid is fried, as are cars, and cell phones. Didn’t you see the smoke trails from crashed planes? No one is coming to help you.

  My best advice to you is to leave, don’t lock the door and you might save the windows as if that should ever become important.

  Go home, gather the family, hug them to you, and get out of town. I suggest bicycles, even though others will try to take them from you unless you are willing to shoot first.”

  “Nonsense, this is just a power outage, and the power company will have it fixed soon.”

  Levi looked down at the floor and said, “Sir, ok, you have been warned. Now, I have a problem that you can fix.”

  The owner looked warily at Levi as he responded, “…and that would be?”

  “Wonderful, now we can get down to business. I need a gun, but since you do not sell those, I would like to purchase an aluminum baseball bat. Do you have any for sale?”

  “Well, yes, of course but my registers are locked.”

  “Sir, I assure you that is of no concern. I will take one bat, and pay you $25 cash. Is that a fair offer?”

  “Well, yes, but they don’t cost that much, and I don’t have any change.”

  Smiling now, Levi said, “Sir, I will pay you $25 in cash, right now,” and he reached into his back pocket retrieving a wallet and took out $30. Well, dang, I don’t have any fives, so I guess the price is now $30. Is that all right?”

  “No, that’s too much, how about $20?” and with that Levi had his first weapon. He did feel sorry for the owner. Not for the price but because the man had, as yet, no inkling of the wrecking ball about to fall on his head. Oh, well.

  Ah, now this feels so much better, thought Levi as he walked away from the store and back to the hotel, where he knew he would still find food. Levi decided to eat dinner from whatever he could find, and then he planned to burn the hotel to the ground. It seemed appropriate for his Sarah.


  Some like it hot

  March 29th

  Old Testament Justice

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

  There were still a couple of rooms occupied on the first floor, and Levi suggested that they would definitely want to go to another hotel. Just as he was finishing his cold meal, he thought he heard a woman scream.

  He knew that screaming would soon become a common occurrence; still, he grabbed his bat and ran toward the sound. He heard no more screaming and found a man standing over a young girl’s dead body. He began pulling up his pants when Levi calmly said, “Oh, you don’t need to pull them up…totally unnecessary.”

  Turning sharply, the man reached down for his knife. With his pants still down around his ankles, this proved to be a time-consuming and clumsy process. As the rapist brought the knife up toward Levi, he felt a horrible pain as Levi’s baseball bat shattered his hand.

  The knife skittered across the landing as the man screamed and began reaching into his pants pocket. It was again too time-consuming as he reached for a pistol.

  Very quickly Levi used the bat like a nightstick and smashed the killer’s other hand. The man screamed louder and attempted to shield his mangled hands as he scooted back against the wall.

  A white rage warped Levi’s mind as he saw the body of the young teenage girl no more than fourteen lying dead on the floor. His eyes betrayed hatred and a desire for vengeance both for Sarah, and this lovely young girl.

  Taking his bat, Levi stepped up to the crying man who began begging for his life. “Please don’t kill me, I found her this way, I swear to God.”

  “Oh, well now, that makes all the difference,” said Levi as he brought the bat down upon the young man’s knee, adding it to the shattered bone list.

  He screamed in pain and pleaded, “Oh, God, don’t hurt me again. Please, mister, please, I beg you. Oh God help me.”

  “Is that what she said to you, you sick fuck?” as, bang, the left knee joined the list.

  Now realizing that the man with the bat was going to kill him, the rapist begged Levi to finish the job. “Come on man, get it over with.”

  Levi squatted in front of the man and asked, “What did the woman you murdered this morning say?”


  Levi sighed, stood and smashed the man’s right elbow. “Now I don’t believe she said that. Listen to me, you fucking waste of space, if you want me to put you out of your misery, you will answer my questions. I might even see if I can get you to a hospital; after all, nothing is life threatening here.”

  “Really? Oh, please help me.” This piece of human trash began to cry and plead, “Please, I swear to God I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it? But, since you will be meeting God soon enough I would suggest you leave Him out of this little encounter, and stay where you’re more comfortable.

  Okay, here’s how this is going to work. I ask you a question, and if I believe you then I don’t break anything else, deal?”

  “Yes, yes, hurry, I need help, what do you want? Oh God, I’m hurt.”

  Levi broke the man’s nose with his bat. “I told you, you piece of shit, leave God out of this. Mention His name again and what you are going through now will seem like a picnic with Nicole Kidman. Dang, did you know your nose is all flattened out? Man, I bet that hurt’s like hell.”

  “Oh G…, wait, please don’t hit me again.”

  “Okay, you see how easy I am to talk to? Now, what did the lady you murdered this morning say before she died?”

  Beginning to enter shock the pain began to fade, and the man became almost giddy as he said, “Oh, man, it was beautiful. She begged for her life, said she’d do anything I asked. Oh man, like, she like did everything I told her to do. Of course, I lied, and slit her throat just before I got off…wow, what a ride.”

  Barely able to restrain himself, Levi said, “She was my wife of nineteen years, and I loved her very much.” Bam went the left elbow; bam went both feet and shins.

  The rapist was barely able to speak now, but stammered, “You said you would get help.”

eah, well I lied, but don’t worry, I’m not going to kill you. I am going to leave you right here and build a fire on the floor just below. I mean, you don’t have to stay, you could just walk out. Oh wait, that would be hard now wouldn’t it. Oh well, just relax, your pain will end right after your skin catches fire, and you turn a crispy brown.”

  “Fire? No, wait, you promised not to kill me. Please, I’m begging, please, please don’t let me burn.”

  “I leave you with this thought, back in my father’s day a common phrase was burn baby burn. I just wish I could be here to watch your pain as your skin begins to blister just before it catches fire. I pray you don’t die too quickly.

  You took my wife, raped and murdered her. There is nothing I can think of, nothing that would be too horrible to do to you,” sobbed Levi. “I just wish I could kill you over and over again.

  Sarah, please forgive me for what I do here, but vengeance is now the law of this land.”

  Levi picked up the man’s .22 caliber pistol and knife. He left without saying another word. The rapist quietly sobbed unable now to even utter a scream…yet.

  “I am so sorry, Sarah that I was unable to protect you, or the young girl lying on the floor above you. I love you, and I now know what my new path must be.

  Goodbye my love, May God rest your soul and forgive what I must do. The salty taste of his tears ran into the corners of his mouth as he left to find an appropriate accelerant.”

  With no way to put the fire out, it raged out of control, leaving only ashes and a blackened steel shell. No human remains were ever found, then again, there was no one left who even cared to look.


  Chapter 2


  March 30th 0600 hours

  Holiday Inn, Virginia Dare Trail

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

  Levi awoke, as usual with the sun. He left the curtains open to provide light.

  After showering in total darkness, and in very cold water, he dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, fussing at himself for not having clean clothes.

  Levi thought, oh well, no matter. So, what to do now? Okay, first I must find transportation. This pair of Leather Personnel Carriers (LPCs) will not get me out of the riot zone which I’m sure will start in earnest by tomorrow, possibly even tonight.

  There are thousands of pre-electronic ignition pre-fuel injected vehicles out there. They should run fine having no electronics to have been fried.

  I need to find at least one Firearm today. By tomorrow the looting will start, and I don’t want to be toting a 22; shit, I might as well have a bb-gun.

  Walmart will still have much of what I need, if, that is, I can get there today.

  Armed with his pop gun and a plan Levi made his way down the hall to the candy machine, broke the glass, filled his pockets with the high-calorie junk food, and left the hotel to begin his search for transportation. He came to a bicycle shop and went in.

  “Sir, we’re closed today. Please come back tomorrow,” shouted someone in the rear of the store.

  Levi looked over the stock and chose a sturdy 3-speed touring bike.

  A man came out from the back and said, “Sorry, sir, I guess you didn’t hear me. We’re closed until this power thing is sorted out.”

  Levi gave the man a crooked half smile and said, “No, I can’t come back, so I’ll just take this bike here. How much is it?”

  “All right, sir, that is a top-end touring bike and sells for $900. I can’t take cards right now, but if you have the $900 in cash on you, we’re good to go.”

  “Really? $900 for a bicycle? Seems a bit steep to me. What’s the bottom line, here?

  “Sir, the bottom line is $900.”

  Levi hefted his pocket containing his vacation cash and the funds he had liberated from both hotels. He said, “Okay, here ya’ go,” and he fished $900 from his wad and paid the man.

  Stunned, the man said, “What, oh, well okay, but we have to add the tax.”

  Something in Levi’s eyes sent a chill down the man’s spine causing him to say, “Oh, what the hell enjoy your bike.”

  As an afterthought, Levi asked, “Oh, may I use your telephone book? I’m planning on some hunting, and my rifle is in the hotel that is still burning. I need to get the address of the nearest Gun store?”

  “Sure, but you won’t need the phone book, it’s only a few blocks away, you just go down…

  As Levi turned to leave the bike store, the owner asked, “Do you have a helmet?”

  Wheeling the bike outside Levi looked over his shoulder and said, “Pleeze,” and rode away.


  The Deal

  March 30th, 0930 hours

  Patriot Firearms

  Kill Devil Hills, NC

  It took only five minutes to arrive at Patriot Firearms. It was open but had two armed guards at the entrance. Smart man, this owner, thought Levi.

  As he approached, one of the guards insisted on patting Levi down before allowing him inside. When he found the .22 caliber pistol, he smiled and asked, “Sir, I think you are at the right place. Things will get bad by tomorrow, and this pea shooter just won’t cut it.”

  “Ya’ think? That’s why I’m here,” chuckled Levi as the guard opened the door. “Thank you.”

  Upon entering the store, Levi noticed that the staff was loading everything up and preparing to move it to a safer location.

  A salesman sighed as he looked at Levi, and said, “Sorry, sir, cash only today, and we can’t deliver until the internet comes back up to do the background check.”

  Levi smiled and stuck out his hand saying, “Hi, my name is Levi Levins, and it appears to me that you are obviously aware that the net is not coming back up in our lifetime, so let’s get to brass tacks.

  I have cash…I need three weapons, a carbine and two pistols with a minimum of eighteen magazines. I would prefer twenty-four, and of course, I need ammo, too, say a thousand rounds, all in 9 mil hollow point, and since I don’t have transportation yet, other than a $900 bike that fortunately has saddle bags. Can we make a cash deal? I really do need some help here.”

  “Eighteen mag minimum, but prefer twenty-four, hmm, you military?”

  Levi smiled and asked, “It shows, huh?”

  “Well, eighteen mags is pretty specific, as opposed to, say, lots of magazines. Eighteen magazines is exactly the Infantryman’s basic load for the three weapons you seek, and I never knew a grunt who didn’t want eight mags per weapon plus one locked. So, yeah, that degree of specificity means you’re ex-military.”

  “Yeah, and the shit of it is that I retired three days ago… twenty-one years.”

  “Can you prove it?”

  Levi laughed and said, “Will my retirement ID card or DD-214 work?”

  The salesman laughed back and said, “My name’s Ralph, Ralph Bassett, and I own the joint.

  Now, Levi, if you don’t mind, tell me what you think happened?”

  “Easy enough, we were either attacked with nukes in the upper atmosphere around 225 miles over Kansas, or we had a near brush with a CME.

  Either way, the result is the same since they both produce an Electro Magnetic Pulse. In another three days, the rioters will burn cities everywhere, people will die right away from dead pacemakers, no meds, murder, disease, hell, lots of reasons, and I’ll bet you knew all this before asking, right?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to know who I was talking to. So whada’ya need?”

  “Okay, right to it, I like that. What do I need? Let’s see, for starters, I need a lightweight carbine, two semi-auto pistols. I’d like one to be a Diamondback DB9. Incredibly small, light weight and shoots well. It’s a great little pocket rocket.

  On the standard sidearm, well I’m not a Glock snob, so anything light and dependable is fine, oh, and as I said; about 1,000 rounds. Everything in 9 mil hollow point.”

  “9 mil? Why not a .45 in pistol and a .556 in a long gun?”

  “As I said, right now the
weight is important, and I like the nine mil hollow points. I mean, hell, if they are good enough for the FBI then they should certainly be good enough for me. Besides, one ammo caliber for everything simplifies things, a lot.

  Hopefully, if someone wearing body armor wants to play rough, I plan to run, hide, then ambush him and take his body armor later that night.”

  Ralph, now looked respectfully at Levi and said, “Well, damn, I can’t find one single flaw in your plan. Keep it simple stupid; the kiss principal works every time.”

  “So Ralph, can we make a deal? I have cash.”

  Ralph laughed again and said, “Cash, smash, you and I both know cash won’t be worth spit in another 48 hours. You know, Levi, I like you, sure we can make a deal, and here it is; you get your weapons if you agree that if you ever come across me in the future, you must help me if I am in a jam; deal?”

  “Ralph, I gotta’ say your offer is tempting, and I will agree with only one exception. If you are the bad guy in a jam, then no, I will not only, not help you, but I will help whoever you are going after. If you need help and you are the good guy, then hell yes, I’ll help every single time.”

  Ralph stared at Levi for several long seconds before saying, “Levi, you’re one of the last good guys, aren’t you? It will probably get you killed, but yeah, we have a deal.

  Now, how far out do you want to shoot? I’ve got the D’back DB9, nice little hideaway piece; damned thing only weighs 11 ounces empty.”


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