Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 10

by Deane, Cliff

  Levi looked at his 1st Sgt and smiled broadly, saying, “Top, looks like we’ve got a bunch of Rebels on our hands. Whada’ya think?”

  “Yes sir, but if you’re asking me, I’d say we’re all Rebels. I can’t say these uni’s make us look like the U.S. Army. I mean, hell, most of our vehicles are painted in Iraqi colors, our uniforms are already gray, and to top it off, now we’re going to build horse cavalry. But, please, son, no Confederate Battle Flags, huh?”

  Laughing now, Colonel Levins said, “LT, my 1st Sgt is right, no Confederate flags. We want to look to the future, not the past. We’ll also be renaming our nation, complete with a new flag. I guess both Old Glory and the Stars and Bars are now ancient history. They deserve respect and remembrance, but they will not be resurrected in Defiance. Other than that, I have no problem with your uniform design.

  As to our gray uniforms, well since there is no more USA we didn’t want to be seen as a rogue U.S. military force trying to set up our own little Kingdom. So we decided, with help from the United States Marine Corps to start from scratch. Our uniforms are Iraqi, from the Saddam era. We have a lot of them. Personally, I like them a hell of a lot better than our old camo BDU's.”

  “Yes sir, I agree, they do look pretty good. So when do I get sworn in?”

  The swearing in ceremony will take place once you have your thirty recruits. It will be done before the entire population of Defiance, but consider yourself in, and I welcome you to what the XO and I hope will become known as The Sheepdog Brigade.”

  “Fair enough Colonel, shall we just come ridin’ in about Thursday, or would you like some notice?”

  “Do you think you’ll make that number in only three days?”

  “Yes sir, I’ve already had mor’un thirty ask to sign up if I thought you was offerin’ us a square deal.”

  Levi told his newest 1Lt that the village would hold the ceremony on the Village Green. Oh, and let’s change the name of your ranch from Lykes Brothers to Fort Pickett.”

  1Lt Pickett liked the idea and agreed to join the Defiance Militia.

  “Top, when we’re finished here, take LT Pickett to the tailor and let’s get this uniform thing sorted out. I want them all alike. No individuals here. I want complete unit integrity. Any questions about that?”

  “Gotcha’ sir, I see no problem with getting this sorted out. We’ll git er done.”

  “Good, now Lieutenant Pickett, we need to discuss logistics and requirements. Families are okay. If you need housing for your Cavalry Platoon, we’ll get some manufactured quarters in there, stat.

  English is the required language, not suggested, required with no exceptions. I do not care what their race or nationality was, repeat was. Everyone is a citizen of Defiance. No Mexicans, Irish, African Americans, just citizen of Defiance. I hope I am clear on this. While everyone is both respected and needed, I am going to discriminate against anyone who does not speak English, by discrimination I mean that they will not be eligible to be citizens, members of our military, or have a voice in how things are run, and I mean no input. None of these are negotiable, Roger that?”

  “Sir, while some of the cowboys around here are of Mexican and African origin, and damned near all the rest of us think we come from Irish stock; we all speak excellent Southern English. I also completely agree with your decision on this. So, yes sir, Roger that,” said a very serious Lieutenant Pickett.

  “Oh, Colonel, do you and the 1st Sgt ride?” asked his newest Lieutenant.

  “Well, now that you mention it, yes, I do, how about you, 1st Sgt?”

  The 1st Sgt began squirming in his seat, and for the first time since the Colonel had met him. First Sgt Bradley Cobb looked truly uncomfortable. He said, “Well sir, there was that pony ride as a kid. Beyond that, I can't really say that I do.”

  Lieutenant Pickett, smiled broadly and said, “Don’t worry Top, we can fix that. In fact, Colonel, I’ve got a workin’ horse that the 1st Sgt will like just fine, so you better send him on over to our place to learn to ride.”

  “Roger that, Top get on his schedule.”

  “Yes, sir, saddle sore central, I can see it now,” said a somewhat woeful 1st Sgt.

  Lt Pickett laughed and told the 1st Sgt that he might also want to have some soothing salve on hand for his chaffed thighs.

  The Colonel leaned back in his chair and said, “On a more serious note, Leon, when do you think you can field twenty men? I want mounted patrols up and running ASAP.”

  “Friday, sir, ya’ see ever one of us is a Civil War reenactor. We have spent many a long day practicing how to fight as both Cavalry and dismounted Infantry.”

  Levi started laughing and just could not contain his pleasure to know that his Cavalry was already trained.

  “1st Sgt, what will it take to get the uniforms together, that these boys want?”

  “Well sir, we’ll get with the tailors. The suspenders we can probably get from our Wal-Mart.

  Okay, let’s get over to the Wal-Mart to get the suspenders these boys need. Now Leon, can I assume you all have the cavalry boots and hats you need.

  1st Sgt, don't we have some gold hat braid we got from the military sales stores?”

  The 1st Sgt sat up and said, “Yes sir, come to think of it, we do, but no cavalry style uniform hats.”

  “Sir,” interrupted Lt. Pickett, “like I said, we are reenactors. We’ve done got the uniforms, but I’d sure like to transition to your lightweight gray as quickly as possible.

  Colonel, there are also a couple of indulgences that I would ask you to consider.”

  “Uh oh,” said Levi, “go ahead Lt Pickett and what would those indulgences be, exactly?”

  “Well, sir, it’s our belt buckles, the only ones we have that work have CSA on them. It’s the same with our hats. Oh, and just one other little thing sir, all of our boys are partial to their lever action 30/30s, and their side arms. You've just gotta remember sir; these are old-fashioned cowboys. I mean, hell, sir. We still carry Colt 45 peacemakers. Do you have any objections to them?” asked Lt. Pickett.

  “None whatsoever for the weapons Lt, but with one caveat, those sidearm’s will be worn on the left side in a covered holster, and you will keep a regulation 9 mil service pistol in web gear and holster along with a basic load of ammo in your saddlebags. You will also add an additional boot for an M-4A1 Carbine. Can you arrange that?”

  “Yes sir, but what about the buckles and the hat pins?”

  “For now I’ll allow the buckles, but the hat pins are to be changed to the Cross Sabers of Cavalry, and yes, we have a large number of them.”

  Lt. Pickett was so pleased that he was nearly squirming from pure joy, and said, “Sir, while it's true that we all have fun with QuickDraw rigs, all of us have covered holster's that we mostly wear on the left side except for the left handed boys. We've also got Sam Browne belts.

  “Agreed, but you just remember that we are not reorganizing the Confederate States of America or J. E. B. Stuart's Cavalry. However, just between us chickens, my great, great, great, great grandpa was a major in Stuart’s cavalry. He was killed in the Wilderness Campaign after Gettysburg.

  See what ch’all can find fo these Southun Genelmen, Fust Sarnt.” laughed Colonel Levins.

  “Roger that sir,” chuckled the 1st Sgt”.

  “Good, now back to my question Lt. When can you really field twenty men?”

  “Colonel, I really can have them mounted up by the time you get us all sworn in. First patrols and availability of force first thing Friday mornin’.

  Sir, I just hope you're able to understand and accept the fact that Southern Cowboys are just a little bit different. I'll have more men anxious to sign up than we can probably handle.

  There’s also a bunch of Black Cowboys around, and with your permission, we’ll be seein’ if they would like to join up.”

  “I am very glad you brought this subject up. I certainly am glad to hear that you would ask your Black peers to join your troop
. I meant what I said about each and every one of us being citizens of Defiance. That racial bullshit is over, and if there is anyone who can’t make the adjustment, then they will be escorted outside the twenty-mile perimeter of our new nation.”

  “And I am equally glad to hear that sir, ‘cause the only problems we have ever had with Blacks in our lifetime were outsiders causing trouble, you know like those Black Panther fools out’a Raleigh.

  We been raised with the Black communities and honestly, white nor black don’t mean shit to us. Yes, sir, you’ll have no problems on that score, at least not from anyone raised round here.”

  To us, it's a new beginning. It's like we're being offered the chance to return to a time that we have only been able to dream about. No matter what the weather, we’ll ride for the brand. And sir, Defiance is that brand. We'll make you proud sir,” said a now somber Lt. Pickett.

  “All right Lt, as soon as you get them together and we get them in uniform we’ll get the patrols started. You are going have to give us a few days to teach them about the military, how to salute, rank structure, and our expectations of you.

  You're going to have to prove to me that you can ride in formation. That you can dismount, form a defensive perimeter, and fight as infantry. Can you do that?” asked an equally somber Colonel Levins.

  “Should be no problem, sir, damn near everone of these men have at least three years of military service, and mostly combat arms.”

  “Well 1st Sgt, it do appear we got us some cavalry.”

  “Yes, sir, I think we do.” smiled the 1st Sgt.

  “All right, let me escort the two of you to the door. Get him to the tailors and the clothing sales store,” said Colonel Levins as he stood up.

  “Sir, yes sir,” said both the 1st Sgt and newly commissioned Lt. Pickett. Both also saluted in unison.

  Levi looked at the 1st Sgt and said, “He'll do Top, He'll do,” and returned their salute sharply.

  After Lt. Pickett and the 1st Sgt had departed, Levi returned to his desk, put his head between his hands and prayed, “God, I think we can do this. These are good men and women gathering here, and with your help, I believe we can build a better world,” and with that Levi rose from his chair and left the office.

  “Jonesy, I'll be in my quarters, send a runner over in two hours.

  Oh, yeah, tell the 1st Sgt and the XO I want to have a luncheon meeting. We’ll meet in the mess tent.”

  As the Colonel entered the orderly room, Corporal Jones jumped to attention and was immediately signaled by the Colonel to sit back down.

  He assured the Colonel that he would send a runner in two hours, and would get word to the 1st Sgt and XO about the meeting. He also asked if there was anything that the Colonel needed.

  As Levi walked out the door, he said over his shoulder, “I think I need a little rest Jonesy. I guess I'm just feeling a bit tired today.”

  Like all the members of this new Defiance Militia, Corporal Jones felt honored to serve with his Colonel. However, he did not like the look of the stooped shoulders on this man who carried such a heavy weight.

  “Sam,” said Corporal Jones, to his runner. “Truck on over to supply, and tell Doc Faith that the Colonel’s going to his quarters. She might want to check on him.” He then returned to his paperwork, saying, “Man, this army is growing so fast. By next week I'll need two new clerks just to keep up with the records and duty rosters.”

  As the 1st Sgt walked Lt. Pickett over to the tailors, he said, “Coupla’ quick things you should know LT; first of all, you're in debt to me for one dollar as it’s customary to give one silver dollar to whoever gets your first salute, and that would be me. With that, he presented a crisp parade ground salute and held out his hand for a dollar.

  Secondly, this new job you've got is not a game, or a joke, please don't forget that, sir. The Army Uniform Code of Military Justice is alive and well. Please make sure your troopers know and understand this fact.

  I also suggest that you might want to begin thinking in the long term. What we have right now is the new normal. You're in the Army now sir, for the duration.

  Oh, sir, please don't forget your haircut,” smiled a much amused 1st Sgt Cobb.

  “1st Sgt, it is what it is, and all it takes is all we got. My men and I will be there for whatever the Colonel believes we need to do. And, my friend, you have my word on it. But do I really have to get a haircut?” laughed Lt. Pickett.

  “Youuuu betcha,” chuckled his guide, as they entered what had been two semi-truck containers, which had been pushed together side to side and the center walls removed.


  Chapter 17

  Army of the Double R

  April 9th 10:00 a.m.

  Abandoned Motel

  Eastern Suburbs Raleigh, NC

  The going was slow, but the Rican’s were growing both in recruits and slaves. After three days the gang had not yet gotten beyond the suburbs of Raleigh.

  Many of the houses still held treasures of food and slaves. The gang now totaled eighty members and one hundred and twenty-five slaves.

  Each day five slaves were murdered and butchered as food for the slaves. Any slave who refused to eat was brutally beaten to death and became food. The gang called it tenderizing the meat.

  The meat was boiled with no seasoning, just boiled.

  All slaves were beaten to some degree each day. Their will to resist rarely lasted more than one of the savage beatings, and for some, it was simply witnessing others being murdered and butchered like cattle.

  Of course, many female slaves received better treatment, but not those belonging to Pablo. He became sexually aroused by torturing his teen and often pre-teen sex toys. He was constantly on the lookout for replacement girls…Pablo did not have a long attention span.

  As meat in the city had grown scarce, wild dogs and cats often filled their larders.

  Romeo Cruz, the gang leader, decided when they would stop and when they would start. He had seen a pickup truck bed in someone’s yard. He took it and had it furnished with a recliner and shade. Four slaves pulled his ‘Royal Coach.' Pablo and others had followed suit.

  Slaves walked or serviced those in the coaches. The others carried the possessions of the gang.

  Romeo said to Pablo, “Hey amigo, we need more slaves to carry our treasures; perhaps when we have sufficient coaches, we may find others to carry the excess.”

  “Si Jefe, we will take whoever we find.”

  “Bueno Pablo. How is our gun collection coming?”

  “Everyone is armed with pistolas, but we have no more than twenty long guns and leettle ammunitions.

  We have been searching, but no mosh luck so far.”

  Cruz smiled at Pablo and said, “Do not worry my fren, tomorrow we will be out of Raleigh, and we shall find all things on the road.

  Our scouts report millions of people walking along the roads going in all directions.

  Our numbers will grow very quickly into an Army. Whatever these refugees have is ours, they just do not know it yet. Personally, I cannot wait…”

  Romeo Cruz was absolutely correct, other banditos who were living off of the miseries of the refugee death march were quick to join the Rogues, and if they did not want to join, they simply became food for the ever growing slave population belonging to the Army of the Double R, the Rican Rogues.

  Cruz had one of the slaves create an RR and a C brand. Everyone was branded on the forehead. Soldiers bore the RR brand while slaves wore the C for cannibal…objecting to the brand meant becoming lunch. Sex slaves received their C brand on their right shoulder and were rebranded on the forehead when they were used up.


  Chapter 18

  Sheepdogs Protect the Flock

  It’s what they do

  Levi’s Tent

  April 9th

  “Sergeant Eldridge, I need a volunteer for a risky job. Are you interested?”

  “Captain, you saved my family’s life, so yeah,
I’m in for whatever you will ever need.”

  Levi smiled, “Scott you might want to hear what I have to say before you say yes. So I’ll not hold you to it until after you hear me out.

  We hear more and more about raids at some of the outlying farms and villages. I want a volunteer to take a four-man strike team out, at night and start killing bad guys. Let’s start with one prisoner for questioning. Now, are you in?”

  “Well, sir, I have to assume that you ask this of me because I am an Army Ranger, or was. It seems to me that I am the perfect candidate, and I already know who to ask to join me.

  So, when can I start?”

  “Tonight Staff Sergeant Eldridge, but you may not take Staff Sergeant Guy. He’s locked into moving a restaurant from there, to here.”

  “Yes sir, oh, sorry sir, it’s Buck Sergeant, not Staff Sergeant, but thanks.”

  “Eldridge, are you saying that I don’t know my own mind? What, you think I’m getting senile?” smiling now, Levi said, “You and Mike are both getting promoted at our 1800 daily brief. You are doin’ good son, I’m proud of you, and it doubles your pay, too. Two times zero is a lot of money so don’t spend it foolishly.”

  Laughing now, Scott said, I’ll make a point of good money management Captain.”

  “Yeah, you do that. See ya’ at 1800, and have a short brief prepared for your concept of the operation, weapon requirements, and who you hope to take.



  Promotions on the Village Green

  April 8th, 1800

  Village Green,


  Standing before the dais, Ralph opened the meeting with, “I have directed that another dais be erected on our village green, and have invited the entire population, all ninety-four of them, to join us for a portion of this meeting.


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