Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante

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Into the Darkness (Book 1): Vigilante Page 20

by Deane, Cliff

  “All right now boys, go ahead and get off those bikes. Using only two fingers, take your weapons very carefully and put them on the ground. You will then back away from your weapons by taking three steps. Do it now, please.”

  With great slowness, the bikers removed their weapons, dropped them to the ground, and took three steps back.

  “Well done. Now drop to your knees and keep your hands on your head.”

  Leon then signaled his men to zip-tie the biker’s hand behind their backs.”

  Signs were then made and tied around the prisoner’s necks, then with signs in place they were each hanged by the neck until they were dead.

  The signs read:

  To Whom It May Concern:

  I was guilty of murder, kidnapping, and rape.

  The punishment for any of these crimes is death.

  To members of my Brotherhood;

  The Death Dealers;

  When they capture you,

  They will hang you.

  Courtesy of:

  B Troop, 1st Cavalry (Mounted)

  Leon Pickett

  Captain, Cavalry


  Leon then ordered the bikes destroyed by draining their fuel onto the ground and setting them afire.

  The women were given weapons from the dead, and the keys to their old pickup used to transport food, and such things that the bikes could not carry.

  Captain Pickett left a short after-action report attached to the center of the roadblock. He ended it with;

  We anticipate making another forty miles before you catch up to us. Perhaps more if you take out the remaining bikers in Washington Park. They are along the riverbank. I think there are fourteen left. If we’d had the time, we’d have taken care of them ourselves. Godspeed, sir.

  “Sergeant Ted!” shouted Leon, “We’re burnin’ daylight.”


  May 18th, 1000

  Forty miles beyond

  Washington Park

  The convoy caught up with the Cavalry just over forty miles from the roadblock near Washington Park.

  Colonel Levins met with Captain Pickett and instructed him to return to Fort Pickett, but to detour to Washington Park to eliminate the gang threat.

  “That was a fine job you did back a ways. I do believe that word will get around that this dog will bite when bad boys rattle our cage.

  Oh, Leon, save a few of the leather vests, we’ll add one for the museum and others as mementos.”

  “Roger that, sir. I’ll make sure you get the big dog’s vest.”

  After this short meeting, the Cavalry made its way back to Washington Park and home, while A Troop continued to Lejeune.

  The remainder of the trip went without incident until they arrived at the gate and found the lock missing and the gate slightly ajar. A man in Marine Corps BDUs stepped from the guard shack and waited for Captain Eldridge to approach him before saying, “I’m sorry sir, but the base is closed.”

  “Is that so?” asked Scott Eldridge.

  “Yes sir, it is, so if you will please return to your vehicles and vacate the premises.”

  Scott politely asked, “Would you please ask your commander to speak with us.”

  “Well, I gotta’ tell ya’ that I have no communication with him until I get relieved, you know, from whatever it was that knocked out the lights. You see, right now it’s just me, and the sniper that has you in his crosshairs.”

  “Ah, yes, that would make sense to have an overwatch. How about calling your sniper down and asking him to get your commander?”

  “Look, Doc, just get your ass back in your trucks and get the fuck out of here.”

  “Well,” said Scott, “if you feel that strongly about it, I’ll go, but you should know that if I turn around you die.”

  A shout from the lead jeep said, “Captain, we have the sniper located, shall I take him out?”

  Looking at the guard, Scott said, “Well, Doc, the ball is not squarely back in your court. You have five seconds.”

  The guard didn’t know what to say or do and let the five seconds slip by before he began his reply.

  The old M-60 rattled and chewed up the window, which provided insufficient cover for the sniper who fell dead. By the time the M-60 stopped firing, Scott had his pistol out and aimed squarely at the chest of the gate guard.

  Upon seeing the gun pointed at his chest the guard raised his hands in surrender. It didn’t take much to get the guard to tell Scott everything he knew about the whereabouts of the squatters…former Marines who planned to carve out their own little kingdom.

  As the troopers advanced to the squatter’s headquarters, they came under fire from a first-floor barracks window. Private Henderson took a 7.62 NATO round squarely in the chest. He was quickly dragged to cover as more fire rained onto the A Troop skirmishers.

  Two troopers made their way around the building and gained entry by smashing a window in the rear. They slowly advanced in overwatch until they reached the room occupied by three shooters.

  One quick burst from an M-4A1 eliminated the ambush. The troopers made sure the hostiles were dead before collecting their weapons and exiting the building, to rejoin their fellow troopers.

  Colonel Levins told Captain E that he was glad that different uniforms were in use.

  Private Henderson suffered a broken rib, saved by his vest. He was helped to the ambulance for medical treatment.

  More fire erupted from the Company’s Orderly Room, but it only took a demand for their surrender to end hostilities. Three more former Privates emerged with hands raised. Upon questioning it was discovered that the squatters were former Marine Privates who had nowhere to go and thought they would have a better chance to survive here, rather than outside the gate.

  “Well, Colonel, what do we do with them?”

  Colonel Levins said, “Shit, I wish they had fought it out rather than surrendering. Oh, hell, dress ‘em in civvies, give ‘em each three MREs, a sidearm one mag with twelve rounds, then drive ‘em fifteen miles down the road and turn those young fools loose. Let the road deal with them.”

  Levi was thrilled to find that the Armories throughout the Camp were still secure. Using his keys and combinations, the treasures hidden in these crypts yielded valuable weapon and ammo caches.

  Camp Lejeune was home to the 2nd Marine Division which consisted of twelve Battalions of Infantry. This MarDiv consisted of 90 companies. Each of these companies held its own armory. Just this singular Division could take years to empty.

  The second Armory yielded a vast number of Claymore and anti-vehicle mines, along with case after case of hand grenades.

  The fifth Armory yielded tons of C-4 explosives, fuses, det-cord and blasting caps. Levi inwardly chuckled at the thought that in the past, these items would have never been stored together…oh well, that was then, this is now.

  There were many more Armories to raid, and the operation took nearly three days to load the trucks.

  On the morning of the third day, Levi made his way to the Camp Headquarters Building. Going to General Chalmers’ office was not a trip he wanted to make because he feared what may lay there. Still, he had to see for himself.

  Using his key, he unlocked the main entrance and entered the dark and now slightly dusty alcove. The building had the feeling of a dark mausoleum, a foreboding thought of the ghosts of the thousands of men and women who had worked here since 1941.

  As he made his way down the hallway, he passed the office of Captain Wainwright, the General’s Aide de Camp. Peering in through the door he saw that the office, was neat and tidy.

  Standing outside the office of General Chalmers, Levi hesitated before opening the door, not sure he wanted to enter. After a few seconds, he turned the knob and opened the door. There, with what remained of his skull thrown back from the impact of the bullet sat his friend, Major General Paul Chalmers.

  As an act of sincere admiration for General Chalmers, Levi saluted and said, “Thank you, sir, I prom
ise that the world will one day know the contribution you, and The United States Marine Corps have made to preclude a thousand year Dark Age.

  Levi entered the office and under the General’s hat found a note addressed to him. The note asked that this building be turned into a future museum, should it survive.

  He replaced the note to its resting place and nearly tiptoed out of the office, not wishing to disturb the General who sat at his desk; forever on watch.

  As Levi walked down the hall to the main entrance, he felt that if he could turn quickly enough, he would see ghosts of better days watching as he left the building.


  Chapter 32

  Unity Day

  May 6th, 1000

  Village Green


  Captain Pickett brought three gutted cows and two pigs to be spit roasted on the Village Green to celebrate a spate of peace, military promotions, and a village party. A two-day holiday was proclaimed by Mayor Ralph Bassett.

  Roasting a cow or large pig takes a minimum of twenty to twenty-four hours, so when the pits were dug they added two extra pits for cooking lambs to feed those volunteers who would tend the fire during the nighttime hours.

  A Carnival atmosphere began to build among the citizen’s of Defiance as cooks began the preparations for the massive amounts of side dishes needed to feed nearly three hundred people.

  The newly arrived Widow’s Sons were invited to the festivities. In an effort to become a part of the community, they volunteered to spread the word, but most of the folks were not yet comfortable with motorcycles approaching their home. Ultimately, it was the Cavalry that was chosen to pass the word and to let everyone who had no way to get to the party know that a bus would come by their home to get them. This would be a party for the ages.

  New clothing hung on racks and tables free to anyone needing them.

  The Doctors and Dentists set up booths to give quickie exams for later treatment as needed. The Dentists even passed out free toothbrushes and paste.

  There were classes on health planned to make sure everyone had the skills to filter and purify their home water. So far, Typhoid, Dysentery, and other antihygienic or waterborne diseases had not visited them, and with proper care, they might be kept away. The village carpenters even built several Johnnie Houses in various phases of construction to show how to build them.

  Games for the children and toys for the smaller children were to be given out, and drawings for thirty bicycles, one per family, were planned.

  Booths for exchanging recipes, pots, and pans, simply everything imaginable. There was even a booth for a fortune teller.

  The betting odds on the sack race gave AdanRamos and MissMary Collins the early edge. They had been seen walking hand in hand along the village green on several occasions lately…good-natured rumors were flying.

  There was already talk of getting a school up and running, and much excitement at the thought of building an open-air stage and putting a band together for next year’s festivities.

  The air was electric with excitement after so much fear and dread…why some people even spoke of getting electricity. Surprisingly, no one over the age of twenty-five wanted a return of TV or the Internet.


  May 7th 0800


  People from all over the twenty-mile border of Defiance came streaming into the village. All were dressed in their finest clothing although for many the clothes seemed a bit too baggy as so many had lost weight.

  The smell from the spits had everyone’s mouth watering, even with another five hours for the meat to be ready.

  Today, there would be no talk of the dead still lying on the streets, or murderous gangs attacking the outliers of the community. No talk of the terrors that lay ahead. Today was a day of celebration, of community, and the emotional bonding of a new nation.

  Oh, everyone knew that the ugly world outside of their little twenty-mile border held horrors beyond description, but not today.

  Many asked if they could move into Defiance. The Mayor said he would address that issue during his speech.


  “I want to welcome each and every one of you to this the celebration that has grown from a military promotion and block party to a gathering of all the citizen’s of Defiance, which, at present includes anyone living within a twenty-mile radius from this spot.

  There is no more United States. It has gone the way of Rome, and countless other civilizations into the dustbin of history.

  We will be taking suggestions…in writing, to be placed in our suggestion box for a name for our new nation. Yes, I know, the term Nation sounds like the delusion of Grandeur, but even Rome began as a tiny village on the Tiber River in what was, until a mere six weeks ago Italy.

  Many of you have asked to move into Defiance Proper. I am sorry to say that our goal from this point forward is to expand outward. There are many farms with lands now lying fallow that will, after resting for a year, be ready in the year one for renewed plantings. Farmhouses need cleaning out and repairs.

  Newcomers to our land will be welcomed but will also be thoroughly vetted. We are a Conservative Constitutional Republic, and our Constitution is that of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. We will adhere to that document and the Bill of Rights.

  We are a young nation of those willing to work for a better future. We have no time, resources, or inclination toward the liberal socialist views which had the United States nearly on its knees before the Coronal Mass Ejection from our star, and guided by the hand of God, to miss us, has given a chance for a new and better future.

  We will also be running a new flag up the pole in the near future. It will have one bright white five-pointed star with a red backing centered on a sky blue field. It is simple and humble and will fly to remind us of our beginnings.

  Here in Defiance, we stand as a proud group of people…survivors made up of White’s, Black’s, Latino’s and a few Native Americans. Yes, we once were divided amongst ourselves, but no longer. Today and forever more we are one, WE ARE DEFIANCE!”

  The crowd erupted in applause of approval. After thirty seconds, the Mayor raised his hand to silence the crowd allowing him to continue.

  “We cannot and will not tolerate the old tribal hatreds that kept us apart. Therefore, having said that, I give each of you this warning; if you feel differently, then you must leave Defiance. There simply will never be room for you here. The history of our new nation begins here, today and we will call this day, Unity Day, to be celebrated each year on this day, 7 May.”

  Again the crowd broke into loud applause. Again after thirty seconds, the Mayor raised his hand to silence the crowd allowing him to continue.

  Our language is English, and anyone who does not speak our language may not reside inside the borders of Defiance, no exceptions.

  Once the crops are in a new school will commence. The curriculum will be heavy on the three R’s. I fear, however, that for many years a college education will elude us.

  We will also be striking a new currency of both gold and silver. If you currently have gold and silver I ask but do not insist that when our new coins are minted you will trade in your gold and silver in exchange for the new currency. Any coin minted in the old U.S. prior to 1965 will be traded at face value. Gold will be valued at $18 an ounce. Yes, I do feel your pain as I also have some gold coins, but that currency is now worthless. As an example; the cost of a loaf of bread should not be more than a nickel.

  My friends, there is so much to do that it will take years to fully establish a working government of the people, for the people, and by the people. There will be no career politicians in our new nation.

  I have been asked how we will support our military force once we have established a currency and have gone through those resources currently being utilized. I fear that now is the time to inform you that, yes, you will be taxed at a rate of 10% on all goods purchased, and rounded down to
the lower penny. For example, a five cent loaf of bread will have no tax. There will be no end of year tax documents to file as the tax will be collected at the point of purchase. We anticipate the new tax will begin on the first day of year one and will coincide with the introduction of our new currency.

  Applause again erupted when the Mayor said, “Thank you, and now I would like to introduce someone you all know, Colonel Levi Levins.”

  The crowd stood in ovation following Levi’s introduction. Levi was obviously embarrassed to receive such accolades and several times raised his hand to quiet the crowd. The ovation lasted for three minutes, and many thought that Levi’s face got so red they feared he might have a heart attack had it gone on much longer. Finally, he was able to speak.

  “Wow, this is amazing and really scary. We have in a very short time come a very long way in preparing a path for us to remain above the New Dark Age, which has gripped the rest of the world. Here, we have been very lucky, and many things have fallen our way. I surely hope that trend continues, but I am not holding my breath. Oh, I don’t mean to say that we will not be successful because we will be, but there will also be many setbacks, missteps, and disasters ahead of us, but through it all, we will prevail.

  As you may know, our militia has had several successful operations to destroy those criminal elements that have come our way. There will be more. I have also just made a proposal to our Mayor Ralph that since we are now a new nation; calling us a militia is a misnomer.

  We are the infant Regular Army and from this day shall no longer be referred to as a militia. We are now officially Troop A and B of the 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment. Yes, I know, it sounds a bit grandiose for such a small force, but we must not assume that our current force is sufficient to deliver us from all the evils outside of our borders.


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