Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance

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Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance Page 5

by Amanda Heartley

  Now what? She sighed and began pacing the room. He could have at least left me a TV or something in here. Books? Music? Anything? She scanned the room looking for something, anything to do. The silence was deafening, maddening. Disturbing. Could silence drive a person mad?

  The food had given her energy, and even though her body was still aching from Sir, she needed something to do. She padded over to the door and shook the handle. “Ugh! Fuck!” That figures. I know it’s locked. Who the hell am I kidding?

  “Great. I’m stuck in this fucking room. Alone. Like a fucking prisoner. Now I’m even talking to myself. Fucking asshole.” Dejected, she turned off the light and flopped down on the bed. She snuggled up in the blanket, her anger turning into sadness as she realized how alone she was. Her tears clouded her vision as she fought back the sobs wracked her chest, the loneliness consuming her sanity. She wondered how long it would take her to go completely crazy in the stark silence. As the tears fell like rain, she counted each tiny droplet until her eyes became too heavy to resist the pull of sleep.

  She had no idea how long she’d slept or even what day it was. She probably should have found a way to count the days she was there, but in the closed room, she didn’t even know if it was day or night. In addition, she hadn’t realized he was going to keep her in here forever. She was curious as to how long she’d been with Sir and when her sixty days would be up. She wanted her money, needed it. The thought of having that much money and starting a new life kept her going. She looked across the room and noticed a table full of fresh food and wondered how Maga had gotten in without waking her.

  She walked over to the door and wiggled the doorknob. Still locked. She knocked, hoping someone would hear her. “Hello?” She knocked again, this time louder. “Hello?” She pounded on the door with her fists. “Hel-looo? Is anybody there? Hello? Hello?” She slumped down on the floor and cried, took a deep breath and screamed as loud as she could, “Am I going to die in here? Why are you doing this to me?”

  She sat there for what seemed like hours but was only mere minutes, struggling with her imprisonment. She couldn’t even get up to eat. I fucking hate him; I can’t believe he just left me here. And Maga… Why doesn’t she let me out? Fuck, I’m only twenty-years-old, and I’m going to fucking die like a caged animal.

  She jumped up when she heard the door handle turn. “Michael? Uhm—Sir?”

  The door opened, and Maga walked in with a pile of fresh towels. “Good morning, sweetheart. Did you get some sleep? I brought you some foo—”

  “Maga! What the fuck is going on? I’ve been locked up in here for days!” She stood in front of the woman and put her hands on her shoulders and stopped her.

  Stella noticed the shock on Maga’s face. She apparently didn’t have a clue as to what was going on. “Oh, dear, you’ve been alone all this time? He hasn’t been in to see you?”

  “No, nobody’s been here but you and that fucking cart! How long have I been here? I’m fucking going crazy! I can’t go outside; there is nothing to read, no TV, no sound, nothing! Just me and my thoughts, and to tell you the honest to God truth, sometimes I’m not that good company. Can you tell him? Can you do something?” Her heart was in her throat as she pleaded with the woman. “Mags, I don’t want to get you in trouble, but fuck! Am I just going to die in here? How can you let him do this to me?”

  “Calm down. I didn’t know you were in here alone. He came home early last night. I thought he came in here to see you. I saw him walking down the hall late into the night.”

  “No, he didn’t come here. He hasn’t been here for days, or weeks. How long have I even been here?”

  “Honey, relax a minute. There is something you must understand. Sit down.” They both sat down on the bed, and Maga set the towels beside her. She exhaled and started. “I work for Master. I do what he says. If he tells me to bring you food, I bring you food. If he tells me to bring you towels, I do that, too. He even tells me what to cook for you. He tells me when and how and where. I don’t ask questions.”

  Stella shook her head in disgust. “Are you one of his freaky sex toys as well?”

  Maga blushed. “No, honey, but thank you for thinking that.” She put her head down as if in deep thought. “You see, Master has been good to me. He pays me well, and I don’t meddle in his business. He’s a good man, but also a very strict and demanding man. He has the means to have any woman he wants, and he chose you. You should be grateful that he did.” She ran her hand down Stella’s back.

  “Chose me?” she asked, filled with confusion. “What do you mean by that, and why does he have so much money? So, you live here? I mean fuck, it’s like a fucking castle.”

  “Yes, I have lived here for a few years.” Maga stood up and went to the bathroom to put the towels in their place. “Here are some clean towels so you can bathe. And remember, he chose you.”

  “Were there others? Other subs? I mean, there must have been others, the way he has this fucking dungeon set up.”

  “I must go, he’s probably looking for me. Do you need anything?”

  “Yes! I need to talk to Sir. Is he home?” Her voice rose in panic. “Can you tell him please?”

  “Yes, he’s home. But right now, I don’t dare bother him. He’s angry about something. I’ll let him know when the time is right.”

  “When the time is right?” She was nearly hysterical. “Fuck, that could be forever.”

  Maga raised a hand to stop her tirade, then walked closer to Stella and laid a hand on her arm. “Oh, you precious girl, you remind me so much of my daughter, Lucy. Beautiful, impatient and demanding, just like you. She was so beautiful with her long red hair, her porcelain skin—just like you, and her eyes, her eyes were deep blue just like the ocean.” Tears welled up in Maga’s eyes. “God, I miss her.” Maga clutched her chest as if she were holding her troubled heart in the palm of her hand, staring at the floor as if in deep thought. I must go.”

  “Lucy? You have a daughter?” Stella touched her hand, snapping Maga back to the present. She shook her head to clear it.

  “Yes, well, I had a daughter. Now she’s in my heart. My memories. She was so beautiful. Like you.” She sighed. “God bless her. It’s been over a year that she went to be with the Lord.”

  “I’m so sorry, what happened?”

  “Cancer.” She bowed her head, making the sign of the cross from her forehead to her chest. “Leukemia, actually. I’m sorry to bother you with this, I really must go. I’ve said too much.” She headed toward the door.

  “Hold on, Maga, wait. I’m sorry about your daughter. That’s so sad. Gosh, is there anything I can do? That must be extremely painful for you.”

  “Yes, there is. You can go over there and eat and take care of yourself. You need your strength.”

  Stella smiled at the woman. “Sure, and... and… I know you hurt, believe me, I know. I’m so sorry, Maga. Really. God bless you.” She lowered her head, her eyes wet. How sad for this woman to lose her daughter. “Maga, I really don’t want to sound selfish, but will you please let him know that I need to see him? Please? I would so appreciate it. I’m going crazy in here.” She looked at the woman in desperation. “And if you ever want to talk, I’m here. I’m so sad for you.”

  The woman half-smiled and nodded. “Yes, yes I will.” She turned around and shut the door.

  Stella walked into the bathroom, fresh tears streaming down her face. Damn, she hadn’t cried this much in her whole fucking life. As she watched the water spill out of the faucet and into the tub, her body began to shake in earnest. Poor Maga, losing her daughter to such a terrible disease, and here she was complaining about being bored and lonely. She wiped her face, slid into the tub, and resolved to stop being such a whiny bitch and be fresh. She needed to prepare for her next encounter with Sir.

  Chapter 7

  Her arms shook as she squeezed out another push up. Come on! she told herself. “Forty-seven,” she panted. Her arms gave out, and she collapsed on the
floor. “Fuck. This.” Fuck! He ain’t coming.

  She stood up and started jumping jacks. “One, two, three…” Motherfucker is not gonna break me. I’ll get through this. I’ve had worse. “Seven, eight…” I’ve been through a lot of shit in my life, and no one has broken me yet. “Fourteen, fifteen…” I’m young, I’m healthy, and once Walt sees those pictures, he’ll either kill me or save me. “Nineteen, twenty.” But at least I’ll be out of this God-awful dungeon.

  “Ahhh.” She stepped from side to side and breathed steadily until her heart slowed. She was grateful she could at least exercise. She thought that maybe Maga wanted to fatten her up. She giggled and tried to stay positive to get through the day, or night... she wasn’t sure which it was.

  She ran a hot bath; she seemed to be bathing a lot these days. At least it passed the time, and it was relaxing after her workout session. There was still some jasmine bubble bath left in the bottle, so she poured it in, watching the bubbles form before she slid into the water.

  “Mmm…” she moaned. The hot water was the perfect temperature for a relaxing bath. She leaned back in the tub and moved her hand between her legs. She slid a finger across her pussy lips. It felt like it had been forever since Sir had been here. It felt so amazing. Why did he have to get mad?

  Her finger flicked her clit back and forth, in slow circles, then up and down. She stroked her pussy, running her finger along the sides of her lips and then back to massaging her tender clit. She’d never been able to give herself an orgasm with only her fingers before, but in her shameless silence, she massaged her clit fervently and steadily until she felt the familiar warmth in her belly.

  “Ohh...ahhh...Ahhh!” she quietly moaned, afraid someone might hear her. She was close, her orgasm rushed through her as her hips bucked and shook in the warm tub. She caressed her breast, pulling and teasing her nipple as she shuddered through her climax.

  Fuck. Yes. Fuck.

  Stella lay in the tub for a moment and contemplated either getting out or staying there until the water got too cold. After a few minutes, she stood up and smiled as she wrapped the towel around her body. It felt wonderfully warm against her cool, wet skin, and she smiled to herself. Towel warmers, best invention ever! Hashtag first world problems. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and paused to stare at her reflection.

  “What did I do to deserve this kind of punishment? God, what did I do? Am I that bad? I tried my best. I really did.” Tears welled in her eyes as she said the words out loud. “Mama, if you’re up there, I really miss you. And God… I really wanted something better.” She let out a long sigh and walked into her room.

  “I see you’re still coming without permission.”

  She jumped and turned to the recliner where the sound came from and automatically fell to her knees on the pillow. “AHHHHH! Fuck! You scared me! Fuck!” Her head pounded with adrenaline. “Oh my God, oh my God!” Her hands covered her mouth in a futile attempt to calm her breathing. “Oh, Sir. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” she panted. “Sorry, just a second, let me catch my breath. Please.”

  “Relax,” he snickered. He shook his head and a huge grin formed on his face. “Take your time.”

  Her breathing finally slowed. “Thank you, Sir, thank you. I’m so sorry. You scared the shit outta me.”

  “Calm down, relax. Come up here.” He patted his leg and gestured for her to sit on his lap in the chair.

  She got up and moved toward him. Her heart felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest. She exhaled, “Sorry, Sir.”

  “It’s okay,” he replied.

  She wasn’t sure if she was scared or excited that he’d actually come back to her. “Am I in trouble, Sir? I mean, you left me here alone for so long, I didn’t know what to—”

  “Shhh.” He silenced her with a finger gently placed against her lips. “Sit down, I want to feel you.” He took her hand and helped her straddle his lap, close to his knees. He removed the towel and traced his fingers across her tummy and up to her breasts, caressing her soft nipple with the palm of his hand. His other hand snaked around her waist and rubbed his fingertips up her spine and back down to her ass. He spoke softly, “Such a beautiful dirty girl.”

  “Sir, I—”

  “Don’t talk, Stella.”

  Her pussy ached as she watched his cock grow in front of her. She didn’t know what to expect as she wiggled her hips a little closer.

  “Mmmm… relax, kitten.” His fingers found their way to her waiting pussy. As he gently stroked her wet folds, he whispered, “I’m going to fuck you, kitten.” Stella dragged her bottom lip between her teeth as her breath caught in her chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and pulled her face close to his, speaking softly in her ear, “I’m going to fuck you.” She shivered, and the low timbre of his voice vibrated against her face. He raised his hips slightly and slid his sweatpants down, and she watched as his cock sprang free. Hard, strong, powerful.

  She couldn’t help herself as her fingers wrapped themselves around his thick shaft, then pumped it slowly, up and down. He moaned, and her body ached to feel him inside her. She imagined his cock stretching and filling her pussy.

  “Sir—?” she breathed as she stroked him gently. She was about to come from the wanton desire that had built while she was alone. He wrapped his hand around hers, stroking his cock in tandem with her. He moved his other hand up to her chin and pulled her face to his. “Look at me, Stella. Look at me.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she purred as she stared into his eyes. A smile worked its way across her face. “Yes, my precious Sir…” she whispered.

  Without losing eye contact, he moved his hands to her hips and pulled her toward him, sliding her up his legs then lifting her onto his cock. She was so wet, her juices seeping between her thighs as he slid her down gently onto him. She gasped, and her eyes opened wide as she felt his head push at her entrance, parting her wet lips.

  Her mouth fell open, moaning quietly as she arched her back, feeling his dick push deep inside her. She swiveled her hips and ground her soaked pussy against him, then he lifted her and sank his cock deep inside her again.

  “I said look at me... Look into my eyes, don’t look away.”

  She obeyed, looking intensely into Sir’s eyes, her hair falling down her back like a fiery cape as he plunged into her, rocking and thrusting in a steady rhythm. Her hands reached for his shoulders, grabbing them, steadying herself as his thick cock deliciously slid in and out of her, deeper every time.

  He held her hips tight, moving her up and down in rhythm with his thrusts. She whimpered and purred with each stroke. His mouth found her right nipple and sucked it hard against the roof of his mouth, turning it into a hard peak before circling it with his hot tongue.

  He tangled his fist in her hair, pulling her head sideways, and he whispered in her ear, “Take that cock like the dirty girl you are.”

  She’d waited for this moment for so long. Lust engulfed her as her hips met his thrusts. Looking deep into his eyes like he’d asked her to, she ground her soaking wet pussy hard against his dick, feeling the swollen head seeking out every corner of her being. She could feel the familiar heat building in her stomach as he skillfully brought her closer and closer to the edge of climax.

  He let go of her hair and wrapped a strong hand around her hip so he could guide her up and down his cock. He raised his head and met Stella’s eyes looking back at him. He crushed his lips hard against hers, biting her bottom lip and sucking her breath away as he slid his tongue inside her mouth.

  His thrusts became harder and stronger as he kissed her, his arms holding her tight onto his cock while she gyrated her hips around his hard shaft. She hadn’t been given permission to come, but the way she felt right now, she didn’t care. She couldn’t hold out much longer. She was going to come, and when he broke his kiss to breathe, she managed to utter between his thrusts...

  “S—Sir, may... I…come... S-Sir?” She waited forever for the answer.

  He held her tight, thrusting. “You want to come, dirty girl? You love this cock, don’t you?”

  She stared into his eyes, grinding her hips in slow circles, taking him in. She could barely get the words out. “Yes, yes, yes, ahhh…Sir, I love your cock. Yes, Sir...yes, Sir, may I…May I come? Please?”

  His cock was deep inside her, stretching her, and he thrust harder. “No, Stella.” His own words became breathy and ragged. “Not... quite... yet.”

  She felt his legs twitch beneath her, his muscles tensed, and his panting grew louder and faster. “Oh God, please...” she begged. She couldn’t hold back any longer. With a powerful thrust, he grabbed her ass and pounded his cock inside her. “Ahhh... you fucking whore, come... come! NOW!”

  She let go. “Ahhh, Sir. Yes, oh my God... oh my God...”

  “Fucking cunt! Fuck this cock. Fuck me like the horny little bitch you are,” he growled as their bodies thrashed together on the chair. She arched, her head flew back, and he grabbed it and pulled her face to his. “Look at me,” he commanded, his words spoken through gritted teeth.

  She moaned and cried out, staring into his eyes, grinding on his cock as wave after wave of hot pleasure ran through her body. “Oh fuck...” She wiggled her hips, grinding her pussy onto him. The muscles in her legs tightened and released, causing her toes to curl. The fine hairs on her arms stood straight up as her whole body gave into the delicious pleasure, and her pussy tightened around his cock, sucking the last lonely drop of cum from his glorious shaft.

  She fell forward onto his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, heaving and panting as her orgasm subsided. “Sir, you are so fucking amazing. Oh, thank you. And thank you for coming back to me. I was so scared in here all alone.”


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