Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance

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Shameless Submission: A Dark BDSM Romance Page 7

by Amanda Heartley

  Walt cried out as the bar struck him then screamed again as Stella swung it back up and into his already broken nose. “You fucking bitch, I’m gonna kill you for that,” he roared through hands that were filling with blood. He lunged at Stella, knocking her to the floor.

  She gasped and panted, trying to catch her breath as she tried to wipe Walt’s blood from her eyes. The smell and feel of warm blood and his sweat on her face made her gag. She fought and kicked, trying to squirm out from under him. “Get up! Get off me, Walt!”

  Sir moved quickly and pulled Walt off her, both men falling into a struggling pile. The fight seemed to last forever with bone-crushing punches from both sides that landed with growls and grunts.

  “Get the gun!” Sir yelled at Stella who was still sitting on the floor, frozen in terror.

  She snapped out of her daze, searching frantically for the weapon. “Where? Where is it?” She was a split second too late as Walt reached and grabbed it. As he jumped up, pointing it straight at Michael, Stella forced herself in between Sir and Walt just as there was a loud Bang! The gunshot was hideously loud in the small room, followed by a silence that rivaled death itself. Everything stopped. All sound, all movement, all … everything.

  Stella screamed as thick, red blood oozed from the crumpled heap in the floor.


  Chapter 9

  Three years earlier…

  “Is she gonna be okay? Can you help her? Please, mister, can you do something?” Stella choked through the sobs, wanting answers. The paramedics arrived in no time after Jason had called 911, after he and Stella found her mom lying motionless on the bathroom floor. A thousand thoughts ran through her head, and she wasn’t sure if she was mad or sad.

  Mad that her mother had ruined yet another special day, or sad that her mom had such a strong addiction to anything and everything that could keep her out of reality, that it took her life. It didn’t matter what it was, as long as Mom was high, drunk, or getting fucked by some random guy for the night, she was at least tolerable. Now she was gone.

  Stella had bailed her out of jail on Christmas Eve for being drunk in public. Now, on Stella’s eighteenth birthday, she’d been forced to call for help from her friend, and found her mom laid out, overdosed. I shouldn’t have yelled at her.

  “Ma’am, do you know what she took? Drugs, alcohol, anything?”

  Stella’s eyes glazed over, watching the EMT’s lifting the only person she had in the entire world onto a stretcher. She was dead, she knew she was dead. Why are they taking her? She’s fucking dead!

  “Ma’am? Are you okay, do you need anything?”

  She looked at the paramedic and shook her head. “No, no I’m fine. It’s just so unreal. Uhm... so... what do I do now?” She looked down and put her hand in her hair, tangling it up in her curls. She cocked her head to one side and asked, “What do I do now?” She was in a daze, not thinking straight. She looked into his eyes; they were deep blue, like the ocean. “Uhm, sir?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he answered. She could see he wanted to help, but he hesitated for a moment. “Ma’am? Let me take you in. You’re in shock. You need to be seen. What’s your name? How old are you?”

  “Seven—uh, eighteen. Today is my birthday.” She glanced out the window. The party decorations were flying in the breeze. “I gotta…” She shook her head slowly, as if she were trying to shake the thoughts from her head. “Uhm... I gotta go.” She bolted out the door and was gone.


  “Hey, you okay?” a deep voice came from the inside of the Mercedes.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Although not entirely true, it wasn’t a full-blown lie either. She was starving, but she was sleeping okay. Especially after the weed episode in the park. It was the first time she’d ever smoked weed, and after all she’d been through with her mom, she wasn’t even sure she wanted to try it.

  Some kids she knew had a bag and there they were in the back of A.J.’s truck, smoking and drinking. Best thing about it was Stella actually got a good night’s sleep.

  They offered to take her in since she couldn’t bear to go back to her mom’s house, but she wanted to be alone. She’d always taken care of her mom, and for the first time in her life, she only had to worry about herself.

  “I’m fixing to grab a bite to eat, you hungry?” he yelled across the front seat.

  She stood up off the step she’d been sitting on and walked over to the car. “You a cop or something?” she said as she leaned into the open window.

  He laughed, shaking his head. “No, not a cop. I’ve seen you here before and thought you might be hungry. You live around here?”

  “Yeah.” She nodded her head toward the steps. “There. Thank God we live in Cali! And yes, I’d love to get a bite to eat.” She opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. “You’re not like a crazed killer are ya?”

  “Me? Naw, I’m just me.” He put the car into Drive and sped off down the street.

  “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “Tell me yours first.”

  “Stella. Stella Lenore fucking Francis. Yeah, that’s me—orphan extraordinaire. You?”

  “Walter P. Browning. Nobody extraordinaire.”

  She laughed, “Nice to meet you, Walter P. Browning. Where are you taking me?” She looked out the window. “Fuck, looks like rain. I hate when it rains.”

  He looked over at her and said, “It’s not gonna rain. You’ll be fine,” as he pulled into the parking lot of Robinson’s Steakhouse. “This okay for ya?”

  Her eyes lit up as she realized where she was. Her mom could never afford anything other than MacDonald’s. The only steak Stella ever got was in doggie bags from charitable neighbors. “Fuck yeah. It’s okay. You don’t mind my straggly clothes?”

  He slid the gearstick into Park. “I don’t mind, if you don’t.” By the time he walked around to her side of the car, she already had the door open. “Patience, Shorty. I was gonna get that.”

  “Shorty? That’s rude,” she replied and stepped out of the sleek, black car. “I can’t grow any taller.” She looked up at him, towering over her five-foot frame. “Woah, you are tall.”

  “Yeah, I am. Taller than you, Shorty. Let’s go eat.”

  They found a corner booth and ordered steaks. Halfway through their meal, Walt piped up, “What are your plans? What are you going to do? Live on the street for the rest of your life?”

  “No, God no, I hope not. I mean, I have to go back home sometime. Just haven’t had the strength.”

  “I understand. So you haven’t gone back at all? Did you go to school? Any college or anything?”

  “Nope, I barely graduated high school a few months ago, right before my mama died. Not that she could have put me through school, but I had dreams once,” she scoffed and picked at the cold meat on her plate.

  “Sad those dreams are gone, baby girl. Why don’t you come work for me? I’ll get you some clothes, a place to stay, some food in your stomach. I’ll take care of you, Shorty.” He emphasized the ‘shorty’ and beamed a huge smile.

  “Why would you do that? You don’t even know me, and what kind of work? I’ve never had a job in my life.” She looked across the table at him. He was handsome with a peppering of freckles across his dark-skinned cheeks. He wasn’t her type, but then Stella had no idea what her type was. She had a quick fling in high school, but when her mama found out, and that was over in a flash. Something about her not wanting to let her only child get pregnant.

  “Well, the work is easy. Most of the time, you just sit there and look pretty and with those beautiful eyes and that curly red hair. You wouldn’t have any problem doing that.”

  “What kind of job is it? Modeling? I’m too skinny for that, aren’t I?”

  He took a swig of his soda, looking at her above the glass. He put it down and swirled the ice cubes with the straw. “No, Shorty. Not modeling, although you’re pretty enough. Escort. I run an escort service. I think you would
be a great... let’s say... an asset to the company.”

  She looked around, making sure no one was close by, then pushed her plate to the side and leaned in on the table. She whispered, “Escort? Isn’t that like a high-paid whore?”

  He laughed, “Naw, Shorty. Who do you think I am? Do I look like a pimp to you?”

  “Shh, people will hear you. Can we talk about this in the car?”

  “Yeah, baby girl. You ready to go?” He pulled out a stack of bills and threw a hundred on the table. “Let’s go.”

  Her eyes widened. “You know you left a hundred-dollar bill?”

  He laughed, “Shh...don’t tell anyone.”


  They pulled up to the Ritz, the finest hotel in town, and Stella looked worried. “What are we doing here? This is a freaking plush hotel.”

  “My office is here. You’re gonna take the job, aren’t you?”

  She bit her lip, considering the opportunity he was offering her. “So, all I have to do is sit still and look pretty? No sex? No freaky stuff?”

  He shook his head with a sly smirk tipping up the corner of his thin lips. “Now, I didn’t say all that. An escort does what the client wants. If he wants to just go to dinner, then they go to dinner. If they want sex, I make sure he’s safe and clean. I have to take care of my girls. No freaky stuff, no bondage, and no spanking. Most of these guys just want a pretty girl to suck their dick, and all my girls are clean. They get checkups, use condoms, and I give y’all cell phones to call me direct if there are any problems. Whaddya say?”

  “Well, like...uhm, yeah, I don’t know,” she sighed. “I’ve just never, you know, like never…” She looked away, embarrassed. She wanted to run, but she really had nowhere to go.

  “Awww, man! You’re still a virgin? How old are you? Didn’t you say you were 18?”

  “Yeah, I’m 18… for a few weeks now. Is there something wrong?”

  “No, not at all, Shorty. Come on up, get cleaned up and at least let me get you some clothes. You look like you need some.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll be okay.” She turned and walked toward the big double doors to leave the hotel.

  “For real, I didn’t know. Come on up, take care of your business, and I’ll take you home. No strings attached.”

  She thought for a second, a little leery of the stranger’s kindness, but she didn’t have anywhere else to go, so she followed him up. She turned and asked, “You sure? I’m sorry I’m not who you thought I was. And thanks bunches for the food.” He held the elevator door while she got in. He smiled and nodded at her then pushed the button for the top floor.

  Her heart raced as the elevator sped up to the top floor. It wasn’t anything like a New York high-rise, but the sixteenth floor was high enough. What am I doing? Has my life come to this? I don’t even know this guy.

  She stepped out of the elevator into the huge penthouse. “I thought you said we were coming to your office...”

  “This is my office. I work right here. Have a seat and let’s talk.”

  “Uhm… I uh, think I’d better go.” She felt a little uneasy being in a hotel room with a stranger and headed toward the elevator. She turned around, ready to push the down button then stopped. She thought about her mom and all the crazy stuff she’d told her about men. How they only wanted one thing and that ‘if he’s got a dick and he’s breathin’, he’s an asshole’. She thought about sleeping in the park every night, hungry and scared. Then she thought about the money she’d been offered… How hard could it be? She could learn how to suck a dick. Learn how to please men for money. Walt said he’d take care of her.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she turned to him and said, “You promise you’ll take care of me like your other girls?”

  “I promise, princess. I’ll make sure you’re okay.”

  “Well, okay. When do I start?”

  He flashed a smile, grabbed his already hard cock through his pants, and said, “Glad to welcome you aboard, Shorty.” He stuck out his other hand, gesturing her to go to him. “Come on over here, I’ll be your first customer.”

  That was three years ago. After my mama died, my whole fucking life fell apart, and he stepped up. He was the only one who stepped up. And right now, my heart feels like it’s being ripped out, piece by piece as I watch them put him six feet in the ground.

  Chapter 10

  Stella rolled over, opened her eyes, and realized it must have been the smell of bacon in the air that had woken her. She rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the low light. She’d been sleeping so much over the last few days and had hardly eaten a thing. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten anything more than a few small pieces of fruit.

  Sir startled her when she heard his deep voice. “Good morning, kitten.” She blinked again, looking toward the only chair in her sparse room. He sat there with one leg bent over the other. Barefoot, in faded blue jeans and a thin black t-shirt. The tightness of the shirt showed off his pecs, his dark curls falling across his face. His finger and thumb grasped his chin, as if he was deep in thought. He smiled, hesitated a second, and then spoke, “Good morning. Sleep well? Maga brought you something to eat.” He nodded toward a cart at the foot of the bed, laden with fresh fruit, bacon, eggs, and juice.

  “Good morning, Sir. Smells yummy, but I’m really not hungry,” she said and sat up on the bed. “My tummy still hurts.”

  “You have to eat.” His face was dark, pensive. He’d changed a lot over the past few weeks—a lot quieter, and a hell of a lot more intense. “Just because he’s gone, you still have to take care of yourself. Eat something. Just a few bites.”

  “Okay, I’ll try. It’s just, just... He was all I had after my mama died, and now he’s gone, too.” She scooted down to the edge of the bed, reached for a glass of juice, and took a small sip, then another. She didn’t realize how ravenous she was until the sweet taste of fresh orange juice touched her lips and she’d taken a bite of the eggs. They were fluffy and moist in her mouth, and after the first bite, she didn’t want to stop. Maga was such a great cook, and Stella had missed eating her delicious food.

  Tears welled in her eyes and trickled down her face. She loved Walt. He’d taken care of her when no one else had. He was her friend, a mentor, a father-figure she’d never had. “And on my birthday, too. Just like my mama.” She sniffled, wiping her nose on a napkin. “Guess I won’t be celebrating birthdays anymore. It just seems so unfair.”

  Sir sat beside her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her, lightly caressing her shoulder. “Life’s unfair, Stella. You take the good with the bad, and you get on with it. And you, kitten, still have your whole life ahead of you.” He paused, looked into her eyes, and said, “When you’ve finished your breakfast, go get cleaned up. We’re going out tonight.”

  Stella took another bite of her food and thought he probably felt just as bad about what had happened as she did, and he was just trying to cheer her up. Walt used to be his friend too. Until the drugs and money took over his life and turned him into a money-hungry pimp slash drug dealer… then Sir had to break away from him. Probably one of the reasons he kept Stella so close.

  “I really don’t—” she started, her tears finally slowing. She sniffled and looked up at him. “I just, it’s just not a good—”

  His eyes narrowed as he interrupted her protests, “I’m not asking you, Stella. I’m telling you, and you will do as you’re told. Any questions?”

  She was surprised by the callousness of his words. He hadn’t spoken of punishment, training, or even made love to her since her birthday. He was just there, more and more demanding of her time. Not for sex—just sitting quietly with her for hours at a time—which confused her.

  He ran his hand up her spine and through her fiery red curls. He hadn’t touched her in a while, and his warm fingers twisting the tendrils of her hair caused goose bumps to rise on her skin. She thought about life and death. She looked over at him and said, “One day you’re h
ere, alive, and the next day you’re not. Doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. Doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor. It just happens.”

  “Yes. Life is short. Take the good with the bad and get on with it.”

  “Sometimes it’s not that easy to get on with it,” she replied. Stella wanted to talk to him, but her nerves were shattered. She really didn’t know how to say what she wanted to say without pissing him off.

  She took a deep breath, gathered her thoughts, and announced, “I’ll be leaving soon, like today.” She held her breath and waited for a response, but he sat there so long without saying anything that she had to take a breath. Quietly, she asked, “Are you going to say anything? I mean—”

  His eyes furrowed, his lips stiffened, and he finally asked, “Where are you going?”

  “Well, I’m twenty-one now, and—” she paused, “I had some offers to dance before I came here, but I wasn’t old enough. Now that Walt is gone, I have to find a new way to make a living. I mean... like... I don’t want to be a hooker all my life, but maybe something more respectable like a waitress or something to get started. I’m going to hitch a ride to see my aunt in Texas. Maybe she’ll let me stay there for a few.”

  The pained look on Sir’s face didn’t surprise her. She already knew he wouldn’t be happy with her plans. She also realized she wasn’t going to get the eighteen thousand dollars that Walt owed her, but Stella had been a high-class hooker for the last few years, and she could take care of herself. She never wanted for anything while she was hooking, and as scary as it seemed, she knew she could do it on her own.

  He ran his finger across her forehead. “But you have everything you need here, kitten. Why would you want to leave? Am I missing something? I don’t understand.”

  She smiled. His touch was so warm and inviting, but it was all for nothing, and she knew it. “No, you’re not missing anything, but I have to do something. I... I don’t want to be a call girl all my life. It sucks, and I just want to—uhm, participate in my own life, you know?”


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