Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)

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Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) Page 12

by L. J. Dee

  “Chas is always on that. Are you friends with Tyler?” she asked.

  “No, I’ve shut down my profile,” I said, wishing immediately that I hadn’t.

  “Why?” she gasped, staring at me. “You have over two thousand friends. I thought you said it helped to get leads for Elite,” she said as I took a deep breath. I had never intended on telling her this.

  “I got some prank messages a while ago, so I decided to disable my profile,” I said as Charlie turned to look at me, concern etched on his features.

  “What kind of messages?” he asked as I took a deep breath, glancing at my sister. There was little point in lying, I was terrible at it.

  “Just a freak who was pretending to be our Dad. He claims he’s had amnesia for twenty two years or some nonsense, and his memory is only just coming back,” I said as Jess shot upright in her chair.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” she shouted, taking everyone aback.

  “What was the point, Jess? He’s obviously some internet, stalking, prankster wanker. I wouldn’t give it the time of day, why should you?” I said, shaking my head as she stared at me intensely.

  “What if he isn’t? What if it is Dad?” she said and this was the thing I’d been most afraid of, and the reason I’d never told her.

  “What if it is? So what? He left us Jess, abandoned us. He didn’t have amnesia that day, did he? No, he left Mum to raise us on her own. We had to nurse her through her death, try and make ends meet and suffer and struggle like kids should never have to do,” I said, looking up as Lucas walked in, glancing around and sitting next to Jess.

  “What’s going on?” he asked as my sister looked up at him.

  “Chas got some messages on Facebook from someone claiming to be our Dad and didn’t tell me,” she said as he turned a steely gaze on me.

  The last thing I needed was Lucas’s involvement in this. “Why do you even care, Jess? It won’t be him, and even if it was, he fucked us over big time.” The wave of sadness and confusion that washed across her face was heartbreaking.

  “Chas, they were so young when they had us...” she started, but I was determined to cut her off at the pass. We were not investigating this any further, whatever she might think.

  “Yeah, but Mum didn’t leave, did she? You were sixteen when you had Dex and where were you? Right by his side like you should be, Sis. We lived in that house for years after he left, we never moved. Even when we went to London, we were easy to track down if he wanted to. It’s a bit of a coincidence that you hook up with a billionaire and he’s all over it. His memory suddenly came back after twenty two years. Purleasse. I. Don’t. Fucking. Think. So. There was no contact when you were forced to come and sleep on my couch at three months pregnant, or when I had to fight off the advances of dirty old men I was lap dancing for, just to bump up my waitressing earnings so I could pay for that shithole. He’s no one to me,” I said as she gasped and silent tears weaved their way down her face as the brothers looked on in disbelief.


  “I didn’t know you did that, Chas,” she said quietly as I closed my eyes, wishing the ground would just swallow me up. Why the hell had I let my mouth run away with itself? I took a deep breath. This would take some explaining.

  “I didn’t tell you because you had enough on your plate. It wasn’t my proudest moment, Jess, but I was eighteen with no qualifications and as hard as I tried; I couldn’t make enough off the waitressing to pay the bills for both of us. There was a no touch policy and it paid well. I did what I had to do to support my family. He didn’t and that’s why I don’t want to know him.”

  She was silent for a moment. “What if I want to find out if it is him?” she asked, holding my gaze. This was not happening.

  “If you invite him into your life, you invite him into mine and I don’t want him.”

  It was a no win situation and I had to hope that she saw this from my point of view. She was silent, as were the rest of the Hunter family and I felt guilty for unleashing our skeletons in the middle of their grieving process. They had enough of their own.

  Tyler was the one to break the tense silence. “Fuck, and I thought this weekend was gonna be boring,” he smiled as I laughed. “Any chance you want to show off your moves, Chas?” he winked as Charlie and Roman both cast him a stern glare. He was trying to lighten the atmosphere and I couldn’t blame him.

  “What? I love dancers,” he grinned, looking at his brothers and then me.

  “It was hardly Swan Lake, Tyler,” I smiled.

  “Thank fuck for that. I hate tights,” he laughed as I shook my head, looking over at my sister. From the look she gave me back, I knew I hadn’t heard the end of this.

  “I’m going down to the lodge. We’ll talk about this another time, Sis. The boys have got enough to deal with right now,” I said, giving her a quick hug before I disappeared.

  Chapter Ten

  Roman didn’t come with me and I was glad. It would do him good to spend time with his brothers, especially Charlie, and I made my way into my bathroom, looking forward to a hot soak. I had opened a can of worms back there, completely unintentionally and I knew this wouldn’t end tonight. Jess was a romantic, and the thought of a father with amnesia would play right into all her princess fantasies. She’d never wanted to believe he just left us, and my mother hadn’t helped. She defended him to the last; her love for him unswerving. I was the realist in our little family and saw him for what he was; a coward and a loser.

  I eased myself into the lilac scented bubbles as I heard the front door open before the quiet knock on mine. “I’m in here,” I shouted, submerging everything but my head beneath the warm bubbles as Roman flashed his eyebrows at me.

  “That looks cosy,” he said, stripping off before I had the chance to stop him, diving in and splashing water and suds all over the tiled floor.

  “Join me why don’t you?” I uttered sarcastically as he grinned, moving over me and kissing me deliciously in the huge tub before dunking me under the water.

  When I eventually emerged, coughing and spluttering and trying to wash the water from my stinging eyes, he was laughing hard, passing me a towel as I snatched it from him, thinking this was no way to disturb a woman’s bath time. “Go and be a dick in your own bath,” I huffed as he chuckled gently, melting me with another delicious kiss.

  “I couldn’t resist, baby.”

  “Do you often drown your victims?” I asked as he looked at me seriously for a moment.

  “Not often, but it’s a good method when you have to do it quietly,” he said, sending a shudder of fear right through my body. It was easy to forget when he was playful, that this man was dangerous and capable of so much more than I probably realised. “There’s no blood and much less to clean up, well, depending of course on how much they struggle.” From the way he looked at me, I knew that anxiety was etched in every feature of my face. At first it had added to the danger, but now the thought of someone hurting Roman clawed in my gut.

  “It’s what I do, not who I am,” he said softly, kissing me gently as though he read my thoughts, roaming those incredible hands all over my body until I could think of little else. He teased me for an age, brushing his thumbs across my nipples and squeezing my breasts, soothing my stomach and kissing me softly as I moaned gently, relishing the heat of the water and the hard body of Roman Hunter. He was tender and skilful, then rough and exciting, alternating between my pleasure zones as I lay there, basking in bliss and taking everything he was offering. I made no move to seduce him, selfishly enjoying the delicious, ecstatic torment as he touched and teased me, arousing every cell in body.

  “Are you okay,” he asked eventually and I wondered if that had all just been a rouse to cheer me up.

  “Yeah,” I said unconvincingly as he laughed gently.

  “Liar. You do realise that if Jess wants to find out the truth about your Dad, Lucas will find a way to access those messages and trace him,” he said as I nodded. “Tha
t’s why you never let anything slip around my family. We can do things you’d never believe possible. Sometimes it doesn’t go the way that you want.”

  “Can you shut them down so he can’t access them?” I asked as he smiled at me mischievously, eyes twinkling.

  “Of course, baby. All you have to do is ask,” he winked as I laughed gently.

  “Then I’m asking,” I smiled as he sealed my lips in the most wonderful kiss and I completely relaxed, thinking there were lots of benefits to screwing a Hunter.

  I could have soaked there forever, but he wasn’t giving me the chance. “You’re pruning,” he said, climbing out of the bath as I followed him reluctantly, wrapping myself in a huge fluffy towel, shivering in the sudden cold.

  “You look so innocent without your make-up, so sweet and serene. Your eyes are incredible, like emeralds,” he smiled, taking my hand as my heart fluttered. “No one would guess you were such a prickly little bitch if they saw you like this,” he laughed as I stared at him, momentarily dumbfounded. He’d certainly lulled me into a false sense of gentlemanly security today, but at this moment he had undoubtedly reverted to type.

  He smiled at the sheer bemusement that was written on my face. Was this really the same man who had saved my life and just been caressing my body like some horny Greek God? I shook my head, blinking rapidly and wondering if making a girls head spin was part of Roman Hunters modus operandi. It was already evident you couldn’t get too settled.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked curiously as I just stared at him.

  “Have you any idea how confusing you are? One minute you’re a bastard, the next minute you’re sweet. Then without warning you’re an arrogant insulting arsehole again. Its mind blowing, Roman,” I said as he smirked at me.


  “Jesus, it’s not a fucking compliment,” I said as he laughed.

  “What’s insulted you? Calling you a prickly bitch? You can be, Chas. Let’s be honest about it. I’ve only known you two days and I’ve seen enough to draw that conclusion. I like prickly, what’s your problem?”

  I would never understand this man and I guessed it didn’t matter. It was short term fun, not an interview for a relationship. “Take me to bed and show me why I should forgive you,” I laughed, still highly aroused as he scooped me up in his arms and ran into the lounge. I’d never had so much sex or so many orgasms and it was like chocolate. Highly addictive and leaving me craving more and more. Perhaps that was a good thing. Maybe soon I’d get sick from it and be ready for something altogether more wholesome and list worthy by the time he left.

  “What are you doing?” I squealed as he laughed gently, putting me on the giant sheepskin rug.

  “I’m fucking you by the fire until you stop shivering,” he smiled, resuming his wonderful caresses before nuzzling against my neck. “I need to get a condom, baby, and it will break the moment.” He was looking at me hopefully as I stared at him hard.

  “You’ll survive, and I’m not doing it without,” I replied forcefully as he finally got up and walked into the bedroom. I lay back in the glorious softness of the rug, the heat from the flames licking my skin, and the contrast was heavenly.

  “Stay there,” I heard, turning to look at Roman who was gazing at me from across the room, eyes blazing black against that incredible blue, moving slowly up and down my body before they locked with mine.

  “You like what you see?” I smiled, mimicking his earlier confidence as he flashed his eyebrows wickedly, evidently waiting for me to start touching myself, just as he’d done.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  I wasn’t about to disappoint as my hand moved between my legs and I held his gaze, rubbing myself gently. “That is one of the sexiest sights I have ever seen, Chastity,” he said in a low, deep voice, dripping with need as I took in his tanned body, a contrast to my pale winter skin, hard and defined, littered with the scars of his pain and that beautiful face. I knew then that falling for Roman Hunter would be way too easy.

  ‘You’re not for keeps’ I thought, reminding myself to take these moments and commit them to memory because they would never be repeated. I sat up as he knelt before me, taking the condom from his hand and rolling it slowly down every inch of that delicious shaft. “This time I’ll be gentle, next time I won’t go so easy,” he said as I smiled up at him, not knowing which I was looking forward to the most.

  He fucked me slowly and expertly in the way I’d become accustomed to so quickly, as I wrapped my slender limbs around him, gripping him tightly. When the dizzy heights of our mutual bliss finally subsided he rolled to my side, trailing fingers gently across my skin and smirking mischievously.

  “Do you know what I really want to do?” he asked as I looked up at him, narrowing my eyes and shaking my head. “I want to explore forbidden parts of you.” He held my gaze as I took a deep breath.

  “Forbidden parts are so called for a reason, Roman. You won’t be going anywhere near them,” I said and I meant it. No one had ever touched my arse and he wasn’t going to be the first.

  “Are you a virgin?” he asked; his face lighting up and he clearly took my lack of response to mean yes. I could tell from the twinkling of those dangerous eyes that the thought delighted him.

  “Forget it. I don’t do that, Roman.” It was the worst thing I could have said as the smirk curled at the corner of his mouth. He had taken it as a challenge and I knew he couldn’t resist one of those.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing, Chas,” he smiled, brushing my lips with his as his fingers wound their delicate trail, moving in gentle circles across my backside.

  “You’re right, and I have no intention of finding out, Roman. Surely you’ve had enough sex today,” I said as he chuckled, that gorgeous sexy sound that did delicious things to my insides.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you, sweetheart, and if you won’t take my affectionate advances, I might just have to play dirty,” he grinned.

  “Well you can’t force me,” I said as he seared me with a look that knocked the breath from my lungs. He had switched from playful to dangerous in the blink of an eye and I wondered just how dirty he was capable of playing.

  “The hell I can’t,” he said, suddenly pinning me against the rug, his arms so forceful I couldn’t move. He wasn’t hurting me, but neither was he soft and gentle, the danger having the most bizarre effect. My body burst to life in awareness at the sheer power of the masculinity he could unleash at will. My skin prickled with fear, but instead of panic, I was shivering with arousal, alive with feeling as the strong limbs held me there. He moved to kiss me, but I snapped my head to the side.

  His lips hit my throat, kissing their way up my neck as I tried to fight the urge to turn into him. His touch was incredible, sending fiery signals to my centre as I fought to resist. “So this is the way you want to play it,” he growled against my ear as I whimpered beneath him. I knew I could stop this, but I didn’t want to. It was a game I was enjoying far more than I wanted to admit. He ground his hips against me, a low moan rumbling deep in his throat which only served to turn me on even more.

  “You say you don’t want this, but that’s not what your body is telling me,” he snarled sexily, moving to kiss me again as I moved my head to the other side. He responded by teasing the apex of my neck in that sweet spot that sent electrical surges firing across my skin.

  He sucked my nipples with such force that it sent a hotwire of desire straight to my pussy. I was moaning and sucking in through shallow breaths. “I will have you there,” he growled, resuming his expert nuzzling as I shook my head.

  “No,” I breathed in a sharp, raspy breath, gasping as his fingers found my clit, working the expert pressure and I was absolutely saturated. “Will I need to capture you and tie your hands, or will you be a good girl?” I was caught in the strong grip of this powerful man and I already felt captured and vulnerable. Far from frightening me, it was turning me on, the idea of being Romans dirty little s
ex slave for an hour doing strange things to me. There were not many men who could pull the kidnap fantasy off convincingly, but Roman Hunter was not most men. It was thrilling and my mind wavered as to whether I should actually let him have his way. It would certainly be an experience.

  I cried out loud as my clit exploded in the most glorious burst of pleasure and I felt his fingers moving back towards my arse, taking the lubrication of my own moisture with him as I tensed and struggled, his power only increasing as he held me down harder. “You’ll see how good it feels,” he said, moving to kiss me as I moved away again.

  “Stop,” I breathed as he hit my hole, gently wetting it and it felt divine.

  “You don’t want me to stop, listen to your moans. You want this. You need me to fuck you there,” he groaned as I shook my head.

  He maintained his attention on my arse, returning one hand to my pussy, opening me up with his fingers. I was delirious with pleasure, my brain as engaged in this game as my body, heady with excitement, anticipation and fear.

  I gasped as he flipped me over, peppering soft kisses all down my spine as I whispered for him to stop. “You don’t want me to stop, baby,” he said softly, moving to gently nibble my earlobe. I moaned in ecstasy at the contact as one hand continued to lubricate my arse.

  “I want you to stop,” I said, more loudly this time, pushing out my arse in a contradictive effort to grant him more access.

  “I can’t stop,” he said, his voice as raspy and needful as my own, plunging his cock inside my pussy as I screamed in pleasure, rotating my hips and desperate to feel every inch of him. I was sexually aroused to the point of saturation, verbally denying his efforts while physically urging him on. The tremors of fear running through me were morphing into excitement and anticipation. He couldn’t stop and I didn’t want him to, but the game was enthralling and invigorating. I had never been captured during sex and began to wonder whether my sister might have the right idea after all. I’d never felt so horny, and the thought of Roman tying my hands and taking my virginity against my will, flooded me with a whole new depth of arousal as I clamped my pussy around that incredible cock.


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