The Perfect Mess

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The Perfect Mess Page 11

by K. Sterling

  “You came!” He said as he threw his arms around Landon. Ben pushed his hands in his pockets and did his best to hang onto a relaxed smile as a gorgeous stranger with a beguiling Italian accent kissed Landon on each cheek before pulling him into another hug. “I’m so happy to see you!” He said as he leaned back and squeezed Landon’s shoulders. Landon grinned as he looked around the room.

  “This place is amazing! I love the light and the way you went with soft whites to keep the focus on the work. Which is phenomenal,” Landon insisted as he turned toward Ben. “Paolo, this is Ben,” he said as he waved toward Ben. Ben offered a bright smile and his hand then gasped when he was pulled into a hug and Landon laughed. “Ben, this is Paolo.”

  “It’s great to meet you,” Ben said as he was released. Paolo shook Ben’s hand as his eyes rushed over Ben from head to toe.

  “Landon told me he had a new boyfriend and I told him he must bring you when he came to see me. I’m so happy to get to meet you, Ben!” He gushed and Ben hoped the heat that was flooding his face wasn’t obvious. Knowing that Landon was telling people about his new boyfriend had Ben’s feet floating off the floor again. Landon punched Paolo in the shoulder.

  “Knock it off!” He said and Paolo rolled his eyes as Landon turned him toward a landscape. “He’ll figure out I’ve got a crush on him,” Landon teased as he winked back at Ben. Which did things to Ben’s stomach. Landon waved at the painting. “I want this. How soon can you deliver it?” He asked and Paolo was hugging Landon again. Ben decided to study a smaller landscape to his left. Or it could have been the ocean. When Paolo rushed off to write up the sale Landon slid his arms around Ben’s waist and Ben sighed happily as he leaned back against Landon’s chest.

  “He seems nice,” Ben said under his breath and Landon laughed softly into Ben’s ear before he kissed his earlobe.

  “Paolo is the sweetest person you will ever meet and he’s going to be huge soon. His work will be worth a fortune,” Landon said and Ben nodded.

  “Maybe I should buy a few pieces,” he mused. “Did you two…” Ben gestured vaguely and Landon chuckled.

  “We did not,” Landon said firmly and Ben immediately relaxed. “We met when I was studying in Italy during my freshman year. He’s one of those guys that you love because they make you laugh the moment they walk into a room but could never be attracted to,” he explained and Ben’s brows fell in confusion. If he was single and not infatuated with Landon, he wouldn’t have a hard time being attracted to Paolo. Landon nipped Ben’s ear. “He also happens to be married to one of my favorite people in the world, a lovely woman named Roshni,” he whispered and Ben pulled his lips in. He felt a little like an ass.

  “Not that I was jealous or anything,” he mumbled and Landon snorted.

  “You’d have to be out of your mind, if you were. Paolo’s a good looking guy but he’s not you,” Landon said and Ben rolled his eyes as he turned in Landon’s arms.

  “I should have guessed he was straight, he wasn’t drooling over you and his hands didn’t wander when he hugged you,” Ben said then cleared his throat when Paolo walked back into the showroom.

  An hour later, Ben wanted to kick himself for being jealous of Paolo. He was one of the most genuine and hysterical people Ben had ever met. He was looking forward to meeting Roshni and a couples’ date night.

  “I never thought that I’d get excited about having couple friends,” Ben said as he put an arm around Landon.

  “It’s going to be a lot of fun,” Landon said as they walked. “What about Michelle and Jason?” He asked and Ben waved dismissively.

  “It can only be so much fun when you’re hanging out with the man that’s sleeping with your sister. And he feels more like family now,” Ben said and Landon nodded in understanding before he stopped in his tracks.

  “What is that?” He asked loudly as he turned and pointed into an overcrowded…something shop. Ben wasn’t sure if it was antiques or a thrift shop or a high end landfill.

  “I’m not sure,” he mumbled as he squinted at the poorly lit shop. “A death trap?” He offered and Landon didn’t seem to hear as he went to the window and pressed his face to the glass.

  “I have to have that!” He said and Ben frowned.

  “What? Tetanus? I can’t imagine anything in there that would be appealing,” he murmured and Landon offered him a bland look before he pushed the door open. “You’re not going in there, are you?” Ben whispered loudly and Landon shrugged as he plunged into the dark, dusty chaos. Ben shook his head before following. His face fell when Landon squatted to inspect an end table. A gnome end table. As in, the base of the table was a large rusty and faded gnome with an old wooden table top perched on its pointy hat. “You can’t be serious,” Ben said and Landon ignored him as he jumped to his feet.

  “Hello?” He called as he looked around piles of detritus and Ben scrubbed a hand over his face. If anyone worked there, they were probably buried alive and decomposing. Ben wanted to get out as soon as possible, after he set the place on fire. As a kindness.

  “I’m coming!” An angry voice rasped. “No one comes in here for days and you decide you’re ready to shop when I’m emptying my bowels. Do you appreciate how rare it is for me to do that on purpose or make it to the bathroom first?” A bent, elderly man asked and Ben’s face twisted in horror. Landon was un-phased.

  “I haven’t reached that point yet but I can see how that might be a pivotal moment for you. My apologies,” he said as he followed an even more haggard version of Walter Matthau to his desk. “I want to buy the gnome table,” Landon announced and the old man’s eyes narrowed as he studied Landon.

  “Two hundred,” he barked and Landon crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Sixty,” he countered and there was a lot of facial and ear hair shaking in response.

  “One fifty.”


  “One forty.”

  “One twenty, including delivery. Take it, or leave it,” Landon announced as he pulled out his wallet. Ben would have grudgingly admitted he was on the edge of his seat as his head bounced back and forth. The old man threw his hands up.

  “Fine. You’re taking money out of my pocket but I’ve got better things to do than haggle with you all day,” he grumbled and Landon laughed as he dropped cash and his card on the table.

  “Deliver it there, in the next three days, please,” he said as he gave the man a stern look. “And you had it marked at a hundred even,” Landon said and the old man laughed.

  “Did I? An oversight I’m sure. It’s worth twice that,” he said and Landon rolled his eyes as he waited for a receipt. Once it was tossed at him, he saluted as he backed away.

  “Three days,” Landon said as he pointed at the man and he waved it off.

  “Yeah, I’ll get my grandson to run it over,” he grumbled and Landon laughed as he turned and Ben was all too happy to push the door open for him.

  “I can’t believe you bought that,” Ben said as he stood next to Landon on the sidewalk. Landon grinned as he hailed a taxi.

  “That table is awesome,” he insisted then stepped off the curb and reached for the door when a taxi stopped in front of them. Landon gave his address and Ben wondered if they understood the word Awesome to have different meanings as he slid across the bench and waited for Landon to join him. “I used to have a gnome salt and pepper shaker set but my niece stole it,” Landon said as he reclined and Ben bit his lip to keep from laughing.

  “I was thinking that was what your apartment lacked,” he murmured as he started scanning his phone for dinner ideas and Landon chuckled.

  “What do you want to do for the rest of the day?” He asked and Ben felt Landon’s hand settle on top of his on the seat. It was such a delicate gesture, his hand rested so lightly, Ben could have missed it if he’d been more distracted. Landon’s thumb caressed the tops of Ben’s fingers and warmth swirled in his groin. Ben turned his hand over and
teased Landon’s palm with his fingertips as he watched Landon’s eyes get heavy.

  “Maybe we could nap on the couch or watch a movie. Maybe order pizza and stay in for the night?” Ben offered and Landon’s lips tilted as he hummed happily.

  “It’s like you read my mind,” he said softly and Ben angled his legs so their knees were touching. Ben watched as Landon’s fingertips traced the underside of his wrist and the cabin of the taxi became much hotter.

  “I can and you’re not thinking about watching movies,” he said as his eyes slid to Landon’s face. He shook his head and licked his lips.

  “We’d already be laying down…” His pupils were large as his eyes locked on Ben’s lips. Ben groaned as his cock grew hard and pushed against the front of his jeans. A tickle of apprehension twirled in his stomach as he guessed what Landon was imagining. Ben scolded himself as he nodded and shifted his hips, trying to find a little more room for the bulge that was becoming uncomfortable. Even though Landon didn’t keep track and there was never any expectation or pressure, it was Ben’s turn to bottom. He didn’t understand why he felt it was necessary to keep score or make sure that he kept things even between them. Every time he let Landon fuck him, he loved it. Yet he needed an excuse to make it ok in his mind, for some reason. He couldn’t just accept that he enjoyed the intimacy and vulnerability and it just felt really, really good. In fact, there was the tingling and the gnawing ache in his ass and he felt impatient to get back to Landon’s. He even sighed in relief when the car came to a stop. Ben reached for his wallet and Landon narrowed his eyes as he pulled his out of his pocket. There you go, you can put out because he paid for brunch and both cab rides this time. And he said that you were a dream, it would be rude not to, he teased himself. You have to get over this masc bullshit, he decided as he stepped out and followed Landon into his building as he silently wondered how and envied Landon for being so comfortable with his sexuality and expressive about his fantasies. Ben shrugged inwardly. He was letting Landon fuck him and he never would have imagined that he’d have gone along with or gotten lost in playing a priest/god, who knew what else he was capable of.

  Landon leaned against Ben’s shoulder as they waited for the elevator. When the doors opened, he walked in and pulled Ben with him as he fell against the wall. Once again, Ben was lost as his lips brushed against Landon’s and their bodies pressed together. It was like being drunk, the way his body got heavy and loose at the same time and his self control evaporated. Everything became warm and his body hummed with anticipation and need, he couldn’t keep his lips and hands off of Landon. They panted as they arched and ground against each other until the elevator lurched to a halt and the doors opened. Ben pushed off of the wall and stepped back and clenched his jaw as Landon’s hand curved around Ben’s ass as he walked past. Ben followed slowly, enjoying the clenching of Landon’s ass as he walked. He checked to make sure the hall was clear before his hands slid around Landon’s waist and worked the button at his fly free as Landon unlocked his door.

  They stumbled through Landon’s door and it shut just as Ben’s hand wrapped around Landon’s cock and began to stroke. Ben knew they wouldn’t make it to the bedroom when Landon groaned and thrust into Ben’s hand as his head fell back on Ben’s shoulder. His teeth dug into Landon’s neck and he felt Landon’s erection pulse. Ben was torn. He wanted to drop to his knees and run his lips and tongue all over Landon’s beautiful cock but he urgently needed that throbbing heat deep inside of him. Ben slid his free hand into Landon’s pocket and his mind was made up when his fingers closed around a lube packet. Landon had taken to carrying them with him since Ben’s test results and it drove Ben crazy, knowing that Landon imagined sex could happen at any moment as he was getting ready to go out. Ben ripped the packet open and Landon hissed as Ben stroked lube over his straining length.

  “We’re going straight to that?” Landon asked hoarsely and Ben’s hands shook as he worked at his belt and the buttons of his jeans. He nodded frantically as he kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants.

  “Now. I need it now,” Ben commanded as he turned and put his hands against the door. He spread his feet and thrust his ass back and Landon groaned as he wrapped his body around Ben’s.

  “Are you sure?” It was gravelly and damp in Ben’s ear and he shivered as he nodded.

  “Just fuck me, Landon,” Ben said as he looked over his shoulder, searching for Landon’s lips. They crashed into Ben’s and their tongues and teeth collided as Landon positioned himself at Ben’s entrance. Ben hauled in a breath and pushed back as the head of Landon’s erection pressed against his hole. He exhaled and felt it slip past the tight ring and squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the sting and incredible pressure as it mingled with tingling need. His body relaxed and Landon grunted as he slid forward, slowly filling Ben’s passage. “That’s so good,” he whispered as he pressed his cheek against the door.

  “Really good,” Landon sighed as he pulled his hips back then thrust forward. Ben’s eyes rolled as he stretched around Landon’s shaft and heat spilled down his legs. Ben’s hands braced against the door as Landon’s hips slapped against his ass. Landon tilted Ben’s hips and drove hard and Ben’s mouth fell open as Landon’s erection rode his prostate. Ben must have made a sound because Landon laughed as his hands pressed against the door outside of Ben’s. “I always know when I’ve found it,” he panted. “You get so tight and you jump,” Landon explained breathlessly. Ben was about to tell Landon that he was full of himself when searing pressure pushed up Ben’s length. He forced his eyes to focus as he looked down.

  “Holy shit,” Ben slurred as a string of pre-cum poured from the end of his cock. His eyes grew wide as it reached the floor and formed a puddle. Pleasure and heat pulsed through his body as the tiny gland and his sack drew tighter. Ben gasped for breath and was about to beg Landon to fuck him harder when a knock at the door made them both jump. Ben froze but Landon’s hips kept driving into Ben. “Landon!” Ben hissed.

  “Why don’t you see who it is?” Landon said softly and Ben ground his teeth to keep from moaning loudly as Landon bucked, crushing his prostate and pushing Ben against the door. Ben’s cheeks puffed out as he lined his eye up with the peephole. It was hard to make anything out as his body kept bouncing. Eventually, he was able to see through the hole.

  “It’s a woman. I think she has a gift bag,” he whispered as Landon kept thrusting.

  “Is it your birthday?” He asked and Ben would have snorted or said something sarcastic but he was forced to bite his lip as intense pressure gripped his balls and pushed into the base of his cock. He shook his head and pulled his lips in to keep from screaming as his nerves contracted. “It isn’t mine,” Landon said under his breath as his fingers dug into Ben’s shoulders. “Though it’s starting to feel like it,” he added as he rose onto the balls of his feet and slammed into Ben, bringing Ben’s feet off the floor and forcing a thick rope of come to shoot from the end of Ben’s cock. There was another knock and Ben shook his head drunkenly before it fell. His neck was limp and his head bobbed as his nerves flickered and heat washed through him. “Oh, fuck, Ben!” Landon whispered loudly as he thrust deep and froze. Ben’s fingernails scraped at the panels as he clenched tight around Landon. He felt Landon’s shaft swell and pulse and Landon bucked a few times before his body started to shake. Molten heat flooded Ben’s passage as Landon melted against Ben’s back. Ben shivered and sighed as Landon’s lips found his ear. Landon’s breath was a hot, damp huff as they waited for their muscles to become solid again. Landon kissed Ben’s ear before he pushed off the door and pulled out. “Now, I definitely need a nap,” he announced as he stepped back. Ben pried himself off of the door and shook his head in disbelief as he stared at the mess on the floor.

  “Before we pass out, you should clean this up and see what she left,” Ben said as he trudged across the living room with his jeans still wrapped around one foot.

  Chapter 16
/>   “Why do I have to clean up your mess?” Landon asked. He heard a loud “pfffttt” from the bathroom.

  “Because I’m cleaning up yours and you’d be a shitty host if you didn’t,” Ben said and Landon laughed.

  “I don’t think you still qualify as a guest,” he argued as he grabbed the paper towels and spray. He quickly wiped up Ben’s puddle and was about to pull the door open when Ben walked out wearing the pajama pants and t-shirt Landon loaned him the first night Ben stayed over. Not that Landon had any illusions of getting them back. Watching Ben drop onto the couch and stretch onto his side flooded Landon with more peace and joy than he’d ever expected. How did this ever feel like home without him? Landon wondered. Ben raised a brow then waved his hand impatiently.

  “Would you hurry up? I want to watch a movie,” Ben urged and Landon laughed.

  “You know we won’t last ten minutes, we’ll be asleep before the opening credits are finished” he said as he zipped his jeans and Ben shrugged.

  “I know but I still want to put something on. It makes the nap feel more complete if there’s a movie playing,” he explained and Landon’s brows pulled together.

  “It’s not a complete nap if we don’t fall asleep during a movie?” He asked and Ben nodded.

  “Yes. If that doesn’t make sense to you, I can’t help it,” Ben said and Landon threw his hands up in defeat as he turned toward the door.

  Landon’s eyes flared as he looked at the bag at his feet. It was tall and narrow and Landon knew without looking that it probably contained a bottle of wine. His lips twisted as he dropped to his knees. He reached in and pulled out the bottle. Champagne. He frowned as he looked for a card or label but found nothing. The elevator dinged and he looked up as Cassandra walked out. She paused then smiled as she walked forward. Landon waved as he picked up the bottle and bag then leaned against the door. For some reason, seeing his real estate agent dressed in a pair of really short denim shorts, a black, lace trimmed camisole top and black ballet flats made him feel like he’d swallowed a brick. Not that she looked bad. Most men would find the petite blonde very attractive. Just not Landon.


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