King of Campus

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King of Campus Page 36

by Jennifer Sucevic

  It takes everything I have inside not to reach out and grab hold of her. Not to crush her long lean body against mine. I have to actually jam my hands in the pockets of my athletic shorts so I don’t do just that. Because all I want is for her to fill the emptiness within me.

  But if I actually do that, if I touch her for even a moment, I know damn well I won’t be able to let her go again. It all but killed me to let her walk away earlier today. I’m not strong enough to go through that kind of heartache again.

  Not nearly strong enough.


  Sucking in a deep breath, her eyes search mine before she finally whispers, “I couldn’t just leave.”

  Her words have my heart suddenly thudding painfully against my chest. “What do you mean?” Hope slowly begins to trickle into my heart.

  Biting down on her lip she looks unsure before blurting, “I couldn’t leave without telling you just how much I love you. I’ve never felt that way before… about anyone. And I can’t just let it go.” She inhales a big breath before forcing it out slowly, sounding more sure of herself. “I don’t want to let it go.” Her voice continues to grow stronger. More resolute. “I don’t want to let you go.”

  As much as I long to hear those words from her, they only make everything within me ache. It’s like throwing salt into an open wound. I can’t allow her to lose sight of her goals. “You have to go to Cincinnati, baby. You have to follow your dreams. I,” god this is so fucking painful, “I won’t stand in the way of that.”

  Hesitantly she takes three small steps towards me. Raising her trembling fingers to my cheek, she cups the side of my face in the palm of her hand. I can’t help but close my eyes as she cradles it. My breath comes out sounding ragged and broken. Her touch, even as small as it is, kills me.

  “You’re part of that dream now. Without you, the rest doesn’t mean anything.” She sounds so sure of herself, of what she wants. “We can make this work, I know we can.”

  My eyes open before searing hers. “It won’t be easy,” I warn softly, “I don’t know where I’m going to end up next year.” But what she’s saying- I want it too. I want her. I want to make this happen between us because the alternative is to be miserable without her.

  She takes another step towards me until our bodies are almost flush. Until I can all but feel the heat of her beautiful body against mine. “I don’t care. I just know that I need you in my life. And I want to be part of yours. I’ve never wanted anything more.”

  Dropping my gym bag, my arms snake around her before hauling her even closer. My lips hover over hers for just a moment before I whisper, “Are you absolutely sure this is what you want? Because I won’t let you go ever again. I can’t.”

  Her lips slide up into a big bright happy smile. “Good. Because I don’t plan on ever letting you go either.”

  As soon as those words leave her lips, my mouth crashes down on hers and, goddamn, nothing has ever felt so good. So right.

  One and a half weeks…

  I’ve gone without the taste of her for one and a half weeks and they’ve been the worst of my life. Ivy’s the only girl who ever took the time to see me for the guy I am beneath all the surface bullshit. From the first moment I saw her, I knew there was something different about her. Something that called to me and had me continually coming back for more. I honestly can’t imagine my life without her in it.

  Thank god, I don’t have to.

  Being without her when she heads to Cincinnati is going to suck major ass. But I have confidence that we’ll get through this. We’ll find a way to mesh our two worlds and make it work. Because the alternative is to say goodbye and move on with our lives separately.

  And I just can’t do that.

  She’s the only girl I’ve ever wanted to be with. Ever loved. Loved enough to let her go when I thought that’s what was best for her.

  “I have a couple of hours before I need to head back to my dad’s.” Her eyelids lower and something deep within me stirs at the sexy look she’s casting my way. Already I know that a couple of hours won’t be nearly enough to feed the need I have for her, but if that’s all I’m going to get, I’ll happily take it.

  She squeals as I suddenly lift her into my arms before carrying her up to my apartment. I don’t bother letting her go until we’re locked inside my bedroom.

  Hell… I’m never going to let her go again.


  Was there anyone who doubted even for a moment that Roan King, Barnett’s very own King of Campus, wouldn’t turn pro this year? Nope… didn’t think so. The man is a total god… Barnett won’t be the same without him… Farewell, RK, we’ll still have Sunday afternoons during football season…


  My feet ache as I ride the elevator up to the twentieth floor. But I’m used to it now. The rehearsal schedule for the CBC is just as demanding as I imagined it would be. Every single muscle in my body has been completely worked over and the thought of soaking in a nice hot bath sounds like absolute bliss right about now.

  I was hoping to make it home earlier tonight, so I could cook a nice dinner but practice ran longer than expected. We’re in the middle of learning new choreography, so this entire week has been grueling. I’ve been with the Cincinnati Ballet for more than six months now. Rehearsals are long. Expectations are a mile high. And perfection is the standard. If you can’t hack it, you can exit stage left.

  That being said, I love every single gloriously punishing moment of it. Leaving school and moving to Cincinnati was the right decision to make. Sure, it took a month or so for me to get acclimated, but each and every day I’m here, I get to live my dream. Not many people can say that. So I know just how lucky I am to be doing it.

  Pulling out my key, I turn the lock before pushing open the door. As soon as I’m standing inside the entryway, I throw my keys into the bowl Lexie gave me as a going away gift when I packed up all my stuff back in November. She figured I would probably need it a lot more than she did.

  It’s just another reason why Lexie Abbott is, and always will be, my best friend. That girl knows me like no other.

  Dropping my bag to the gray marble floor, I softly pad into our spacious apartment. “Hello?”

  Turning away from the oven, a huge smile lights up Roan’s handsome face as our eyes collide. “Hey, babe.” He throws the pot holders down onto the black granite countertop before quickly eating up the distance between us. “Missed you today.”

  He doesn’t say another word before taking me into his muscular arms and holding me close. For just a moment, I inhale a nice big breath of him. It feels so damn good to be home again. Because that’s exactly the way our apartment feels- like home.

  And together, we made it happen. I’m just so thankful Roan and I were able to make our relationship work. The winter and spring were difficult with me in Cincinnati and Roan finishing up at Barnett but we called, texted, FaceTimed, and visited as often as our schedules would permit.

  You name it, we did it.

  And I’m not even going to talk about all the sexy phones calls that took place late at night… since we couldn’t see one another very often, you better believe there were a whole lot of those going on.

  As soon as I left for Cincinnati, Roan spoke with his agent about making a push for the Cincinnati Bengals. Although anyone could draft him, that was the focus. Luckily for us, Roan went in the first round.

  Drumroll please… to the Cincinnati Bengals.

  Once Roan knew he was coming here, we started hunting for an apartment and were lucky enough to find this one after only a few weeks of looking. It has two spacious bedrooms and a huge gourmet kitchen and living room. But it was the massive wall of floor to ceiling windows that look out over the city that sold us on the place. And with Roan’s signing bonus, we were able to afford it. I moved in first and then, after finishing up in May, Roan followed.

  We’ve been together in Cincinnati for over a month now.
/>   Even though we’ve been a couple for more than nine months, we haven’t lived in the same city for most of it. I’m not going to lie, I was a little worried that once he got here and we were actually living together twenty-four seven, our relationship wouldn’t be as good as we thought it was. Maybe we wouldn’t get along as well as we used to. Or our feelings might have changed with all the distance…

  But that hasn’t been the case at all.

  In fact, it’s been the complete opposite.

  I couldn’t love Roan more. I absolutely adore living here with him.

  And yeah, we’re both busy and it’s only going to get worse once Roan starts training camp in July. But it can’t be any more difficult than living in two different cities and not seeing each other at all.

  Eyes sparkling, I say, “I missed you, too.”

  Right as I whisper those words, his lips crash down upon mine, stroking over them in a way that drives me absolutely crazy. One single touch- hell, one single look and my panties are instantly flooding with heat. I’m like one of Pavlov’s dogs. And someone just rang the dinner bell…

  Not a moment later, my lips opens under the gentle pressure of his caress right before his tongue sweeps inside my mouth to tangle with mine. I may be exhausted, but I’m never too exhausted for this.

  After a good five minutes, Roan finally pulls away before smiling down at me. We’re both breathing hard and there’s a heated look filling his eyes that has me wanting to strip down right here in the middle of our living room.

  “If the lasagna wasn’t going to be ready in less than fifteen minutes, I would carry you off to the bedroom and have my way with you.” He nips at my bottom lip before giving me another quick kiss.

  Well someone just said the magic word...

  I can’t help but perk up. “You’re making lasagna?” Cue the salivating dogs again…

  Sex, believe it or not, is all but forgotten in the blink of an eye. Because I absolutely love, love, love Roan’s lasagna. And by the way he’s grinning down at me, he knows it.

  His eyes narrow but I know he’s just playing with me. “Have I seriously been thrown aside for lasagna?”

  Giving him a coy smile, I say, “That depends- is there garlic bread, too?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Duh. Of course there is. Could I really serve lasagna without garlic bread?”

  “Then yes… you have been thrown over for lasagna.” My belly growls loudly in agreement. He chuckles as my brows lower. “I’m starving. Today was completely exhausting.” But a good kind of exhausting... The kind of exhausting you get from doing something you absolutely love.

  “Awww, poor baby.” Leaning in, he lays another sweet kiss on my lips. “How about you go and fill the tub and I’ll bring your dinner in when it’s ready.”

  My eyes nearly cross with the idea of having a huge piece of lasagna while soaking in our gigantic tub. Hands down, this guy is the absolute best. Roan once told me that he wouldn’t ever let me go, well… I feel exactly the same way about him.

  Because Roan hasn’t started training camp yet, he’s been spending a lot of time puttering around in our kitchen. He’s always watching cooking shows and trying out new recipes. And I’ll tell you what- he’s damn good at it.

  I cook out of necessity. Because, well, I like to eat. Roan actually enjoys it. It relaxes him. And the stuff he’s able to whip up is almost as mouthwatering as he is.

  I sigh just a little bit. “I think I love you, Roan King.”

  He smirks. God, but I love that smirk of his. Sexy as hell. Just like the rest of him. “As long as you love me, I don’t care what the reason for it is.”

  I can’t help but giggle. The list of reasons I love this guy only seems to grow longer as the days go by. He’s such an intelligent, thoughtful caring man. And so not the meathead, skirt-chasing-jock I thought he was when I first met him.

  Alright… so maybe he was a bit of a skirt chasing player…

  What matters is that he’s not anymore. The only skirt he chases now is mine.

  I think Roan was simply waiting for the right girl to come along and look past the gorgeous face, brawny muscles, and amazing athletic ability to see the guy lurking beneath.

  Kissing my lips one last time, he swats my butt with his hand. “Go start your bath and I’ll be in as soon as the lasagna is ready.”

  Lowering my lashes, I ask, “Any chance you might join me in there?”

  Heat sparks and flashes in his vibrant turquoise colored eyes as they drill into mine. “Damn right I am.”

  Leaning up, I nip at his chin before murmuring huskily, “Good, because I’m dying for a hot sudsy bath, a nice long slow fuck, and some lasagna and garlic bread.” My eyes hold his. “In that order, please.”

  The heat that had been merely flashing in his gorgeous depths ignites into a veritable inferno. “God, I love when you talk like that.” He growls the words right before pouncing on me.

  Now it’s my turn to smirk. “I know.”

  This is exactly what six months of phone sex will get you…

  A dirty mouth and a very, very happy man.

  ~The End~

  I hope you enjoyed Ivy and Roan’s story as much as I loved writing it. If so, please consider leaving a review where you purchased this ebook as well as at Goodreads. Thank you so much for your support!

  Sneak Peek

  Confessions of a Heartbreaker

  Now Available

  Chapter One

  "Yo, Parker, where you'd disappear to, dude?"

  I hear Max holler at me from outside on the darkened patio. There's a sly smile plastered across his face because he knows exactly what I've been up to. And who I've been up to it with...

  Shaking my head, I flash him a shit eating grin but don't say a word. Natalie Cosgrove is all snuggled up against the side of me. My arm is casually slung over her shoulders as we make our way through the thick crowd of juniors and seniors to the keg in the backyard. Being the gentleman that I am, I top off Natalie's cup before filling my own.

  Yeah, that girl has definitely earned it tonight.

  Just as we're about to join Max and a few of the other guys from the football team, I pause turning towards Natalie. Without warning, I lean down before giving her a long deep kiss on her incredibly soft lips. She stares up at me with a flushed face and satisfied eyes.

  Don't ever let it be said that I don't aim to please...

  "That was pretty damn awesome," I murmur. My fingers gently stroke the side of her face. It's a practiced move. I'm gearing up to send Natalie on her merry little way.

  She blushes, her lips bowing up at the corners. "It was, Parker."

  Her hot pink colored talons trail lightly over the t-shirt stretched across my chest. They linger for a moment or two as she turns her big baby blue eyes up at me. She has great eyes. Actually, Natalie has a great everything.

  "Maybe later we can meet up again." Her eyelashes flutter against the paleness of her cheeks before her eyes lift to mine.

  That's one of the things I like about Natalie. She's subtle, not pushy. I’m definitely not into pushy chicks.

  But still...

  I smile even though I'm not totally feeling what she's putting out there. "Yeah, maybe, we'll see." I glance over at my teammates suddenly feeling impatient to join them... sans Natalie. "Listen, babe, I'm going to hang with the guys for a while." Before she can think of a way to detain me, I smack a quick kiss on her full lips and take off.

  As I weave my way through the crowd, I take a great big gulp of beer in relief. Damn but that feels good going down.

  Max turns just as I approach. His eyes trail behind me before slowly traveling up and down Natalie's hot little body. His perusal doesn't bother me. I mean it's not like we're together or anything like that. Anyway, Max enjoys living vicariously through me. He just has to do it when Emily's not around because if she ever caught him looking at another girl, she'd more than likely saw off his balls with a rusty blade before ramming th
em straight down his throat. And that’s the nice version of what she’d do.

  "Damn, that girl is fine."

  I glance over Max's shoulder before giving a subtle little cough. "Oh- hi, Emily."

  Eyes wide, mouth gaping open like a fish, Max spins around.

  Only to find open space.

  I can't help but laugh because the look on his face is completely priceless.

  "You're such an ass, Montgomery." Without any warning, he elbows me in the ribs. Hard.

  Which only makes me laugh harder. "Yeah, I know but I'm okay with that."

  He glances around covertly, probably trying to locate his disturbed sidekick, before muttering under his breath, "You know Em would kill me if she ever heard me talking about Natalie."

  I nod sagely, taking another swallow of beer. "And that would be the reason your expression was so freaking comical."

  Max shakes his head before his eyes once again land on Natalie. "You really are an ass."

  Apparently he's not quite done gawking and talking about her finer qualities. Which is funny because I'm completely done talking about her. Tipping his beer back, he takes a nice long swig before saying, "Not sure why you aren't tapping that on a regular basis."

  "Because regular basis equates to girlfriend and I don't do those."

  Max rolls his eyes. He doesn't understand why I'm so adamantly against having a girlfriend. I can't decide if it's because he legitimately enjoys being in a committed relationship and therefore wants me to experience the same joy as well. Or if misery loves company and he's just looking for someone to keep him company. I'm leaning towards the misery-loves-company explanation because Max and Emily are totally psycho crazy together. I'm not even kidding right now. His on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again carousel of a relationship is enough to put anyone off having a girlfriend.


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